
We’re excited to announce that native Daydream support is available as of today! It brings a more streamlined workflow, significant optimizations and reduced latency beyond the Google VR SDK for Unity released at Google I/O. No prefabs, scripts or manual manifest modifications are required to get started – simply enable VR and add Daydream as a targeted platform and begin making your own virtual worlds.

我们很高兴地宣布,自今天起就可以提供本机Daydream支持! 除了在Google I / O上发布的适用于Unity的Google VR SDK以外,它还带来了更简化的工作流程,重大的优化并减少了延迟。 无需预制件,脚本或手动清单修改即可开始–只需启用VR并将Daydream添加为目标平台即可开始创建自己的虚拟世界。

Unity’s native support for Daydream aims to solve the hard problems for you. To get optimal performance and latency from the platform we have done a deep integration with the Daydream SDK to leverage the platform’s asynchronous reprojection and VR performance mode. We have also made it easy to switch in and out of VR mode so that your applications can easily expand to the Google VR audience.

Unity对Daydream的原生支持旨在为您解决难题。 为了从平台获得最佳性能和延迟,我们已与Daydream SDK进行了深度集成,以利用平台的异步重新投影和VR性能模式。 我们还简化了切换VR模式的工作,使您的应用程序可以轻松扩展到Google VR受众。

Not targeting just Daydream hardware? You can also have your application target Google Cardboard with native support. Applications which target Cardboard will work on older devices so that your application can reach as many users as possible. At this time, Cardboard support is exclusive to Android with iOS Cardboard support coming soon.

不仅仅针对Daydream硬件? 您还可以使用本地支持将应用程序定位到Google Cardboard。 以Cardboard为目标的应用程序将在较旧的设备上运行,以便您的应用程序可以吸引尽可能多的用户。 目前,Cardboard支持是Android专有的,而iOS Cardboard支持即将推出。

You can find more information and download the Technical Preview here. For questions or feedback head over to the new Daydream forum.

您可以找到更多信息,并在 此处 下载技术预览 。 如有疑问或反馈,请前往新的Daydream 论坛

Google has also created a Unity SDK which expands Unity further by providing spatialized audio, Daydream controller support, utilities and samples. Please see the script reference and download pages for more details.

Google还创建了一个Unity SDK,通过提供空间音频,Daydream控制器支持,实用程序和示例来进一步扩展Unity。 请参阅 脚本参考下载 页面以获取更多详细信息。

入门 (Getting Started)

If you are ready to get started below is a step by step guide covering the basic configuration steps.


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Make sure to install the Unity Daydream technical preview.  The Download Assistant will install the Editor, Android Player and Offline documentation.  This can be downloaded from the Technical preview page here.

确保安装Unity Daydream技术预览。 下载助手将安装编辑器,Android Player和离线文档。 可以从 此处 的“技术预览”页面下载 。

Additionally Daydream requires the latest version of Android Development platform and the Android API SDK version 24 (AKA Nougat).  If you don’t already have Nougat it can be found on the Google Android developer site here.  You will also need a Daydream enabled phone. You can get a devkit setup by following Google’s guide here.

此外,Daydream需要最新版本的Android开发平台和Android API SDK版本24(AKA Nougat)。 如果您还没有牛轧糖,可以在Google Android开发者网站上 找到 。 您还将需要启用Daydream功能的手机。 您可以按照 此处的 Google指南获得devkit设置 。

配置步骤 (Configuration Steps)

  1. Start the Unity Editor


  2. Create new project.


  3. Navigate to Edit -> Project Settings and switch the active player type from Standalone to Android (Box 1 in figure below)


  4. image02

    Check the ‘Virtual Reality Supported’ (Box 2 in figure below).


  5. image01

    Select the + icon under the list of VR Devices then select Daydream from the list. Note: If you add device ‘None’ as the first device in the list Unity will start as a normal application and can be toggled into VR through script.

    选择VR设备列表下的+图标,然后从列表中选择Daydream。 注意:如果您将设备“无”添加为列表中的第一台设备,则Unity将作为普通应用程序启动,并可通过脚本切换到VR。

  6. image00

    [Optional] Select the arrow next to Daydream device to expand the Daydream options panel. Here you can adjust depth format, foreground, background icons and toggle on/off Sustained Mode. Sustained Performance Mode can be enabled for longer VR experiences by providing improved better battery life at the cost of some reduced performance.

    [可选]选择Daydream设备旁边的箭头以展开Daydream选项面板。 在这里,您可以调整深度格式,前景,背景图标并打开/关闭“持续模式”。 通过提供更长的电池寿命(以降低性能为代价),可以启用“持续性能模式”以实现更长的VR体验。

  7. image03

    Daydream requires the latest player APK. To ensure Unity uses the correct APK and targets only devices upgraded to the latest version of Android the Minimum API Level must be changed. This option is under the Identification section of Player Settings.

    白日梦需要最新的玩家APK。 为了确保Unity使用正确的APK并仅定位升级到最新版本Android的设备,必须更改最低API级别。 此选项位于播放器设置的“标识”部分下。

  8. With the Android Player Settings now configured you are now ready create your Unity content for Daydream. Build & Run to a Daydream capable phone following the same workflow you would for normal Android Development.  

    现在配置好了Android Player设置后,就可以为Daydream创建Unity内容了。 按照与正常Android开发相同的工作流程,构建并运行到支持Daydream的手机。






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