

Assuring quality is a tricky task, and involves a lot of people — testers, developers, and even you the users! There are thousands of you and only a few of us, so today I want to talk to you about this:

确保质量是一项艰巨的任务,涉及很多人-测试人员,开发人员,甚至您是用户! 你们有数千人,而我们中只有少数人,所以今天我想和您谈谈这个问题:

Unity Bug Reporter

If you see this Bug Reporter appear, odds are that you’ve just experienced a problem in Unity. I can honestly say that whatever it is, we want to fix it. As part of our QA processes, the test team (currently: me, Jens, Caitlyn, Rasmus, and Oleg) constantly review “the queue” of publicly submitted bugs in our QA/support database. We can do more with some bugs and less with others, and I want to help everyone understand how to tell us about their problem so we can actually fix it.  When we review bugs, here’s what we think about:

如果您看到此Bug Reporter出现,则很可能是您在Unity中遇到了问题。 老实说,不管它是什么,我们都想修复它。 作为我们质量检查流程的一部分,测试团队(当前:我,Jens,Caitlyn,Rasmus和Oleg)不断地查看我们质量检查/支持数据库中公开提交的错误的“队列”。 我们可以对某些错误进行更多处理,而对其他错误进行较少处理,我想帮助每个人了解如何向我们介绍他们的问题,以便我们可以实际解决它。 当我们审查错误时,我们的想法是:

What happened to this user and how did it happen?


Can I force Unity to do it again for me?


If we can answer both of these questions then we have enough information to investigate the issue and communicate our findings to you the user, or to a developer when discussing a fix for the issue. For this reason, the information you write in details 1) and 2) in the bug report is critical in helping us squash the bug forever.

如果我们能够回答这两个问题,那么我们将拥有足够的信息来调查问题,并在讨论问题的解决方案时将您的发现传达给用户或开发人员。 因此,您在错误报告中的详细信息1)和2)中所写的信息对于帮助我们永远压榨该错误至关重要。

Now, if we can’t understand what happened in the first place then there isn’t much we can do about the problem. So under detail 1) we ask that you thoroughly and completely describe the problem, using as much detail as you possibly can. The worst thing you can do here is write nothing. Writing anything you think is relevant to the problem is always better than writing nothing.

现在,如果我们首先不了解发生了什么,那么我们就无能为力了。 因此,在详细信息下1)我们要求您使用尽可能多的详细信息来彻底,完整地描述问题。 您在这里最糟糕的事情是什么都不写。 写任何您认为与问题有关的东西总比什么都不写总要好。

Once we understand the issue, we want to reproduce it. When we try to reproduce it, we perform a series of actions or “repro steps” to make the bug occur again. The first place we look for help determining the right set of repro steps is under detail 2). If the bug you’re reporting is frequently or consistently occurring, the best thing you can do is describe a discreet series of steps that we can take in order to reproduce the bug.

一旦了解了问题,便想重现。 当我们尝试重现它时,我们将执行一系列操作或“重现步骤”以使错误再次发生。 我们寻求帮助来确定正确的复制步骤集的第一个地方是细节2)。 如果您要报告的错误是频繁或持续发生的,那么您最好的办法就是描述一系列谨慎的步骤,以便我们重现该错误。

Sometimes a bug is specific to the scripts or assets in your project folder.  In case it is, we ask that you always attach your project folder so we can make our test environment match your development environment as closely as possible. The bug reporter will automatically zip your folder and upload it, even if it’s as large as 500MB. And don’t worry, your project will only be used for testing purposes and it will never be shared outside of the Unity Tech office. If you can isolate the problem down to an extremely simple project folder that contains only the assets and objects relevant to the bug, even better!  Either way, providing a project folder will greatly increase the likelihood that we can successfully reproduce the bug and fix it. But I’ll reiterate: if we cannot reproduce the bug, we cannot fix the bug.  So pretty please with sugar on top, attach your project folder because we hate not fixing bugs.

有时,错误是特定于项目文件夹中的脚本或资产的。 如果是这样,我们要求您始终附加项目文件夹,以便我们的测试环境尽可能与您的开发环境匹配。 错误报告程序将自动压缩您的文件夹并将其上传,即使它最大为500MB。 不用担心,您的项目将仅用于测试目的,并且永远不会在Unity Tech办事处之外共享。 如果您可以将问题隔离到一个非常简单的项目文件夹中,其中仅包含与错误相关的资产和对象,那就更好了! 无论哪种方式,提供一个项目文件夹都将大大增加我们成功复制并修复该错误的可能性。 但我要重申:如果我们无法重现该错误,则无法修复该错误。 非常高兴,请在糖上放上,附加您的项目文件夹,因为我们讨厌不修复错误。

I hope this has been an insightful look into our QA processes and you understand a bit more about the purpose of the bug reporter. To learn even more about bug reporting and the Unity QA processes, please watch the “How to Get Your Bugs Fixed” presentation video from Unite ’08.

我希望这是对我们QA流程的深入了解,并且您对Bug报告程序的目的有所了解。 要了解有关错误报告和Unity QA流程的更多信息,请观看Unite '08的“如何修复错误”演示视频。







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