

Do you want to start your own online store? We know that building an online store can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not a techy. Well, you’re not alone. After helping hundreds of users start their online store, we have decided to create the most comprehensive guide on how to build your online store with WordPress (step by step)

您要开设自己的在线商店吗? 我们知道,建立在线商店可能是一个可怕的想法,尤其是当您不是技术人员时。 好吧,你并不孤单。 在帮助数百名用户建立其在线商店之后,我们决定创建有关如何使用WordPress建立您的在线商店的最全面指南(逐步介绍)

How to build an online store
您需要什么来开设在线商店? (What Do You Need to Start an Online Store?)

There had never been a better time to start an online business than today.


Anyone with a computer can get started within a matter of minutes and without acquiring any special skills.


The three things you need to start an online store are:


  1. A domain name idea (this will be the name of your online store i.e wpbeginner.com)

  2. A web hosting account (this is where your website lives on the internet)

  3. Your undivided attention for 30 minutes.


Yep, it is really that simple.


You can setup your own online store with WordPress in less than 30 minutes and we’ll walk you through each step of the process.


In this tutorial, we will cover:


  • How to Register a Domain Name for Free

  • Best WooCommerce Hosting最佳的WooCommerce托管
  • How to Get a SSL Certificate for Free (required for accepting payments)

  • How to Install WordPress

  • How to Create a WooCommerce store

  • How to Add Products in your Online Store

  • How to Select and Customize Your Theme

  • How to Extend Your Online Store with Plugins

  • Learning to Learn WordPress & Grow Your Business


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


步骤1:建立线上商店平台 (Step 1: Setting up Your Online Store Platform)

The biggest mistake most users make is not choosing the right platform for their online store.


Thankfully you’re here, so you won’t be making that mistake.


There are two popular eCommerce platforms that we recommend: Shopify or WordPress + WooCommerce.

我们推荐两种流行的电子商务平台: Shopify或WordPress + WooCommerce。

Shopify is a fully hosted eCommerce solution that starts at $29 / month. It’s a hassle-free solution where you just login and start selling. The downside to Shopify is that it gets quite expensive, and your payment options are limited unless you pay additional fees.

Shopify是一个完全托管的电子商务解决方案,每月起价为29美元。 这是一个无忧的解决方案,您只需登录即可开始销售。 Shopify的缺点是价格昂贵,除非您支付额外费用,否则您的付款方式是有限的。

This is why most users choose WordPress + WooCommerce because of the flexibility it offers. It does require some setup, but it’s worth doing it for the long run. WooCommerce is the world’s largest eCommerce platform (see: Shopify vs WooCommerce comparison).

这就是为什么大多数用户选择WordPress + WooCommerce的原因,因为它提供了灵活性。 它确实需要一些设置,但是从长远来看,值得这样做。 WooCommerce是世界上最大的电子商务平台(请参阅: Shopify与WooCommerce比较 )。

In this tutorial, we will walk you through how to setup an online store in WordPress using WooCommerce.


To setup your store, you need to have a domain name, web hosting, and a SSL certificate.


A domain name is your website’s address on the internet. It is what users will type in their browsers to reach your website (for example: google.com or wpbeginner.com).

域名是您网站在互联网上的地址。 用户将在其浏览器中键入以访问您的网站(例如:google.com或wpbeginner.com)。

Web hosting is where your website lives on the internet. It’s your website’s house on the internet. Every website on the internet needs web hosting.

网站托管是您的网站在互联网上的居住地。 这是您网站在互联网上的房子。 互联网上的每个网站都需要网络托管。

SSL certificate adds a special security layer on your website, so you can accept sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal information. This is required for you to accept credit card payments on your website.

SSL证书在您的网站上添加了特殊的安全层,因此您可以接受敏感信息,例如信用卡号和其他个人信息。 这是您在网站上接受信用卡付款所必需的。

Normally a domain name costs around $14.99 / year, web hosting costs around $7.99 / month, and SSL certificate costs around $69.99 / year.


That’s a lot of startup cost.


Thankfully, Bluehost, an official WordPress and WooCommerce recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting.


Basically, you can get started for $3.95 / month.

基本上,您每月只需$ 3.95即可开始使用。

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting companies, started in 1996 (that’s before Google). They are also the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting because they host millions of websites including our own.

Bluehost是最早的网络托管公司之一,成立于1996年(早于Google)。 在WordPress托管方面,它们也是最大的品牌名称,因为它们托管着数百万个网站,包括我们自己的网站。

NOTE: At WPBeginner we believe in transparency. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting company, but we only recommend products that we use personally use and believe will add value to our readers.

注意:在WPBeginner,我们相信透明度。 如果您使用我们的引荐链接注册Bluehost,我们将为您带来小额佣金,而无需您支付任何额外费用(实际上,您可以省钱并获得免费域名)。 我们几乎可以推荐任何WordPress托管公司来获得此佣金,但是我们仅推荐个人使用的产品,并相信这些产品会为我们的读者增加价值。

Let’s go ahead and purchase your domain + hosting + SSL.

让我们继续购买您的域名+托管+ SSL。

Open up Bluehost in a new window using this link and follow along.

使用此链接在新窗口中打开Bluehost ,然后继续。

First thing you need to do is click on the green Get Started Now button to get started.


Bluehost WooCommerce - Get Started - Choose Plan

On the next screen, select the plan that you need (starter and plus are the most popular).


After that, you will be asked to enter the domain name for your website.


Choose domain

Lastly, you will need to add your account information and finalize the package info to complete the process. On this screen, you will see optional extras that you can purchase.

最后,您需要添加您的帐户信息并最终确定包裹信息以完成该过程。 在此屏幕上,您会看到可以购买的可选附件。

It’s entirely up to you whether or not you purchase these, but we generally don’t recommend purchasing these. You can always add them later on, if you decide that you need them.

是否购买这些完全取决于您,但是我们通常不建议您购买这些。 如果您决定需要它们,则以后可以随时添加它们。

Hosting addons

Once completed, you will receive an email with details on how to login to your web hosting control panel (cPanel). This is where you manage everything from support, emails, among other things.

完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含有关如何登录网络托管控制面板(cPanel)的详细信息。 在这里,您可以管理所有内容,包括支持,电子邮件等。

Go ahead and login to your cPanel. You will be greeted with a popup informing you that WordPress with WooCommerce is pre-installed on your website.

继续并登录到您的cPanel。 您将看到一个弹出窗口,通知您在您的网站上预装有WordPress和WooCommerce。

Bluehost first login

You just need to click on ‘Login to your site’ button, and it will take you to your WordPress site’s dashboard.


Congrats, you have finished setting up hosting and domain part.


The next step is to setup your WordPress site and then your online store.


第2步:设置WordPress (Step 2. Setting up WordPress)

Bluehost has automatically installed WordPress and WooCommerce on your website.


When you first login to WordPress, you will see a welcome message. You will be asked what kind of website you want to set up.

首次登录WordPress时,您会看到一条欢迎消息。 系统将询问您要设置哪种网站。

Welcome screen

Go ahead and click on ‘I don’t need help’ link. Don’t worry we will walk you through all the necessary steps.

继续并单击“我不需要帮助”链接。 不用担心,我们将引导您完成所有必要的步骤。

Closing the setup wizard will show your WordPress admin dashboard which looks like this:


WordPress admin dashboard

First, you need to visit Settings » General page to setup your WordPress site title and description.


Set your WordPress site title and description

Setting up HTTPS to Use SSL


Your WordPress hosting package came with a free SSL Certificate. This certificate is pre-installed for your domain name. However, your WordPress site needs to be configured, so it loads as https vs http.

您的WordPress托管软件包随附了免费的SSL证书。 该证书已预安装为您的域名。 但是,您的WordPress网站需要配置,因此它以https与http加载。

On the Settings » General page, you need to change your WordPress Address and Site Address to use https instead of http.


Change WordPress URL to use HTTPS

Don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the save changes button to store your settings.


Your basic WordPress setup is complete. Now it is time to setup your online store.

基本的WordPress设置已完成。 现在是时候设置您的在线商店了。

步骤3.建立您的WooCommerce商店 (Step 3. Setting up Your WooCommerce Store)

Before you can start selling, there are a few things like currency, payments, and shipping information that you need to set up.


You will be seeing a ‘Welcome to WooCommerce’ notification on your WordPress admin pages. Go ahead and click on the ‘Run setup wizard’ button in the notification.

您将在WordPress管理页面上看到“欢迎使用WooCommerce”通知。 继续,然后在通知中单击“运行设置向导”按钮。

Run WooCommerce setup wizard

This will launch the WooCommerce setup wizard where you need to click on the ‘Let’s go’ button to get started.

这将启动WooCommerce设置向导,您需要在其中单击“ Let's go”按钮开始使用。

WooCommerce setup wizard step 1

WooCommerce needs few essential pages for cart, account, shop, and checkout. You can click on the continue button to automatically create these pages.

WooCommerce需要很少的购物车,帐户,商店和结帐页面。 您可以单击继续按钮自动创建这些页面。

WooCommerce pages

This will bring you to the next step.


Now you will need to tell WooCommerce where your store is located and which currency and unit measures to use.


Choosing locale and currency

After selecting your location and currency, click on the continue button to move on.


Next, you need to enter shipping and tax information.


WooCommerce shipping and tax information

WooCommerce can be used to sell both digital downloads and physical goods that need shipping.


You need to check the box if you will be shipping goods, or you can leave it unchecked if you will only be selling digital goods.


Next you need to answer the tax question. WooCommerce can help you automatically calculate and add taxes to your prices.

接下来,您需要回答税收问题。 WooCommerce可以帮助您自动计算价格并向其添加税款。

If you are not sure, then you can leave it unchecked. You can always add tax information later from WooCommerce settings.

如果不确定,则可以不选中它。 您以后随时可以从WooCommerce设置中添加税收信息。

Click on the continue button to move on.


Next, you will be asked to choose a payment method for your online store.


WooCommerce payment method

By default, WooCommerce comes with support for PayPal, PayPal Standard, and Stripe payment gateways. There are many other payment methods available for WooCommerce which you can install later if you need.

默认情况下,WooCommerce附带对PayPal,PayPal Standard和Stripe付款网关的支持。 WooCommerce还有许多其他付款方式,您可以根据需要在以后安装。

The easiest way to accept payment is using PayPal Standard.


Simply enter your PayPal email address and click on the continue button.


A lot of people including us, use both PayPal and Stripe. By using Stripe, you allow your users to enter their credit card information on the checkout page without having to leave your site and going to PayPal.

包括我们在内的很多人同时使用PayPal和Stripe。 通过使用Stripe,您可以让用户在结帐页面上输入其信用卡信息,而不必离开您的网站并转到PayPal。

You can setup Stripe by following the instructions on the WooCommerce screen.


Once you’re done, your WooCommerce online store is all setup.


WooCommerce setup finished

You need to click on the ‘Return to WordPress dashboard’ link to exit the setup wizard.


After finishing the WooCommerce setup, you are now ready to add products to your online store.


步骤4.将产品添加到您的在线商店 (Step 4. Adding Products to Your Online Store)

Let’s start with adding the first product to your online store.


You need to visit Products » Add New page to add a new product.


Add new product

First, provide a title for your product and then some detailed description.


On the right hand column, you will see the ‘Product Categories’ box. Click on the ‘+Add New Product Category’ to create a category for this product. This allows you and your customers to sort and browse products easily.

在右侧列中,您将看到“产品类别”框。 单击“ +添加新产品类别”以为此产品创建一个类别。 这使您和您的客户可以轻松地对产品进行分类和浏览。

Add product category

Scroll down a little and you will notice the Product Data box. This is where you will provide product related information like pricing, inventory, shipping etc.

向下滚动一点,您会注意到“产品数据”框。 您可以在此处提供与产品相关的信息,例如价格,库存,运输等。

Enter product data

Below product data box, you will see a box to add product short description. This short description will be used when users are viewing multiple products on a page.

在产品数据框下方,您会看到一个添加产品简短说明的框。 当用户在页面上查看多个产品时,将使用此简短描述。

Product short description

Lastly, on your right hand column you will see boxes to add a main product image and a product gallery.


Product images

Once you are satisfied with all the product information you have added, you can click on the Publish button to make it live on your website.


Repeat the process to add more products as needed.


步骤5.选择并自定义WordPress主题 (Step 5. Select and Customize WordPress Theme)

Themes control how your WordPress sites look to the users when they visit it. For a WooCommerce shop, they also control how your products are displayed.

主题控制着WordPress网站在用户访问时的外观。 对于WooCommerce商店,它们还控制如何显示您的产品。

There are thousands of paid and free WordPress themes available.


Your Bluehost hosting account, automatically installs the Storefront theme for your website. You will need to customize it to meet your needs.

您的Bluehost托管帐户会自动为您的网站安装Storefront主题。 您将需要对其进行自定义以满足您的需求。

Head over to Appearance » Customize page. This will launch theme customizer where you can change different theme settings.

转到外观»定制页面。 这将启动主题定制器,您可以在其中更改不同的主题设置。

Customizing your theme

If you don’t like the Storefront theme, then you can use another theme by visiting Appearance » Themes page.


Change theme

If you need help selecting a theme, then please refer to our guide on 9 things you should consider when selecting a perfect WordPress theme.


步骤6.使用插件扩展您的在线商店 (Step 6. Extend Your Online Store With Plugins)

Now that you have your online store ready, you probably want to get started with adding other usual elements on your website such as a contact form, about page, and more.


To further customize WordPress and add features like contact forms, galleries, sliders, etc, you need to use WordPress plugins.


WordPress plugins are apps that allow you to add new features to your website.


There are over 46,000 WordPress plugins available. At WPBeginner, we feature the best WordPress plugins to help you add the functionality that you need.

有超过46,000个WordPress插件可用。 在WPBeginner,我们提供最好的WordPress插件来帮助您添加所需的功能。

We have a step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.


Here’s a list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites and another one with 20+ best free WooCommerce plugins.


Often readers ask us which plugins do you use on your website. You can check out our Blueprint to see the list of plugins and tools that we use.

经常有读者问我们您在网站上使用了哪些插件。 您可以查看我们的蓝图,以查看我们使用的插件和工具的列表。

学习WordPress来发展您的在线业务 (Learning WordPress to Grow Your Online Business)

WordPress is incredibly powerful and WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.


At WPBeginner, our main goal is to provide cutting-edge helpful WordPress tutorials that are easy to understand even for non-techy WordPress website owners (see more about us).

在WPBeginner,我们的主要目标是提供即使对于没有技巧的WordPress网站所有者而言,也易于理解的前沿实用WordPress教程(请参阅有关我们的更多信息 )。

You can also subscribe to WPBeginner’s YouTube Channel where we regularly share video tutorials to help you learn WordPress.

您还可以订阅WPBeginner的YouTube频道 ,我们定期在此分享视频教程,以帮助您学习WordPress。

We also have a guide to show users how to make the most out of WPBeginner’s free resources.


Many of our users type their question in Google and just add wpbeginner at the end of it. This shows them related article from WPBeginner.

我们的许多用户在Google中键入他们的问题,然后在其末尾添加wpbeginner。 这显示了来自WPBeginner的相关文章。

We hope that this tutorial helped you learn how to build an online store. You may also want to see these 19 actionable tips to drive traffic to your new WordPress site.

我们希望本教程可以帮助您学习如何建立在线商店。 您可能还希望看到这19条可行的技巧,以吸引访问新WordPress网站的流量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-start-an-online-store/


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