avalonia_跨平台的.NET UI框架是什么样的? 探索Avalonia



Many years ago before WPF was the "Windows Presentation Foundation" and introduced XAML as a UI markup language for .NET, Windows, and more, there was a project codenamed "Avalon." Avalon was WPF's codename. XAML is everywhere now, and the XAML Standard is a vocabulary specification.

许多年前,在WPF成为“ Windows Presentation Foundation”并引入XAML作为.NET,Windows等的UI标记语言之前,有一个项目代号为“ Avalon”。 Avalon是WPF的代号。 XAML现在无处不在,并且XAML标准是一个词汇规范。

Avalonia is an open source project that clearly takes its inspiration from Avalon and has an unapologetic love for XAML. Steven Kirk (GitHubber by day) and a team of nearly 50 contributors are asking what would a cross-platform .NET UI Framework look like. WPF without the W, if you will.

Avalonia是一个开源项目,显然是从Avalon那里汲取灵感的,并且对XAML毫无疑问地热爱。 Steven Kirk (目前是GitHub上的人)和将近50个参与者组成的团队正在询问跨平台的.NET UI Framework的外观。 如果有的话,不带W的WPF。

Avalonia (formerly known as Perspex) is a multi-platform .NET UI framework. It can run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS and Android.

Avalonia (以前称为Perspex)是一个多平台的.NET UI框架。 它可以在Windows,Linux,Mac OS X,iOS和Android上运行。

YOU can try out the latest build of Avalonia available for download here:https://ci.appveyor.com/project/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/branch/master/artifacts and probably get the "ControlCatalog.Desktop" zip file at the bottom. It includes a complete running sample app that will let you explore the available controls.

您可以尝试从此处下载最新版本的Avalonia: https//ci.appveyor.com/project/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/branch/master/artifacts,并可能在底部获得“ ControlCatalog.Desktop” zip文件。 它包括一个完整的正在运行的示例应用程序,可让您探索可用的控件。

Avalonia is cross-platform XAML ZOMG

It's important note that while Avalonia may smell like WPF, it's not WPF. It's not cross-platform WPF - it's Avalonia. Make sense? Avalonia does styles differently than WPF, and actually has a lot of subtle but significant syntax improvements.

重要的是,虽然Avalonia的气味可能像WPF,但不是WPF。 它不是跨平台的WPF,而是Avalonia 。 有道理? Avalonia的样式不同于WPF ,实际上在语法上有许多细微但重要的改进

Avalonia is a multi-platform windowing toolkit - somewhat like WPF - that is intended to be multi- platform. It supports XAML, lookless controls and a flexible styling system, and runs on Windows using Direct2D and other operating systems using Gtk & Cairo.

Avalonia是一个多平台的窗口工具包(有点像WPF),旨在用于多平台。 它支持XAML,无外观控件和灵活的样式系统,并且可以在Windows上使用Direct2D并在其他使用Gtk&Cairo的操作系统上运行。

It's in an alpha state but there's an active community excited about it and there's even a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) to help you get File | New Project support and create an app fast. You can check out the source for the sample apps here https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/tree/master/samples.

它处于Alpha状态,但是有一个活跃的社区对此感到兴奋,甚至还有Visual Studio Extension(VSIX)来帮助您获取File |。 新的项目支持并快速创建一个应用程序。 您可以在https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/tree/master/samples中查看示例应用程序的源代码。

Just in the last few weeks you can see commits as they explore what a Linux-based .NET Core UI app would look like.

就在最近的几周中,您可以在查看基于Linux的.NET Core UI应用程序的样子时看到提交。

You can get an idea of what can be done with a framework like this by taking a look at how someone forked the MSBuildStructuredLog utility and ported it to Avalonia - making it cross-platform - in just hours. You can see a video of the port in action on Twitter. There is also a cross-platform REST client you can use to call your HTTP Web APIs at https://github.com/x2bool/restofus written with Avalonia.

通过查看有人如何将MSBuildStructuredLog实用程序分叉并将其移植到Avalonia (使其跨平台) ,只需几个小时,您就可以了解使用这种框架可以做什么。 您可以在Twitter上观看该端口视频。 还有一个跨平台的REST客户端,您可以使用它在用Avalonia编写的https://github.com/x2bool/restofus上调用HTTP Web API。

The project is active but also short on documentation. I'm SURE that they'd love to hear from you on Twitter or in the issues on GitHub. Perhaps you could start contributing to open source and help Avalonia out!

该项目处于活动状态,但缺少文档。 我确定他们很乐意在Twitter或GitHub上收到您的来信。 也许您可以开始为开源做贡献并帮助Avalonia了!

What do you think?


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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/what-would-a-crossplatform-net-ui-framework-look-like-exploring-avalonia






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