Unity 5.1在这里!

Drumroll please! Unity 5.1 is ready for you to download, thereby extending Unity 5’s power, efficiency and multiplatform support.

请打鼓! 您可以随时下载 Unity 5.1,从而扩展Unity 5的功能,效率和多平台支持。

At Unity, we’re looking on with awe at the extremely polished games that have already been released with Unity 5. Games like Cities Skylines – a mammoth success made by a team of just 13, it’s taken gamers by storm with stunning attention to detail and exquisite graphics.

在Unity,我们敬畏地看着Unity 5发行的极其精美的游戏。《 城市天际线》等游戏-仅由13人组成的团队取得了巨大的成功,引起了游戏玩家的极大关注,并注重细节和精美的图形。


All in all, over 60% of you have already made the transition to Unity 5, with more and more teams making the move every day. This positive response from the Community is something we’re extremely proud of, and it encourages us to believe we’re on the right track.

总而言之,你们中超过60%的人已经过渡到Unity 5,并且每天都有越来越多的团队开始这样做。 社区的积极回应是我们感到非常自豪的,它鼓励我们相信自己走在正确的道路上。

If you haven’t already ported your game to Unity 5 and are planning to do so, we suggest you check out our helpful upgrade guide and this practical introduction to the graphics powerhouse that is Unity 5.

如果您尚未将游戏移植到Unity 5并计划将其移植到Unity 5,我们建议您查看有用的升级指南以及对图形强大的Unity 5的实用介绍

So, what’s new in Unity 5.1?

那么,Unity 5.1的新功能是什么?

The Unity 5.1 release builds on two key Unity 5 strengths: industry-leading multiplatform support, and unmatched efficiency boosted in the cloud. Amongst other things, it brings you a new unified development experience for VR platforms like Oculus Rift and our easy to use Unity Multiplayer networking solution.

Unity 5.1版本建立在Unity 5的两个主要优势之上:行业领先的多平台支持,以及云中无与伦比的效率提升。 除其他外,它为您带来了针对VR平台(如Oculus Rift)和我们易于使用的Unity Multiplayer网络解决方案的全新统一开发体验。

Multiplayer made easy


The first phase of our plan to make it significantly easier to make multiplayer games across a host of platforms is now a reality. Thanks to new APIs, all Unity developers can get deep access to just the features they want, as well as a more automated solution that’s easy to use.

现在,我们计划第一步是使在许多平台上制作多人游戏变得更加容易的计划已经成为现实。 借助新的API,所有Unity开发人员都可以深入访问他们想要的功能,以及更易于使用的自动化解决方案。

Multiplayer Service: In preview, but not for long


Additionally, the Unity Multiplayer Service, including our Matchmaker and Relay Servers, is currently in preview. While that’s the case, you can use the service with up to 100 concurrent users free of charge.

此外, Unity Multiplayer Service (包括我们的Matchmaker和中继服务器)当前处于预览状态。 在这种情况下,您可以免费与最多100个并发用户一起使用该服务。

We’ll launch the full service very soon, and anyone using it during the preview stage can benefit from the full service when their game is production-ready! Sign-up here.

我们将很快推出全面服务,并且在预览阶段使用该服务的任何人都可以在他们的游戏准备投入生产时从全面服务中受益! 在这里注册

Join the VR revolution


With Unity 5.1 we’ve added a highly optimized rendering pipeline for VR and AR devices. Native Oculus Rift deployment is available right now to all Unity users, and we’ll be adding full native support for further platforms, including Microsoft Hololens and Gear VR in the near future.

借助Unity 5.1,我们为VR和AR设备添加了高度优化的渲染管道。 目前,所有Unity用户都可以使用本机Oculus Rift部署,我们将在不久的将来为包括Microsoft Hololens和Gear VR在内的其他平台添加完全本机支持。

In Unity 5.1, you can plug in your Oculus Rift dev kit and playtest away, with Unity handling a number of VR/AR-specific features out of the box. Head tracking and an appropriate field of view are applied to your camera automatically and rendered in stereo just like that.

在Unity 5.1中,您可以插入Oculus Rift开发套件并进行游戏测试,而Unity可以立即处理许多特定于VR / AR的功能。 头部跟踪和适当的视野会自动应用到您的相机,并以这种方式呈现为立体声。

Plus, we’ve already implemented a number of stereoscopic rendering optimizations including single pass culling and shared shadowmaps to help you deliver exceptional frame rates.


There’ll be much more to come from us in the VR space, so stay tuned, and don’t forget that there are lots of third-party SDKs available for those looking to target other headsets!





Across the board improvements


Every release gives us the opportunity to improve the overall quality of our code base. Beyond the bug fixes we’ve done for our weekly patch releases, we’ve fixed over 170 bugs in Unity 5.1.

每次发布都会使我们有机会提高代码库的整体质量。 除了为每周的补丁程序发布所做的错误修复之外,我们还修复了Unity 5.1中的170多个错误。

Additionally, we’ve made over 70 smaller improvements to API usabilities and workflows, with a focus on 2D and animation features. Another significant refactor sees us introduce a new unified OpenGL rendering backend. This helps us eliminate the numerous code paths between devices, and has made analyzing and fixing mobile rendering bugs significantly easier.

此外,我们对API的可用性和工作流程进行了70项较小的改进,重点是2D和动画功能。 另一个重要的重构是,我们引入了一个新的统一OpenGL渲染后端 。 这有助于我们消除设备之间的众多代码路径,并使分析和修复移动渲染错误变得更加容易。

As well as introducing our own quality improvements, we also wanted to assist you in improving your game code. With that in mind, we’ve added a Runtime Assertion Library.

除了介绍我们自己的质量改进外,我们还希望协助您改进游戏代码。 考虑到这一点,我们添加了一个运行时断言库。

Cloud Build adds support for Mercurial source control

Cloud Build增加了对Mercurial源代码控制的支持

Launched with Unity 5, our Cloud Build service saves you time by automating builds for iOS, Android, and the Unity Web Player. Cloud Build has already saved developers over 200,000 hours, making it easier than ever for them to build, share, and test their games.

与Unity 5一起启动的我们的Cloud Build服务通过自动化iOS,Android和Unity Web Player的构建来节省您的时间。 Cloud Build已经为开发人员节省了200,000多个小时,从而使他们比以往更轻松地构建,共享和测试他们的游戏。

Today we’re announcing support for projects using Mercurial. Cloud Build now supports four types of source control servers: Git, SVN, Perforce, and, with this latest addition, Mercurial.

今天,我们宣布支持使用Mercurial的项目。 Cloud Build现在支持四种类型的源代码控制服务器:Git,SVN,Perforce,以及最新添加的Mercurial。

We wish you every joy of Unity 5.1. For a full rundown of the numerous refactors and improvements it features, check out the release notes!

我们希望您对Unity 5.1感到高兴。 有关其大量重构和改进的完整介绍, 请查看发行说明

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/06/09/unity-5-1-is-here/

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