/* =================================================================================
File name: ACI_FE.H (IQ version)
#ifndef ACI_FE_H
#define ACI_FE_H
typedef struct { _iq ThetaFlux; // Output: Rotor flux angle
_iq IQsS; // Input: Stationary q-axis stator current
_iq IDsS; // Input: Stationary d-axis stator current
_iq IDsE; // Variable: Measured current in sync. reference frame
_iq K1; // Parameter: Constant using in current model
_iq FluxDrE; // Variable: Rotating d-axis rotor flux (current model)
_iq K2; // Parameter: Constant using in current model
_iq FluxQrS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis rotor flux (current model)
_iq FluxDrS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis rotor flux (current model)
_iq K3; // Parameter: Constant using in stator flux computation
_iq K4; // Parameter: Constant using in stator flux computation
_iq FluxDsS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis stator flux (current model)
_iq FluxQsS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis stator flux (current model)
_iq PsiDsS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis stator flux (voltage model)
_iq Kp; // Parameter: PI proportionnal gain
_iq Error; // Parameter: Error term
_iq UiDsS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis integral term
_iq UCompDsS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis compensated voltage
_iq Ki; // Parameter: PI integral gain
_iq PsiQsS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis stator flux (voltage model)
_iq UiQsS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis integral term
_iq UCompQsS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis compensated voltage
_iq EmfDsS; // Variable: Stationary d-axis back emf
_iq UDsS; // Input: Stationary d-axis stator voltage
_iq K5; // Parameter: Constant using in back emf computation
_iq K6; // Parameter: Constant using in back emf computation
_iq EmfQsS; // Variable: Stationary q-axis back emf
_iq UQsS; // Input: Stationary q-axis stator voltage
_iq K8; // Parameter: Constant using in rotor flux computation
_iq K7; // Parameter: Constant using in rotor flux computation
_iq PsiDrS; // Output: Stationary d-axis estimated rotor flux
_iq PsiQrS; // Output: Stationary q-axis estimated rotor flux
_iq OldEmf; // Variable: Old back-emf term
_iq Sine; // Variable: Sine term
_iq Cosine; // Variable: Cosine term
Default initalizer for the ACIFE object.
#define ACIFE_DEFAULTS { 0, /* ThetaFlux /
0, / IDsS /
0, / IQsS /
0, / IQsE /
0, / K1 /
0, / FluxDrE /
0, / K2 /
0, / FluxDrS /
0, / FluxQrS /
0, / K3 /
0, / K4 /
0, / FluxDsS /
0, / FluxQsS /
0, / PsiDsS /
0, / Kp /
0, / Error /
0, / UiDsS /
0, / UCompDsS /
0, / Ki /
0, / PsiQsS /
0, / UiQsS /
0, / UCompQsS /
0, / EmfDsS /
0, / UDsS /
0, / K5 /
0, / K6 /
0, / EmfQsS /
0, / UQsS /
0, / K8 /
0, / K7 /
0, / PsiDrS /
0, / PsiQrS /
0, / OldEmf /
0, / Sine /
0, / Cosine */
ACI Flux Estimator MACRO Definition
#define ACIFE_MACRO(v)
/* Calculate Sine and Cosine terms for Park/IPark transformations /
v.Sine = _IQsinPU(v.ThetaFlux);
v.Cosine = _IQcosPU(v.ThetaFlux);
/ Park transformation on the measured stator current*/
v.IDsE = _IQmpy(v.IQsS,v.Sine);
v.IDsE += _IQmpy(v.IDsS,v.Cosine);
/* The current model section (Classical Rotor Flux Vector Control Equation)/
v.FluxDrE = _IQmpy(v.K1,v.FluxDrE) + _IQmpy(v.K2,v.IDsE);
/ Inverse park transformation on the rotor flux from the current model*/
v.FluxDrS = _IQmpy(v.FluxDrE,v.Cosine);
v.FluxQrS = _IQmpy(v.FluxDrE,v.Sine);
/* Compute the stator flux based on the rotor flux from current model*/
v.FluxDsS = _IQmpy(v.K3,v.FluxDrS) + _IQmpy(v.K4,v.IDsS);
v.FluxQsS = _IQmpy(v.K3,v.FluxQrS) + _IQmpy(v.K4,v.IQsS);
/* Conventional PI controller section /
v.Error = v.PsiDsS - v.FluxDsS;
v.UCompDsS = _IQmpy(v.Kp,v.Error) + v.UiDsS;
v.UiDsS = _IQmpy(v.Kp,_IQmpy(v.Ki,v.Error)) + v.UiDsS;
v.Error = v.PsiQsS - v.FluxQsS;
v.UCompQsS = _IQmpy(v.Kp,v.Error) + v.UiQsS;
v.UiQsS = _IQmpy(v.Kp,_IQmpy(v.Ki,v.Error)) + v.UiQsS;
/ Compute the estimated stator flux based on the integral of back emf*/
v.OldEmf = v.EmfDsS;
v.EmfDsS = v.UDsS - v.UCompDsS - _IQmpy(v.K5,v.IDsS);
v.PsiDsS = v.PsiDsS + _IQdiv2(_IQmpy(v.K6,(v.EmfDsS + v.OldEmf)));
v.OldEmf = v.EmfQsS;
v.EmfQsS = v.UQsS - v.UCompQsS - _IQmpy(v.K5,v.IQsS);
v.PsiQsS = v.PsiQsS + _IQdiv2(_IQmpy(v.K6,(v.EmfQsS + v.OldEmf)));
/* Estimate the rotor flux based on stator flux from the integral of back emf*/
v.PsiDrS = _IQmpy(v.K7,v.PsiDsS) - _IQmpy(v.K8,v.IDsS);
v.PsiQrS = _IQmpy(v.K7,v.PsiQsS) - _IQmpy(v.K8,v.IQsS);
/* Compute the rotor flux angle*/
v.ThetaFlux = _IQatan2PU(v.PsiQrS,v.PsiDrS);
#endif // ACI_FE_H