


更新:共享此URL! http://lifesboardofdirectors.com,并向您的支持网络介绍此想法! (UPDATE: Share this URL! http://lifesboardofdirectors.com and tell YOUR support network about this idea!)

My good friend Luvvie, a humor blogger, recently tweeted this in response to some goodness in her life:


Everyone needs a life board of directors. A group of people [who] mentor you and help you find direction. You form one organically.

— OluLuvvie AdeRatchet (@Luvvie)

每个人都需要一个生命董事会。 一群人指导您并帮助您找到方向。 您有机地形成一个。

— OluLuvvie AdeRatchet(@Luvvie) June 5, 2012 2012年6月5日

Luvvie and I have talked about this before and even assembled board of directors for ourselves, have suggested the idea to friends, acquaintances and even a few real-life famous people. My friend Adria Richards has "Team Adria" for example, and reaches out when life gets exciting and confusing.

我和Luvvie之前都谈论过这个问题,甚至自己为董事会成立过,也向朋友,熟人甚至是一些现实生活中的名人提出了这个想法。 我的朋友阿德里亚·理查兹( Adria Richards)拥有“阿德里亚团队”(Team Adria),当生活变得令人兴奋和混乱时,他会伸出援手。

The idea is of a board of directors is such a simple one but it's truly life changing when put to work.


Adria, myself and Luvvie

My wife and I talk a little about mission statements in the context of marriage in our (perpetually) upcoming book on Relationship Hacks. Here's a quote from our as-of-yet-unfinished book:

我和我的妻子在我们即将(永久)即将出版的《 Relationship Hacks》一书中谈到了婚姻中的使命宣言。 这是我们尚未完成的书的引文:

And so we sat down to develop a mission statement. Historically the idea of a mission statement has been associated with religious groups, guiding missionaries on their religious missions by giving them specific principles they can hold on to. In recent times most people are familiar with the concept of a mission statement in a corporate context.

因此,我们坐下来制定了任务说明。 从历史上讲,宣教声明的想法与宗教团体有关,通过向传教士提供他们可以坚持的具体原则来指导他们的宗教使命。 近年来,大多数人都熟悉公司环境中的使命宣言的概念。

Using the definition of "mission statement" from Wikipedia - the source of all geek wisdom until it's edited by someone else - and we'll replace the words company or organization with marriage. If you're not married, of course adjust the paragraph to your preference.

使用Wikipedia中的“任务陈述”的定义-所有极客智慧的来源,直到被其他人编辑为止-我们将用婚姻代替“公司组织”一词 如果您还没有结婚,当然可以根据自己的喜好调整该段。

A formal, short, written statement of the purpose of a marriage. The mission statement should guide the actions of the marriage, spell out its overall goal, provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making. It provides "the framework or context within which the marriage's strategies are formulated."

关于婚姻目的的正式,简短的书面陈述。 使命宣言应指导婚姻的行动,阐明婚姻的总体目标,提供方向感并指导决策。 它提供了“制定婚姻策略的框架或环境”。

Take a moment and drink that in, as Scott likes to say. That seems like a totally reasonable thing to do doesn't it? I mean, you agonize about your vows for weeks, why not take an evening and write a mission statement? Why do so few people work for months to plan home purchases, months deciding where they live, what car to buy, but don't create guiding principles for the next 50 years of your life?

斯科特喜欢说,花点时间喝点。 这似乎是完全合理的事情,不是吗? 我的意思是,您为数周的誓言而苦恼,为什么不花一个晚上写一份任务说明? 为什么这么少的人要花几个月的时间来计划购房,花几个月的时间来决定他们的住所,买什么车,却不为下一个人生50年制定指导原则?

Companies have mission statements and a Board of Directors. Your life is pretty important. Why not create a Life Board of Directors to help you through it? Pick 2 to 5 of your friends. Not necessarily your closest friends, but friends that are close enough where you can really confide but not so close that they can't see the big picture. Email them one a month, once a quarter or "once a crisis." Ask them for advice, lean on them, trust them and help them as well.

公司有任务说明和董事会。 你的生活很重要。 为什么不创建一个生命董事会来帮助您呢? 选择2至5个您的朋友。 不一定是您最亲密的朋友,而是足够亲密的朋友,您可以在其中真正倾诉,但又不是那么亲密,以至于他们看不到大局。 每月给他们发送一封电子邮件,每季度发送一次,或“一旦发生危机”。 向他们征求意见,依靠他们,信任他们并也帮助他们。

Assemble "Team You" and use your team to brainstorm directions and implementations of big decisions like moving to New York, or changing your business's direction, starting a new venture, or getting fit. 

组建“ Team You”,并使用您的团队来集思广益,指导和执行重大决策,例如移居纽约,更改业务方向,开展新业务或变得健康。

Use your personal Board of Directors as one of the compasses in your life. You've got family, friends, perhaps faith, hobbies, values, etc. Add your Team to this list of personal compasses. 

将您的个人董事会用作生活中的指南针之一。 您有家人,朋友,也许还有信仰,爱好,价值观等。将您的团队添加到此个人指南针列表中。

It might sound like a silly mind game, but that's common with many hacks. Hacks feel insignificant but can have huge effects. The trick is to remember that it is a hack - you're hacking yourself. The idea of life's board of directors is a relationship hack meant to remind you in difficult times that you can agree on something fundamental and you have a team to support you in your endeavors. Set a direction and head in that direction with the confidence you've got a supportive group behind you.

这听起来像是一个愚蠢的头脑游戏,但这在许多黑客中很常见。 骇客感觉微不足道,但会产生巨大的影响。 诀窍是要记住这是一种黑客行为-您正在黑客自己。 生命董事会的想法是一种关系破解,旨在提醒您在困难时期可以就基本问题达成共识,并且您有一支团队来支持您的工作。 设定方向并朝着这个方向前进,充满信心地支持您。

Go assemble your Life's Board today.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/who-is-on-your-lifes-board-of-directors






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