
Often new WPBeginner readers ask us how can they get maximum benefits from all the free resources available on our website.


WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners. We have been publishing free WordPress guides, how-to tutorials, and videos since 2009.

WPBeginner是面向初学者的最大的免费WordPress资源网站。 自2009年以来,我们一直在发布免费的WordPress指南,操作方法教程和视频。

In this article, we will show you how to make the most out of WPBeginner’s free resources.


Taking advantage of WPBeginner's free WordPress resources

If you haven’t started a website yet, then please take a look at following guides:


If you already have a website, then follow the resources below:


1.订阅WPBeginner通讯 (1. Subscribe to WPBeginner Newsletter)

Subscribe to WPBeginner newsletter

Signing up for the WPBeginner newsletter is the best way to stay updated with WPBeginner’s new posts and resources. When we write a new article, it will land directly in your email inbox (weekly).

订阅WPBeginner时事通讯是通过WPBeginner的新帖子和资源保持最新状态的最佳方法。 当我们撰写新文章时,它将直接进入您的电子邮件收件箱(每周一次)。

You’ll also get links to our other resources that you may have missed.


2.注册我们的免费视频教程 (2. Signup for Our FREE Video Tutorials)

WPBeginner video tutorials

If you are just starting out with WordPress, then our WordPress Beginners Videos should be your first destination.


We hate to see many big companies selling such basic education for hundreds of dollars. This is why we decided to make it available for Free.

我们讨厌看到许多大公司以数百美元的价格出售这种基础教育。 这就是为什么我们决定免费提供它的原因。

These HD quality videos are built for beginner level users. Our 23-step easy to follow video tutorials cover from the basics to advanced WordPress topics and will help you get started with WordPress in no time.

这些高清质量的视频是专为初学者级用户制作的。 我们的23步易学视频教程涵盖了从基础知识到高级WordPress主题,将帮助您立即开始使用WordPress。

3.加入我们的Facebook组(WPBeginner Engage) (3. Join Our Facebook Group (WPBeginner Engage))

WPBeginner Facebook Group

With more than 54,000+ members, our Facebook group, WPBeginner Engage is one of the fastest-growing WordPress group on Facebook.

我们的Facebook组WPBeginner Engage拥有54,000多个成员,是Facebook上增长最快的WordPress组之一。

It is the most casual and often the fastest way to get WordPress help from our WordPress experts, and other motivated website owners like yourself.


Our team members actively participate in the group to answer user questions. We also do Facebook Live sessions with our Founder and CEO, Syed Balkhi.

我们的团队成员积极参与该小组,以回答用户问题。 我们还与我们的创始人和首席执行官Syed Balkhi进行Facebook Live会议。

4.加入我们的YouTube频道 (4. Join our YouTube Channel)

WPBeginner on YouTube

With nearly 200,000+ subscribers, WPBeginner’s YouTube channel is the best WordPress channel on YouTube (over 690+ free videos).

WPBeginner的YouTube频道拥有近200,000多个订阅者, 是YouTube上最好的WordPress频道(超过690多个免费视频)。

We regularly upload new videos with useful how-to tutorials aimed at beginner level users. These videos are short, sweet, and easy to follow.

我们定期上传新视频,并提供针对初学者的实用入门指南。 这些视频简短,甜美且易于观看。

You will also get the video transcript, a text version of the tutorial, and you can even ask questions in the comments.


Joining our YouTube channel will help you stay up to date, brush up your WordPress skills, and discover new tools and plugins for your website.


5.允许WPBeginner推送通知 (5. Allow WPBeginner Push Notifications)

Allow push notifications from WPBeginner

Another way to stay in touch with important content is to get push notifications from WPBeginner.


Allowing push notifications will let you receive browser notifications on your desktop or mobile devices. We only use this notification for important pieces of content (not every content). You can check the article right away or later at your convenience.

允许推送通知将使您可以在台式机或移动设备上接收浏览器通知。 我们仅将此通知用于重要的内容(而不是每个内容)。 您可以立即或以后方便时查看该文章。

If you have push notifications blocked on your browser, then you can enable them or selectively allow WPBeginner.


Here is how to turn on notifications in major browsers:


6.在您喜欢的社交媒体网络上关注我们 (6. Follow us on Your Favorite Social Media Network)

Follow WPBeginner on Social

We do our best to be present on all popular social media platforms, so we can help you learn WordPress on your favorite platform.


You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.


This way you can participate in our community discussions, see what new posts we have published, get in touch with us, and leave your comments and feedback.


We like to hear from our users. In fact, many of our post ideas come from user requests made on Twitter, Facebook, and our other social channels.

我们希望收到用户的来信。 实际上,我们的许多帖子创意来自Twitter,Facebook和其他社交渠道上的用户请求。

7.有一个WordPress问题? 这是如何找到答案 (7. Got a WordPress Question? Here is How to Find The Answer)

Search WPBeginner

At the top right corner of every page on WPBeginner, there is a search box. This search box is powered by Google Custom Search. It is fast and highly accurate.

WPBeginner上每个页面的右上角都有一个搜索框。 此搜索框由Google自定义搜索提供支持 。 它快速且高度准确。

Simply type the question you wanted to ask us. There is a very good chance that we have already written about it.

只需键入您想问我们的问题。 我们已经有很好的机会撰写了有关它的文章。

Pro tip: To save time, some readers just Google their WordPress questions with wpbeginner at the end of each search term, so Google can show them the most accurate answer.


8.找不到答案? 给我们留言或发推文 (8. Can’t Find an Answer? Drop us a Line or Tweet to us)

Send us a message

If you have searched WPBeginner and didn’t find an answer to your question, then you can reach us using the contact form on our website.


You can also Tweet to us @WPBeginner.


Alternately, you can post your question on WPBeginner’s Facebook Group. This way you can share as much information as you like and get help not just from our experts but other users as well.

或者,您可以在WPBeginner的Facebook Group上发布您的问题。 这样,您可以共享尽可能多的信息,不仅可以从我们的专家那里获得帮助,还可以从其他用户那里获得帮助。

We try our best to get back to you with an answer or point you in the right direction within 1 business day.


We love hearing from our users because that’s what keeps us motivated and inspired.


9.是否需要插件和主题建议? (9. Need Plugin and Theme Recommendations?)

Plugin and theme recommendations

Many beginners are concerned about which plugins they should use on their WordPress site or how to find the perfect theme. Visit WPBeginner’s Showcase section where we hand-pick the best WordPress plugins and themes. Here are some places to look at:

许多初学者担心他们应该在WordPress网站上使用哪些插件,或者如何找到理想的主题。 访问WPBeginner的Showcase部分,我们在其中精选最佳的WordPress插件和主题。 这里是一些值得一看的地方:

Want to know which WordPress plugins and tools we use on WPBeginner? Check out WPBeginner’s Blueprint where you will find all the tools and plugins we use to run WPBeginner.

是否想知道我们在WPBeginner上使用了哪些WordPress插件和工具? 查看WPBeginner的蓝图 ,您将在其中找到我们用于运行WPBeginner的所有工具和插件。

10.我们的WordPress词汇表(又名WordPress词典)中的查找术语 (10. Lookup Terms in our WordPress Glossary (aka WordPress Dictionary))

WPBeginner Glossary

As a beginner, it’s quite intimidating to not know what a specific technical lingo means. That’s exactly why we created our WordPress glossary.

作为初学者,不知道特定技术术语的含义是非常令人恐惧的。 这就是我们创建WordPress词汇表的原因。

You can look up for WordPress and blogging terms in Our WordPress Glossary section. We have organized the most commonly used terms in alphabetical order with easy to understand descriptions for each term.

您可以在“我们的WordPress词汇表”部分中查找WordPress和博客条款。 我们按照字母顺序组织了最常用的术语,并为每个术语提供了易于理解的描述。

11.获得最佳的WordPress交易和优惠券 (11. Get The Best WordPress Deals and Coupons)

WPBeginner Deals

As the largest WordPress resource site, we have reached out to top WordPress companies for exclusive discounts and deals for our users.


In WPBeginner’s Deals section, you’ll find excellent WordPress hosting, theme, and plugin coupons.

在WPBeginner的Deals部分中,您将找到出色的WordPress托管 ,主题和插件优惠券。

We have also included special offers from most of the tools and services that we use ourselves to grow our business. All these deals will help you grow your business online with much less effort.

我们还包括了我们用来发展业务的大多数工具和服务的特别优惠。 所有这些交易将帮助您轻松地在线发展业务

12.想更多地了解WPBeginner? (12. Want to Learn More About WPBeginner?)

About WPBeginner

Are you curious about who runs WPBeginner? Why it’s free and how it works? Check out our about page.

您对谁运行WPBeginner感到好奇吗? 为什么免费,以及它如何工作? 查看我们的关于页面

We started out as a small blog to help our clients learn how to use WordPress. Since then WPBeginner has grown into becoming one of the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.

我们最初是一个小型博客,旨在帮助我们的客户学习如何使用WordPress。 从那时起,WPBeginner已经发展成为最大的面向初学者的免费WordPress资源网站之一。

You may also want to check out the personal website of our founder and CEO, Syed Balkhi. You can find him on Twitter as well as Instagram.

您可能还需要查看我们创始人兼首席执行官Syed Balkhi的个人网站。 您可以在TwitterInstagram上找到他。

13.我们还做什么? (13. What Else We Do?)

WPBeginner blog is managed by Awesome Motive Inc, the management company behind many other premium WordPress plugins and tools.

WPBeginner博客由Awesome Motive Inc管理, Awesome Motive Inc是许多其他高级WordPress插件和工具背后的管理公司。

If you like our free tutorials, then please support us by using our premium plugins:


We hope this article helped you learn how you can make the most out of WPBeginner’s free WordPress resources. You may also want to take a look at how to learn WordPress in a week or less.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何充分利用WPBeginner的免费WordPress资源。 您可能还想看看如何在一周或更短的时间内学习WordPress

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-make-the-most-out-of-wpbeginners-free-resources/

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