面向开发人员的Surface Book 3评论

I was offered a Surface Book 3 to use as a loaner over the the last 5 weeks. I did a short video teaser on Twitter where I beat on the device with a pretty ridiculous benchmark - running Visual Studio 2019 while running Gears of War and Ubuntu under WSL and Windows Terminal. I have fun. ;)

在过去的5个星期中,我收到了Surface Book 3的贷款,可以借给我。 我在Twitter上做了一个简短的视频预告片,在该设备上我以相当荒谬的基准击败了该设备-运行Visual Studio 2019,同时在WSL和Windows Terminal下运行Gears of War和Ubuntu。 我很开心;)

Hey they loaned me a @surface book 3! So...I threw EVERYTHING at it...Visual Studio, Gears of War, Ubuntu/WSL2/Windows...*all at the same time* because why not? LOL (review very soon) pic.twitter.com/FmgGCBUGuR

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

嘿,他们借给我了一本@surface书3! 所以...我投入了一切... Visual Studio,《战争机器》,Ubuntu / WSL2 / Windows ... *同时*全部*,因为为什么不呢? 哈哈(很快就会检讨) pic.twitter.com/FmgGCBUGuR

-Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) May 14, 2020 2020年5月14日

尺寸和重量(Size and Weight)

My daily driver has been a Surface Book 2 since 2017. The new Surface Book 3 is the exact size (23mm thick as a laptop) and weight (3.38 and 4.2 lbs.) as the SB2. I have had to add a small sticker to one otherwise I'd get them confused. The display resolutions are 3000×2000 for the 13.5-inch model and 3240×2160 for the 15-inch one that I have. I prefer a 15" laptop. I don't know how you 13" people do it.

自2017年以来,我的日常驱动程序一直是Surface Book2。新的Surface Book 3具有与SB2相同的尺寸(笔记本电脑厚度为23mm)和重量(3.38和4.2磅)。 我必须在上面贴一个小标签,否则我会感到困惑。 我拥有的13.5英寸型号的显示分辨率为3000×2000,而15英寸型号的显示分辨率为3240×2160。 我更喜欢15英寸的笔记本电脑。我不知道您是13英寸的人如何做。

Basically if you are a Surface Book 2 user the size and weight are the same. The Surface Book 3 is considerably more power in the same size machine.

基本上,如果您是Surface Book 2用户,则其大小和重量是相同的。 在相同尺寸的机器上,Surface Book 3的功率要大得多。

CPU和内存 (CPU and Memory)

They gave me an i7-1065G7 CPU to test. It bursts happily over 3.5 Ghz (see the compiling screenshot below) and in my average usage hangs out in the 2 to 1.8 range with no fan on. I regularly run Visual Studio 2019, VS Code, Teams, Edge (new Edge, the Chromium one), Ubuntu via WSL2, Docker Desktop (the WSL2 one), Gmail and Outlook as PWAs, as well as Adobe Premiere and Audition and other parts of the Creative Suite. Memory usually sits around 14-18 gigs unless I'm rendering something big.

他们给了我i7-1065G7 CPU进行测试。 它在超过3.5 GHz时会令人愉快地爆发(请参阅下面的编译屏幕截图),并且在我的平均使用情况下,没有风扇就挂在2到1.8范围内。 我定期运行Visual Studio 2019,VS Code,Teams,Edge(新Edge,Chromium之一),通过WSL2的Ubuntu,Docker Desktop(WSL2之一),作为PWA的Gmail和Outlook以及Adobe Premiere和Audition等部分创意套件。 除非我要渲染一些大的东西,否则内存通常大约为14-18个演出。

It's a 10th gen Intel chip and as the Surface Book 3 can detach the base from the screen, it's both a laptop and tablet. I gleaned from Anandatech that TDP is between 10 and 25W (usually 15W) depends on what is needed, and it shifts frequencies very fast. This is evident in the great battery life when doing things like writing this blog post or writing in Edge or Word (basically forever) versus playing a AAA game or running a long compile, building containers, or rendering a video in Premiere (several hours).

这是Intel的第10代芯片,由于Surface Book 3可以从屏幕上拆下底座,因此既是笔记本电脑又是平板电脑。 我从Anandatech搜集到的数据,TDP介于10到25W(通常为15W)之间,取决于所需的东西,并且它可以非常快速地转换频率。 当执行诸如撰写此博客文章或在Edge或Word中写作(基本上永远),与玩AAA游戏或运行长时间的编译,构建容器或在Premiere中渲染视频之类的事情时,电池续航时间非常明显。 。

FLIP THE SCREEN AROUND? You can also when docked even reverse the screen! Whatever do you mean? It's actually awesome if you want an external keyboard.

翻转屏幕? 您还可以在停靠时甚至翻转屏幕! 你什么意思如果您想要外接键盘,那实际上很棒。

All this phrased differently? It's fast, quickly, when it needs to be but it's constantly changing the clock to maximize power/thermals/battery.

所有这些用不同的措词? 它在需要时速度很快,但它会不断改变时钟以最大化功率/热量/电池。

SSD-大小和速度 (SSD - Size and Speed)

The device I was loaned has a Toshiba KXG60PNV2T04 Hard Drive 2TB NVMe M.2 that's MASSIVE. I'm used to 512G or maaybe a 1TB drive in a Laptop. I'm getting used to never having to worry about space. Definitely 1TB minimum these days if you want to play games AND do development.

我借给的设备有一块东芝KXG60PNV2T04硬盘2TB NVMe M.2,它非常大。 我习惯于在笔记本电脑中使用512G或1TB驱动器。 我已经习惯了不必担心空间。 如果您想玩游戏并进行开发,那么这些天至少要有1TB的存储空间。

I ran a CrystalBenchmark on the SSD and it did 3.2GB/s sequential reads! Sweet. I feel like the disk is not the bottleneck with my development compile tests below. When I consulted with the Surface team last year during the conception of the Surface Book 3 I pushed them for faster SSDs and I feel that they delivered with this 2TB SSD.

我在SSD上运行了CrystalBenchmark,它进行了3个.2GB / s的连续读取! 甜。 我觉得磁盘不是我下面的开发编译测试的瓶颈。 去年在Surface Book 3构想期间向Surface团队咨询时,我推动它们使用速度更快的SSD,我觉得它们是随2TB SSD一起提供的。

GPU-游戏和Tensorflow (GPU - Gaming and Tensorflow)

The 13.5-inch model now comes with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Max-Q GPU with 4GB of GDDR5 memory in its Core i7 variant, while the 15-inch unit features a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Max-Q with 6GB of GDDR6 memory. When running the Gears 5 Benchmark while plugged in (from the Extras menu, Benchmark) is has no issues with the default settings doing 60fps for 90% of the benchmark with a few dips into the 57 range depending what's on screen.

13.5英寸机型现在在其Core i7变体中配备了具有4GB GDDR5内存的NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Max-Q GPU,而15英寸机型则具有6GB GDDR6内存的NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Max-Q。 在插入时运行Gears 5 Benchmark时(通过Extras菜单,Benchmark)没有问题,默认设置为90%的基准以60fps的速度运行,并根据屏幕上的内容稍微进入了57范围。

It's not a gaming machine, per se, but it does have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti so I'm basically able to 1080p 60fps AAA games. I've played Destiny 2, Gears of War 5, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare on default settings at 60 fps without issue. The fan does turn on but it's very manageable. I like that whenever we get back into hotels I'll be able to play some games and develop on the same machine. The 15" also includes an Xbox Wireless Adapter so I just paired my controller with it directly.

它本身不是游戏机,但是它确实具有NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti,因此我基本上能够播放1080p 60fps AAA游戏。 我在默认设置下以60 fps的速度玩过《命运2》,《战争机器5》和《使命召唤现代战争》,没有问题。 风扇确实打开了,但是非常易于管理。 我喜欢这样,只要我们回到酒店,我就能在同一台机器上玩一些游戏并进行开发。 15英寸还包括一个Xbox无线适配器,因此我将控制器直接与其配对。

I was also able to run Tensorflow with CUDA on the laptop under Windows and it worked great. I ran a model against some video footage from my dashcam and 5.1 gigs of video RAM was used immediately and the CUDA engine on the 1660Ti is visible working in Taskman. The commercial SKU has an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000 that is apparently even more tuned for CUDA work.

我还能够在Windows下的笔记本电脑上使用CUDA运行Tensorflow,并且效果很好。 我针对行车记录仪的一些视频镜头运行了一个模型,并立即使用了5.1兆视频RAM,并且在Taskman中可以看到1660Ti上的CUDA引擎。 商用SKU具有NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000,显然,它针对CUDA工作进行了调整。

开发人员绩效 (Developer Performance)

When I built my Intel i9 Ultimate Desktop 3.0 machine and others, I like to do compile tests to get a sense of how much you can throw at machine. I like big project compiles because they are a combination of a lot of disk access and a lot of parallel CPU work. However, some projects do have a theoretical maximum compile speed because of the way the dependences flesh out. I like to use Orchard Core for benchmarks.

我构建Intel i9 Ultimate Desktop 3.0计算机和其他计算机时,我喜欢进行编译测试,以了解可以向计算机扔多少钱。 我喜欢大型项目编译,因为它们是大量磁盘访问和大量并行CPU工作的结合。 但是,由于依赖关系的充实方式,某些项目确实具有理论上的最大编译速度。 我喜欢将Orchard Core用作基准。

Orchard Core is a fully-featured CMS with 143 projects loaded into Visual Studio. MSBUILD and .NET Core supports both parallel and incremental builds.

Orchard Core是功能齐全的CMS,其中143个项目已加载到Visual Studio中。 MSBUILD和.NET Core支持并行和增量构建。

  • A warm build of Orchard Core on IRONHEART my i9 desktop takes just under 10 seconds.

    在IRONHEART i9桌面上温暖构建Orchard Core只需不到10秒。

    • My 6 year old Surface Pro 3 builds it warm in 62 seconds.

      我6岁的Surface Pro 3使它在62秒内变热。
  • A totally cold build (after a dotnet clean) on IRONHEART takes 33.3 seconds.


    • My Surface Pro 3 builds it cold in 2.4 minutes.

      我的Surface Pro 3在2.4分钟内将其冷却。

I'll do the same build on both my Surface Book 2 and this new Surface Book 3 to compare. I've excluded the source folders from Defender as well as msbuild.exe and dotnet.exe. I've also turned off the Indexer.

我将在Surface Book 2和这个新的Surface Book 3上进行相同的构建以进行比较。 我已经从Defender以及msbuild.exe和dotnet.exe中排除了源文件夹。 我还关闭了索引器。

  • A cold build (after a dotnet clean) on this Surface Book 3 takes 46 seconds.

    Surface Book 3上进行冷构建(在清洗了dotnet之后)需要46秒。

    • A warm build is 16.1 seconds


    A cold build (after a dotnet clean) on this Surface Book 3 takes 46 seconds.

    Surface Book 3上进行冷构建(在清洗dotnet之后)需要46秒。

  • A cold build (after a dotnet clean) on my Surface Book 2 takes 115 seconds.

    在Surface Book 2上进行冷构建(在清洗了dotnet之后)需要115秒。

It's WAY faster than my Surface Book 2 which has been my daily driver when mobile for nearly 3 years!

它比我的Surface Book 2快了很多,Surface Book 2成为我近三年移动时的日常驱动器!

Benchmarks are all relative and there's raw throughput, there's combination benchmarks, and all kinds of things that can "make a chart." I just do benchmarks that show if I can do a thing I did before, faster.

基准都是相对的,并且有原始吞吐量,组合基准以及可以“绘制图表”的所有内容。 我只是做一些基准测试,以表明我是否可以更快地完成以前的工作。

You can also test various guesses if you have them by adding parameters to dotnet.exe. For example, perhaps you're thinking that 143 projects is thrashing to disk so you want to control how many CPUs are used. This has 4 physical cores and 8 logical, so we could try pulling back a little

您还可以通过向dotnet.exe添加参数来测试各种猜测(如果有)。 例如,也许您认为143个项目正在磁盘上崩溃,所以您想控制使用多少个CPU。 它具有4个物理核心和8个逻辑核心,因此我们可以尝试将其拉回一点

dotnet build /maxcpucount:4

The result with Orchard Core is the same, so there is likely a theoretical max as to how fast this can build today. If you really want to go nuts, try

Orchard Core的结果是相同的,因此对于今天的构建速度可能存在理论上的最大值。 如果您真的想发疯,请尝试

dotnet build -v diag

And dig through ALL the timing info!


网络摄像头质量 (Webcam Quality)

Might be odd to add this as its own section but we're all using our webcams constantly right now. I was particularly impressed with the front-facing webcam. A lot of webcams are 720p with mediocre white balance. I do a lot of video calls so I notice this stuff. The SB3 has a 1080p front camera for video and decent light pickup. When using the Camera app you can do up to 5MP (2560x1920) which is cool. Here's a pic from today.

将其添加为单独的部分可能很奇怪,但是我们现在都在不断使用我们的网络摄像头。 前置摄像头给我特别深刻的印象。 许多网络摄像机的白平衡水平仅为720p。 我进行了很多视频通话,所以我注意到了这些东西。 SB3具有1080p前置摄像头,用于视频和体面的光拾取。 使用“相机”应用时,您最多可以执行5MP(2560x1920)的酷炫效果。 这是今天的照片。

端口,电源,声音和Wi-Fi (Ports and Power and Sound and Wi-Fi)

The Surface Book 3 has just one USB-C port on the right side and two USB 3.1 Gen 2s on the left. I'd have liked one additional USB-C so I could project on stage and still have one additional USB-C available...but I don't know what for. I just want one more port. That said, the NEW Surface Dock 2 adds FOUR USB-C ports, so it's not a big deal.

Surface Book 3的右侧只有一个USB-C端口,左侧只有两个USB 3.1 Gen 2。 我本来希望再有一个USB-C,所以我可以在舞台上投影,但仍然有一个另外的USB-C ...但是我不知道这是干什么的。 我只想要一个端口。 也就是说,新的Surface Dock 2增加了四个USB-C端口,所以这没什么大不了的。

It was theoretically possible to pull more power on the SB2 than its power supply could offer. While I never had an issue with that, I've been told by some Destiny 2 players and serious media renderers that it could happen. With the SB3 they upped the power supply with 65W for the base 13.5-inch version and a full 127W for the 15-inch SKUs so that's not an issue any more.

从理论上讲,可以在SB2上提供比其电源所能提供的功率更多的功率。 尽管我对此从未有过任何疑问,但《命运2》的一些玩家和严肃的媒体渲染器告诉我,这可能会发生。 使用SB3,他们为基本13.5英寸版本的电源提高了65W,为15英寸SKU的电源提高了127W,所以这不再是问题。

I have only two Macs for development and I have no Thunderbolt devices or need for an eGPU so I may not be the ideal Thunderbolt consumer. I haven't needed it yet. Some folks have said that it's a bummer the SB3 doesn't have it but it hasn't been an issue or sticking point for any of my devices today. With the new Surface Dock 2 (below) I have a single cable to plug in that gives me two 4k monitors at 60Hz, lots of power, 4 USB-C ports all via the Dock Connector.

我只有两台Mac可供开发,也没有Thunderbolt设备或需要eGPU,因此我可能不是理想的Thunderbolt消费者。 我还不需要。 有些人说SB3没有它真是太可惜了,但是对于我今天的任何设备来说,这都不是问题或症结所在。 使用新的Surface Dock 2(在下面)时,我只需插入一根电缆,即可通过Dock连接器为我提供两台60Hz的4k显示器,许多电源,4个USB-C端口。

I also want to touch on sound. There is a fan inside the device and if it gets hot it will run. If I'm doing 1080p 60fps in Call of Duty WarZone you can likely hear the fan. It comes and goes and while it's audible when the fan is on, when the CPU is not maxed out (during 70% of my work day) the Surface Book 3 is absolutely silent, even when running the monitors. The fan comes on with the CPU is bursting hard over 3Ghz and/or the GPU is on full blast.

我也想谈谈声音。 设备内部有一个风扇,如果风扇变热,它将运行。 如果我在使命召唤WarZone中1080p 60fps,你可能会听到粉丝的声音。 它来来去去,并且在风扇打开时可以听到声音,但是当CPU没有达到最大使用力时(在我的工作日的70%期间),即使在运行显示器时,Surface Book 3也是绝对安静的。 风扇随CPU的3Ghz剧烈爆裂和/或GPU处于爆炸状态而打开。

One other thing, the Surface Book 3 has Wi-Fi 6 even though I don't! I have a Ubnt network and no Wi-Fi 6 mesh points. I haven't had ANY issues with the Wi-Fi on this device over Ubnt mesh points. When copying a 60 gig video file over Wi-Fi from my Synology NAS I see sustained 280 megabit speeds.

另一件事,即使我没有,Surface Book 3也具有Wi-Fi 6! 我有一个Ubnt网络,没有Wi-Fi 6网格点。 在Ubnt网格点上,此设备上的Wi-Fi没有任何问题。 通过Synology NAS通过Wi-Fi复制60 Gb的视频文件时,我看到了280 Mbps的持续速度。

新水面码头-5月26日上市 (The New Surface Dock - Coming May 26th)

I'm also testing a pre-release Surface Dock 2. I suspect they wanted me to test it with the Surface Book 3...BUT! I just plugged in every Surface I have to see what would happen.

我还在测试一个预发布的Surface Dock2。我怀疑他们想让我用Surface Book 3 ... BUT测试它! 我只是插入了所有Surface,以查看会发生什么情况。

My wife has a Surface Laptop 2 she got herself, one son has my 6 year old old Surface Pro 3 while the other has a Surface Go he got with his allowance. (We purchased these over the last few years.) As such we have three existing Surface Docks (original) - One in the kids' study/playroom, one in the Kitchen as a generalized docking station for anyone to drop in to, and one in my office assigned me by work.

我的妻子有一个自己的Surface Laptop 2,一个儿子有我6岁的Surface Pro 3,而另一个有他随身携带的Surface Go。 (我们在过去几年中购买了这些产品。)因此,我们有3个现有的Surface Docks(原始):一个位于儿童学习/游戏室中,一个位于厨房(可作为任何人停靠的通用扩展坞),另一个在我的办公室按工作分配我。

We use these individual Surfaces (varying ages, sizes, and powers) along with my work-assigned Surface Book 2 plus this loaner Surface Book 3, so it's kind of a diverse household from a purely Surface perspective. My first thought was - can I use all these devices with the new Dock? Stuff just works with a few caveats for older stuff like my Surface Pro 3.

我们将这些单独的Surface(年龄,大小和能力不同)与我分配给我的Surface Book 2以及借贷人Surface Book 3一起使用,从纯粹的Surface角度来看,它是一个多样化的家庭。 我的第一个想法是-我可以在所有新Dock中使用所有这些设备吗? Stuff仅对一些较旧的东西(如我的Surface Pro 3)提出了警告

RANDOM NOTE: What happens when you plug a Surface Pro 3 (released in 2014) into a Surface Dock 2? Nothing, but it does get power. However, the original Surface Dock is great and still runs 4096 x 2160 @30Hz or 2960 x 1440 @60Hz via mini DisplayPort so the Pro 3 is still going strong 6 years out and the kids like it.

随机注意:将Surface Pro 3(2014年发布)插入Surface Dock 2会发生什么? 什么都没有,但是它确实可以供电。 但是,原始的Surface Dock很棒,仍然可以通过mini DisplayPort运行4096 x 2160 @ 30Hz或2960 x 1440 @ 60Hz,因此Pro 3的性能已经超过6年,孩子们也喜欢它。

So this Surface Dock 2 replaces the original Dock my office. The Surface Dock 2 has

因此,此Surface Dock 2取代了我办公室中的原始Dock。 Surface Dock 2具有

  • 2x front-facing USB-C ports (I use these for two 4k monitors)

  • 2x rear-facing USB-C ports

  • 2x rear-facing USB-A 3.2 (10Gbps) ports

    2个背面USB-A 3.2(10Gbps)端口
  • 1x Gigabit Ethernet port

  • 1x 3.5mm audio in/out port

  • Kensington lock slot - I've never used this


First, that's a lot of USB-C. I'm not there yet with the USB-C lifestyle, but I did pick up two USB-C to full-size DisplayPort cables at Amazon and I can happily report that I can run both my 4k monitors at 60hz plus run the main Surface Book 3 panel. The new Dock and its power supply can push 120 watts of power to the Surface with a total of 199 watts everything connected to the dock. I've got a few USB-C memory sticks and one USB-C external hard drive, plus the Logitech Brio is USB 3, so 6 total ports is fine with 4 free after the two monitors. I also Gigabit wired the whole house so I use the Ethernet port quite happily.

首先,有很多USB-C。 我还没有USB-C的生活方式,但是我确实在亚马逊上两根USB-C到全尺寸DisplayPort电缆,并且我可以很高兴地报告我可以在60hz上运行两个4k显示器,还可以运行主Surface书3面板。 新的Dock及其电源可以将120瓦的电源推向Surface,所有连接到Dock的总功率为199瓦。 我有几个USB-C记忆棒和一个USB-C外置硬盘,再加上Logitech Brio是USB 3,所以总共6个端口就可以了,两台显示器之后有4个可用端口。 我也用千兆电缆为整个房子布线,所以我很开心地使用了以太网端口

Initially I care about one thing - my 4k monitors. Using the USB-C to DisplayPort cables I plugged the dock into two Dell P2715Q 4ks and they work! I preferred using the direct cables rather than any adapters, but I also tested a USB-C to HDMI 2.0 adapter I got in 2018 with some other Dell monitors in the house and that worked with the Surface Book 3 as it had previously with the Book 2.

最初,我关心一件事-我的4k显示器。 使用USB-C到DisplayPort电缆,我将扩展坞插入了两个Dell P2715Q 4ks,它们可以正常工作! 我更喜欢使用直接电缆而不是使用任何适配器,但我还测试了2018年购买的USB-C转HDMI 2.0适配器以及房屋中的其他Dell显示器,该显示器可与Surface Book 3一起使用,与Surface Book 3一样2。

SURPRISE NOTE: How does the super-thin Surface Pro X do when plugged into a Surface Dock 2? Amazing. It runs two 4k monitors at 60 Hz. I don't know why I was shocked, it's listed on the support page. It's a brand new device, but it's also the size and weight of an iPad so I was surprised. It's a pretty amazing little device - I'll do another post on just the ARM-based Surface Pro X another time.

意外的注意:插入Surface Dock 2时,超薄Surface Pro X的功能如何? 惊人。 它以60 Hz运行两个4k监视器。 我不知道为什么会感到震惊,它已在支持页面上列出。 它是一种全新的设备,但它也是iPad的大小和重量,所以我感到很惊讶。 这是一个非常了不起的小型设备-我将再次在基于ARM的Surface Pro X上发表另一篇文章。

One final thing about the new Dock. The cable is longer! The first dock had a cable that was about 6" too short and now it's not. It's the little things and in this case, a big thing that makes a Dock that much nicer to use.

关于新Dock的最后一件事。 电缆更长! 第一个坞站的电缆大约短了6英寸,而现在还不短。这是小事,在这种情况下,是一件大事,这使得Dock的使用更加方便。

结论 (Conclusion)

All in all, I'm very happy with this Surface Book 3 having been an existing Surface Book 2 user. It's basically 40-50% faster, the video card is surprisingly capable. The SSD is way faster at the top end. It's a clear upgrade over what I had before, and when paired with the Surface Dock 2 and two 4k monitors it's a capable developer box for road warriors or home office warriors like myself.

总而言之,我对这个Surface Book 3已经成为现有Surface Book 2用户感到非常满意。 基本上快40-50%,视频卡的功能令人惊讶。 SSD在高端的速度更快。 这是对我以前产品的明显升级,当与Surface Dock 2和两个4k显示器配合使用时,它是一个功能强大的开发人员盒,适合像我这样的公路勇士或家庭办公室勇士使用。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-of-the-surface-book-3-for-developers





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