
1、Bus2IP_Clk :Synchronization clock provided to the user logic. All IPIC signals are synchronous to this clock. It is identical to the input <bus>_Clk signal of the peripheral. No additional buffering is provided on the clock; it is passed through as is.


2、Bus2IP_Resetn:Active low reset for use by the user IP. It is a pass through of the S_AXI_ARESETN input

低电平复位用户IP核。通过S_AXI_ARESETN 输入进来

3、Bus2IP_Addr:Address bus to the user logic. It indicates the address of the requested read or write operation. It can be used for additional address decoding or as input to addressable memory devices.

4、Bus2IP_CS:Active high chip select bus. Assertion of a chip select indicates an active transaction request to the chip select's target address space. This is typically used for user logic memory space selection.

5、Bus2IP_RNW:Input signal to the user logic. It indicates the sense of a requested operation with the user logic. High is a read and low is a write. It is valid whenever at least one of the Bus2IP_CS bits is active.

6、Bus2IP_Data:Write data bus to the user logic. Write data is accepted by the user logic during a write operation by assertion of the write acknowledgement signal and the rising edge of the Bus2IP_Clk

7、Bus2IP_BE:Byte Enable qualifiers for the requested read or write operation to the user logic. A bit in the Bus2IP_BE set to '1' indicates that the associated byte lane contains valid data. For example, if Bus2IP_BE = 0011, this indicates that byte lanes 2 and 3 contain valid data.

8、Bus2IP_RdCE:Active high chip enable bus to the user logic. These chip enables are only asserted during active read transaction requests with the target address space and in conjunction with the corresponding sub-address within the space. These are typically used for user logic readable registers selection.

9、Bus2Ip_WrCE: Active high chip enable bus to the user logic. These chip enables are asserted only during active write transaction requests with the target address space and in conjunction with the corresponding sub-address within the space. Typically used for user logic writable registers selection.

10、IP2Bus_data:Output read data bus from the user logic; data is qualified with the assertion of IP2Bus_RdAck signal and the rising edge of the Bus2IP_Clk.

11、IP2Bus_RdAck:Active high read data qualifier providing the read acknowledgement from the user logic. Read data on the IP2Bus_Data bus is deemed valid at the rising edge of the Bus2IP_Clk and IP2Bus_RdAck asserted high by the user logic.

12、IP2Bus_WrAck:Active high write data qualifier providing the write acknowledgement from the user logic. Write data on the Bus2IP_Data bus is deemed accepted by the user logic at the rising edge of the Bus2IP_Clk and IP2Bus_WrAck asserted high by the user logic. For immediate acknowledgement (such as for a register write), this signal can be tied to '1'. Wait states can be inserted in the transaction by delaying the assertion of the acknowledgement.

13、IP2Bus_Error:Active high signal indicating the user logic has encountered an error with the requested operation. It is asserted in conjunction with the read/write acknowledgement signal(s).

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xilinx_zynq7020 自定义 IP 开发文档是一份描述如何开发和使用自定义 IP(Intelligent Property)的技术文档。Zynq-7020 是 Xilinx 公司生产的一款可编程逻辑器件,搭载了 ARM 处理器和 FPGA 芯片,能够同时实现软件和硬件设计,为嵌入式系统开发提供一种更灵活的解决方案。 在自定义 IP 开发文档中,我们将了解如何使用 Vivado 设计套件来开发自己的 IP。首先,我们需要对 IP 的功能和硬件架构进行规划和设计。可以选择将已有的硬件模块集成为 IP 核,也可以通过硬件描述语言(HDL)从零开始编写 IP 核。然后,我们将详细说明如何使用 Vivado 的 IP Integrator 工具集成 IP 核到我们的设计中,并进行连接和配置。 在自定义 IP 开发文档中,我们还将了解如何为 IP 核创建适当的接口,包括输入输出端口和控制寄存器等。可以通过使用 AXI 或者其他总线协议来定义接口。此外,我们还将学习如何为 IP 核编写相应的测试代码,并在仿真和实际硬件中进行验证和调试。 除了基础的 IP 开发知识,这份文档还提供了一些高级话题,如如何优化 IP 核的性能,如何编写可重用的 IP 代码等。另外,文档还包含了一些实际案例,以帮助读者更好地理解和应用这些知识。 总之,xilinx_zynq7020 自定义 IP 开发文档详细介绍了如何使用 Vivado 设计套件开发和使用自定义 IP 核。通过学习这份文档,读者可以了解到 IP 开发的基础知识,掌握相关工具的使用方法,并具备开发和优化 IP 核的能力,从而更好地应用于各种嵌入式系统开发中。


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