大范围延时摄影 稳定_摄影中的动态范围是什么?

大范围延时摄影 稳定

大范围延时摄影 稳定

In photography, the “dynamic range” is the difference between the darkest and lightest tones in an image, generally pure black and pure white. It’s more often used to talk about the maximum dynamic range a camera is capable of.

在摄影中,“动态范围”是图像中最暗和最亮色调之间的差异,通常是纯黑色和纯白色。 它通常用于谈论相机能够提供的最大动态范围。

Dynamic range is measured in “stops”. An increase of one stop equals a doubling of the brightness level. The human eye can perceive about 20 stops of dynamic range in ideal circumstances. This means that the darkest tones we can perceive at anyone time are about 1,000,000 times darker than the brightest ones in the same scene. This is how you can still see details in dark shadows on a bright, sunny day.

动态范围以“停止”为单位 。 一档的增加等于亮度水平的两倍。 在理想情况下,人眼可以感知约20个动态范围的光圈。 这意味着我们在任何时候都能感知到的最暗色调比同一场景中最亮色调暗大约1,000,000倍。 这样,您仍然可以在阳光明媚的晴天看到Undertow中的细节。

Cameras have a narrower dynamic range than the human eye, although the gap is closing. The best modern cameras like the Nikon D810 can achieve just under 15 stops of dynamic range in any one photo. Most digital cameras get somewhere between 12 and 14 while film negatives can get up to about 13. This is why when you take photos on a sunny day you often have to choose whether you “blow out your highlights”, making them pure white, or “crush your shadows”, making them pure black in the final image.

尽管差距正在缩小,但相机的动态范围比人眼要窄。 像尼康D810这样的最佳现代相机,在任何一张照片中都可以达到近15级的动态范围。 大多数数码相机的位置在12到14之间,而底片胶卷最多可以达到13。这就是为什么在阳光明媚的日子拍摄照片时,您通常不得不选择是否“吹光高光”,使它们成为纯白色,还是“粉碎您的阴影”,使它们在最终图像中成为纯黑色。

In this photo I’ve chosen to expose correctly for the highlights. All the shadow detail in the bushes is basically black but the sky is blue.

在这张照片中,我选择正确显示高光。 灌木丛中的所有阴影细节基本上都是黑色的,但是天空是蓝色的。

In this photo I’ve exposed correctly for the shadows. Now you can see the shadow details, but the sky is white.

在这张照片中,我正确地遮盖了阴影。 现在您可以看到阴影细节,但是天空是白色的。

One problem with talking about dynamic range is that while cameras can capture 14 stops, the best screens can only display about 10 stops. Professionally printed photos get about the same. This means that even though your camera has captured a load of information, there’s no way for you to see it all at once. Instead, you have to make tradeoffs.

关于动态范围的一个问题是,虽然摄像机可以捕获14个光阑,但最佳的屏幕只能显示10个光阑。 专业打印的照片大致相同。 这意味着,即使您的相机已捕获了大量信息,也无法一次看到所有信息。 相反,您必须进行权衡。

Here’s that photo again, except that this time, I’ve edited it so that the dynamic range better matches that of a screen. To do this, I brightened the shadow detail and darkened the highlight detail.

这是这张照片,除了这次,我已经对其进行了编辑,以使动态范围更好地匹配屏幕。 为此,我加深了阴影细节,使高光细节变暗了。

This is pretty close to the limit of what my camera can do. The shadows look pretty good and the sky is definitely blue, but there’s some weird artifacting going on around the clouds. They’re pure white and no amount of work in Photoshop can change that. The transition between them and the sky looks funky because of it.

这非常接近相机可以做的事情。 阴影看起来非常好,天空肯定是蓝色的,但是在云层周围却出现了一些奇怪的伪影。 它们是纯白色的,在Photoshop中没有任何工作可以改变它。 因此,它们与天空之间的过渡看起来很时髦。

One method photographers use to overcome dynamic range problems is High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography. In HDR photography, you combine multiple exposures to create a single final image. Below, I’ve combined the two exposures in this article with some HDR software.

摄影师用来克服动态范围问题的一种方法是高动态范围(HDR)摄影。 在HDR摄影中,您可以组合多次曝光以创建单个最终图像。 在下面,我将本文中的两次介绍与某些HDR软件结合在一起。

As you can see, the sky and bushes are both pretty well exposed, although there is some weird coloring going on, which is one of the chalenges with HDR photography. To read more about how HDR photography works, check our full guide.

如您所见,天空和灌木丛都暴露得很好,尽管正在进行一些奇怪的着色,这是HDR摄影的一大挑战。 要了解有关HDR摄影工作原理的更多信息, 请查看我们的完整指南

Dynamic range is something you’ll run into again and again, whether you’re just comparing cameras, trying to edit a photo so it looks good on screen, or desperately trying to work out how you can capture a scene without losing either shadow or highlight detail.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/321311/what-is-dynamic-range-in-photography/

大范围延时摄影 稳定





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