unity 生成游戏_语义游戏生成器界面将集成到Unity中

unity 生成游戏

Unity Technologies today announced a new feature under development aimed at aiding game developers bring their visions into reality.

Unity Technologies今天宣布了一项正在开发的新功能,旨在帮助游戏开发人员将他们的愿景变为现实。

The new feature is dubbed “The Semantic Game Builder Interface” and it will let developers create a natural language based description of the desired game outcome which the tool will interpret and convert into a working implementation of the game using a combination of natural language processing and a ontology of knowledge of existing game genres and games. The development is lead by Professor in Computational Linguistics Mark Höffenberg, one of the lesser known architects behind the Semantic Web.

该新功能被称为“语义游戏生成器界面”,它将使开发人员可以根据自然语言对所需游戏的结果进行描述,该工具将结合自然语言处理和翻译功能,将其解释并转换为游戏的有效实现。现有游戏类型和游戏的知识本体。 该开发由计算语言学教授MarkHöffenberg领导,他是语义网背后鲜为人知的建筑师之一。

“In my prior work [on the Semantic Web] the progress was going very slow and the Semantic Web still hasn’t reached any widespread use due to the almost limitless scope of it which makes it very hard to reach a critical knowledge mass.” said Mark Höffenberg. “When Unity Technologies approached me six months ago and offered me a position to make a semantic interface to building games I immediately recognized it as a very exciting opportunity because games is a much more limited domain with more or less well defined boundaries, which make it actually within reach to create a working ontology of it.”

“在我之前(在语义网上)的工作进展非常缓慢,并且由于语义网的范围几乎是无限的,因此语义网仍然没有得到广泛使用,这使得很难达到关键的知识量。” 马克·霍芬伯格说。 “当Unity Technologies在六个月前与我联系并为我提供了一个构建游戏的语义接口的职位时,我立即意识到这是一个非常令人兴奋的机会,因为游戏是一个受限制的领域,边界或多或少都有明确定义,这使其成为实际上可以触及到它的工作本体。”

Behind the scenes the Semantic Game Building Interface will perform a lexical analysis on the description of the game to build a semantic model of the description. Markov Chains and Semi-Structured Relational Queries are then used to link the description up against a database of known information about game genres, game conventions, and popular released games, which also include data on construction and asset dependencies.

幕后,语义游戏构建界面将对游戏的描述进行词法分析,以建立描述的语义模型。 然后,使用马尔可夫链和半结构化关系查询将描述链接到有关游戏类型,游戏惯例和流行发行的游戏的已知信息的数据库中,该数据库还包括有关构造和资产依存性的数据。

“We’re building this huge database of game construction knowledge that has never been done before.” said CTO Joachim Ante. Unity Technologies’ experience with automated testing has come in handy here, as the process is mostly automated, mining game reviews and descriptions off the Internet, although outsourcing is used for some of the manual data can can’t be constructed automatically.

“我们正在建立一个从未有过的庞大的游戏构造知识数据库。” 首席技术官Joachim Ante说。 Unity Technologies在自动化测试方面的经验在这里派上了用场,因为该过程主要是自动化的,尽管一些人工数据使用外包,但是无法自动构建,因此可以在Internet上挖掘游戏评论和描述。

According to Unity CEO David Helgason the feature is the newest among the efforts from Unity Technologies to democratize the games industry. “First we made the tools to let people focus on making fun games rather than solving technical problems. Then with the Asset Store we let people buy assets and extensions they couldn’t create themselves to let anyone be able to focus on and mine their own strengths while buying things from each other to compensate for individual shortcomings. But one barrier has continued to prevent many people from making games, and that is the lack of talent. With the Semantic Game Builder Interface, that is something we’re going to solve as well. We’re very excited about it!” said Helgason.

根据Unity首席执行官David Helgason的说法,该功能是Unity Technologies致力于使游戏行业民主化的最新举措。 “首先,我们制作了工具,使人们专注于制作有趣的游戏,而不是解决技术问题。 然后,通过Asset Store,我们可以让人们购买他们无法创建的资产和扩展,以使任何人都可以专注于并挖掘自己的优势,同时互相购买东西以弥补各自的不足。 但是,阻碍许多人制作游戏的障碍仍在继续,那就是缺乏人才。 借助语义游戏生成器界面,这也是我们要解决的问题。 我们为此感到非常兴奋!” 赫尔加森说。

The feature is going to be very easy to use, the interface consisting largely of an input field where the semantic game description is typed in. “The technology is still in an early stage, but we’re seeing promising progress. Just the other day I tried to use [the Semantic Game Builder] to make a turn-based strategy game with it, and it was quite fun to play, actually.” said Höffenberg, while also admitting that there may be “some manual tweaking involved” after the game has been built.

该功能将非常易于使用,该界面主要由在其中输入语义游戏描述的输入字段组成。 “该技术仍处于早期阶段,但我们看到了可喜的进展。 就在前几天,我尝试使用[语义游戏生成器]来制作基于回合的策略游戏,实际上玩起来很有趣。” 霍芬伯格说,他同时也承认游戏制作完成后可能会涉及“一些手动调整”

When asked about if not the new feature will result in tons of games being made that are almost identical, Helgason replied, “Sure, this kind of democratization means that there will be some, or maybe quite a lot of games made that are very similar, without a lot of originality or vision – but then again that’s already the current state of the industry anyway.”

当被问及新功能是否会导致制作出几乎相同的大量游戏时,Helgason回答说: “当然,这种民主化意味着将会有很多甚至是非常相似的游戏制作出来。没有很多创意或远见-但话又说回来,这已经是行业的当前状态。”

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/04/01/semantic-game-builder-interface-to-be-integrated-into-unity/

unity 生成游戏

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