WPBeginner是3 –回顾过去,展望未来

Dear WPBeginner Users,


If you are in the USA, I want to wish you a Happy 4th of July. This date is special to me because we publicly launched WPBeginner on this very day in 2009. I can’t believe that the 3 years have gone by so fast. I want to say Thank You to each and every single one of you for making it possible. I truly appreciate your comments, suggestions, tweets, facebook likes, re-pins, google +1s, and everything that you guys have done to support us. I can proudly say that we have the best audience. I have had the pleasure to enjoy the company of a lot of our users at various WordCamps and conferences. I enjoyed writing back to hundreds of thousands of emails and helping folks by answering their WordPress questions.

如果您在美国,我希望您在7月4日快乐。 这个日期对我来说很特别,因为我们在2009年的这一天公开发布了WPBeginner。我不敢相信3年过去了这么快。 我要对你们每个人都说声谢谢 ,以实现这一目标。 非常感谢您的评论,建议,推文,喜欢的Facebook,重新固定,Google +1,以及你们为支持我们所做的一切。 我可以自豪地说我们拥有最好的听众。 我很高兴在各种WordCamp和会议上与许多用户一起开心。 我很喜欢写回成千上万的电子邮件,并通过回答他们的WordPress问题来帮助人们。

In this personal note, I wanted to look back at the past and share some of the most joyful moments of running WPBeginner. I also want to talk a little about the future of WPBeginner and what’s in the works.

在此个人笔记中,我想回顾一下过去,并分享一些运行WPBeginner的最快乐的时刻。 我还想谈一谈WPBeginner的未来以及正在进行的工作。

What started in 2009 as a small website mostly for our clients now serves millions of pageviews per month helping hundreds of thousands of users. In the past three years, we have received a lot of press and mentions. We were mentioned in WIRED, WebMonkey (another WIRED property), Mashable, LinkedIn Official blog, Smashing Magazine, SitePoint, and countless other major websites. We have been mentioned by top social media users like Robert Scoble, Calvin Lee, Michael Hyatt, and many more. Aside from the mentions, we have gotten to work with or consult with companies like Webs Inc, CrazyEgg, Milo (now part of eBay), Flowtown, Mercer (Marsh & McLennan Inc), ZoneAlarm (CheckPoint), and many more.

自2009年起,它主要是为我们的客户提供服务的小型网站,现在每月可提供数百万的浏览量,可帮助数十万用户。 在过去的三年中,我们收到了很多新闻和提及。 在WIRED,WebMonkey(另一个WIRED属性),Mashable,LinkedIn官方博客,Smashing Magazine,SitePoint和不计其数的其他主要网站中都提到了我们。 Robert Scoble,Calvin Lee,Michael Hyatt等顶级社交媒体用户都提到了我们。 除了提及之外,我们还与Webs Inc,CrazyEgg,Milo(现已成为eBay的一部分),Flowtown,Mercer(Marsh&McLennan Inc),ZoneAlarm(CheckPoint)等公司合作或咨询。

We have written some really cool articles in the past. Below are some of my personal favorites:

过去我们写过一些非常酷的文章。 以下是一些我个人的最爱:

Obviously those are just a few ones that I picked. You can see the full WPBeginner archives for more.

显然,这些只是我挑选的几个。 您可以查看完整的WPBeginner档案以获取更多信息。

We started two new sections: Gallery and Coupons, only to shutdown one of them and rebrand the other. We shutdown the gallery because it was extremely hard to moderate and keep up with. We rebranded the coupons into DEALS which is available for everyone to use. The whole purpose of this rebranding was to add coupons and other time sensitive deals at one place. The name “coupon” restricted the section to only coupons. So we had to crowd our news section with a post for limited time deals.

我们开始了两个新的部分:Gallery和Coupons,只是关闭了其中一个并重命名了另一个。 我们关闭了画廊,因为它很难审核和跟上。 我们将优惠券更名为DEALS ,每个人都可以使用。 重新命名的整个目的是在一处添加优惠券和其他对时间敏感的交易。 名称“优惠券”将本节限制为仅优惠券。 因此,我们只好在限时优惠的帖子中挤满新闻版块。

Earlier last month, we launched a Videos Section. It contains 17 free videos that will help new users get started with WordPress. There are plans to add more “advanced” videos there (maybe even a full series tutorial on How to Design a WordPress theme).

上个月初,我们启动了视频部分 。 它包含17个免费视频,这些视频将帮助新用户开始使用WordPress。 计划在那里添加更多“高级”视频(甚至可能是有关如何设计WordPress主题的完整系列教程)。

I have always wanted to create freebies, but our time didn’t permit us to do so. I have created a landing page for WordPress and Blogging Freebies. The goal is to launch this section soon (which really means by the end of this year).

我一直想创建免费赠品,但是我们的时间不允许我们这样做。 我已经为WordPress和Blogging Freebies创建了一个登陆页面。 我们的目标是尽快推出此部分(这实际上意味着到今年年底)。

With this new redesign, we also created a WordPress Web Hosting Guide. Basically we get a lot of users asking us which web host they should sign up with. The goal with this section is to allow our users to post reviews about the hosting company that they are using. This will help new users make the right decision.

通过这种新的重新设计,我们还创建了WordPress Web Hosting Guide 。 基本上,我们有很多用户问我们应该注册哪个虚拟主机。 本部分的目的是允许我们的用户发布有关他们正在使用的托管公司的评论。 这将帮助新用户做出正确的决定。

I’m working on a lot of comprehensive guides to add to our new Guides section. The idea behind this initiative is to have one place where users can get a step by step guide to working with WordPress. By the general nature of how blogs are organized, older content gets archived. However, some of our older articles are ever-green. This will allow us to keep those visible and make the user experience a lot better.

我正在研究许多综合指南,以添加到我们的新指南部分 。 该计划背后的想法是在一个地方让用户获得使用WordPress的逐步指南。 根据博客组织方式的一般性质,较早的内容将被存档。 但是,我们的一些较旧的文章是常绿的。 这将使我们保持可见状态并使用户体验更好。

Once again, I want to thank every single one of you for reading and supporting WPBeginner through out these years. If you have any suggestions or want us to cover a specific topic, then simply tweet at us @wpbeginner or send us an email using our contact form.

我要再次感谢你们中的每一个人,感谢他们多年来一直在阅读和支持WPBeginner。 如果您有任何建议或希望我们涵盖特定主题,则只需在我们@wpbeginner上鸣叫或使用我们的联系表向我们发送电子邮件。

Yours Truly,
Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-is-3-a-look-back-at-the-past-and-a-glance-at-the-future/

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