



There's an ancient cliché that drives a lot of my thinking about personal productivity. "Excessive busy-ness is a common form of laziness."

有一个古老的陈词滥调使我对个人生产力产生了很多思考。 “过度忙碌是懒惰的一种常见形式。”

Busy-ness in the Tibetan tradition is considered the most extreme form of laziness. Because when you are busy you can turn your brain off. You’re on the treadmill. The only  intelligence comes in the morning when you make your To Do list and you get rid of all the possible space that could happen in your day. - Elephant Journal, 2008

藏族传统中的忙碌被认为是懒惰的最极端形式。 因为当您忙时,您可以关闭您的大脑。 你在跑步机上。 当您列出待办事项清单时,唯一的情报就是早上,您将摆脱一天中可能发生的所有可能的空间。 -大象杂志,2008年

The Tibetan term lelo, as I understand it, begins to describe this kind of laziness.

据我了解,藏语“ lelo”开始描述这种懒惰。

Kausidya (Sanskrit; Tibetan Wylie: le lo) is a Buddhist term translated as "laziness" or "spiritual sloth".

Kausidya (梵语;藏语Wylie: le lo )是佛教术语,被翻译为“懒惰”或“精神懒惰”。

Alan Wallace explains that kausidya (lelo in Tibetan) refers to a very specific type of laziness, that is concerned only with virtuous activity. Wallace explains from Wikipedia:

艾伦·华莱士(Alan Wallace)解释说, kausidya (藏语中的lelo )是一种非常特殊的懒惰类型,仅与良性活动有关。 华莱士从维基百科解释说:

lelo in Tibetan, is often translated as ‘laziness,’ but it is much more specific. If a person is working sixteen hours a day, hellbent on earning a whole lot of money with absolutely no concern for virtue, from a Buddhist perspective you could say that person is subject to lelo ,经常被翻译为“懒惰”,但是它更为具体。 如果一个人每天工作16个小时,那么就赚了很多钱,却根本不关心美德,从佛教的角度来看,您可以说这个人会受到 lelo. lelo的约束lelo in the sense of being completely lethargic and slothful with regard to the cultivation of virtue and purification of the mind. lelo

I'm not saying you're lazy so don't get mad quite yet. I'm saying that using "I'm too busy" as an excuse or a reason to not do something important to you, then you might want to give your situation a closer look. I'm saying that sometimes we are busy with work, but not the kind of work we should be busy with.

我并不是说很懒,所以不要生气。 我是说,以“我太忙”为借口或理由不对您做重要的事情,那么您可能想仔细了解一下您的情况。 我是说有时候我们忙于工作,但不是我们应该忙的那种工作。

Sakyong Mipham states: "Speediness is laziness when we use it as a way to avoid working with our minds."

萨金·米帕姆(Sakyong Mipham)指出:“速度就是懒惰,当我们将其用作避免与头脑合作的一种方式时。”

Of course, there's busy people who are literally on fire and being chased by ninjas, I'll give them a pass. But when someone says "I'm too busy" perhaps they are letting you know they are too important to talk to you, or they are just using it as an excuse to not engage. Often I've said in the past that "I'm busy" when I really mean "I'm not really that into your idea to take the time to think deeply about it."

当然,有一些忙碌的人正在生火,被忍者追赶,我给他们通行证。 但是,当有人说“我太忙”时,他们可能是在告诉您他们太重要了,无法与您交谈,或者只是以闲聊为借口。 过去,我经常说“我很忙”,我的意思是“我真的不花时间对您的想法进行思考”。

So when we say "being busy is a form of being lazy" we're saying think about what's important, and think about the work you're doing. Is it moving the ball forward? Is it moving YOUR BALL forward. The Ball that you care about?

因此,当我们说“忙碌是懒惰的一种形式”时,我们是在考虑重要的事情,并思考正在做的工作。 它在推动球前进吗? 它在推动您的球前进吗? 您关心的球?

I have an hour set aside once a week that's for a meeting. The meeting is with myself. No one else comes to this meeting but me. I think about what I'm doing, where I'm going, and what I need to be working on. I use this meeting to think about the business and busyness of my previous week. I think about what busy work I did that was a waste of time, and try to setup myself up for success in the coming week.

我每周有一个小时要开会。 会议是我自己。 除了我,没有其他人参加这次会议。 我考虑自己在做什么,要去哪里以及需要做什么。 我使用这次会议来思考我前一周的工作和繁忙情况。 我认为我所做的忙碌工作是在浪费时间,然后尝试在接下来的一周里为成功做好准备。

My parents and brother are convinced that I'm too busy to hang out or have lunch. I constantly hear "Well, we didn't want to bother you." I'm never too busy for them. Time can be made. It's amazing how quickly a day of meetings (or a half-day) can be cancelled or moved. Days can be cleared and time can be made.

我的父母和兄弟深信我很忙,不能闲逛或吃午饭。 我经常听到“好吧,我们不想打扰您。” 我从不为他们忙。 时间是可以的。 令人惊讶的是,一天的会议(或半天)可以被取消或移动的速度如此之快。 日子可以清除,时间可以安排。

It's easy to get caught up in the chaos of business. It's fun to play Tetris with your Outlook calendar. It's satisfying to pack those productive meetings in and feel important and urgently needed. It's cathartic to delete email and think that getting rid of that email is moving my life forward, but often it's not. Often I'm just on a treadmill, running to keep up. I know this treadmill and my inertia keeps me going.

陷入业务混乱很容易。 在Outlook日历中玩俄罗斯方块很有趣。 将那些富有成效的会议聚集在一起并感到重要和迫切需要,这是令人满足的。 删除电子邮件并认为摆脱该电子邮件正在推动我的生活向前迈进,但事实并非如此。 我经常只是在跑步机上跑步,要跟上步伐。 我知道这台跑步机,我的惯性使我前进。

The hard work is to consciously step off the treadmill, step away, turn around and look at it. What can be removed? What can be refined? In what ways have we taught our bosses or co-workers how to treat us and our time?

艰苦的工作是有意识地走下跑步机,走开,转身看看。 可以删除什么? 有什么可以提炼的? 我们以什么方式教会老板或同事如何对待我们和我们的时间?

I was in Egypt once and the hosts wanted to take me to the Sphinx, but I didn't want to miss a weekend with my sons. They may have thought me rude, but it was about consciously choosing one priority over another. I knew my time and my priorities and made a conscious choice on how I was going to spend it.

我曾经在埃及,房东想带我去狮身人面像,但我不想和儿子们一起度过一个周末。 他们可能以为我很粗鲁,但这是有意识地选择一个优先事项而不是另一个。 我知道自己的时间和优先事项,并有意识地选择了如何度过的。

In what way are you buying into the idea of being always busy? What are you doing to find balance?

以何种方式,买成的是总是很忙的想法? 您正在做什么以寻求平衡?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/personal-productivity-business-vs-busyness-vs-laziness






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