


Too many LinkedIn invitations

Per Wikipedia, "In mathematics, a binary relation ... is transitive if ... element a is related to an element b and b is related to an element c then a is also related to c."


Per Me, if I am cool with you, and you are cool with your friend, then I'm cool with your friend. I've decided this is The Transitive Property of Friendship.

对我来说,如果我对你很酷,而你对你的朋友很酷,那么我对你的朋友很酷。 我已经决定这是友谊的传递属性

As I try to mentor more and more people and help folks Level Up in tech, I'm realizing how important it is to #BeTheLuck for someone else. This is something that YOU can do - volunteer at local schools, forward that resume for your neighbor, give a Warm Intro to a friend of a friend.

当我尝试指导越来越多的人并帮助人们提升技术水平时,我意识到了#BeTheLuck对其他人的重要性。 这是您可以做的-在当地学校当志愿者,将简历转发给您的邻居,并向朋友的朋友做一个热烈的介绍。

A lot of one's success can be traced back to hard work and being prepared for opportunities to present themselves, but also to Warm Intros. Often you'll hear about someone who worked hard in school, studied, did well, but then got a job because "their parent knew a person who worked at x." That's something that is hard to replicate. For under-represented folks trying to break into tech, for example, it's the difference between your resume sitting in a giant queue somewhere vs. sitting on the desk of the hiring manager. Some people inherit a personal network and a resume can jump to the top of a stack with a single phone call, while others send CV after CV with nary a callback.

一个人的许多成功都可以追溯到努力工作和为机会展示自己做准备,还可以追溯到Warm Intros。 通常,您会听到有人在学校努力工作,学习,表现良好,但后来找到了工作,因为“他们的父母认识一个在x工作的人”。 那是很难复制的东西。 例如,对于试图进入技术领域的代表性不足的人来说,这就是您的简历坐在某个地方的大队列中与坐在招聘经理的桌子上之间的区别。 有些人继承了个人网络,简历可以通过一个电话跳转到堆栈顶部,而其他人则通过nary在简历后发送简历。

This is why The Warm Intro is so important. LinkedIn has tried to replicate this by allowing you to "build your professional network" but honestly, you can't tell if I'm cool with someone on LinkedIn just because they're connected to me. Even Facebook "friends" have changed the definition of friend. It certainly has for me. Now I'm mentally creating friend categories like work colleague, lowercase f friend, Uppercase F Friend, etc.

这就是为什么The Warm Intro如此重要的原因。 LinkedIn尝试通过允许您“建立您的专业网络”来复制此内容,但老实说,您无法确定我是否对LinkedIn上的某人感到很酷,仅仅是因为他们已经与我建立了联系。 甚至Facebook的“朋友”也改变了朋友的定义。 对我来说当然有。 现在,我正在明智地创建朋友类别,例如工作同事,小写的f朋友,大写的F朋友等。

Here's where it gets hard. You can't help everyone. You also have to protect yourself and your own emotional well-being. This is where cultivating a true network of genuine friends and work colleagues comes in. If your First Ring of Friends are reliable, kind, and professional, then it's safer to assume that anyone they bring into your world has a similar mindset. Thus, The Transitive Property of Friendship - also know as "Any friend of Scott's is a friend of mine." The real personal network isn't determined by Facebook or LinkedIn, it's determined by your gut, your experiences, and your good judgment. If you get burned, you'll be less likely to recommend someone in the future.

这是很难的地方。 你不能帮助所有人。 您还必须保护自己和自己的情感健康。 这是培养真正的真正朋友和同事的网络的地方。如果您的“第一环朋友”是可靠,友善和专业的,则可以更安全地假设他们带入您的世界的任何人都有相似的心态。 因此,友谊传递属性-也被称为“斯科特的任何朋友都是我的朋友”。 真正的个人网络不是由Facebook或LinkedIn决定的,而是由您的直觉,经验和良好的判断力决定的。 如果您被烧毁,将来不太可能推荐某人。

I've been using this general rule to determine where and when to spend my time while still trying to Lend my Privilege to as many people as possible. It's important also to not be a "transactional networker." Be thoughtful if you're emailing someone cold (me or otherwise). Don't act like an episode of Billions on Showtime. We aren't keeping score, tracking favors, or asking for kickbacks. This isn't about Amazon Referral Money or Finder's Fees. When a new friend comes into your life via another and you feel you can help, give of your network and time freely. Crack the door open for them, and then let them kick it open and hopefully be successful.

我一直在使用此一般规则来确定在哪里以及何时度过我的时间,同时仍在尝试将我的特权借给尽可能多的人。 不要成为“交易网络”也很重要。 如果您要给别人发冷邮件(无论是我还是其他方式),请多加考虑。 别像Showtime上的数十亿集那样。 我们不是在保持分数,追踪支持或要求回扣。 这与Amazon Referral Money或Finder的费用无关。 当一个新朋友通过另一个人进入您的生活时,您会感到可以帮助,自由地交往和腾出时间。 打开门为他们打开,然后让他们踢开,并希望成功。

All of this starts by you - we - building up warm, genuine professional relationships with a broad group of people. Then using that network not just for yourself, but to lift the voices and careers of those that come after you.

所有这些都是由您-我们-与广泛的人建立起温暖,真诚的专业关系。 然后,不仅仅为您自己使用该网络,还可以激发那些追随您的人们的声音和职业。

What are YOUR tips and thoughts on building a warm and genuine personal and professional network of folks?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-transitive-property-of-friendship-and-the-importance-of-the-warm-intro


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