Unity在Singular 2019 ROI指数中排名第一

The Singular 2019 ROI Index is in, and Unity ranks as a top-performing ad network for mobile marketers on iOS and Android globally. Let’s take a look at the report highlights and dive into our approach to user acquisition (UA) and how we enable marketers to grow their game business.

Singular 2019 ROI指数已经入围 ,Unity在全球iOS和Android上的移动营销者中均是表现最佳的广告网络。 让我们看一下报告的要点,并深入探讨我们的用户获取(UA)方法以及我们如何使营销人员发展他们的游戏业务。

那个报告 (The report)

The Singular ROI Index ranks the top-performing mobile media sources on iOS and Android by 30-day return on investment (ROI), and leverages the largest set of cost, revenue, and fraud data in the industry. It has become one of the go-to sources for industry-wide data to arm mobile marketers with the insights they need to drive the most revenue at the lowest cost for their app.

奇异的ROI指数按30天的投资回报率(ROI)对iOS和Android上表现最佳的移动媒体资源进行排名,并利用业内最大的成本,收入和欺诈数据集。 它已成为行业数据的首选来源之一,可为移动营销人员提供他们所需的见解,以最低的成本为他们的应用带来最多的收入。

User acquisition is essential for growing apps and games, but finding quality users at scale while getting the most out of marketing spend can be a challenge. Often marketers will look to multiple partners to achieve their goals and ensure return on ad spend (ROAS). Knowing this, the Singular ROI index tells us one primary thing: Where do advertisers generate the best returns on their marketing investment?

用户获取对于不断增长的应用程序和游戏至关重要,但是要在大量利用营销支出的同时大规模找到优质用户可能是一个挑战。 营销人员通常会寻求多个合作伙伴来实现其目标,并确保广告支出回报率(ROAS)。 知道这一点,奇异的ROI指数告诉我们一件主要的事情:广告客户在哪里可以从其营销投资中获得最佳回报?

我们如何排名? (How did we rank?)

Globally, Unity ranks right next to Google, Facebook, and Apple Search ads.

在全球范围内,Unity紧随Google,Facebook和Apple Search广告排名。

Global ROI Rankings


#3 Android

#3 Android

#4 iOS

#4 iOS

Gaming ROI Rankings


#3 Android

#3 Android

#3 iOS

#3 iOS

Other Highlights


#3 EMEA Android Regional Ranking

EMEA Android区域排名第三

#3 APAC Android Regional Ranking


我们为之兴奋 (What we are excited about)

In its report, Singular noted, “Apparently it’s a very good thing to be the core technology behind half of the world’s games. Unity’s advertising engine continues to be a strong one for gaming publishers.”

Singular在其报告中指出:“显然,成为全球一半游戏背后的核心技术是一件非常好的事情。 对于游戏发行商而言,Unity的广告引擎仍然是强大的引擎。”

“Forged in gaming,” Unity has always strived to understand game developers and put in place the features and services for them to succeed. Our UA solutions enable advertisers to find the highest quality players, which ensures that their marketing dollars work for them in smart and strategic ways.

“在游戏中伪造”,Unity一直努力了解游戏开发人员,并为他们提供成功所需的功能和服务。 我们的UA解决方案使广告客户能够找到最优质的参与者,从而确保他们的营销收入以明智和战略性的方式为他们服务。

Over the past few years, we have focused on four major components to set our advertisers up for success: tools and dashboard functionality, machine learning algorithms, advanced buying methods, and ad unit innovation.


使营销人员获胜 (Enabling marketers to win)

While industry trends come and go, we believe these four components are the foundation for successful UA campaigns. We want to ensure our advertisers have the services, features, and insights they need for their daily operations while being supported by Unity’s ongoing commitment to innovation and customer success.

随着行业趋势的发展,我们相信这四个要素是成功进行UA活动的基础。 我们希望确保广告客户拥有日常运营所需的服务,功能和见解,同时得到Unity对创新和客户成功的持续承诺的支持。

Advanced buying methods like Audience Pinpointer, our machine learning-powered solution, help advertisers find the players most likely to have value beyond the app install based on either D7 Retention or D7 ROAS, and dynamically pay the right price to acquire those users. Dynamic bidding that is automatically adjusted at the individual user level (based on advertisers’ campaign goals) means smarter UA spending.

先进的购买方法(例如我们的机器学习支持的解决方案Audience Pinpointer)可帮助广告商根据D7 Retention或D7 ROAS找到最有价值的应用安装以外的播放器,并动态地支付适当的价格来获取这些用户。 在单个用户级别(根据广告客户的广告系列目标)自动调整的动态出价意味着更明智的UA支出。

Determining the right creative content to effectively reach the right audience takes some trial and error. Our approach to ad unit innovation is experimentation and continually improving and testing our ad units to find the sweet spot for optimal results. This might include new end-card layouts, experimenting with video lengths or new ad units.

确定合适的创意内容以有效地吸引合适的受众需要花费一些尝试和错误。 我们进行广告单元创新的方法是进行实验,并不断改进和测试广告单元,以找到最佳结果的最佳位置。 这可能包括新的结束卡布局,尝试视频长度或新的广告单元。

下一步是什么 (What’s next)

2019 will be an exciting year for Unity as we evolve our User Acquisition suite to the next level. We’ll continue investing heavily in the four major components mentioned above, but we’ll also build technology that allows advertisers to reach significantly more scale. This, in combination with our advanced buying methods, will allow advertisers to ramp up their UA campaigns while continuing to meet their ROAS targets.

随着我们将用户获取套件发展到更高水平,2019年对于Unity来说将是令人振奋的一年。 我们将继续在上述四个主要方面进行大量投资,但是我们还将构建可让广告商大幅扩大规模的技术。 结合我们先进的购买方法,广告客户可以在继续实现广告支出回报率目标的同时,扩大其广告客户推广活动。

We’ll also be investing more heavily in creative, bringing more automation and tools to generate creative, and more advanced ways of determining which creative works best for each user.


Ready to kick-off a campaign and take your app to the next level? Head to our Getting Started guide.

准备启动广告系列并将您的应用提升到一个新的水平? 前往我们的入门指南。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/27/unity-ranks-top-of-the-charts-in-the-singular-2019-roi-index/





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