

Warning: Excessive use of Capitals for Emphasis ahead.


A friend of mine left his job to start a medical startup and has been in the middle of a Fight Over The Tech Stack. The current challenge is very bifurcated...very polarized. It's old vs. new, enterprise vs. startup, closed vs. open source, reliable vs. untested. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.

我的一个朋友离开了他的工作,开始了一家医疗创业公司,并且一直处于“技术栈之战”的中间。 当前的挑战非常分歧……两极分化。 它是旧的还是新的,企业的还是启动的,封闭的还是开源的,可靠的还是未经测试的。 似乎没有任何中间立场。

Sometimes fights like these start with a Zealot.


Zealot: a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.


Not all, don't get mad yet, but sometimes. Sometimes a Technical Religious Zealot is on your team - or runs your team - and they can't make objective decisions about a particular piece of technology.

并非全部,请不要生气,但是有时候。 有时,技术宗教狂热者会在您的团队中-或管理您的团队-他们无法对某项技术做出客观的决定。

"Don't use Microsoft, it killed my Pappy! Rails? Please, that won't scale. Node? Maybe if you're 17 that'll work! The only real way to write right software is with Technology X."

“不要使用微软,它杀死了我的Pappy!Rails?请,那不会扩展。节点?也许您17岁就可以了! 编写 正确软件的唯一真正方法是使用TechnologyX。”

The language may not be this overt, but the essence is that Software can only be built This Way.


Here's the thing. Lean in. There's lots of ways to build software. Lots of successful ways. In fact, Success is a great metric.

这是东西精益学习。有很多构建软件的方法。 很多成功的方法。 实际上,成功是一个很好的指标。

But there's a lot of crappy Java apps, there's a lot of crappy C# apps, and there's lot of crappy Technology X apps.

但是,有很多糟糕的Java应用程序,有很多糟糕的C#应用​​程序,还有很多糟糕的Technology X应用程序。

Enthusiasm for a technology is understandable, especially if you've had previous success. I've worked in C++, Pascal, node.js, Java, and C#, myself. I've had great success with all of them, but I'm currently most excited about .NET and C#. I'm an enthusiast, to be clear. I've also told people who have hired me for projects that .NET wasn't the right tech for their problem.

对技术的热情是可以理解的,特别是如果您以前有过成功。 我本人曾经在C ++,Pascal,node.js,Java和C#中工作。 我在所有这些工具上都取得了巨大的成功,但是目前我对.NET和C#感到最兴奋。 我是一个狂热者,要明确。 我还告诉那些雇用我参加项目的人,.NET不是解决他们问题的合适技术。

Be excited about your technical religion, but also not only respect others' technical religion, celebrate their successes and learn from them as they may inform your own architectures. Every religious can learn from others, and the same is true in software.

对您的技术信仰感到兴奋,但不仅要尊重他人的技术信仰,庆祝他们的成功并向他们学习,因为他们可能会为您自己的体系结构提供信息。 每个宗教人士都可以向他人学习,在软件中也是如此。

Beware the Zealots. Software is a place for measurement, for experience, for research, and for thoughtful and enthusiastic discussion. You or the Zealot may ultimately disagree with the team decision but you should disagree and commit. A good Chief Architect can pull all these diverse architectural conversations and business requirements into a reasonable (and likely hybrid) stack that will serve the company for years to come.

当心狂热者。 软件是进行测量,积累经验,进行研究以及进行认真而热情的讨论的场所。 您或狂热者最终可能会不同意团队的决定,但您应该不同意并作出承诺。 优秀的首席架构师可以将所有这些不同的架构对话和业务需求整合到一个合理的(并且可能是混合的)堆栈中,这些堆栈将为公司服务多年。

Dear Reader, how do you deal with Technology Decisions that turn into Religious Arguments? Sound off in the comments.

亲爱的读者,如何处理变成宗教争论的技术决策? 在评论中听起来不错。

SOCIAL: Hey folks, please do follow me on Facebook https://fb.me/scott.hanselman or Twitter! https://twitter.com/shanselman

社会:嗨伙计们,请不要跟我在Facebook上https://fb.me/scott.hanselman或Twitter! https://twitter.com/shanselman

* Photo "Enthusiasm Rainbow Gel" by Raquel Baranow used under CC BY 2.0

*图片由Raquel Baranow使用的“热情彩虹胶”在CC BY 2.0下使用

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/dealing-with-software-religious-arguments-and-architectural-zealotry





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