

We recently chatted with a couple of indie customers who released successful commercial content with the free version of Unity and the Basic mobile publishing tools that are now also available without charge. At a time when they were starting their studios and/or learning how to use Unity, they gained a powerful advantage with Unity’s intuitive, robust and stable technology.

我们最近与几个独立客户聊天,他们使用免费版本的Unity和Basic移动发布工具成功发布了商业内容, 现在也可以免费使用这些工具 。 在他们创办工作室和/或学习如何使用Unity的时候,他们凭借Unity直观,强大且稳定的技术获得了强大的优势。

Frostnova in Estonia and Russia-based CarX Technologies are both small studios founded by developers who turned their much-loved hobbies into their work. “We do this work because we can’t help but do it,” says Anatoly Scherbak, CEO of CarX Technologies, creators of the CarX driving simulator (see screen shot below).“CarX is built on our twin passions of race car driving and developing a car physics engine, so it’s the perfect synergy.”

位于爱沙尼亚的Frostnova和位于俄罗斯的CarX Technologies都是由开发人员创建的小型工作室,他们将自己钟爱的爱好转化为工作。 “我们之所以开展这项工作,是因为我们情不自禁地做到了这一点,” CarX驾驶模拟器的创建者CarX Technologies的首席执行官Anatoly Scherbak说(请参见下面的屏幕截图)。“ CarX建立在我们对赛车驾驶的双重热情之上并开发汽车物理引擎,因此是完美的协同作用。”

The original CarX demo was made in another engine. However, potential customers soon began asking the team when it would be available in Unity. An existing customer helped port the CarX demo to the free version of Unity and the studio began selling more licenses. Currently Anatoly and his team use Unity Pro, and they recently ported a high-quality mobile version of CarX with Unity’s now free iOS publishing tools. The demo was released last week on the App Store and has already had 200,000 downloads.

原始的CarX演示是在另一个引擎上制作的。 但是,潜在客户很快就开始询问团队何时可以在Unity中使用它。 现有客户帮助将CarX演示移植到Unity的免费版本,并且工作室开始销售更多许可证。 目前,Anatoly和他的团队使用Unity Pro,最近他们将Unity现已免费的iOS发布工具移植到了高质量的CarX移动版本。 该演示于上周在App Store上发布 ,已经有20万次下载。

“Unity provides fantastic value,” says Anatoly. “It’s low-cost technology that can support a AAA driving simulator on different platforms. That’s a pretty amazing product.”

“团结提供了惊人的价值,” Anatoly说。 “这是一种低成本技术,可以在不同平台上支持AAA驾驶模拟器。 这是一个了不起的产品。”

Mikk Melder and some friends formed Frostnova after deciding they wanted to build an MMO that “would give players real-life value.” In November 2012 Frostnova released the beta version of their children’s MMO, (see screenshot below) built entirely in the free version of Unity.

Mikk Melder和一些朋友在决定他们想要建立一个“将给玩家真实的价值”的MMO之后,组成了Frostnova。 Frostnova于2012年11月发布了完全免费的Unity版本内置的儿童MMO测试版 (请参见下面的屏幕截图)。

“We got 70-80% of the features we needed for the MMO with the free version of Unity,” he says. “We also got awesome support from Unity along the way, even though we were free users.”

他说:“通过免费版本的Unity,我们获得了MMO所需功能的70-80%,”他说。 “即使我们是免费用户,我们在此过程中也得到了Unity的大力支持。”

The game, titled “Ennemuistne” incorporates Estonia’s culture both in its looks and the activities players can participate in. The MMO won in the category of e-culture in Estonia’s Best E-Service 2013 nation-wide contest, and Frostnova was featured in this recent BBC report.

这款名为“ Ennemuistne”的游戏在外观和玩家参与的活动中都融合了爱沙尼亚的文化。MMO在爱沙尼亚2013年度最佳电子服务全国竞赛中赢得了电子文化类奖项,而Frostnova则以此为特色BBC最近的报告

Today Mikk and his team are in the midst of developing their first mobile game for the Android platform.


“The Android toolset (now included in the free version of Unity) is a really powerful option. We’ve been able to complete about 90% of the project with it. The scaling for different devices is done, the core game play is done, we created some good special effects. It gave us the chance to get our game to a near-release phase so that we could test it on different devices, test it with friends and get good feedback,” says Mikk.

“ Android工具集(现已包含在Unity的免费版本中)是一个非常强大的选项。 我们已经能够完成约90%的项目。 完成了针对不同设备的缩放,完成了核心游戏,我们创建了一些不错的特殊效果。 它使我们有机会将我们的游戏推向即将发布的阶段,以便我们可以在不同的设备上对其进行测试,与朋友进行测试并获得良好的反馈。” Mikk说。

Just like CarX Technologies, Frostnova will soon start developing with Unity Pro. But Mikk says that developing their first projects with Unity’s free tools has only been a benefit.

就像CarX Technologies一样,Frostnova即将开始使用Unity Pro开发。 但是Mikk说,使用Unity的免费工具开发他们的第一个项目只是一个好处。

“We met Oleg (Unity evangelist Oleg Pridiuk) just a few months after we started working on our MMO, and he gave us some really useful advice. He told us to make our game first, get something good up and running and then go with Unity Pro after we’d had some success. And that’s what we’ve done, and now we’re ready to make a larger investment.”

“在我们开始从事MMO计划的几个月后,我们遇到了Oleg( Unity布道者Oleg Pridiuk ),他给了我们一些非常有用的建议。 他告诉我们首先制作我们的游戏,使它正常运行,然后在我们取得一些成功之后再使用Unity Pro。 这就是我们所做的,现在我们准备进行更大的投资。”

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/05/28/commercial-success-with-unitys-free-technology-and-tools/






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