已解决且已修复:StreetPass停止在Nintendo 3DS XL上运行

Nice to meet you! says my Mii

Yes, this is kind of a silly blog post but it's been bugging me for months so I wanted to get it out there in case it helps someone who is googling for the answer!


I have a little Nintendo 3DS XL (the "new" one) that I bought for long trips. It's a great little device with a large library of games, plus it plays SNES classics like Super Metroid. All in all, I'm thrilled with the purchase.

我有一些长期旅行购买的Nintendo 3DS XL(“新”) 。 这是一款很棒的小型设备,带有大量游戏库,还可以播放SNES经典作品,例如《超级银河战士》。 总而言之,我对这次购买感到很兴奋。

It has wifi, and both Netflix and Hulu in a pinch for the kids, but it also has some really cool social features using a proprietary wifi connection called "StreetPass." The nutshell is that if you pass by someone (within 30-40 feet in my experience) their "Mii" avatar will jump into your game console and bring with it data from other games.

它具有wifi,Netflix和Hulu都适合孩子们使用,但它也具有一些非常酷的社交功能,使用称为“ StreetPass”的专有wifi连接。 简而言之,如果您经过某个人(根据我的经验,在30-40英尺之内),他们的“ Mii”头像将跳入您的游戏机并携带其他游戏的数据。

There's simple stuff like Puzzles, there's mini games like Find Mii, and StreetPass enhances more complex games like Mario World or Resident Evil: Revelations by adding in whole new components. In Resident Evil you'll get communications and weapons drops from your colleagues who are apparently fighting zombies at the same time as you. In Shovel Knight you can race the "ghost" of another player. It's safe and anonymous.

有诸如拼图之类的简单内容,有诸如《寻找米妮》之类的迷你游戏,而StreetPass通过添加全新的组件来增强诸如《马里奥世界》或《生化危机:启示录》等更复杂的游戏。 在“生化危机”中,您将获得显然与您同时在与僵尸作战的同事的通讯和武器投降。 在“铲子骑士”中,您可以比赛其他玩家的“幽灵”。 安全且匿名。

If you travel it's even cooler as you'll StreetPass people in airports and collect their countries or states of origin. I carry my 3DS to conventions and all over the world. It's a hoot.

如果您旅行,它会更凉爽,因为您将在机场使用StreetPass并收集他们所在的国家或州。 我将3DS携带到世界各地的公约中。 这是一个呼ho声。

BUT. A few months back it stopped StreetPassing. Nothing happened, ever. I made sure everything was updated, turned it on and off, but nada.

但。 几个月前,它停止了StreetPassing。 一无所有。 我确保所有内容都已更新,并已将其打开和关闭,但请放心。

Recently I fixed it and I'm sure it will fix StreetPass for you also.


  • Go into Mii Maker and design a secondary Mii. Doesn't matter what it looks like. I did it quickly.

    进入Mii Maker并设计辅助Mii。 没关系,看起来像什么。 我很快就做到了。

  • Switch to that secondary Mii. You won't lose anything.

    切换到该辅助Mii 。 您不会失去任何东西。

  • Exit Mii Maker, then go back in and switch back to your original Mii.

    退出Mii Maker,然后返回并切换原来的Mii。

    • I surmise that this clears things out and re-writes some settings for you.

    • I also changed my Mii's hat and outfit just to make sure it was re-written completely.


    Exit Mii Maker, then go back in and switch back to your original Mii.

    退出Mii Maker,然后返回并切换原来的Mii。

  • Head over to Mii Plaza and you should be all set.

    前往Mii Plaza,您应该一切就绪。

My system started StreetPassing within a few hours.


I hope this helps someone because as a traveller who really digs StreetPass, having it not work was really harshing my mellow. By the way, I REALLY love this "DreamGear" rubber case I got for my 3DS. It changes the shape of it, makes it larger, almost like an Xbox controller. That's an Amazon link that you can use that will help me get more 3DS games. ;)

我希望这对某人有帮助,因为作为一个真正挖掘StreetPass的旅行者,无法使用它确实让我感到很不愉快。 顺便说一句,我真的很喜欢我为3DS买到的“ DreamGear”橡胶盒。 它改变了它的形状,使其变得更大,几乎像Xbox控制器一样。 您可以使用该链接来帮助我获得更多3DS游戏。 ;)

Sponsor: Big thumbs-up for Kendo UI! They published a comprehensive whitepaper on responsive web design and the best and fastest way to serve desktop and mobile web users in a tailored and cost-effective manner. Check it out!

赞助商:坚决支持Kendo UI! 他们发布了有关响应式Web设计的全面白皮书,以及以量身定制和经济高效的方式为台式机和移动Web用户提供服务的最佳最快方法。 看看这个!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/solved-and-fixed-streetpass-stopped-working-on-nintendo-3ds-xl





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