

Darren Rowse made an interesting point in his presentation. Bloggers typically fall into two categories. The first group tends to really pour themselves into their blogs. They only have one or two to which they are completely dedicated. The other group, however, usually has many more blogs, sometimes up to 30 or 40. They focus more on repeating the same formula of content, SEO, marketing, etc. to build a huge audience. So which approach is right? Are you going to be more successful as a blogger by being genuine on one blog or by robotically delivering content on 30 blogs? Darren Rowse believes that there should be a balance. It is possible to write from your heart and still do it in a way that is smart.

Darren Rowse在演讲中提出了一个有趣的观点。 博客通常分为两类。 第一组倾向于将自己真正倾倒在他们的博客中。 他们只有一个或两个完全致力于。 但是,另一组通常拥有更多博客,有时多达30或40个。他们更多地专注于重复相同的内容公式,SEO,市场营销等,以建立庞大的受众群体。 那么哪种方法是正确的? 通过在一个博客上成为真实作者或在30个博客上自动交付内容,您将成为一名成功的博客作者吗? Darren Rowse认为应该保持平衡。 可以发自内心地写作,并且仍然以一种聪明的方式来做。

Several ways to blog from the heart include inspiring people, writing things on a personal level, and being playful. Just by being yourself and creating content you are passionate about you will naturally begin to blog from the heart.

发自内心地写博客的几种方法包括鼓舞人心,在个人层面上写东西以及好玩。 仅仅通过成为自己并创造内容,您就会对自己充满激情,这自然会从内心开始。

On the other side of the spectrum is blogging smart. Darren went over several techniques he used to on his in the past. First, set goals. If you want your blog to turn into a business then treat it like one today. Second, know your readers. It will make it a lot easier to reach your audience if you know what moves them. Also, make sure you consider your branding and marketing. You need to figure out how you want people to see your blog and then actively pursue that. Another important thing is to know which hooks to use. Hooks are what keeps your readers engaged or “hooked” to your site. These include twitter, facebook, google reader, etc. You have to know what hooks will appeal to your readers and use them.

另一方面,博客很聪明。 达伦(Darren)回顾了过去使用的几种技术。 首先,设定目标。 如果您希望自己的博客变成一家企业,那么就把它当成今天。 其次,了解您的读者。 如果您知道会打动他们的受众,那么可以更轻松地吸引您的受众。 另外,请确保考虑您的品牌和营销。 您需要弄清楚如何让人们看到您的博客,然后积极地追求它。 另一个重要的事情是要知道使用哪个钩子。 挂钩是使读者吸引或“迷恋”您的网站的原因。 这些包括Twitter,Facebook,Google阅读器等。您必须知道哪些挂钩会吸引您的读者并使用它们。

If you are trying to monetize your blog then you have probably already considered google adsense. While this is good in the beginning, Darren made the point that selling your own products is key. On his blog he started selling e-books like Problogger First Week of Blogging and Problogger Business Blogging Book which allowed him to build his brand and create long-term revenue streams.

如果您想通过博客获利,那么您可能已经考虑过Google Adsense。 尽管一开始这很好,但达伦指出销售自己的产品很关键。 在他的博客上,他开始销售Problogger First Week of BloggingProblogger Business Blogging Book等电子书 ,这使他能够树立自己的品牌并创造长期的收入来源。

The most important thing, however, is to experiment. You can’t be afraid to fail. By taking the best elements from both perspectives you will eventually find the balance between quality, genuine blogging and smart, efficient blogging.

但是,最重要的是进行实验。 您不必害怕失败。 通过从两个角度兼顾最佳元素,您最终将在质量,真正的博客与智能,高效的博客之间找到平衡。

If you want to watch Darren Rowse’s full session or any of the other sessions you can do so at Blog World Expo

如果您想观看Darren Rowse的整个会议或任何其他会议,可以在Blog World Expo上观看。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/blogging-from-the-heart-but-smart/






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