资产商店行动新闻– 2011年8月版!

Greetings Unity developers & Asset Store users!


The recent release of 3.4 brought many awesome new features to Unity.. with it came a ton of new assets and optimizations to the Unity Asset Store! Here’s a quick look at recent and notable additions to the store.  If you haven’t been to the Unity Asset Store before, you’ll find it inside Unity– just launch Unity and select Window > Asset Store.  It’s an incredibly convenient way to find quality, ready-to-use, royalty-free models, scripts, sound effects, music and editor extensions right in your workspace.  It couldn’t be easier!

3.4的最新版本为Unity带来了许多很棒的新功能。它为Unity Asset Store带来了大量新资产和优化功能! 快速浏览一下该商店的近期新增功能。 如果您以前没有去过Unity Asset Store,那么您会 Unity 内部找到它–只需启动Unity并选择Window> Asset Store。 这是在工作空间中查找高质量,即用型,免版税的模型,脚本,声音效果,音乐和编辑器扩展的极为方便的方法。 再简单不过了!

Addicted to Substances


Airstream Substance demo project


A mind-blowingly useful new feature in Unity 3.4 is the integration of the dynamic texture generation system, the Allegorithmic Substance engine, directly inside Unity.  If you’re not yet familiar with Substances, you should check them out, as they’re the most efficient way to pack tons of complex textures (with diffuse, specular, normal maps and more) into a very, very small footprint!  You can actually adjust an Allegorithmic Substance’s parameters in run-time with code or even animation keyframes, to create living, dynamic textures which can change over time in your game.   To get started, you’ll need to pick up a pre-existing, incredibly-customizable substance from the Asset Store, which contains the basic procedural patterns for your textures.  Use them like any material on your mesh objects and adjust the parameters as you like!

Unity 3.4中令人难以置信的有用的新功能是直接在Unity内部集成了动态纹理生成系统,即Allegorithmic Substance引擎。 如果您还不熟悉物质,则应将其检出,因为它们是将大量复杂纹理(具有漫反射,镜面反射,法线贴图等)打包到非常小的空间中的最有效方法! 实际上,您可以在运行时使用代码甚至动画关键帧来调整Allegorithmic Substance的参数,以创建动态的动态纹理,这些纹理可以在游戏中随时间变化。 首先,您需要从Asset Store中挑选一个预先存在的,可定制的物质,其中包含纹理的基本过程模式。 像在网格物体上使用任何材料一样使用它们,并根据需要调整参数!

You will find over 500 pre-made Allegorithmic Substance on the Asset Store, ranging from commonly used textures including metals, woods, sci-fi and fabric, to vivid, organic and alien textures.   Allegorithmic’s system is so addictive, if you’re not careful you might become a substance abuser!  Allegorithmic’s substances can be found in the Materials & Textures section of the Asset Store.  It’s a great way to beef up your project.

在资源商店中,您会发现500多种预制的Allegorithmic物质,范围从常用的纹理(包括金属木材科幻织物 )到生动的有机的外来的纹理。 Allegorithmic的系统是如此令人上瘾,如果您不小心,可能会成为滥用毒品者! 可以在Asset Store的“材料和纹理”部分中找到Allegorithmic的物质。 这是一个伟大的方式牛肉您的项目。

We have a free 18-substance pack on the Asset Store as well as a two great example projects to get you going.

我们在Asset Store上提供了免费的18种物质包 ,并提供了两个出色的示例 项目 ,助您一臂之力。



Rain{one} AI behavior tree by Rival{theory}

竞争对手{rain}的Rain {one} AI行为树

Popular on the Asset Store this month is the very brainy AI system, Rain{one} from the Los Alamos thinktank, Rival{theory}.  It’s the easiest way to give in-game characters core AI capabilities such as the ability to sense the world, navigate, and create complex behaviors through goal or task based logic. Features include…

本月在Asset Store上流行的是非常聪明的AI系统,来自Los Alamos智囊团Rival {theory}的Rain {one }。 这是赋予游戏中角色核心AI功能的最简单方法,例如通过基于目标或任务的逻辑来感知世界,导航和创建复杂行为的能力。 功能包括…

    It’s a great way to give your zombies some braaaains.




    Nature Pack


    Imagine.. the serenity of soaring trees, blooming wildflowers, the graceful curves of a fern, clouds, the majesty of a stony cliff. A verdant, rolling landscape.  There are many places to find such natural beauty… like Yosemite, the Swiss Alps, and the Unity Asset Store.  Quite popular this month is the comprehensive and well-crafted Nature Pack, which has over 30 trees and bushes, stones, natural textures and more, all prepared for use with Unity’s Terrain System.  You’ll also find mushrooms, wildflowers and trees of many species.

    想象一下..高耸的树木,盛开的野花的宁静,蕨类植物优美的曲线,云朵,石质悬崖的威严。 翠绿的起伏景观。 有很多地方可以找到这样的自然美景……例如优胜美地,瑞士阿尔卑斯山和Unity资产商店。 本月最受欢迎的是全面且精心制作的Nature Pack ,其中包含30多种树木和灌木,石头,自然纹理等等,所有这些都准备与Unity的Terrain System配合使用。 您还会发现蘑菇野花和许多种类的树木

    Free tunes from the folks at AudioDraft


    The good people at the music crowd-sourcing company, AudioDraft, have recently added three packages of high-production, cost-free and royalty free music for the Asset Store.  Check out their Arcade, Orchestral, and Space themed music packs!

    音乐众包公司AudioDraft的好人最近为Asset Store添加了三包高产量,免费和免版税的音乐包。 查看他们的ArcadeOrchestralSpace主题音乐包!

    Improved Performance and UI


    You might have noticed that the Asset Store has a new look, with a category tree hierarchy system, making it a cinch to find what you’re looking for, or just to browse casually.  There’s also speed optimization and purchase data caching for an easier shopping experience.

    您可能已经注意到,资产商店的外观焕然一新,并带有类别树层次结构系统,可以轻松找到所需的内容或随便浏览。 还进行了速度优化和购买数据缓存,以提供更轻松的购物体验。

    Content creators making a bundle!


    Last month marked the most recent payout to content creators on the Asset Store, with a couple of our sellers having each earned tens of thousands of dollars.  Distributing and selling content on the Asset Store is a great way to put your skills to work, get your vision out to the Unity community, and making money! We’re always looking for great new content to put on the Asset Store.  We’re on the lookout for great models, complete game projects, editor extensions and tools, script libraries, audio and more.  If you’ve made something awesome, please send it our way!

    上个月标志着最近在Asset Store上向内容创作者支付的款项,我们的几个卖家每个人都赚了数万美元。 在Asset Store上分发和销售内容是一种很好的方法,可以使您的技能发挥作用,将愿景发给Unity社区并赚钱! 我们一直在寻找可放入Asset Store的精彩新内容。 我们一直在寻找出色的模型,完整的游戏项目,编辑器扩展和工具,脚本库,音频等。 如果您做出了很棒的事情, 请发送给我们!

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/08/17/asset-store-action-news-august-2011-edition/





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