


*** 更新!

* Added simple arcade style 2-axis aircraft control example. * Added “Handheld Camera” prefab. Has realistic fuzzy tracking of object, and auto zoom to fit target in view. * Updated mobile particle effects for better performance. * Character model (‘Ethan’) re-skinned, fixed bone weights, joint orientations and interactions, and blending errors. * Fix for first-person controller so it sticks to ground when running up/down slopes. * Better cursor locking handling. * Fixed camera in car scene, so loop-the-loop is possible! * Added menu item in Cross Platform Input so user can choose between mobile/standalone input when testing in editor with a mobile build target selected. … and many more!

*添加了简单的街机风格2轴飞机控制示例。 *添加了“手持摄像机”预制件。 具有逼真的对象模糊跟踪,并可以自动缩放以适应目标。 *更新了移动粒子效果以获得更好的性能。 *角色模型('Ethan')重新蒙皮,固定骨骼重量,关节方向和相互作用以及混合错误。 *修正了第一人称控制器的问题,使其在上/下坡道运行时可粘在地面上。 *更好的光标锁定处理。 *固定在汽车场景中的摄像头,因此可以循环播放! *在跨平台输入中添加了菜单项,以便用户在选择了移动构建目标的编辑器中进行测试时,可以在移动/独立输入之间进行选择。 … 还有很多!



Hello! We’re updating the “Standard Assets” packages that come bundled with Unity.

你好! 我们正在更新与Unity捆绑在一起的“标准资产”软件包。

Before we finalise and integrate it with Unity itself, we’re releasing a beta version for you to try out. We’d like you to have a play and give us feedback before we finally integrate it into Unity and replace the old Standard Assets.

在我们最终确定并将其与Unity本身集成之前,我们将发布一个Beta版本供您试用。 在最终将其集成到Unity并替换旧的标准资产之前,我们希望您能发挥作用并提供反馈。



There are a number of changes to look out for:


Firstly, the name is now “Sample Assets” rather than “Standard Assets”, which better reflects their purpose: to provide a collection of examples that can be used out-of-the-box, picked apart or expanded upon.

首先,现在的名称是“ Sample Assets”,而不是“ Standard Assets”,这更好地反映了它们的目的:提供可以直接使用,分离或扩展的示例集合。

We’re also going to improve the delivery method. The Sample Assets will still be bundled with the Unity installer, but the packages themselves will be linked to the asset store so that we can update them independently of new Unity editor releases.

我们还将改进交付方式。 Sample Assets仍将与Unity安装程序捆绑在一起,但是软件包本身将链接到Asset Store,以便我们可以独立于新的Unity编辑器版本进行更新。

And of course what’s in the packages themselves.  We’ve addressed some missing examples by adding a mecanim-based third-person character, some shuriken-based particle systems, and some simple AI systems, as well as improving and adding new samples such as a better first-person controller, cross platform input examples and even a few vehicles!

当然,包装本身也包含什么。 我们通过添加基于mecanim的第三人称角色,一些基于shhurken的粒子系统以及一些简单的AI系统,以及改进和添加新的示例(例如更好的第一人称控制器,跨平台)解决了一些遗漏的示例输入示例,甚至几辆车!

We’re including sample scenes where you can try these out, and our intention is that this collection of playable sample scenes will replace the existing “Angry Bots” project which is included in the current Unity installer. Angry Bots will still be available to download from the asset store, but having these lightweight prototype sample scenes will reduce the download and install size of Unity itself, and hopefully provide more useful material out of the box to help you get your projects started even faster than before.

我们提供了示例场景,您可以在其中进行尝试,并且我们的意图是,该可播放示例场景的集合将替换当前Unity安装程序中包含的现有“ Angry Bots”项目。 仍然可以从资产商店下载Angry Bots,但是拥有这些轻量级的原型示例场景将减少Unity本身的下载和安装大小,并希望开箱即用地提供更多有用的材料,以帮助您更快地启动项目。比以前。

This project has multiple goals: the new samples will provide an example of good practice in terms of how they are put together. For example, you’ll be able to look at how we used a componentised architecture on our prefabs to separate out core movement, control, audio and peripheral visual effects. We also hope the samples will act as a useful toolbox for rapid prototyping. You can just drop a character, vehicle, camera rig or effect into your scene, and it’s good to go.

这个项目有多个目标:新样本将在如何组合方面提供一个良好实践的例子。 例如,您将能够查看我们如何在预制件上使用组件化体系结构来分离核心运动,控制,音频和外围视觉效果。 我们也希望这些样本将成为快速原型制作的有用工具箱。 您可以将角色,车辆,摄影机或效果放到场景中,这很不错。

So what are the highlights?


A New First Person Character Unlike the previous first person character, this first person character uses a standard rigidbody capsule and can push physics objects around. It also has configurable head-bob effects and footstep sounds. A New Third Person Character The new third person character is Mecanim-based, with root-motion driving its movements giving a more realistic feel. It’s also incredibly easy to replace the character art with your own rigged humanoid model, or swap the user control component with an AI component.

新的第一人称角色与以前的第一人称角色不同,该第一人称角色使用标准的刚体囊,可以推动物理对象。 它还具有可配置的头戴式效果和脚步声。 新的第三人称角色新的第三人称角色是基于Mecanim的,通过根向运动来驱动其运动,从而提供更逼真的感觉。 用您自己的人形模型替换角色艺术,或将用户控件组件替换为AI组件,也非常容易。

A Sample 2D CharacterSwift on the heels of our recent 2D tools release, we have a sample 2D sprite-based character in a platform game scene for you to use.

样本2D角色 在我们最近的2D工具发布之后Swift发展,我们在平台游戏场景中提供了一个基于2D精灵的示例角色供您使用。

Camera Rigs These are a few useful camera set-ups, making it easy to drop in an automatic follow cam, or a free-look camera straight into your scene. All our sample scenes use these rigs.

相机装备这些是一些有用的相机设置,可以轻松地将自动跟随相机或自由外观的相机直接插入场景。 我们所有的示例场景都使用这些装备。

CarWe’re including an example of a car controller and our sample scene shows one possible configuration: a high-powered futuristic sports car. However, the script itself is also flexible enough to simulate front, rear and four-wheel drive vehicles, SUVs, Karts and Forklift Trucks. Have a play and test the settings to their limit! The car code prioritises fun over realism, but still offers a large degree of freedom in terms of gears, torque, and tendency to burnout or skid.

汽车 我们以汽车控制器为例,示例场景显示了一种可能的配置:大功率的未来派跑车。 但是,脚本本身也足够灵活,可以模拟前后,四轮驱动车辆,SUV,卡丁车和叉车。 试一试,然后将设置测试到极限! 汽车代码优先考虑的是乐趣,而不是真实感,但在齿轮,扭矩以及燃尽或打滑的趋势方面仍然提供了很大的自由度。

Aircraft The aeroplane scripts allow you to set up a forward-flying aircraft with ease. There are optional components if you want to implement moving ailerons, rudders, etc, but you can just as easily throw the basic script on a cube and take to the skies in your cube-o-plane! We provide some slightly more elaborate examples of Jet and Propellor aeroplanes, each set up with different parameters to give the correct feel. Again, the code is designed with a priority of fun over realism, and as such doesn’t include realistic flight equations, but you’ll still find you can glide, stall and barrel-roll to your heart’s content.

飞机飞机脚本可让您轻松设置前向飞行的飞机。 如果要实现移动副翼,方向舵等,则有一些可选组件,但是您可以轻松地将基本脚本放到多维数据集上,然后在立方体O型飞机上空飞行! 我们提供一些喷气飞机和螺旋桨飞机的详细示例,每个示例都设置了不同的参数以提供正确的感觉。 同样,该代码的设计优先考虑乐趣,而不是真实感,因此它不包含现实的飞行方程式,但是您仍然会发现可以滑行,失速和滚滚而来。

Cross Platform Input ExampleWe’ve also included an example of how you can set up cross-platform input so that you can seamlessly publish to desktop, web and mobile from the same project. Our sample uses a relatively simple script which acts as a ‘middle man’ between the game controls and Unity’s existing input system. When on mobile, simple touch or tilt controls override the axis names, allowing you to easily switch between desktop and mobile with minimal changes to your scripts. We’ve also included a few example “mobile control rigs” which are suitable for many common scenarios such as a tilt-to-steer car control, or a 3rd-person run and turn control.

跨平台输入示例 我们还提供了一个示例,说明如何设置跨平台输入,以便可以从同一项目无缝发布到台式机,Web和移动设备。 我们的示例使用一个相对简单的脚本,该脚本充当游戏控件和Unity现有输入系统之间的“中间人”。 在移动设备上时,简单的触摸或倾斜控件将覆盖轴名称,从而使您可以在对脚本进行最少更改的情况下轻松地在台式机和移动设备之间切换。 我们还提供了一些示例“移动控制装置”,它们适用于许多常见情况,例如,转向汽车的控制或第三人称行进和转弯控制。

AIFor the character, cars, and planes, we’ve included a sample of how you can set up AI-controlled versions. These AI systems “pilot” the character or vehicle in the same way that a user can, by sending input values to the controller.

人工智能 对于角色,汽车和飞机,我们提供了有关如何设置AI控制版本的示例。 这些AI系统通过将输入值发送到控制器,以用户可以使用的相同方式“引导”角色或车辆。

Prototype EnvironmentTo keep the package sizes down and the examples as clear and easy to understand as possible, our sample scenes use simple prototype models for the environments, and these are packaged up for you to use if you want to. They can be a good way of quickly blocking out level designs, to be replaced with your own real artwork later.

原型环境 为了减小包装尺寸并使示例尽可能清晰和易于理解,我们的示例场景使用了适用于环境的简单原型模型,并且将它们打包在一起供您使用。 它们可能是快速阻止关卡设计的好方法,稍后将其替换为您自己的真实艺术品。

AI Character

Of course, since this is an update to the current standard assets, there is a significant amount of good stuff in there that we’re keeping just  the same: you’ll still have the same favourite image effects, skyboxes, shaders, water, etc. These and many of the other standard assets haven’t changed, but we’ll be looking to improve and expand on these areas as time goes on – and from your feedback. For the beta release we’re including only the new stuff to save on download size and import time.

当然,由于这是对当前标准资产的更新,因此我们保留了很多相同的好东西:您仍将拥有相同的喜欢的图像效果,天空盒,着色器,水,等以及其他许多标准资产都没有改变,但是随着时间的推移,我们将根据您的反馈意见在这些领域进行改进和扩展。 对于Beta版本,我们仅包含新内容,以节省下载大小和导入时间。

As mentioned above, this is a ‘beta’ release of the new Sample Assets, so it’s not currently included with the Unity Installer. If you’d like to check it out, you can download the entire pack from the Asset Store here:

如上所述,这是新示例资产的“测试版”版本,因此当前未包含在Unity Installer中。 如果您想检查一下,可以从以下资源商店下载整个包:

Having worked on this rather furiously for the last few months along with the guys from the Learn team, we’d all love to hear your feedback and questions! You can reply here, or if you’d like to take part in an altogether more civilized (and detailed) discussion on the forum about it, head over to this forum thread for that very purpose:

在过去的几个月中,与Learn团队的工作人员进行了相当疯狂的合作,我们都希望听到您的反馈和问题! 您可以在此处回复,或者如果您想在论坛上参与更为文明(详细)的讨论,则可以为此目的前往此论坛主题:






翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/01/17/new-sample-assets-beta/


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