dsp点亮led程序_点亮它:使用新的Windows 7功能的应用程序列表



I'm digging Windows 7 more and more. So much so, that I'm watching out for apps that use new features like Jump Lists, Libraries, Power Management, Taskbar Progress Bars, Icon overlays, Multitouch, Ribbon, High DPI, Sensors, Locations, etc. I thought I'd start a post listing the applications that are using new features in Windows 7. Basically what apps "Light up" on Windows 7.

我正在越来越多地挖掘Windows 7。 如此之多,以至于我一直在寻找使用新功能的应用程序,例如跳转列表,库,电源管理,任务栏进度栏,图标覆盖,多点触控,功能区,高DPI,传感器,位置等。 我以为我会开始发布一个帖子,列出Windows 7中正在使用新功能的应用程序,基本上是Windows 7上哪些应用程序会“点亮”。

Yes, I realize that this list will soon (weeks? months?) include every Windows app, but it's nice to have it now while we're all playing with our shiny new toys.


Here's the ones that I've noticed. Add the ones you've found in the comments and I'll update the list!

这是我注意到的。 添加您在评论中找到的内容,我将更新列表!

Gmail Notifier Plus (Gmail Notifier Plus)

This little app sits in your Windows 7 "Superbar" and checks your Gmail. You get tasks as well as a list of your unread email and a preview of each mail. There's even a nice little number overlay showing the number of unread mail.

这个小应用程序位于Windows 7“超级栏”中,并检查您的Gmail。 您将获得任务以及未读电子邮件的列表和每封邮件的预览。 甚至还有一个很小的数字叠加层,显示未读邮件的数量。


WinSnap (WinSnap)

This is a screen capture utility and when it's pinned to the Taskbar it gives you a JumpList for taking screenshots.


Google Chrome 4和Internet Explorer 8和FireFox 3.6(每日Alpha版) (Google Chrome 4 and Internet Explorer 8 and FireFox 3.6 (Daily Alpha Build))

As of this writing, both IE8 and Google Chrome have Windows 7 features. Chrome includes JumpLists and Tasks and IE8 supports not only those, but also Aero Previews of individual tabs (rather than just windows.) Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 also includes just the Tab Preview feature. Now that Windows 7 is out, I'd expect everyone to start ramping up the UX (User Experience) to get lit-up on 7.

在撰写本文时,IE8和Google Chrome都具有Windows 7功能。 Chrome包含JumpLists和Tasks,而IE8不仅支持这些功能,而且还支持单个选项卡(而不是Windows)的Aero预览。Firefox3.6 Beta 1还仅包括Tab Preview功能。 既然Windows 7已经发布,我希望每个人都可以开始逐步提高UX(用户体验),以便在7上亮起。


The preview of individual tabs keeps me coming back to IE8. It's a REALLY nice feature and it's hard to get along without it.

各个选项卡的预览使我回到了IE8。 这是一个非常好的功能,没有它很难相处。

One subtle but irritating thing I did notice, was that the Aero Previews for Firefox 3.61a1 (build 2) are really unclear and poorly dithered. Here's an IE8 preview showing cnn.com next to FireFox showing the same page.

我确实注意到的一个微妙但令人烦恼的事情是,Firefox 3.61a1(内部版本2)的Aero预览确实不清楚,抖动程度也很低。 这是IE8预览,显示cnn.com,而FireFox则显示相同页面。

I'm sure they'll fix it, but it's irritating to my eye. I immediately noticed it. I'll add Chrome whenever they add this feature.

我敢肯定他们会解决它,但这对我来说很恼火。 我立即注意到了。 每当他们添加此功能时,我都会添加Chrome。




Firefox 3.6a1 build 2

Firefox 3.6a1内部版本2


Zune 4和(kinda)iTunes 9 (Zune 4 and (kinda) iTunes 9)

Zune 4 includes Quickplay and Smart DJ tasks, and iTunes just includes two hard-coded tasks. Zune also ups the Win7 ante with its smaller and docked and minimized view, which is the hotness.

Zune 4包含Quickplay和Smart DJ任务,iTunes仅包含两个硬编码任务。 Zune还以较小的,停靠的和最小化的视图来增强Win7 ante,这就是热点

iTunes also supports some Taskbar controls, but misses the point but not putting Album pictures in the Taskbar Preview.




Windows Live Messenger (Windows Live Messenger)

I have a love-hate relationship with the current Windows Live Messenger. Initially I was really mad that (on 7) it wouldn't minimize to the tray (that thing next to the clock, not really called the tray, but I will call it that, so meh on you). Instead, it sticks around the Taskbar forever. While I understand that Windows 7 has a new UX aesthetic, I would appreciate an option. At this point, the option is to right-click on the icon, click Compatibility and basically lie to it, telling Messenger that it is running on Vista. Of course, then you lose the Windows 7 features, like the very full-featured Jump Lists:

我与当前的Windows Live Messenger有着爱恨交织的关系。 最初,我真的很生气(在7上)它不会最小化到托盘上(时钟旁边的那个东西,不是真的叫托盘,但是我会这样称呼,所以对你来说吧)。 相反,它会永远围绕任务栏。 虽然我了解Windows 7具有新的UX美学,但我希望能有一个选择。 此时,选项是右键单击该图标,单击“兼容性”并基本说谎,告诉Messenger Messenger它正在Vista上运行。 当然,您将失去Windows 7功能,例如功能非常齐全的跳转列表:

Paint.NET 3.5 Alpha (Paint.NET 3.5 Alpha)

"The latest alpha build of Paint.NET v3.5 will now use DirectWrite instead of GDI for the Text tool if you are running Windows 7. Get it while it’s hot."

“Paint.NET V3.5最新阿尔法版本将现在使用的DirectWrite如果您运行的是Windows 7,而不是GDI文本工具,而它的热得到它。”

This means that Paint.NET 3.5 not only looks better on Windows 7 (and certainly different than it used to look) but it's also crazy fast. Be sure to try the multi-threaded Font Dropdown as well.

这意味着Paint.NET 3.5不仅在Windows 7上看起来更好(而且肯定与以前相比有所不同),而且还非常快。 确保也尝试使用多线程字体下拉菜单。

表达式编码器3 (Expression Encoder 3)

I encode most of my videos using Expression Encoder and it lights up the Taskbar button with a progress bar letting me know how far along it is without me having to restore the main window.

我使用Expression Encoder对我的大多数视频进行编码,它会用进度条点亮任务栏按钮,让我知道它的前进距离,而无需还原主窗口。


伊姆·伯恩 (ImgBurn)

Even though DVD/CD ISO Image Burning is built into Windows 7, I still like the UI and additional information that ImgBurn provides. It also uses the Taskbar button as a Progress Bar which is a subtle, but nice touch.

即使Windows 7内置了DVD / CD ISO映像刻录功能,我仍然喜欢UI和ImgBurn提供的其他信息。 它还将“任务栏”按钮用作进度栏,这是一种细微但不错的触感。


WinZip 14 (WinZip 14)

WinZip 14 ups the ante with not only support for JumpLists, but also Touch Screen support (!), Libraries and Explorer Preview. The Explorer Preview support may be enough for me to move away from 7-zip, although if you keep your zip files associated with Explorer they'll be openable as folders on the left pane, so it's a toss-up. It also includes interestingly, features to "Zip My Documents" as well as a half-dozen other one-click options to Zip up various "My" folders. A nice touch. Note, don't just click through their installer, as it installs Google Toolbar unless you say otherwise.

WinZip 14不仅增加了对JumpLists的支持,而且还提供了对触摸屏的支持(!),库和资源管理器预览,从而提高了赌注。 资源管理器预览支持可能足以让我摆脱7-zip的困扰,尽管如果您将zip文件与资源管理器关联,则可以在左窗格中将其作为文件夹打开,因此很麻烦。 有趣的是,它还包括“压缩我的文档”功能以及六个其他的一键式选项,可压缩各种“我的”文件夹。 很好请注意,除非您另有说明,否则不要直接点击其安装程序,因为它会安装Google工具栏。


AusLogics磁盘碎片整理 (AusLogics Disk Defrag)

Disk Defrag 3 from Auslogics has a very clean interface...it looks like I wish Win7's defrag looks, although I understand that most people don't want all the details and pictures. It also includes Progress Bar integration and a little overlay to tell you it's running as Admin. It's FREE for Home Users.

Auslogics的Disk Defrag 3具有非常干净的界面...看起来我希望Win7的碎片整理看起来不错,尽管我了解到大多数人不想要所有细节和图片。 它还包括进度条集成和一些叠加层,以告诉您它正在作为Admin运行。 家庭用户免费。


PowerArchiver (PowerArchiver)

I tend to lean towards 7-zip for its minimalist UI, but PowerArchiver has JumpLists and Icon Overlays. Oddly, they call the Win7-looking interface the "Power Users Interface," presumably as to avoid freaking out your grandpa who's zipping stuff up with the Classic Interface. The whole package is close but not 100%. For example, they use an icon overlay during an extract rather than a progress bar. That's just wrong, and it should be fixed ASAP.

我倾向于使用7-zip的简约UI,但是PowerArchiver具有JumpLists和Icon Overlays。 奇怪的是,他们将看起来像Win7的界面称为“高级用户界面”,以免吓坏正在用Classic Interface压缩东西的爷爷。 整个包装是封闭的,但不是100%。 例如,他们在提取过程中使用图标覆盖,而不是进度条。 这是错误的,应该尽快修复。


特里利亚阿斯特拉4.1 (Trillian Astra 4.1)

Trillian is an IM and Chat client that integrates with Google, Windows Live Messenger, Facebook and more. I find it a little TOO out there from an interface perspective for my tastes, but many people swear by it. I like my apps to be a little Vanilla, or French Vanilla. Trillian is Rocky Road Chocolate and flaunts it. The new 4.1 version has Jump Lists, File Transfer Progress Bars, and even a Taskbar Preview of Video Calls in progress, which is a nice touch (I'm talking to you, Skype).

Trillian是一个IM和聊天客户端,可与Google,Windows Live Messenger,Facebook等集成。 从界面角度来看,我觉得这有点太过头了,但是很多人对此表示肯定。 我希望我的应用程序有点像Vanilla或French Vanilla。 Trillian是Rocky Road Chocolate,并且标榜它。 新的4.1版本具有“跳转列表”,“文件传输进度条”,甚至还有正在进行的视频通话的“任务栏预览”,这很不错(我正在与您交谈,Skype)。


基本上所有带有最近项目列表的项目 (Basically anything with a Recent Items List)

Make sure to right click on most of your apps in the Taskbar. The ones that include a "Recent Items List" will usually get a free JumpList not only in the Taskbar, but also the Start Menu.

确保在任务栏中右键单击大多数应用程序。 那些包含“最近的项目列表”的项目通常不仅会在任务栏中而且还会在“开始”菜单中获得免费的JumpList。


Ok, what apps did I miss?


Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/light-it-up-list-of-applications-that-use-new-windows-7-features


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