unity开发_Unity开发人员在Ludum Dare 30上大放异彩


The history of the Ludum Dare development contest arguably stretches back to the dawn of game jams.

Ludum Dare开发竞赛的历史可以追溯到游戏堵塞的曙光。

The inaugural Ludum Dare took place way back in 2002, at the same time as the very term ‘game jam’ began to enter industry parlance. 12 years on and the 30th iteration has just drawn to a close, inspiring a remarkable spread of games.

最早的Ludum Dare最早发生在2002年,与此同时,“游戏果酱”一词开始进入业界。 12年过去了,第30次迭代即将结束,激发了游戏的广泛传播。

Ludum Dare 30 saw the creation of 2538 titles, all around the theme of ‘Connected Worlds’. The event, which takes place across the world, was spilt into the newer ‘Jam’ element, which gives teams 72 hours to craft a game, and the original ‘Compo’, that demands a game from a sole developer in 48 hours. Both addressed the same theme.

Ludum Dare 30创造了2538个标题,围绕着“互联世界”这一主题。 这项活动在全球范围内进行,被注入到更新的“ Jam”元素中,该元素使团队可以花72个小时来制作游戏,而原始的“ Compo”则需要48小时内由唯一开发人员进行游戏。 两者都针对同一主题。

And now developing has concluded, the votes are in, and the winners are decided, it’s time to look at some of the best entries made using Unity, including Compo winner Superdimensional.


Compo Highlights


Game: Superdimensional Developer: PixelMind Position: 1st Platforms: Web, Windows, Linux A stark, stylized spin on the puzzle-platformer, Superdimensional only wants you to use your mouse; and it isn’t too keen on the buttons either. In fact, you’ll rarely click or press a single one. Instead, you use the mouse to angle pools of light on the ever-advancing mostly spherical protagonist, exposing it to different parallel dimensions, helping it move through the world by hopping between overlapping realms. ‘Connected Worlds’, if you like. Superdimensional is short, sharp and captivating, and so pretty it’s hard to believe it was made in two days by a single developer.

游戏: SuperDimension 开发人员: PixelMind 位置:第一平台: Web,Windows,Linux拼图平台上的鲜明,风格化的旋转,SuperDimension只希望您使用鼠标; 而且按钮也不是太热衷。 实际上,您很少单击或按下任何一个。 取而代之的是,您使用鼠标在不断发展的,主要是球形的主角上倾斜光线池,将其暴露于不同的平行尺寸,从而通过在重叠的领域之间跳转来帮助其在世界中移动。 如果您愿意,可以使用“互联世界”。 SuperDimension简短,敏锐且引人入胜,非常漂亮,很难相信它是由单个开发人员在两天内完成的。

Superdimensional by PixelMind


Play Superdimensional here.


Game: Hello World Developer: Rahazan Position: Joint 6th Platforms: Web Hello World is a captivating game of maintaining communication channels between distant planets, seemingly to ensure cat videos are enjoyed on an intergalactic basis. It’s also a tremendously satisfying puzzle game of drawing lines between satellites and radio antenna, and just like Superdimensional, it hit’s the ‘Connected Worlds’ theme with absolute precision.

游戏: Hello World 开发商: Rahazan 位置:第6个联合平台: Web Hello World是一款吸引人的游戏,可维持遥远星球之间的交流渠道,以确保在星际范围内欣赏猫视频。 这也是一个非常令人满意的益智游戏,它在卫星和无线电天线之间画线,就像超尺寸一样,它以绝对的精度达到了“连通世界”的主题。

Hello World by Rahazan

Rahazan的Hello World

Play Hello World here.

在这里播放Hello World

Game: On the Edge of Earth: 5000 Developer: Hypnohustla Position: Joint 12th Platforms: Web On the Edge of Earth: 5000 tells a tale of a lone astronaut deep in space, armed with a huge planet zapping laser. This laser, however, flushes dead planets with life, and the player’s is the task of completing a single mission. Effectively a micro adventure game, Hypnohustla’s game is incredibly polished and well crafted considering the timeframe of its creation, and filled with absurd machines to bewilder and delight.

游戏: 在地球边缘:5000 开发人员: Hypnohustla 位置:第十二联合平台: Web在地球边缘:5000讲述了一个孤独的宇航员在太空深处的故事,上面装备了巨大的行星激光。 但是,这种激光可以使死亡的行星充满生命,而玩家的任务是完成单个任务。 Hypnohustla实际上是一款微型冒险游戏,考虑到其创建的时间框架,其游戏经过精心抛光和精心制作,并充满了荒诞而有趣的荒谬机器。

Edge of Earth: 5000 by Hypnohustla


Play On the Edge of Earth: 5000 here.


Game: I Must See You Developer: Split82 Position: Joint 15th Platforms: Web, Linux, Windows There’s no denying that at a glance I must See You nods to the form of Unity-authored smash Hitman Go. But something is different here, for the player must guide not one, but two entities through an isometric grid puzzler. The twist? If line of site between the two is broken, movement of one is stopped dead. It’s an idea used to great effect, and while fleetingly brief, I Must See You has vast potential to be extended into a fully fledged game.

游戏: 我必须见到您 开发人员: Split82 职位:第15联合平台: Web,Linux,Windows毫无疑问,我必须看到您一眼点头,以Unity创作的杀手Hitman Go的形式。 但是这里有些不同,因为玩家必须引导一个实体,而不是引导两个实体穿过一个等距网格拼图游戏。 扭曲? 如果两者之间的位置线断开,则其中一个的移动将停止进行。 这是一个很有用的想法,虽然短暂,但我必须见到您,它具有扩展到成熟游戏中的巨大潜力。

I Must See You by Split82


Play I Must See You here.


Game: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Developer: Andrew Shouldice Position: Joint 15th Platforms: Web A top-down run ‘n’ gun shooter in the classic form, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? tells the tale of a portal to distant worlds created by scientists, that lets creatures from across space and time pour through to Earth. It’s presented in chunky pixel art, and its title really does say it all. Shouldice’s creation is compelling and hilarious in equal parts, and deserves to be remembered long after Ludum Dare 30.

游戏: 可能出错的地方是什么? 开发人员: Andrew Shouldice 位置:第15联合平台: Web以经典形式自上而下运行的“ n”枪射击者,可能会出错吗? 讲述了一个由科学家创造的通往遥远世界的传送门的故事,该传送带使跨越时空的生物可以倒入地球。 它以粗大的像素艺术呈现,其标题确实说明了一切。 Shouldice的创作在各个方面都引人入胜且热闹非凡,在Ludum Dare 30之后很久就值得人们铭记。

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Andrew Shouldice

可能出错的地方是什么? 通过安德鲁·斯迪斯(Andrew Shouldice)

Play What Could Possibly Go Wrong? here.

玩可能会出错的东西吗? 在这里

Jam Highlights


Game: This Little Piggy Developer: InfectionTeam Position: Joint 5th Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux This Little Piggy starts innocently enough, as a first person adventure, the protagonist scouring a small planet for the ingredients for a salad. Then a pig gets slaughtered for one last ingredient; bacon. That death causes a ripple through the dimensions, ringing alarm bell on a distant home world. Suddenly a portal to a opens in the game’s cheerful setting, and heavily armed swines from an alien planet pour through, turning a charming curio into an FPS that is particularly slick for 72 hours’ toil.

游戏: 这只小猪 开发商: InfectionTeam 位置:第5联合平台: Web,Windows,Mac,Linux这只小猪无辜地开始了,作为第一人称冒险,主角在一个小小的星球上寻找沙拉的配料。 然后,将猪宰杀为最后一种原料。 培根。 那次死亡在整个维度上引起了涟漪,在遥远的家庭世界敲响了警钟。 突然间,在游戏欢快的环境中,一个通往开放的门户,来自外星星球的全副武装的猪从中涌出,将迷人的古玩变成了FPS,特别辛苦了72小时。

This Little Piggy by InfectionTeam


Play This Little Piggy here.


Game: The Legend of Light Developer: Yword Position: 8th Platforms: Web The Yword team used Unity to create a visually splendid platformer in the 72 hours at their disposable. As well as the ability to leap through portals, The Legend of Light’s hero can alter the levels around it, moving whole sections of platforms and rotating entire areas in a way quite distinct from it’s contemporaries. Proof yet that there’s space for originality in the jostling puzzle-platformer space.

游戏: 光之传说 开发商: Yword 位置:第八平台:网络Yword团队使用Unity在72小时的一次性使用中创建了一个视觉效果出色的平台游戏。 除了穿越门户的能力外,《光之传说》的英雄还可以改变其周围的水平,移动平台的整个区域并旋转整个区域,其方式与当代不同。 证明在拥挤的拼图平台空间中有独创性的空间。

The Legend of Light by Yword


Play The Legend of Light here.


Game: Binary System Developer: rogueNoodle Position: 12th Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux There’s a little flavour of arcade icon Asteroids to Binary System. Nothing wrong with that, but there’s plenty more to rogueNoodle’s creation too. It tells a tale of two planets locked in orbit together, tearing through space as one, avoiding impacts and gathering stars. It’s remarkably immediate and simple, and like all of the entries highlighted here, does a fine job with the Ludum Dare 30 theme.

游戏: 二进制系统 开发人员: rogueNoodle 位置:第12 平台: Web,Windows,Mac,Linux二进制系统中有一些街机图标小行星。 没问题,但是rogueNoodle的创作还有很多。 它讲述了两个行星锁定在轨道上的故事,它们作为一个整体穿过太空,避免撞击并聚集恒星。 它非常直接和简单,并且像此处突出显示的所有条目一样,在Ludum Dare 30主题中做得很好。

Binary System by rogueNoodle


Play Binary System here.

在这里播放Binary System

Game: Connector Developer: TeamEagle Position: 13th Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux The universe needs an internet connection, and it appears one ship is equipped with the tools for the job. Connector takes the theme especially literally, and does so with fantastic artwork and particularly robust physics. Never before has untangling Ethernet cables been more rewarding, and never again will installing an internet line attract so much enemy attention.

游戏: 连接器 开发人员: TeamEagle 职位:第13 平台: Windows,Mac,Linux宇宙需要互联网连接,而且似乎有一艘飞船配备了完成这项工作的工具。 连接器特别以字面意义为主题,并以出色的艺术品和特别坚固的物理原理来实现。 以前从未理会过以太网电缆带来的好处,安装互联网线路也不会再吸引如此多的敌人。

Connector by Team Eagle


Play Connector here.


Game: Computer – Open That Door! Developer: pLaw Position: Joint 21st Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux When a computer gains sentience, it doesn’t what to be shut down; especially by the over-efficient crew of a starship making hurried leaps through space and time. In Computer – Open That Door!, you play just such a programme, and are tasked with killing off your crew by manipulating ship systems before the humans reach their destination, taking out your prey one at a time. pLaw’s creation is certainly funny, but more than that it has surprising depth, and hides a wealth of secrets that are a delight to unravel.

游戏: 电脑–打开那扇门! 开发人员: pLaw 职位:联合第21 平台: Web,Windows,Mac,Linux当计算机获得感知力时,它并不需要关闭计算机。 尤其是由于飞船的效率过高,使他们急忙穿越时空。 在“计算机–打开那扇门!”中,您只扮演这样一个程序,并负责在人类到达目的地之前操纵船上系统杀死您的船员,一次将您的猎物取出。 pLaw的创作当然很有趣,但不仅如此,它的深度还令人惊讶,并且隐藏了许多令人高兴的秘密。

Computer – Open That Door! by pLaw

电脑–打开那扇门! 通过pLaw

Play Computer – Open That Door! here.

玩电脑–打开那扇门! 在这里

The above are just some of the numerous brilliant Ludum Dare 30 games. The top 100 Compo creations can be found here, the top 100 Jam games are here, and the full list of all 2538 creations is right here.

以上只是Ludum Dare 30众多出色游戏中的一些。 前100康波的作品,可以发现在这里 ,前100果酱游戏是在这里 ,和所有创作2538的完整列表是正确的在这里

Congratulations to all those who took part.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/09/23/unity-developers-shine-at-ludum-dare-30/






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