

As businesses try to adjust to the new normal, many will be looking to technology to help them move forward. Digital transformation can give enterprises a competitive advantage but investing wisely means keeping abreast of innovations and up-to-date with trends and developments. To help, here are some of the main digital transformation trends keeping boardrooms excited.

随着企业尝试适应新常态,许多企业将寻求技术来帮助他们前进。 数字化转型可以给企业带来竞争优势,但明智的投资意味着紧跟创新并紧贴趋势和发展。 为了提供帮助,以下是使董事会兴奋不已的一些主要数字化转型趋势。

分析工具 (Analytics)

Analytics has transformed the decision-making process, providing data and insights that help businesses identify problems, opportunities and solutions. The vast quantities of data available for analysis, including real-time data, means companies which don’t make use of it are at a serious disadvantage. It has applications in all areas of business: procurement, operations, logistics, marketing, communications, security, finance and HR; and with sophisticated analytics tools easily deployable in the cloud, it’s becoming much more widely used.

分析改变了决策过程,提供了数据和见解,可帮助企业确定问题,机会和解决方案。 可用于分析的大量数据(包括实时数据)意味着不使用它的公司处于严重的劣势。 它在所有业务领域都有应用:采购,运营,物流,市场营销,通信,安全,财务和人力资源; 借助易于在云中部署的复杂分析工具,它变得越来越广泛。

人工智能和机器学习 (AI and machine Learning)

AI and machine learning are the ideal partners for data analytics and enable businesses to do much more with their data. They speed up analysis, automate large scale processing in the scalable cloud and remove the bottleneck caused by human analysts. They also learn and adapt from previous analyses while providing results in user-friendly, easily digested, graphical interfaces that non-IT staff can make sense of.

人工智能和机器学习是数据分析的理想合作伙伴,使企业能够利用其数据做更多的事情。 他们加快了分析速度,在可伸缩的云中实现了大规模处理的自动化,并消除了人工分析人员造成的瓶颈。 他们还可以从以前的分析中学习和改编,同时以非IT人员可以理解的用户友好,易于消化的图形界面提供结果。

5G (5G)

While the consumer generally sees 5G as a way to improve smartphone connections and speed up downloads, the deployment of 5G infrastructure will have a much wider impact that many businesses can benefit from. It will, for example, hasten the development of IoT infrastructures, such as smart cities, intelligent transport networks, smart vehicles and smart industry. At the same time, we’ll see a wider range of connected devices, making it easier for businesses to take advantage of the IoT and the valuable data it generates.

消费者通常将5G视为改善智能手机连接并加快下载速度的一种方式,但5G基础架构的部署将产生更广泛的影响,许多企业可以从中受益。 例如,它将加快物联网基础设施的发展,例如智慧城市,智慧交通网络,智慧车辆和智慧产业。 同时,我们将看到范围更广的连接设备,使企业更容易利用物联网及其生成的有价值的数据。

Wi-Fi 6 (Wi-Fi 6)

The next generation of wi-fi, known as both Wi-Fi 6 and AX Wi-Fi, provides up to three times faster processing and wireless connection speeds. Even better, it enables networks to handle far more connected devices, which is helpful considering the proliferation in wi-fi enabled gadgets being used in the workplace and the increasing amounts of data they send and receive.

下一代Wi-Fi(称为Wi-Fi 6和AX Wi-Fi)可提供高达三倍的处理速度和无线连接速度。 更好的是,它使网络能够处理更多连接的设备,考虑到工作场所使用的支持wi-fi的小工具的激增以及它们发送和接收的数据量不断增加,这很有帮助。

区块链 (Blockchain)

Although it’s often associated with cryptocurrencies, blockchain has many valuable uses in businesses, such as tracking the origin and movement of goods in the supply chain and providing financial audit trails. It has applications in healthcare, real-estate, media, energy and local government and can be used for a wide range of purposes.

尽管它通常与加密货币相关联,但区块链在企业中具有许多有价值的用途,例如跟踪供应链中商品的来源和移动以及提供财务审计线索。 它在医疗保健,房地产,媒体,能源和地方政府中都有应用,可用于多种用途。

The reason for its increased use lies in the number of service providers, including Amazon, Microsoft and IBM, who are developing subscription-based ‘blockchain-as-a-service’ platforms and thus making it easier for businesses to put it to good use.

其使用量增加的原因在于服务提供商的数量,包括亚马逊,微软和IBM,它们正在开发基于订阅的“区块链即服务”平台,从而使企业更易于更好地利用它。 。

机器人与自动化 (Robotics and automation)

There is a historical pattern of businesses shifting towards automation in response to a recession. Following the 2008 crash, for example, 25% of supermarket checkout assistants in the UK were replaced by automated self-service checkouts. The crisis following the 2020 pandemic is likely to see the pattern repeated, however, with more advanced robotic processes and AI interfaces available, more skilled workers could see the brunt of redundancies. Where roles aren’t completely replaced, workloads may be reduced, enabling existing staff to be upskilled.

为了应对经济衰退,企业有向自动化转移的历史模式。 例如,在2008年崩溃之后,英国25%的超市结账助理被自动自助结账所取代。 2020年大流行之后的危机很可能会再次发生这种情况,但是,随着更先进的机器人流程和AI接口的推出,更多熟练的工人可能会首当其冲。 如果没有完全替换角色,则可以减少工作量,从而提高现有员工的技能。

互联运输 (Connected transport)

Although this is only happening on a small scale at the moment, automated and remote-controlled transport is already taking place. Drones are being used to ship medicines to remote Scottish islands, restaurants and supermarkets have been using automated robots, developed by a Cambridge company, to make local deliveries during the lockdown and the UK coastguard has just announced plans to use drones to assist with coastal searches.

尽管目前这只是小规模的事情,但是自动化和远程控制的运输已经在进行。 无人机被用于将药品运送到苏格兰偏远的岛屿,饭店和超市已经使用由剑桥公司开发的自动机器人在锁定期间进行本地交付,英国海岸警卫队刚刚宣布计划使用无人机来协助沿海搜索。

Expect to see these technologies becoming more widely available and, thanks to 5G, being put to uses in more places. Many businesses can take advantage of these technologies, helping them deliver products and services quicker and without the need for a third-party delivery company.

期望看到这些技术变得更广泛可用,并且由于5G,在更多地方可以使用这些技术。 许多企业可以利用这些技术,从而帮助他们更快地交付产品和服务,而无需第三方交付公司。

客户体验 (Customer experience)

According to a survey by Adobe, senior executives see customer experience as a bigger priority than investment in new products and services as it offers significantly more opportunities for growth. The key areas where development will take place are in omnichannel shopping, personalisation and frictionless payment, with technologies like data analytics and AI providing the insights needed to deploy these in the way that customers will appreciate.

根据Adobe的一项调查,高级管理人员将客户体验比投资于新产品和服务作为重中之重,因为它提供了更多的增长机会。 发展的关键领域是全渠道购物,个性化和无摩擦支付,数据分析和AI等技术提供了以客户欣赏方式部署这些技术所需的见解。

By enhancing the customer experience, brands can develop both loyalty and trust. As a result, customers will engage more, share their needs and give feedback, enabling companies to develop their products and services in response.

通过增强客户体验,品牌可以建立忠诚度和信任度。 结果,客户将更多地参与进来,分享他们的需求并提供反馈,从而使公司能够相应地开发其产品和服务。

结论 (Conclusion)

Digital transformation not only affects all sectors; it also has an impact on all aspects of a company’s operations. Those that adopt and utilise the technologies mentioned here can reap the enormous benefits they offer. Being able to make use of these technologies, however, requires companies to make use of the cloud, as it is here where they are most easily and affordably accessible.

数字化转型不仅影响到所有领域。 它还对公司运营的各个方面都有影响。 那些采用和利用这里提到的技术的人可以获得他们提供的巨大利益。 但是,要想利用这些技术,就需要公司利用云,因为在这里,云是最容易且最经济实惠的方式。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/8-key-trends-in-digital-transformation/


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