Life Situation Four


A:john , come and get it , breakfast is ready 

B:I`m still getting ready for school ,I can`t find my schoolbag

A:I told you to pack it last night , what did you do with it ?

B:I did , But I used something in the bag later 

A: Anyway , hurry up !  Here is your carrot juice 

B: Can I have apple juice Mom?

A: Don`t be so fussy about stuff  , Do you want your fried egg sunny-side up ?

B: Yes , But I  prefer oatmeal first , I`ll make it myself 

A: Good , I `ll butter your toast then 

B: I wish I could have breakfast steak today 

A: I`ll make it for you tomorrow

B: Thanks 


Clearing the Table and Doing the Dishes 

A: Do you like cooking 

B: Yes, I do a lot , But I don`t like doing dishes , what about you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards 

A : To be honest , I don`t really like doing either one , I can`t cook and I hate cleaning 

B: Suppose you have to do one of the two , which do you prefer?

A: I would rather do the dishes than cook 

B: I prefer the opposite . The way I see it , to do the dishes is boring 

A : Let`s make a deal , I `m going to buy some vegetables and you cook 

B: Will you do the dishes after the meal?

A: Fair enough



A: Damn it , I`m running out of money again  . I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better

B: You did spend too much , and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary 

A: But I make  it 

B : Though, you don`t have to spend every penny you make , You could save some every month like a lot of other people do 

A:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money 

B: You should save in case of an emergency , you need to have more self-control , what things did you spend your money on ?

A: The problem is that I have no idea , I didn`t pay attention 

B: Let bygones be bygones . Start saving right now.





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