global global_我们在Global Game Jam 2016上所做的工作

global global

The Global Game Jam 2016 has been and gone. This year over 36,000 developers in 93 countries got together and created 6800 games. Truly insane numbers! The theme was “ritual”.

2016年全球游戏大战已经过去和消失。 今年,来自93个国家/地区的36,000多名开发人员齐聚一堂,创造了6800款游戏。 真正疯狂的数字! 主题是“仪式”。

We at Unity love game jams and think they have enormous value for the game development community worldwide, which is why we’ve been supporting Global Game Jam since 2008 and hope to continue to do so. The advantage of having employees placed all over the globe is being able to support more local communities close to where our staff work and live. A number of Unity people took time from their weekend to attend Global Game Jam locations and help with all things Unity.

我们Unity团队热爱游戏果酱,并认为它们对全球游戏开发社区具有巨大的价值,这就是我们自2008年以来一直支持Global Game Jam并希望继续这样做的原因。 让员工遍布全球的优势在于能够支持更多靠近我们工作和生活地点的当地社区。 许多Unity人员从周末开始花时间去参加Global Game Jam的活动,并为Unity的所有工作提供帮助。

Andy, Hamar Games Collective, Hamar, Norway

安迪(Andy),哈马尔游戏集体(Hamar Games Collective),哈马尔,挪威

I travelled to snowy Norway to join the gathering in Hamar. Despite its size, this town is the home of the very lively Hamar Game Collective, made up of talented studios such as Krillbite and Sarepta. With 200 developers in attendance and 50 volunteers helping out, it was one of the biggest sites in Europe!

我前往白雪皑皑的挪威参加在哈马尔的聚会。 尽管规模庞大,但该镇还是非常活跃的哈马尔(Hamar)游戏集体的所在地,该 团体由KrillbiteSarepta 等才华横溢的工作室 组成 。 这是欧洲最大的景点之一,共有200名开发人员参加,有50名志愿者提供帮助。


Ooga Booga

Ooga Booga

This is a 4-player rhythm game where players had to align their tribe-members’ arms to form certain positions that causes a town’s well to fill with water!


Slap That Brødskive



A 2-player competitive game where each player has a slice of bread strapped to his or her hands. This bread is connected to a computer via a Makey Makey and the player that slaps the other person’s bread slice the most wins!

2人竞技比赛,每个玩家的手都被绑上一块面包。 该面包通过Makey Makey连接到计算机,而将对方面包切片拍成最大的玩家将获得胜利!

Tai Chi Trip


Made for the HTC Vive, this VR game focuses on the player aligning their controllers with the floating orbs that appear in front of them. The controllers and the orbs synch up at various moments of the electronic ambient music leading to quite a euphoric experience!

这款VR游戏是为HTC Vive打造的,专注于玩家将其控制器与出现在其前方的浮球对齐。 控制器和球体在电子环境音乐的各个时刻同步同步,从而带来令人愉悦的体验!

I also took part in the game-jam, creating a game called ‘Son Of A Pitch’. I teamed up with Henriette Myrlund (Producer at PlusPoint & PM at Framverk) and Martin Kvale (Sound Designer on Among The Sleep, Progress & Teslagrad). We created a game where the players have to draw ritual symbols using different sounds made with their mouths! Moving the drawing-marker up and down is determined by how loud the sound is. You can move the drawing-marker left and right by increasing and decreasing the pitch. Here is Adrian Husby (Game Developer at Krillbite) testing it out:

我还参加了比赛,创造了一款名为“ Son Of A Pitch”的游戏。 我与Henriette Myrlund(PlusPoint的制作人和Framverk的PM)和Martin Kvale(《睡眠,进步与特斯拉格勒》的声音设计师)合作。 我们创建了一款游戏,玩家必须使用嘴巴发出的不同声音绘制仪式符号! 上下移动绘图标记取决于声音的音量。 您可以通过增加和减少间距来左右移动绘图标记。 这是Adrian Husby(Krillbite的游戏开发人员)进行的测试:

As the microphone input doesn’t restrict the game to one player/sound-made, we tested the game with three players. Then we tried it with everyone attending the Hamar site; 250 players! However, 250 completely different noises unfortunately doesn’t get the best results in accurately drawing ritual symbols. Might need to keep this game aimed at a smaller number (30 and less) of players!

由于麦克风输入不会将游戏限制为一位玩家/声音制造商,因此我们测试了三位玩家进行的游戏。 然后,我们 与所有参加Hamar站点的人一起尝试了此过程; 250名玩家! 但是,不幸的是,250种完全不同的噪音在准确绘制礼节符号时得不到最佳效果。 可能需要让这款游戏只针对较少数量(少于30名)的玩家!

Olly, Edinburgh, UK

英国 爱丁堡Olly

Edinburgh was the city of choice for my 2016 GameJam as it deftly box checked: a well supported institution (Edinburgh Napier University GamesLab), a nice, previously unvisited city within convenient travel distance and ideal game jamming weather.

爱丁堡是我2016年GameJam的首选城市,因为它被巧妙地选中:一个得到良好支持的机构( 爱丁堡纳皮尔大学游戏实验室 ),这是一个很好的,以前未被访问的城市,在便捷的旅行距离和理想的游戏干扰天气中。

Many teams seemed like they we already pre-formed at the theme launch, so I gathered some remaining troops and we set about ritualistically brainstorming, whilst inadvertently creating a fire hazard at the entrance to the gamesLab. We became somewhat fixated with daily rituals, and spent too much time thinking about a breakfast simulator. Eventually the idea of a endless runner where your character has to run through the daily rituals with ever depleting energy levels came about.

许多团队看起来好像我们已经在主题发布会上预先组建了,所以我召集了一些剩余的部队,在仪式上进行了集思广益,同时无意中在gameLab的入口处造成了火灾隐患。 我们变得有点沉迷于日常习惯,并花了太多时间思考早餐模拟器。 最终,出现了一个无尽奔跑者的想法,在这个过程中,您的角色必须消耗越来越多的精力来进行日常仪式。

Things can and do go wrong at a game jam. Blue screen of death, Max crashing in Parallels, corrupt Windows 10 startup config. Disabling my favoured machine and modelling solution completely. A few hours later, my reluctant modelling weapon of choice was now installed on one of the gamesLab machines and work began on all the assets in earnest.

发生游戏阻塞时,事情可能会也确实会出错。 蓝屏死机,Max在Parallels中崩溃,损坏了Windows 10启动配置。 完全禁用我喜欢的机器和建模解决方案。 几个小时后,我不愿选择的建模武器现在已安装在一台gameLab机器上,并且认真地开始了所有资产的工作。

Time was short, so the quantity of assets required we use flat colours rather than UV mapping and texturing. Before we knew it, it was the middle of the night and those with sleeping bags worked through until we regrouped for day 3. We were still kinda in the middle of merging some art changes (lighting, materials and geometry updates), before we realised something was broken, actually most of it was broken. Countdown 4:45 – Revert!!

时间很短,因此所需的资产数量使用的是单色,而不是UV贴图和纹理。 在不知不觉中,这是午夜,那些睡袋的人一直工作到我们重组到第三天。在我们意识到一些艺术变化(照明,材料和几何形状更新)的融合过程中,我们还算有点中间有些东西坏了,实际上大部分都坏了。 倒计时4:45 –还原!

17:00 came and went, with our exe and with the project uploaded (pheweeeeey), the GGJ closed for local playouts! Sam (the Dooglz) hosted the ‘present & play‘ session to check out all the games and somehow, perhaps thanks to ideas and intent rather than implementation  we won the local vote. Boom first GGJ done, now where did I put that pillow?,

17:00来了又走了, 我们的exe文件和项目上传了(pheweeeeeyy),GGJ暂停了本地直播! 山姆( Dooglz )主持了 “ 当下即玩 ” 会议,以 所有 方式 检查了所有比赛 ,也许是由于想法和意图,而不是实施, 我们赢得了当地投票。 Boom首先由GGJ完成,现在我把枕头放在哪里了? ,

Josh, Kerkrade, Holland


I attended the studio of ‘Asset Jesus’ himself, aka Kenney, at Kenney Land. The weekend was continuously live streamed on Twitch from his in-house security camera. Developers from Holland, Germany and UK (myself) gathered there for some hard-core weekend crunch and gratuitous pizza consumption.

我参加了 肯尼·兰德 ( Kenney Land) 的“资产耶稣”工作室,也就是肯尼 。 周末期间,他的内部监控摄像头在Twitch上不断进行直播。 来自荷兰,德国和英国(本人)的开发人员聚集在这里,度过了一些难熬的周末时光 和免费的比萨饼消费。

We were slightly obsessed with the idea that the surroundings of our daily rituals might not be what  they seem..


At the end of the weekend we had created Barb, a first person point and click game. Thereafter we found out that Barb was featured on Rock Paper Shotgun’s “best free games of the week”.

在周末结束时,我们创建了 Barb ,这是第一人称点击游戏。 此后,我们发现Barb在Rock Paper Shotgun的“ 本周最佳免费游戏”中受到关注


Arturo, Guadalajara, Mexico


This year, I had the pleasure to attend the GGJ in one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico; Guadalajara. I decided to join the venue at the Tec de Monterrey.

今年,我很高兴在墨西哥最美丽的城市之一参加了GGJ。 瓜达拉哈拉。 我决定加入蒙特雷Tec的场地。

I was surprised to see Luis Zuno (creator of Elliot Quest) at the GGJ. Also, the full game studio 1 Simple Idea attending. In fact, their games were my favorite from this GGJ and I invite you to play them here.

我很惊讶地在GGJ看到Luis Zuno(Elliot Quest的创建者)。 此外,完整的游戏工作室1 Simple Idea也在参加。 实际上,他们的游戏是GGJ中我最喜欢的游戏,我邀请您在这里玩。


In general, I love the fact that the quality of the projects is getting better and better each year. People trying new mechanics, making new friends and seeing all those crazy games makes me love this industry even more.

总的来说,我喜欢这样一个事实,即项目的质量逐年提高。 人们尝试新的机制,结交新朋友并看到所有这些疯狂的游戏,这让我更加热爱这个行业。

Ben, Brighton, UK


I attended the Brighton GGJ site with some other local Unity people from the Brighton office. The event was held at “The Skiff”; a co-working community and meeting space. There was around 26 people and the moment the theme was announced, our minds exploded with gameplay ideas and art styles.

我和其他来自布莱顿办事处的Unity本地人员一起参加了布莱顿GGJ网站。 该活动在“ The Skiff”举行; 一个共同工作的社区和会议空间。 大约有26个人,宣布主题后,我们的脑海中就浮现了游戏创意和艺术风格。

We all decided to join different teams in order to meet new people and build new friendships. My personal favourite game was “Dances with the Elder Gods” which took it’s inspiration from the old “Mastermind” board game. The game was simply beautiful and well made.

我们所有人都决定加入不同的团队,以结识新朋友并建立新的友谊。 我个人最喜欢的游戏是“ 与上古之神共舞 ”,它的灵感来自旧的“ Mastermind”棋盘游戏。 这款游戏非常漂亮且制作精良。


Karl, Cardiff, UK


In Cardiff we had about 30 people. This was the second time Cardiff has hosted a GGJ, but this time we had twice the numbers! We has a good mix of industry professionals and students so very beneficial to all.

在加的夫,我们大约有30人。 这是卡迪夫第二次举办GGJ,但这次我们的人数翻了一番! 我们拥有行业专家和学生的良好组合,因此对所有人都非常有益。


Jordi, Madrid, Spain


We were 89 jammers at Madrid University and we put together 14 games over the weekend. All of the teams used Unity, so we started talking about creating a Unity User Group in Madrid.

我们是马德里大学的89名干扰者,周末我们共进行了14场比赛。 所有团队都使用Unity,因此我们开始讨论在马德里创建Unity用户组的问题。

Joe, York, UK


I was at York University. We were around 78 people and made 17 games.

我当时在约克大学。 我们大约有78人,做了17场比赛。

Renaldas, Athens, Greece


I attended the Athens GGJ Site. We were around 80-90 people participating in opening talks and final showing of the games. 16 teams worked together over the weekend. Interestingly there was also 3 table top games submitted. It was awesome to see less technical people being involved too!

我参加了 雅典 GGJ网站。 我们大约有80-90人参加游戏的开幕演讲和最终展示。 周末有16个团队合作。 有趣的是,还提交了3个桌面游戏。 看到很少的技术人员也参与其中,真是太棒了!


I gave a talk about using Unity in game jams and what’s the best way to do rapid development.  Local TV and government tweeted about the talk, which was great! I hope it got more people interested and knowledgeable about the event.

我谈到了在游戏中使用Unity的问题,以及进行快速开发的最佳方法是什么。 当地电视台和政府在 推特上发了言 ,真是太好了! 我希望它能使更多的人对该活动产生兴趣和知识。

We tried to make a game that was controlled by a bluetooth plugin, but unfortunately couldn’t get it working. One of my favourite games was Mpumalanga Ritual, where you use a microphone as input. Players have to blow into empty bottles in order to generate rain in the appropriate pitch and in rhythm with the audio to complete the ritual.

我们试图制作一款由蓝牙插件控制的游戏,但不幸的是无法使其正常工作。 我最喜欢的游戏之一是Mpumalanga Ritual, 您可以 在其中 使用麦克风作为输入。 播放器必须吹入空瓶中,以便以适当的音高和有节奏的声音产生雨水以完成仪式。


Duck, Bristol Games Hub, Bristol, UK


The Global Game Jam 2016 in Bristol took place at the Pervasive Media Studio in The Watershed. In total approximately 30 people took part with 11 teams submitting games at the end. Two of the teams also incorporated non-electronic media including decks of custom cards and plasticine models!

2016年在布里斯托尔举行的全球游戏大赛在The Watershed的Pervasive Media Studio举行。 最后,共有30人参加了11支团队提交比赛。 其中两个团队还采用了非电子媒体,其中包括定制卡和橡皮泥模型!


Mantas, Vilnius, Lithuania


We had about 256 registered participants (+bunch of unregistered ones) who registered 54 game and delivered around 42.



Rus, Melbourne, Australia


Melbourne Global Game Jam 2016 was held at Swinburne University. We had 217 registered jammers.

2016年墨尔本全球游戏大赛在斯威本大学举行。 我们有217个注册干扰器。

Interesting facts:


– 217 registered jammers.

– 217个注册干扰器。

– 67 games registered.


– 42 made with Unity, 4 Unreal, 4 Twine Engine, 2 GameMaker, 1 .NET, 1 In-house Engine.


– Our on-site keynote was delivered by the awesome Andy Sum of Hipster Whale.

–我们现场的主题演讲是由时髦鲸鱼的Andy Sum致敬的。

– The audio jammers got together to form an audio team to create sound effects and music for all the other teams. Apparently this is a bit of a tradition at the Melbourne site. It was awesome and produced great results for all the teams! I’d highly recommend this for other sites to experiment with in the future.

–音频干扰者聚在一起组成一个音频团队,为所有其他团队创建声音效果和音乐。 显然,这在墨尔本工厂有点传统。 太棒了,并为所有团队取得了丰硕的成果! 我强烈建议您将来将其用于其他网站进行试验。

– We had at least 2 games named Toil & Trouble!


– ZeroLatencyVR showed up with VR equipment for anyone interested in jamming a VR game.

– ZeroLatencyVR配备了VR设备,供有兴趣干扰VR游戏的任何人使用。

– Arduino-powered katanas meet goats!! No, really:

– Arduino驱动的katanas与山羊见面! 不,真的: http : //

– Lots of demon-influenced games. Some games that explored mundane rituals like morning coffee and breakfast. And some that combined the two!

–很多恶魔游戏。 一些探索平凡习惯的游戏,例如早晨咖啡和早餐。 还有一些将两者结合在一起!

Francis, Montreal, Canada


It seemed that having someone from Unity was very welcome since many people were new to making video games.There were also many people from Behaviour, Gameloft, Bioware, Ubisoft, other smaller studios. But they were there to jam on their own games and not necessarily to help others.

似乎有很多来自Unity的人来了,因为有很多人刚开始制作视频游戏,还有来自Behaviour,Gameloft,Bioware,Ubisoft和其他较小工作室的人。 但是他们在那里玩自己的游戏,不一定帮助别人。

I love the opportunity that the GGJ brings to open the eyes of many hobbyist and students on how easy it can be to solve hard problems with Unity. Even in that “short crunch time” that is the GGJ, we can support them to climb to the next level. But there were also many veterans, with a background with proprietary engines, other commercial engines, or even no engine in some cases. We could then have a friendly chat on how Unity can help them and what are the best practices to make an awesome game in only two days. And at the same time, we learn how to make Unity even better for the overall community. Everyone is winning!

我喜欢GGJ带来的机会,使许多业余爱好者和学生对Unity的解决难题有多轻松。 即使在GGJ这样的“紧要关头”,我们也可以支持他们攀升到一个新的水平。 但是也有许多退伍军人,他们的背景是专有引擎,其他商用引擎,甚至在某些情况下甚至没有引擎。 然后,我们可以就两周内Unity可以如何帮助他们以及如何制作出出色游戏的最佳实践进行友好的交谈。 同时,我们学习了如何使Unity更好地为整个社区服务。 每个人都赢了!

Sean, Turin, Italy


The jam was great fun, I chose to go to Turin to help old colleagues I worked with at Milestone in Milan. There were a few people I knew mentoring, plus quite a few from other smaller studios. I was asked to help with problems to do with everything from Physics, graphics, even networking.

果酱很有趣,我选择去都灵去帮助我在米兰Milestone工作的老同事。 我认识的人很多,还有其他一些小型工作室的人。 我被要求帮助解决与物理,图形甚至网络相关的所有问题。

When I worked in Italy between 2010 and 2012, there were only two significant games companies in Italy. Unity has changed all this and now there are lots of smaller indie studios making great games and enjoying success from them.

当我在2010年至2012年期间在意大利工作时,意大利只有两家重要的游戏公司。 Unity改变了这一切,现在有许多较小的独立工作室制作出色的游戏并从中获得成功。

A great example of how Unity is democratising game development. I expect to see more made with Unity creations from Italy in the future!

关于Unity如何使游戏开发民主化的一个很好的例子。 我希望将来会看到更多来自意大利的Unity创作!

Some amazing games, developers and locations over one awesome weekend. At this point we’d love to thank the global organisers of GGJ for their amazing work, the organisers of local locations, all the other sponsors and everyone who had to put up with Andy Touch testing his whistling game for 48 hours throughout the night in Hamar.

在一个令人敬畏的周末里,会有一些很棒的游戏,开发人员和位置。 在这一点上,我们要感谢GGJ的全球组织者所做的出色工作,本地组织者,所有其他赞助商以及必须忍受Andy Touch在整个晚上48小时测试他的口哨游戏的所有人。哈马尔

See you next year, folks!



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