

by Elie Steinbock

埃莉·斯坦博克(Elie Steinbock)

启动倦怠 (Start-up Burnout)

Shabbat is the seventh day of the week. It starts on Friday night and ends on the following evening, Saturday. (A day starts in the evening for the Jews.) It’s also the Jewish day of rest — the Sabbath.

安息日是一周的第七天。 它从星期五晚上开始,到第二天晚上星期六结束。 (犹太人从晚上开始一天的生活。)这也是犹太人休息的日子-安息日。

Many Jews observe Shabbat because it is a commandment from the word of God. I practice it out of habit, and also because my friends and the Jewish community observe it. As well, I enjoy it.

许多犹太人遵守安息日,因为这是上帝圣言的诫命。 我出于习惯而不是习惯练习它,也是因为我的朋友和犹太社区都遵守它。 同样,我喜欢它。

Shabbat is a day where Jews do not work. For the Orthodox Jews, they also do not use electricity or drive on Shabbat. The day consists of prayer services, sit-down meals with family and friends, and for many, a good sleep.

安息日是犹太人不工作的日子。 对于东正教犹太人,他们也不使用电力或在安息日上开车。 这一天包括祈祷服务,与家人和朋友的坐下用餐,以及许多人的良好睡眠。

For me it’s a day I appreciate because I am not allowed to check my emails or to scroll endlessly through my Twitter, Facebook, or Medium account. Also, I get zero notifications from my phone. It’s a time to shut all that off. It’s a day where I play games, read books, go to the beach, see family, and talk to friends.

对我来说,这是我感激的一天,因为不允许我查看电子邮件或无休止地滚动浏览我的Twitter,Facebook或Medium帐户。 另外,我的手机收到零通知。 是时候关闭所有这些了。 在这一天,我会玩游戏,看书,去海边,看家人并和朋友聊天。

I run an early stage start-up with some seed (and pre-seed) funding. My job can be quite stressful. A big part of me wants to code on Saturdays, but I’ve decided I won’t. I’ve never written a line of code on Shabbat, and don’t intend to in the foreseeable future.

我以一些种子(和种子前)资金经营一家早期阶段的初创公司。 我的工作压力很大。 我很大一部分时间想在星期六编码,但我决定不这样做。 我从未在Shabbat上编写过任何代码,也不打算在可预见的将来。

I’m writing this post because of the Twitter discussion that took place.


Blake Robbins started the discussion with these tweets:

布雷克·罗宾斯(Blake Robbins)通过以下推文开始了讨论:

These tweets received some strong reactions.


These messages received many likes and retweets, but many people argued against it as well. I put myself in the “against camp.” I agree, burning out isn’t cool. You have to look after yourself. But having said that, I do believe that if you work harder than your competitors, you’re more likely to succeed than your competitors. However, hard work doesn’t guarantee success. But lack of hard work also doesn’t guarantee failure. Nothing is guaranteed. Hard work just increases your odds of succeeding.

这些消息收到了很多喜欢和转发,但许多人也反对。 我把自己置于“反对阵营”。 我同意,倦怠并不酷。 你得好好照顾自己 话虽如此,但我确实相信,如果您比竞争对手更努力,那么您比竞争对手更可能取得成功。 但是,努力工作并不能保证成功。 但是缺乏努力也不能保证失败。 没有任何保证。 努力工作只会增加您成功的机会。

I believe that if you want to achieve greatness, hard work is the only way to achieve it.


There were two notable figures involved in this discussion, DHH and Keith Rabois.

讨论中有两个著名人物, DHHKeith Rabois

DHH is the creator of Ruby on Rails, founder of Basecamp, a Le Mans racer, and the commissioner of the one-of-a-kind Pagani Zonda HH.

DHH是Ruby on Rails的创建者,Basecamp的创始人,勒芒赛车手以及独一无二的Pagani Zonda HH的专员。

Keith Rabois is part of the PayPal Mafia and is an “entrepreneur, investor, contrarian,” according to his Twitter profile. And according to Wikipedia, he’s known for Paypal, LinkedIn, Square, Yelp, Xoom, YouTube, Yammer, Palantir, Lyft, Airbnb, Eventbrite, and Quora.

根据Keith Rabois的 Twitter个人资料是PayPal黑手党的一部分,是“企业家,投资者,逆势投资者”。 根据Wikipedia的介绍 ,他以PaypalLinkedInSquareYelpXoomYouTubeYammerPalantirLyftAirbnbEventbriteQuora闻名

Two incredible and successful people.


These two have very different views on work and rest. They had a heated argument on Twitter over this topic. Not sure who’s right or wrong.

这两个人对工作和休息的看法截然不同。 他们在Twitter上对这个话题有激烈的争论。 不确定谁是对是错。

Rabois made a strong argument for hard work:


As mentioned earlier, Rabois is part of the PayPal Mafia, which includes Elon Musk and Peter Theil, among others.

如前所述,Rabois是PayPal Mafia的一部分,其中包括Elon MuskPeter Theil等。

Musk seems to share a similar view on work ethic:


Work one hundred-hour workweeks, and you’ll achieve in four months what it takes others a year to achieve.


Here are some tweets that supported Rabois:


If you read through the feed, you’ll probably find 100 more arguments that support working hard, from accomplished people.


On the other side of the debate is DHH and his camp. And DHH worked hard to achieve what he has too.

辩论的另一面是DHH及其阵营。 DHH努力实现自己的目标。

Burning out is bad. You’ll achieve a lot more if you work 40 hours a week for 5 years than work 100 hours a week for only one year. You’ll probably burn out and never enjoy or have the desire to work again if you do the latter. Okay, that was a bit exaggerated. But I hope that my point is clear: you need to look after yourself. That much is obvious. You don’t sprint a marathon.

筋疲力尽是不好的。 如果您连续5年每周工作40个小时,则比仅一年工作一周100个小时所取得的成就要大得多。 如果您做后者,您可能会筋疲力尽,从不享受或渴望再次工作。 好吧,那有点夸张。 但我希望我的观点很明确:您需要照顾好自己。 那是显而易见的。 您不会冲刺马拉松。

There are other things that are important in life. For example, family, friends, community service, relaxation, and whatever else it is that gives you purpose. I don’t know what Rabois or DHH’s personal lives are like, but you can still have those things while you work hard. For example, Musk is married with kids. He found time to be away from work, which included Tesla and SpaceX, to have a family.

生活中还有其他重要的事情。 例如,家人,朋友,社区服务,休闲以及赋予您目标的其他条件。 我不知道Rabois或DHH的个人生活如何,但是在努力工作的同时,您仍然可以拥有这些东西。 例如,麝香与孩子结婚。 他发现有时间可以离开工作,包括特斯拉和SpaceX,要有一个家庭。

It’s important to respect people’s decisions. If people want to work hard to achieve something truly great, then let them. But if their priority is to spend time with family or to build a home, then let them. And if they want to do both, then let them do that as well.

尊重人们的决定很重要。 如果人们想努力工作以实现真正的伟大成就,那就让他们。 但是,如果他们的首要任务是与家人共度时光或建房,那么就让他们吧。 如果他们想两者都做,那就让他们也这样做。

I started this post by talking about Shabbat. I’m going to end it with talking about exceptionally hardworking rabbis, whose work is to study Judaic law, the Talmud, and the Bible.

我从谈论Shabbat开始了这篇文章。 在结束时,我将谈论特别勤奋的拉比,拉比的工作是研究犹太法,塔木德和圣经。

These rabbis practically devote their every waking hour to their studies. I have seen eighty-year-old rabbis walking through the streets with a Talmud in their hands, studying. This is what they commonly do. They travel like this from place to place so that they don’t waste time.

这些拉比几乎把每个醒来的时间都花在学习上。 我见过一个八十岁的拉比,手里拿着一个塔木德,走在街上学习。 他们通常这样做。 他们像这样到处旅行,这样就不会浪费时间。

When I studied in a yeshiva (a Jewish institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts), I sat next to the man who is pictured above, Rav Nevbenzahl. He is a very happy man. He has a family and grandchildren. His studies give his life meaning. It doesn’t even occur to him to take a break.

当我在耶稣书院 (a 专注于研究传统宗教文献的犹太机构),我坐在上图所示的男人Rav Nevbenzahl旁边。 他是一个非常快乐的人。 他有一个家庭和孙子。 他的学习赋予了他生命的意义。 他甚至都没有休息一下。

What is incredible is that he’s been doing this for seventy years. He taught for many of those years and continues to teach. He prays three times a day, and used to sleep only two hours a night. (Although I’ve heard that he regrets it now, and you can catch him napping during the day now.)

令人难以置信的是,他已经这样做了七十年了。 他在那些年中任教多年,并继续任教。 他每天祈祷三次,过去每晚只睡两个小时。 (尽管我听说他现在很后悔,现在您可以在白天小睡他。)

He has completed the Talmud multiple times over. I don’t remember how many times, but I am certain that it’s well over a 100 times. Now that’s really impressive. Meanwhile, 99% of Orthodox Jews haven’t even finished it once, because it’s so long and challenging.

他已多次完成《塔木德》。 我不记得有多少次了,但是我确信它已经超过100次了。 现在,这确实令人印象深刻。 同时,有99%的东正教犹太人甚至一次都没有完成它,因为它太长且具有挑战性。

This is how someone who believes a man’s ultimate purpose is to study religious texts lives. He believes that by learning and teaching these texts, he’s helping to make the world a better place. And that each time he reads these texts, he too becomes a better person.

有人相信男人的最终目的就是研究宗教文本的生活。 他相信通过学习和教这些文字,他正在帮助使世界变得更美好。 而且,每当他阅读这些文本时,他也会变得更好。

So I want to make it clear that I do not agree with this lifestyle. I do not share his belief system. I think it’s based on false premises and is outdated.

因此,我想明确表示我不同意这种生活方式。 我不同意他的信仰体系。 我认为这是基于错误的前提,已经过时了。

But this man is extremely happy, and is a caring and humble individual with a good sense of humour. He lives an extraordinary life that is entirely devoted to studying ancient texts, and it gives his life meaning and brings him incredible joy.

但是这个人非常高兴,并且是一个有幽默感的关心和谦卑的人。 他过着非凡的生活,完全致力于研究古代文字,它赋予了他生活意义,并给他带来了难以置信的快乐。

That is this man’s work. He never takes a holiday. Or a break. And he doesn’t need it. Some people don’t want it or need it. Some people prefer to work than sit on the beach for a week. However, you shouldn’t tell people how to live their lives just because you don’t want to work 24/7.

那是这个人的工作。 他从不休假。 还是休息一下。 而且他不需要它。 有些人不想要或不需要它。 有些人比工作在海滩上一个星期更喜欢工作。 但是,您不应该仅仅因为您不想全天候工作而告诉别人如何过着自己的生活。

Myself, I love what I do and it never feels like work. I can code until midnight or 3 am, and sometimes even 8 am. And I love it. I also wake up at ridiculous hours, sleep 8 to 10 hours most nights, and show up at work between 11 am and 2 pm. And of course, I take Saturdays off. A good time to catch up on reading.

我自己,我爱我所做的事,从来没有感觉像工作。 我可以编码到午夜或凌晨3点,有时甚至是8点。 我喜欢它。 我还会在荒谬的时间醒来,大多数夜晚睡8至10个小时,并在上午11点至下午2点之间出现。 当然,我休星期六。 是赶上阅读的好时机。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/startup-shabbat-c0706dec6ace/


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