备份sram 故障rap_你的东西备份了吗? 从硬件故障中恢复

备份sram 故障rap

备份sram 故障rap

My computer died and I am sad

I had a massive hardware failure over the holiday weekend. I can only tell you what I think happened. I'm not an electrical engineer so if you know more (and I'm sure you do), do feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

我在假期周末遇到了严重的硬件故障。 我只能告诉你我的想法。 我不是电气工程师,因此,如果您了解更多(我相信您知道),请随时在评论中分享您的想法。

For my main machine in my home office I'm running the Ultimate PC that Jeff Atwood was so kind to build for me a few years back. It's not the Ultimate anymore, but I will say it's still VERY competent. I've upgraded the memory, video card, and SSD (more on the SSD in a moment) and it's a great machine and very very fast.

对于我家庭办公室的主机,正在运行Ultimate PC,几年前Jeff Atwood对我来说很友善。 它不再是Ultimate了,但我会说它仍然非常称职。 我已经升级了内存,视频卡和SSD(稍后会在SSD上进行更多介绍),它是一台很棒的机器,而且速度非常快。

The tower was connected to an APC 850VA UPS that had worked nicely for a while. I replace just the batteries in my UPS's every 18-24 months. This last week the UPS started a low "scream" so I went over to check it out. It had turned off suddenly, so the PC and all the accessories were also off. I turned it back on and there was a series of snaps and pops, another screen, followed by a non-trivial amount of smoke and a burning electrical smell.

该塔已连接到运行良好一段时间的APC 850VA UPS。 我每18-24个月只更换一次UPS中的电池。 上周,UPS开始发出低声的“尖叫”,所以我去检查了一下。 它突然关闭,因此PC和所有附件也都关闭了。 我将其重新打开,出现了一系列的啪啪声,爆裂声,另一个屏幕,以及少量的烟雾和燃烧的电子气味。

When it was all over, the main fuse of the house had popped, the UPS was dead and smoking, and the power supply in my computer was dead and smoking. Ugh.

当一切结束时,房子的主要保险丝突然弹出,UPS没电了,冒着烟,我电脑的电源没电了,冒着烟。 啊。

I headed down to the local electronics shop and bought a new 1000W power supply, a new APC BR1000G, and went to town, rebuilding my machine. After redoing all the cables and stuff...it didn't boot. I didn't even see the hard drive (SSD). The drive is a Crucial c300. I loved this drive and it worked great for like 6 years...and now it's dead. Turns out that these Crucial drives are known to die when they lose power quickly. I tried to bring it back to live using all the various forums and whitepapers about this known issue, but nope. It's dead.

我前往当地的电子商店,购买了新的1000W电源新的APC BR1000G ,然后去了城镇,重建了我的机器。 重做所有电缆和东西之后,它没有启动。 我什至没有看到硬盘(SSD)。 该驱动器是Crucial c300。 我喜欢这个驱动器,它运行了6年之久...现在已经死了。 事实证明,这些关键驱动器在快速断电死亡。 我尝试使用有关此已知问题的所有各种论坛和白皮书将其重新投入使用。 死了

OK, so have I lost data? What now? Fortunately I backup my systems. And I hope you, Dear Reader, also backup as well.

好,我丢失了数据吗? 现在怎么办? 幸运的是,我备份了系统。 亲爱的读者,我也希望您也能备份。

Stop reading this now and please, think about your backups. Do you have one? Have you tested to see if you can restore from your backups?

现在就停止阅读,请考虑一下您的备份。 你是否有一个? 您是否测试过是否可以从备份中还原?

Backups always succeed. It's restores that fail. Test your backups by restoring from them.

备份总是成功的。 还原失败。 通过从备份还原来测试您的备份。

I've got a number of backups because I practice the Backup Rule of Three.


  • 3 copies of anything you care about - Two isn't enough if it's important.


  • 2 different formats - Example: Dropbox+DVDs or Hard Drive+Memory Stick or CD+Crash Plan, or more

    2种不同格式-例如:Dropbox + DVD或硬盘驱动器+ Memory Stick或CD + Crash Plan,或更多

  • 1 off-site backup - If the house burns down, how will you get your memories back?


Here's what my backup situation is/was and how I restored.


While you can use Imaging Software and restore an entire image of Windows or Mac, I find that reinstalling Windows takes less than an hour. I keep a bootable USB key of Windows 10 around. You can also download an ISO and make a USB key quickly. You don't usually need an activation key if you're reinstalling Windows. In my case, I installed the new drive, booted off the USB, signed into Windows with my Live ID (Microsoft Account) and it picked up my Windows license already.

虽然您可以使用映像软件并还原Windows或Mac的整个映像,但我发现重新安装Windows不到一个小时。 我保留了Windows 10可启动USB密钥。 您还可以下载ISO并快速创建USB密钥。 如果要重新安装Windows,通常不需要激活密钥。 就我而言,我安装了新驱动器,从USB引导,使用我的Live ID(Microsoft帐户)登录Windows,它已经获取了我的Windows许可证。

Windows文件历史记录 (Windows File History)

I have a 4TB external drive on my desk that uses Windows 10 File History. This is like the Mac Time Machine feature. It's one of the best little "hidden" features of Windows 10 and everyone should use it. It's actually been around for years. My Documents, Desktop, and any other folders I want are automatically backed up as often as I want. I have a backup going every 30 min and I never think about it. It just works, and I don't notice any performance issues.

我的办公桌上有一个使用Windows 10文件历史记录的4TB外部驱动器。 这就像Mac Time Machine功能。 它是Windows 10最好的小“隐藏”功能之一,每个人都应该使用它。 实际上已经存在多年了。 我的文档,桌面和我想要的任何其他文件夹会根据需要自动备份。 我每30分钟进行一次备份,但我从未考虑过。 它只是有效,我没有发现任何性能问题。

In this case, I *did* have crap on my desktop that wasn't in Dropbox and wasn't yet backed up to the cloud. I just hooked up the drive and restored from File History. I literally lost nothing. All my desktop crap was restored in place. If you have an external drive that you always have hooked up but it's not really getting use, setup File History in just minutes.

在这种情况下,我*在桌面上丢了垃圾,这些垃圾不在Dropbox中并且还没有备份到云中。 我只是挂接了驱动器并从“文件历史记录”中还原了。 我从字面上什么都没丢失。 我所有的桌面废话都恢复到位。 如果您有一个外部驱动器,但始终无法连接,则只需几分钟即可设置文件历史记录。

多个基于云的备份 (Multiple Cloud-based Backups)

I have a number of clouds in my backup rotation:


  • GitHub - I have github repos, both private and public for code.

  • DropBox - My primary cloud files backup

  • OneDrive for Business - My work cloud files backup

    OneDrive for Business-我的工作云文件备份
  • Synology - I love my Synology. It's a complete home NAS Server with massive storage, RAID, VPN, Docker, and so much more. A daily joy and a local cloud.

    Synology-我爱我的Synology。 这是一台完整的家用NAS服务器,具有海量存储,RAID,VPN,Docker等。 每天的欢乐和局部的乌云。

  • CrashPlan - I keep TBs up there and pay them happily for the service.


相关链接 (Related Links)

Here's some additional reading on ways to back up your system. Please do also help non-technical relative back up their stuff as well. Every week I hear about someone working on their PhD thesis losing their whole life's work an instant. Backup is a system and it CAN be automatic.

这是一些有关备份系统的方法的更多信息。 也请帮助非技术亲戚备份他们的资料。 每周我都会听到有人在撰写博士学位论文,而他们一生都在失去一生。 备份是一个系统,可以是自动的。

What do you do for backup?


Sponsor: Many thanks to my friends at Stackify for sponsoring the feed this week! it’s what being a developer is all about so do it the best you can. That’s why Stackify built Prefix. No .NET profiler is easier or more powerful. You’re 2 clicks and $0 away, so build on! Prefix.io.

赞助商:非常感谢Stackify上的朋友们本周为Feed提供了赞助! 这就是成为开发人员的全部目的,因此请尽力而为。 这就是Stackify构建Prefix的原因。 没有任何.NET探查器更容易或更强大。 您获得2次点击,距离$ 0,所以继续吧! Prefix.io

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/is-your-stuff-backed-up-recovering-from-a-hardware-failure

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