



$ readelf -h D:/android-ndk-r19c/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-android/28/libGLESv2.so
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF64
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
  Machine:                           AArch64
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x0
  Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          101648 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               64 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         7
  Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         21
  Section header string table index: 20


$ readelf -s D:/android-ndk-r19c/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-android/28/libGLESv2.so

Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 208 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFramebufferTexture2DMul
     2: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glSetFenceNV
     3: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexParameterf
     4: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDrawElements
     5: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorGroupStri
     6: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform3fv
     7: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFramebufferTexture3DOES
     8: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetAttribLocation
     9: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glLineWidth
    10: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexParameteri
    11: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexSubImage2D
    12: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib4f
    13: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompressedTexImage2D
    14: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetBufferParameteriv
    15: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glSelectPerfMonitorCounte
    16: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform4iv
    17: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilMask
    18: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib1fv
    19: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFinishFenceNV
    20: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendEquationSeparate
    21: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteRenderbuffers
    22: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetTexParameterfv
    23: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib3fv
    24: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetProgramiv
    25: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform1f
    26: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform1i
    27: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearStencil
    28: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetBuffersQCOM
    29: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBeginPerfMonitorAMD
    30: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glPolygonOffset
    31: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEnableDriverControlQCOM
    32: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsFramebuffer
    33: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsVertexArrayOES
    34: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDisableVertexAttribArra
    35: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glRenderbufferStorage
    36: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBufferSubData
    37: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtTexObjectStateOverri
    38: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetActiveUniform
    39: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetUniformiv
    40: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glShaderSource
    41: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetProgramBinarySour
    42: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorCounterIn
    43: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetBufferPointervQCO
    44: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCopyTexImage2D
    45: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetProgramsQCOM
    46: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM
    47: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glViewport
    48: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFinish
    49: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexParameteriv
    50: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetActiveAttrib
    51: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCullFace
    52: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetShadersQCOM
    53: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenerateMipmap
    54: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetProgramInfoLog
    55: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glMultiDrawElementsEXT
    56: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glReleaseShaderCompiler
    57: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenFencesNV
    58: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetDriverControlStringQ
    59: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetIntegerv
    60: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glAttachShader
    61: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteTextures
    62: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetVertexAttribfv
    63: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform2f
    64: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindBuffer
    65: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glPixelStorei
    66: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform2i
    67: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindVertexArrayOES
    68: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD
    69: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetUniformLocation
    70: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsTexture
    71: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetTexturesQCOM
    72: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCopyTexSubImage3DOES
    73: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindFramebuffer
    74: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorCounterDa
    75: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetVertexAttribPointerv
    76: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBufferData
    77: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTestFenceNV
    78: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteVertexArraysOES
    79: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorCountersA
    80: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniformMatrix3fv
    81: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDisable
    82: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetRenderbufferParamete
    83: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glRenderbufferStorageMult
    84: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompileShader
    85: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompressedTexSubImage3D
    86: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEGLImageTargetTexture2D
    87: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetError
    88: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glSampleCoverage
    89: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform1iv
    90: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDepthFunc
    91: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFramebufferRenderbuffer
    92: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilOpSeparate
    93: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform3f
    94: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetShaderSource
    95: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetPerfMonitorCounterSt
    96: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform2fv
    97: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform3i
    98: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glReadPixels
    99: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCoverageOperationNV
   100: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform3iv
   101: 0000000000020000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _edata
   102: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttribPointer
   103: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenPerfMonitorsAMD
   104: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib1f
   105: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilFuncSeparate
   106: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCheckFramebufferStatus
   107: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsProgram
   108: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform4fv
   109: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendColor
   110: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCoverageMaskNV
   111: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFramebufferTexture2D
   112: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glMultiDrawArraysEXT
   113: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindTexture
   114: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetFloatv
   115: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteFramebuffers
   116: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenBuffers
   117: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetFramebufferAttachmen
   118: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glShaderBinary
   119: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClear
   120: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEnable
   121: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib2fv
   122: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearColor
   123: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsRenderbuffer
   124: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDetachShader
   125: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetAttachedShaders
   126: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetTexParameteriv
   127: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glRenderbufferStorageMult
   128: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompressedTexImage3DOES
   129: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform4f
   130: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendEquation
   131: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsEnabled
   132: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glProgramBinaryOES
   133: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform4i
   134: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib4fv
   135: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glColorMask
   136: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM
   137: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCreateShader
   138: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEndTilingQCOM
   139: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDisableDriverControlQCO
   140: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEnableVertexAttribArray
   141: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendFunc
   142: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetProgramBinaryOES
   143: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilOp
   144: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib2f
   145: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetUniformfv
   146: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexImage2D
   147: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFlush
   148: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenFramebuffers
   149: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCreateProgram
   150: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStartTilingQCOM
   151: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteFencesNV
   152: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsShader
   153: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDepthMask
   154: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetShaderiv
   155: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsBuffer
   156: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetBooleanv
   157: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexParameterfv
   158: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUseProgram
   159: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteShader
   160: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetShaderPrecisionForma
   161: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEndPerfMonitorAMD
   162: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glValidateProgram
   163: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendFuncSeparate
   164: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilFunc
   165: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexImage3DOES
   166: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glActiveTexture
   167: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glEGLImageTargetRenderbuf
   168: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFramebufferTexture2DMul
   169: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUnmapBufferOES
   170: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenRenderbuffers
   171: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetVertexAttribiv
   172: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glIsFenceNV
   173: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteProgram
   174: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetBufferPointervOES
   175: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetString
   176: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glStencilMaskSeparate
   177: 0000000000020000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS __bss_start
   178: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindRenderbuffer
   179: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDiscardFramebufferEXT
   180: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDepthRangef
   181: 0000000000020000     0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT  ABS _end
   182: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM
   183: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glVertexAttrib3f
   184: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearDepthf
   185: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompressedTexSubImage2D
   186: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glMapBufferOES
   187: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glFrontFace
   188: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenTextures
   189: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniformMatrix2fv
   190: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCopyTexSubImage2D
   191: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetFenceivNV
   192: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glHint
   193: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDrawArrays
   194: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glScissor
   195: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glLinkProgram
   196: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniformMatrix4fv
   197: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeleteBuffers
   198: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtGetTexLevelParameter
   199: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGenVertexArraysOES
   200: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glTexSubImage3DOES
   201: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform1fv
   202: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM
   203: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindAttribLocation
   204: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetDriverControlsQCOM
   205: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD
   206: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glGetShaderInfoLog
   207: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glUniform2iv

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 221 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000000000     0 FILE    LOCAL  DEFAULT  ABS stub.c
     2: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    7 $d.204
     3: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    8 $d.205
     4: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    9 $d.206
     5: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   10 $d.207
     6: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   11 $d.208
     7: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   12 $d.209
     8: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 $d.210
     9: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   14 $d.211
    10: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   15 $d.212
    11: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT   16 $d.213
    12: 0000000000002bc8     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    5 $x.0
    13: 000000000001ff20   224 OBJECT  LOCAL  HIDDEN     6 _DYNAMIC
    14: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glActiveTexture
    15: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glAttachShader
    16: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBeginPerfMonitorAMD
    17: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindAttribLocation
    18: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindBuffer
    19: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindFramebuffer
    20: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindRenderbuffer
    21: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindTexture
    22: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBindVertexArrayOES
    23: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendColor
    24: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendEquation
    25: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendEquationSeparate
    26: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendFunc
    27: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBlendFuncSeparate
    28: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBufferData
    29: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glBufferSubData
    30: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCheckFramebufferStatus
    31: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClear
    32: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearColor
    33: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearDepthf
    34: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glClearStencil
    35: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glColorMask
    36: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompileShader
    37: 0000000000002bc8     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    5 glCompressedTex
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


