


I shall preface this with the apology you've heard before...I consider this a Technology Blog, and I hope only that the content found within is useful and of high quality.


That said - I give you, after having seen "The Day After Tomorrow," Disaster Movie Mad-Libs:


Open: Obscure nobody scientist who is an expert not in an obscure corner of science (climatology, seismology, genetics) but actually an expert in an obscure corner OF an obscure corner of science (paleoclimatology, seismological tectonophysics, quantitative genetics) is giving a talk at the Met, or the New York Library, or Berkeley (It's usually either a black-tie affair, perhaps the international conference of obscvure scientists, maybe it's in Bern, OR it's an empty auditorium in a random sub-wing of a Community College and there's three people paying attention) with a polished presentation (either using ridiculously advanced full 3D, OR using transparancies and an overhead projector.  Noone ever seems to use PowerPoint in these movies.

打开:暗纹无人科学家,谁是专家不是科学(气候,地震学,遗传学)的一个不起眼的角落,但实际上在科学(古气候,地震地壳构造,数量遗传学)的一个不起眼的角落里一个不起眼角落的专家正在做讲座在大都会博物馆,纽约图书馆或伯克利分校(通常要么是平庸的事情,要么是国际上不起眼的科学家会议,也许是在伯尔尼,要么是社区学院随机子楼的空礼堂并且有3个人关注)的演示文稿优美(使用了荒谬的高级完整3D或使用了超视界和投影仪。似乎没有人在这些电影中使用PowerPoint。 )

Scene: Outside that same talk (usually in the rain, at night, next to a large iron gate) and some one (usually wearing a London Fog standard-spy-issue raincoat, possibly smoking, and if he is smoking, he's smoking like a Nazi with his palm up and the cigarette is in a small plastic holder) comes up and says "I loved your talk, I read your paper on [something hyper-obscure] in the field of (paleoclimatology, seismological tectonophysics, quantitative genetics) and your thoughts [something only someone who cared could know] are revolutionary. 


Scene: We find that the scientist is having trouble at home (surprise) and he doesn't pay enough attention to his (kid, wife, dog, all of the above).  He's obsessed with his field and noone will listen.  He probably flips through a few envelopes that say "Final Notice" on them and opens a fridge that contains only Beer and a bottle of Ketchup.  He kicks a bunch of old (newspapers, scientific papers, hardcover books) aside, and sits down to watch (Knicks, Lakers, Manchester United).  The phone rings...

场景:我们发现这位科学家在家里遇到麻烦(惊讶),而他对他(孩子,妻子,狗,以上所有方面)的关注不够。 他沉迷于自己的领域,没有人会听。 他可能会翻过几个信封,上面写着“最终通知”,然后打开冰箱,里面只有啤酒和一瓶番茄酱。 他踢了一大堆旧报纸(报纸,科学论文,精装书),然后坐下来观看(尼克斯,湖人,曼联)。 电话响了...

Scene: "Holy crap, something dramatic has happened in the field of (climatology, seismology, genetics) and birds are (acting weird, killing people, falling out of the sky) and all the animals at the New York Zoo are howling.  Come quick! 

场景: “天哪,在(气候学,地震学,遗传学)领域发生了一些戏剧性的事情,鸟类(行动怪异,杀死人,从天上掉下来),纽约动物园的所有动物都在how叫。快!

Cut to the President: "Who's the best in this field?" "Uh, (consults a list), Dr. [scientist name], at Berkeley."  "Get him here.  Now."  Cue timpani...

对总统说: “谁在这个领域最好?” “呃,(咨询清单),[科学家名称]博士,在伯克利。” “把他带到这里。现在。” 提示定音鼓...

Scene: He steps off of a (plane, government helocopter, limo) into (the white house, a secret (CIA, NASA, NSA, X-Files) base, to give an imprompu talk with even BETTER 3D graphics to a bunch of suits and a bunch of generals.  "Gentlemen, Mr. President.  You should have listened.  I've been presenting at Community Colleges all over the nation on this very subject for 15 years, and noone has listened.  Now, we're screwed if we don't (get some miners to detonate a nuclear bomb underground, run south, get some miners up to that Asteroid, get some miners down to the center of the earth, get Superman to turn back time) immediately.  I give us six to eight (weeks, months, hours)." 

场景:他从(飞机,政府直升机,豪华轿车)步入(白宫,秘密(CIA,NASA,NSA,X-Files)基地,以便对一堆甚至更好的3D图形进行即兴演讲西装和一堆将军。“先生们,总统先生。您应该听一听。我已经在全国各地的社区学院就这个主题进行了15年的演讲,而且没有人听。现在,我们被搞砸了如果我们不这样做(立即让一些矿工在地下引爆核弹,向南奔跑,让一些矿工升到小行星上,使一些矿工降落到地球中心,让超人返回时光) ,我立即给我们。 6至8个(星期,几个月,几小时)。”

Scene: His (kid, wife, dog, all of the above) are on vacation in an older red pickup in (Yellowstone, Alaska, Mt. St. Helens) and have almost (been swallowed up by the earth, buried by a mudslide, drowned in a flash flood, froze to death). 

场景:他的(孩子,妻子,狗,以上所有)在(黄石,阿拉斯加,圣海伦斯山)的一个旧红色皮卡里度假,几乎(被泥土吞没,被泥石流掩埋) ,淹没在山洪之中,冻死了)。

Scene: "Dr. [scientist name], your (kid, wife, dog, all of the above) have just almost (been swallowed up by the earth, buried by a mudslide, drowned in a flash flood, froze to death)."

场景: “ [科学家名字]博士,您(孩子,妻子,狗,以上所有)几乎都(被大地吞没,被泥石流掩埋,淹没在山洪之中,冻死了)。 ”

Scene: The (miners, astronauts, army) prepare the (bomb).


Scene: A shot of a helicopter flying over the Statue of Liberty, it's (buried in snow, burning, underwater, covered in lava, a metal carcass) Cue string instruments...


Scene: "I'm going after them."  "You can't! It's suicide!"  Stern serious look..."I made my (kid, wife, dog, all of the above) and I'm not going to let them down."  "I know Jack...that's why I'm (pause for effect) going with you..."

场景: “我要追赶他们。” “你不能!这是自杀!” 严厉的表情……“我做了我的(孩子,妻子,狗,以上所有),我不会让他们失望的。” “我知道杰克……这就是为什么我(停顿效果)和你一起去……”

<<Insert Drama Here>>


Scene: The first sunrise since (the earth froze/didn't freeze, the volcano exploded/didn't explode, the lava flowed/stopped, the fires started/stopped, the meteor crashed/didn't crash)  The Scientist turns to his (kid, wife, dog, all of the above) and says "I think we're going to be OK..." 


Did I miss anything?








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