



There is no doubt that today’s web pages are full of rich content and use more bandwidth to fully load up, but would using a text-based browser instead of a GUI-based one make a significant difference in reducing network traffic? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answers to a curious reader’s question.

毫无疑问,当今的网页充满了丰富的内容,并使用更多的带宽来完全加载,但是使用基于文本的浏览器而不是基于GUI的浏览器在减少网络流量方面会产生重大变化吗? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Lynx Browser screenshot courtesy of Wikipedia.

Lynx Browser屏幕截图由Wikipedia提供

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Paulb wants to know if text-based browsers can actually reduce network traffic:


Do text-based browsers such as Lynx, Links, and ELinks consume less bandwidth than GUI-based browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer?

LynxLinksELinks这样的基于文本的浏览器消耗的带宽是否比Firefox,Chrome和Internet Explorer等基于GUI的浏览器消耗的带宽少?

I am guessing that there is no reduction in traffic. My rationale for this is that I think a text-based browser downloads the entire page as it is offered by the server. Any streamlining or reduction of page widgetry is done locally.

我想流量不会减少。 我这样做的理由是,我认为基于文本的浏览器会下载服务器提供的整个页面。 任何页面精简或精简都在本地完成。

Maybe there is some reduction in traffic as most text-based browsers will not execute page scripts or flash files, which might cause more traffic.


Can text-based browsers make a noticeable difference in reducing network traffic?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor gronostaj has the answer for us:


The web server does not send the entire website, but documents that browsers request. For example, when you access google.com, the browser queries the web server for the document google.com. The web server processes the request and sends back some HTML code.

Web服务器不会发送整个网站,而是发送浏览器请求的文档。 例如,当您访问google.com时,浏览器会在网络服务器上查询文档google.com。 Web服务器处理该请求并发送回一些HTML代码。

Then the browser checks what the web server has sent. In this case, it is an HTML webpage, so it parses the document and looks for referenced scripts, style sheets, images, fonts, etc.

然后浏览器检查Web服务器已发送的内容。 在这种情况下,它是一个HTML网页,因此它将分析文档并查找引用的脚本,样式表,图像,字体等。

At this stage, the browser has finished downloading the original document, but has still not downloaded the referenced documents. It can choose to do so or skip downloading them. Regular browsers will try to download all referenced documents for the best viewing experience. If you have an ad blocker (like Adblock Plus) or a privacy plugin (like Ghostery or NoScript), then it may block some resources too.

在此阶段,浏览器已完成原始文档的下载,但仍未下载引用的文档。 它可以选择这样做或跳过下载它们。 常规浏览器将尝试下载所有参考文档以获得最佳观看体验。 如果您有广告拦截器( 例如Adblock Plus )或隐私插件( 例如Ghostery或NoScript ),那么它也可能会阻塞一些资源。

Then the browser downloads the referenced documents one by one, each time asking the web server explicitly for a single resource. In our Google example, the browser will find the following references (just to name a few of them):

然后浏览器每次都明确地向Web服务器请求单个资源,一次又一次地下载参考文档。 在我们的Google示例中,浏览器将找到以下引用( 仅举几个例子 ):

The actual files may be different for different users since browsers and sessions may change over time. Text-based browsers do not download images, Flash files, HTML5 video, etc., so they download less data.

对于不同的用户,实际的文件可能会有所不同,因为浏览器和会话可能会随时间变化。 基于文本的浏览器不下载图像,Flash文件,HTML5视频等,因此下载的数据更少。

@NathanOsman makes a good point in the comments. Sometimes small images are embedded directly in HTML documents and in those cases, downloading them cannot be avoided. This is another trick used to reduce the number of requests. They are very small though, otherwise the overhead of encoding a binary file in base64 is too big. There are few such images on google.com (base64 encoded size/decoded size):

@NathanOsman 在评论中指出了一个重点 。 有时,小图像直接嵌入HTML文档中,在这种情况下,无法避免下载它们。 这是减少请求数量的另一个技巧。 但是它们非常小,否则在base64中编码二进制文件的开销太大。 google.com上此类图片很少( base64编码大小/解码大小 ):

  • 19×11 pixel Keyboard Icon (106 Bytes/76 Bytes)

    19×11像素键盘图标(106字节/ 76字节)
  • 28×38 pixel Microphone Icon (334 Bytes/248 Bytes)

    28×38像素的麦克风图标(334字节/ 248字节)
  • 1×1 pixel Transparent GIF (62 Bytes/43 Bytes) It shows up in Google Chrome’s Dev Tools Resources tab, but I could not find it in the source code (probably added later with JavaScript).

    1×1像素的透明GIF(62字节/ 43字节)它显示在Google Chrome的“开发工具资源”标签中,但我在源代码中找不到它(以后可能会在JavaScript中添加)。
  • 1×1 pixel Corrupted GIF file that appears twice. (34 Bytes/23 Bytes) Its purpose is a mystery to me.

    1×1像素两次损坏的GIF文件。 (34字节/ 23字节)它的目的对我来说是个谜。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/197055/do-text-based-browsers-reduce-network-traffic/


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