


Now's the perfect time to buy your kids/nieces/cousins some robots. Robots are a great way to get children excited about computers. Robots get them stoked in a way that a simple Hello World console app just can't.

现在是购买您的孩子/侄女/表兄弟一些机器人的最佳时机。 机器人是让孩子们对计算机兴奋的好方法。 机器人以简单的Hello World控制台应用程序无法做到的方式使它们陷入困境。

If you're not careful you can spent hundreds on robots. However, I'm notoriously frugal and I believe that you can build some amazing stuff with children with a reasonable budget.

如果您不小心,可以在机器人上花费数百美元。 但是,我以节俭着称,我相信您可以在预算合理的前提下,为孩子们制作一些很棒的东西。

Here's some of the robot and electronics kits I recommend and have built with my kids.


4M锡罐机器人 (4M Tin Can Robot)

This is just a teaser but it's less than a trip to the movies. This silly little kit takes 2 AAA batteries and will take an aluminum can and animate it. It gets kids thinking about using found objects in their robots, as opposed to them thinking custom equipment is always required.

这只是一个预告片,而不是去看电影。 这个愚蠢的小工具包需要2节AAA电池,并要用铝罐做动画。 这使孩子们开始考虑在机器人中使用找到的对象,而不是他们认为始终需要定制设备。

Quadru-Bot 14合1太阳能机器人 (Quadru-Bot 14-in-1 Solar Robot)

One of the challenges is "what age should I start?" and "how complex of a robot can my __ year old handle?" Kits like this are nice because they are starting with batteries and gears and include two levels of building, basic and experienced. It's also a nice kit because it includes solar power as an option and also can work in water (the bath).

挑战之一是“我应该从几岁开始?” 和“ __岁的我的机器人能处理多复杂的机器人?” 这样的套件非常好,因为它们从电池和齿轮开始,并且包括基础和有经验的两个层次。 这也是一个不错的工具包,因为它包括太阳能作为选装件,并且还可以在水(浴缸)中工作。

OWI机械手臂边缘 (OWI Robotic Arm Edge)

This isn't a kit but it's a reasonably priced robotic arm to get kids thinking in terms of command and control and multiple dimensions. OWI also has a cool 3in1 robot RC kit if you prefer driving robots around and more "rebuildability."

这不是套件,而是价格合理的机械臂,可让孩子们在命令和控制以及多个维度上进行思考。 OWI还提供了一个很棒的3合1机器人RC套件,如果您喜欢四处行驶的机器人以及更强的“可重建性”。

Mirobot (Mirobot)

This Christmas my 7 year old and I built a Mirobot. You can get pre-soldered and solder-yourself kits. We got the main Mirobot Kit PLUS the Addons Kit which includes clever additional modules for Line Following, Sound, and Collision Detection.

这个圣诞节我7岁,我造了一个Mirobot 。 您可以获取预焊接和自行焊接的套件。 我们得到了主要的Mirobot套件和Addons套件,其中包括用于线路跟踪,声音和碰撞检测的灵巧附加模块。

The whole Mirobot execution is brilliant. The hardware and software are all open source, so if you want to acquire the parts and make it yourself you can. You can get kits in various levels of preassembly.

整个Mirobot执行非常出色。 硬件和软件都是开源的,因此,如果您想购买零件并自己制作,则可以。 您可以获得各种级别的预组装套件。

It's built on an Arduino but is preloaded with some very clever software that takes advantage of its onboard Wifi. You can program it in C with Arduino tools, of course, but for kids, they can use JavaScript and an in-browser editor, much like Logo. It will create its own ad-hoc wifi network by default, or you can join it to your home network.

它基于Arduino构建,但预装了一些非常聪明的软件,可以利用其板载Wifi。 您当然可以使用Arduino工具在C中进行编程,但是对于孩子们来说,他们可以使用JavaScript和浏览器内编辑器,就像Logo一样。 默认情况下,它将创建自己的ad-hoc wifi网络,或者您可以将其加入家庭网络。


The creator is also building an Apps Platform so you can control the Mirobot from other apps within your browser and websocket your way over to the robot.


It took us about a weekend to build and you can see in the pic below that my 7 year old was able to install a pen and get the bot to draw a stickman. He was THRILLED.

我们花了大约一个周末来建造,您可以在下面的图片中看到我7岁的男孩能够安装一支笔,并让机器人绘制火柴人。 他感到恐惧。


爱迪生 (Edison)

This isn't the Intel Edison, although you can make some great robots with it as well. No, this is Edison, a little LEGO compatible robot from the makers of Microbric, a great robot platform from a few years ago. I actually made a Microbric robot in 2007 and blogged about it.

这不是Intel Edison ,尽管您也可以用它制造一些出色的机器人。 不,这是Edison,它是Microbric的制造商提供的与LEGO兼容的小机器人,这是几年前的出色机器人平台。 实际上,我在2007年制造了一个Microbric机器人,并在博客中发布了有关它的信息

Edison is fantastic and just $50. If you're a teacher and can get a multiples pack, you can get them as cheap as $35 each. You program Edison with a clean drag and drop icon system then download the program to your robot with a cable from your computer's headphone jack.

爱迪生太棒了,只要50美元。 如果您是一名老师并且可以得到一个多重装,则可以便宜到每个35美元。 您可以使用干净的拖放图标系统对Edison进行编程,然后使用电缆从计算机的耳机插Kong将程序下载到机器人。

Out of the box you can have it follow a flashlight/torch, follow lines on paper, fight each other in a sumo ring, avoid walls, and lots more. In this picture there's two Edison's stacked on each other. The top one has the wheels removed and replaced with Lego elements to make robot arms.

开箱即用,您可以跟随手电筒/手电筒,沿着纸上的线条,在相扑环中相互搏斗,避开墙壁等等。 在这张照片中,有两个爱迪生彼此堆叠。 最上面的一个轮子被卸下,并用乐高(Lego)元素代替以制造机器人手臂。

乐高头脑风暴 (LEGO Mindstorms)

OK, yes, LEGO Mindstorms are $350, so that's not exactly frugal. BUT, I've seen parents buy $500 iPads without a thought, why not consider a more tactile and engineering-focused gift for a girl or boy?

好的,是的,乐高Mindstorms售价$ 350 ,所以这并不算节俭。 但是,我看到父母毫不犹豫地购买了500美元的iPad,为什么不考虑为女孩或男孩提供更具触觉和工程重点的礼物呢?

This is THE flagship. It's got Wifi, Bluetooth, color sensors, iPad apps, collision detection, motors galore and unlimited replayability. There's also a huge online community dedicated to taking Mindstorms to the next level. If you can swing it, it's worth the money and appropriate for anyone from 6 to 60.

这是THE的旗舰。 它具有Wifi,蓝牙,色彩传感器,iPad应用程序,碰撞检测,丰富的电机和无限的重播性。 还有一个庞大的在线社区致力于将Mindstorms提升到一个新的水平。 如果可以摆动它,这钱是值得的,并且适合6至60岁的任何人。

捕捉电路 (Snap Circuits)

I couldn't love Snap Circuits more. I started with the Jr. Snap Circuits and we eventually graduated to Snap Circuits Pro. They are my #1 go-to gift idea for kids of friends and relatives.

我再也不上Snap Circuits了。 我从Jr. Snap Circuits开始,然后最终毕业于Snap Circuits Pro 。 它们是我给亲朋好友的礼物的第一选择。

While this isn't a robotics kit, per se, it really builds the basic understanding of batteries, electronics, and motors that kids will need to move to the next level.


What robot kids do YOU recommend?








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