我的TechEd 2005会议精选

By popular demand (like TWO people emailed me about this, sheesh!) here's my picks for sessions at TechEd 2005 this year:

根据大众的需求(就像两个人给我发来的电子邮件,嘘!),这些是我今年在TechEd 2005会议上的选择:



    • 10:15AM CSI241 Connected Systems Technologies and the .NET Framework: When to Use What. I'm a Steve Swartz fan, and he'll be covering a lot in this session it seems. The title is pretty lame, but a Swartz talk is always edifying.

      上午10:15 CSI241互联系统技术和.NET Framework:何时使用What。 我是史蒂夫·斯沃兹(Steve Swartz)的粉丝,看来他将在本届会议上做很多报道。 标题很la脚,但Swartz的演讲总是很有趣。

    • 12:15PM GNL001 The New Virtual Labs Program: Customer-Centered Software Evaluation. Anthony Tsim is a fun guy and he'll be showing how to experiment with Microsoft software without any hassle on your side using Microsoft-configured hosted VMs.

      下午12:15 GNL001新的虚拟实验室计划:以客户为中心的软件评估。 Anthony Tsim是一个有趣的人,他将向您展示如何使用Microsoft配置的托管VM在没有麻烦的情况下尝试Microsoft软件。

    • 1:30PM ARC302 Building and Using a Software Factory. I really dig the whole Software Factories story (I've personally bought into it.) Don't miss this chance to hear Jack Greenfield speak. Maybe Booch will come along and they'll arm wrestle. It could happen.

      下午1:30 ARC302构建和使用软件工厂。 我真的很了解整个软件工厂的故事(我已经亲自买了。)不要错过这个机会,听听杰克·格林菲尔德的讲话。 也许布赫(Booch)会来并且他们会摔跤。 可能会发生。

    • 3:15PM ARC303 Planning a Global Release: Many countries, Many Languages, One Process. Internationalization (I18n) and Localization is non-trivial, and so is releasing a product on a global scale. Bueno.

      下午3:15 ARC303规划全球发行版:许多国家/地区,多种语言,一个过程。 国际化(I18n)和本地化并非易事,因此也在全球范围内发布产品。 布埃诺

    • 5:00PM ARC304 Smart Client Architecture. Billy Hollis and Rocky Lhotka in the same room talking about Smart Clients. How can you not love that? Rocky, Billy, Billy, Rocky, Rockabilly.

      5:00 PM ARC304智能客户端体系结构。 Billy HollisRocky Lhotka在同一个房间里谈论智能客户端。 你怎么能不爱那个? 洛基,比利,比利,洛基,洛克比。



    • 10:45AM ARC305 Code Generation: Architecting a New Kind of Reuse. I don't know where you'll be, but I'll be here, talking about Code Generation solutions and how we architected with CodeGen in mind at Corillian. I promise it won't suck. Serious.

      10:45 AM ARC305代码生成:设计一种新型的重用。 我不知道您会去哪里,但我会在这里谈论代码生成解决方案以及在Corillian中我们如何使用CodeGen进行架构。 我保证不会烂。 严重。

    • 12:15PM GNL006 Inside Microsoft: Perspective on Creating Technology for the World. Gordon Mangione and Don Box will be hosting a lunch-time casual talk about how Microsoft maintains Global World Domination.
      格林尼治标准时间 12:15 PM 微软 内部:关于为世界创造技术的观点。 Gordon MangioneDon Box将在午餐时间就微软如何维持全球主导地位进行休闲讨论。
    • 1:30PM 1:30 PM CSI349CSI349  Beyond the Wizards: A Practical Approach to Web Services Security with WSE. I like any talk that has "CSI" in the Title and this one also says "Beyond the Wizards." I hate Wizards, and I dig 超越了向导:使用WSE的Web服务安全性实用方法。 我喜欢标题中带有“ CSI”的任何演讲,而且还说“超越巫师”。 我讨厌奇才,我喜欢 Michele Bustamante so I'll be here learning about WS-Security from an expert who's brilliant and also not hard to look at. Michele Bustamante,所以我将在这里从一位才华横溢,而且不难发现的专家那里学习WS-Security。
    • 3:15PM DAT290  Databases for the World: Designing Multilingual Databases Using SQL Server 2005. I'm a Michael Kaplan groupie so I'll be here stalking him with his other stalker learning about SQL Server and I18n. Plus, he likes my GrokTalk meme.
      下午3:15 DAT290 世界 各地的 数据库:使用SQL Server 2005设计多语言数据库。我是 Michael Kaplan的同伴,所以在这里,我将与他的其他跟踪者一起跟踪他,以了解SQL Server和I18n。 另外, 他喜欢我的GrokTalk meme
    • 5:00PM 5:00 PM CSI360CSI360  Not Really Complicated Asynchronous Messaging Techniques and Technologies. It's always fun to have 并非真正复杂的异步消息传递技术。Clemens tell you why the technology you are struggling with isn't as hard as you think. In this session he'll demystify asynchronous messaging and possibly cut a woman in half using only a SOAP Header. Clemens告诉您为什么正在苦苦挣扎的技术没有您想像的那么难,总是很有趣。 在本次会议中,他将揭开异步消息传递的神秘面纱,并可能仅使用SOAP Header将女人砍成两半。
    • 6:30PM BOF001  Software Factories: Making ASP.NET Server Controls Simpler. I'm like the Oprah of ASP.NET, baby. If this BoF blows, we'll just talk about relationships.
      下午6:30 PM BOF001 软件工厂:使ASP.NET Server控件更简单。 我就像ASP.NET的Oprah,宝贝。 如果这个BoF失败了,我们将只讨论关系。
    • 7:45PM BOF020 Contract-First Web Services: Step-by-Step. Aaron Skonnard and Tim Ewald in this BOF that will likely degrade into fisticuffs within 20 minutes.
      下午7:45 BOF020 合同优先的Web服务:逐步。 亚伦·斯科纳德( Aaron Skonnard)蒂姆·埃瓦尔德( Tim Ewald)在该转炉中可能会在20分钟内退化为硬皮病。
    • 9:00PM BOF023  Data Access for Business Objects with NHibernate. Join Scott Bellware talking about NHibernate, the ORM project that's turning heads.
      9:00 PM BOF023 使用NHibernate进行业务对象的数据访问。Scott Bellware一起谈论NHibernate,这是正在 Swift发展的ORM项目。
    • CSI353 Top Ten Hands-On Tips and Tricks for Implementing ASP.NET Web Services.CSI353实现ASP.NET Web服务的十大动手技巧和窍门。 SOAPScope kicks ass and so does Tim Ewald. I like any talk that has "concrete tips" and "lessons learned" in the description. SOAPScope踢屁股,Tim Ewald也踢屁股。 我喜欢描述中包含“具体提示”和“经验教训”的任何演讲。
    • 10:15AM 上午10:15 CSI356CSI356  Metadata Soup: Contracts, Models and Types 元数据汤:合同,模型和类型 or WEB323WEB323  ASP.NET 2.0: Overview of ASP.NET 2.0 (Part 1) Crap, DonB or ScottGu? ScottGu methinks today. ASP.NET 2.0:ASP.NET 2.0概述(第1部分)废话,DonB或ScottGu? 今天,ScottGu方法论。
    • GNL009 .NET Rocks Live!GNL009 .NET直播! Rory will rush the stage? Maybe I'll get pulled on to the stage? Maybe 罗里会冲上舞台吗? 也许我会登上舞台吗? 也许 Carl will crowd surf? 卡尔会人群冲浪吗?
    • 2:00PM 2:00 PM ARC411ARC411 Domain Specific Language Tools for Model-Driven Development in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. I love that they are making the kind of stuff we did at CORI so much easier in VS2005. A little late for me, but not for my next version! I call that 用于Microsoft Visual Studio 2005中的模型驱动开发的领域特定语言工具。我喜欢它们使VS2005中我们在CORI所做的工作变得如此容易。 对我来说有点晚了,但对我的下一个版本来说却不是! 我称这种 coding by subtraction! 编码为减法
    • 3:45PM 3:45 PM ARC412ARC412  Packaging Design and Architecture Guidance for Visual Studio. This talk has a limp name, but I know for a fact that it's got some great content. I'll be here cheering Visual Studio的包装设计和体系结构指南。 这个演讲的名字很a弱,但我知道它有一些很棒的事实。 我会在这里为 Cazzu on. If you're managing a larger team of developers and are looking for ways to package up best practices, you'll want to be here. 卡祖加油的。 如果您正在管理更大的开发人员团队,并且正在寻找打包最佳实践的方法,那么您将需要在这里。
    • 5:30PM 下午5:30 CSI354CSI354  Web Services Interoperability. The only guy at Microsoft who gets to login as " Web服务互操作性。 微软唯一一个以“ Guest" will be talkign about the WS-* specs and how to guarantee interop between Web Services stacks. A must-attend if you're exposing any public XML Web Services. Guest ”身份登录的人将谈论WS- *规范以及如何保证Web服务堆栈之间的互操作。 如果要公开任何公共XML Web Services,则必须参加。
    • 6:30PM 下午6:30 BOF032BOF032将 Migrating ASMX to Indigo. You finally got your Web Services working and now Indigo is coming to crush your spirit and obsolete your code? Not really. Aaron will host this BOF to talk about how you can CYA when using ASMX. ASMX迁移到Indigo。 您终于使Web服务工作了,现在Indigo会压抑您的精神,使您的代码过时吗? 并不是的。 亚伦将主持此BOF,讨论使用ASMX时如何进行CYA。
    • 7:45PM 下午7:45 BOF048BOF048 Meet the CLR Team. Holy crap, the CLR team in a captive situation, answering my questions...now where's my list. 与CLR团队会面。 天哪,CLR团队处于囚禁状态,回答了我的问题……现在我的清单在哪里。
    • 9:00PM 9:00 PM BOF049BOF049  CSS and ASP.NET. Two of my favorite technologies in one BOF. Remember what I always say...when should you use HTML Tables? When you need a freakin' table. CSS和ASP.NET。 我在BOF中最喜欢的两项技术。 记住我一直在说...什么时候应该使用HTML Tables? 当您需要一张桌子时。
  • THURSDAY 星期四
    • 8:30AM 上午8:30 WEB325WEB325 ASP.NET 2.0: Building Data-Driven Web Sites in ASP.NET 2.0. The return of ASP.NET 2.0:在ASP.NET 2.0中构建数据驱动的网站。 Rob Howard. This session will cover all the fundamentals of getting crap out of the database and into HTML where all data belongs, right? 罗伯霍华德的归来。 本次会议将讨论从数据库中删除所有数据并进入HTML(所有数据所属HTML)的所有基础知识,对吗?
    • 10:15AM 上午10:15 ARC314ARC314  Passing Messages: A Flexible, Powerful and Extensible Communication Model. I'm coming to this presentation to see 传递消息:灵活,功能强大且可扩展的通信模型。 我要来参加这个演示会,看看 Ted Neward chew off his own arm, or the arm of someone in the first row. Don't piss him off! He's a Bad Man! Ted Neward咬住自己的胳膊,还是第一排中某人的胳膊。 不要生气他! 他是坏人!
    • GNL011 Inside Microsoft: Perspective on Creating Technology for the World with Don Box. GNL011 Microsoft内部:使用Don Box创造面向世界的技术的观点。
    • 1:30PM ARC315 Preparing Your Application Architecture for a Better Tomorrow. This sounds like " Preparing your Connected Systems for the Rapture" which is kind of a downer, so instead I'll go to CSI359 Retry, Abort, Cancel? Appropriate Handling of Transaction Failures in Connected Systems Application Code and watch Clemens explain what's appropriate and what's inappropriate.
      下午1:30 ARC315为更好的明天而准备您的应用程序体系结构。 这听起来像是“为 狂喜 准备您的连接系统”,这有点令人沮丧,所以我将改为 CSI359 重试,中止,取消? 正确处理连接系统中的事务失败应用程序代码,并观看Clemens解释什么合适和什么不合适。
    • 3:15PM 下午3:15 CSI357CSI357 My Home is My Castle: Hosting Applications - Why You Care about Threads, AppDomains and Processes. This talk by 我的家就是我的城堡:托管应用程序-为什么关心线程,AppDomain和进程。 本讲座由 Christian " 基督教Contract First" 契约优先Weyer will help answer the "Component Container" question from 韦耶将有助于回答从“组件容器”的问题 my interview questions list. 我的采访问题清单
    • 5:00PM SEC385 Practical Security for Internet and Extranet Solutions. Richard "gesundheit!" Hundhausen talks about how to keep what's in your safe, safe.
      5:00 PM SEC385 Internet和Extranet解决方案的实用安全性。 理查德“ gesundheit!” 洪森豪森(Hundhausen)谈论如何确保您的物品安全。
  • FRIDAY 星期五
    • 9:00AM CSI346 Designing Connected Systems with the .NET Framework and an Eye on the Future. 9:00 AM CSI346使用.NET Framework设计连接的系统并着眼于未来。 Swartz and SwartzPurdy and Indigo. At this point in the week, someone has Purdy和Indigo。 在本周至此,有人 got to be drunk. Expect chaos to ensue. If not drunk, then at least hopped on Diet Coke. 一定是喝醉了。 期待随之而来的混乱。 如果不喝醉,那么至少可以跳上健怡可乐。
    • 10:45AM 10:45 AM DEV325DEV325 .NET Framework: Being More Productive with the Framework. .NET Framework:使用该框架更具生产力。 Juval Lowy, who I like to call "The Father of Business Objects" but who you can call "My Baby Daddy," if yo' baby is named "Business Objects," hosts this talk about the real-life hurdles we face when using the BCL. Juval Lowy ,我喜欢称其为“ Business Objects之父”,但是如果您的婴儿被命名为“ Business Objects”,您可以称其为“ My Baby Daddy”,他谈到了我们在使用时面临的现实障碍BCL。
    • 1:00PM CSI448 Optimizing Scalabilty, Performance and Availability with Systems Built on the .NET Framework. Ingo Rammer, the father of the modern weblog photograph talks about scalability, performance and availability ( Three things my wife has no complaints about...Hey-o! I'll be here all week, try the veal!) and the scalability ramifications of technologies like Enterprise Services, MSMQ, and WSE.
      1:00 PM CSI448 使用基于.NET Framework的系统优化可扩展性,性能和可用性。 现代网络日志照片 Ingo Rammer谈到了可伸缩性,性能和可用性( 我的妻子没有抱怨的三件事……嘿,我将整周待在这儿,尝试小牛肉! )和可伸缩性后果企业服务,MSMQ和WSE等技术。

And of course, as a gentle reminder, you all should come to my talk on Tuesday at 10:45AM ARC305 "Code Generation: Architecting a New Kind of Reuse" as I explain Corillian's solution and how we have been planning for Indigo and SAO since Day 1.

当然,在此提醒您,大家都应该在星期二上午10:45来参加我的演讲ARC305 “代码生成:设计一种新型的重用”,因为我解释了Corillian的解决方案以及自那时以来我们如何规划Indigo和SAO。第一天

Then, Tuesday Evening, please come to my Birds of a Feather BOF001 "Software Factories: Making ASP.NET Server Controls Simpler" as I lead a discussion on ways to make ASP.NET development simpler and show a solution for ASP.NET Server Control Code Generation as an instance of a DSL doing amazing things that was championed by Stuart Thompson and Travis Illig over here at CORI.

然后,星期二晚上,请来我的羽毛小鸟BOF001 “软件工厂:简化ASP.NET Server控件”,因为我将讨论如何简化ASP.NET开发并展示ASP.NET Server Control解决方案的方法。 Stuart ThompsonTravis Illig在CORI倡导的“代码生成”作为DSL做令人惊奇的事情的实例。

Now playing: M.I.A. - Galang (Radio Edit)

现在正在播放: MIA - Galang(广播编辑)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/my-picks-for-teched-2005-sessions





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