

这里只限于传统方法,主要是两方面:Mean Shift, Particle Filter。

Ido Leichter  : Technion - Israel Institute of Technology -> Microsof@ Israel

主要研究内容:粒子滤波, Mean Shift

代表论文:[1] I. Leichter. Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 34(4):695-706, 2012.

                   (猜想,这以后Mean Shift 跟踪研究可能就要绝迹于这类汇刊了)

                    [2] I. Leichter, M. Lindenbaum and E. Rivlin. Mean Shift Tracking with Multiple Reference Color Histograms. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 114(3):400-408, 2010.
                    [3] I. Leichter, M. Lindenbaum and E. Rivlin. Tracking by Affine Kernel Transformations Using Color and Boundary Cues. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 31(1):164-171, 2009.
                   [4] I. Leichter, M. Lindenbaum and E. Rivlin. Bittracker - A Bitmap Tracker for Visual Tracking under Very General Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI), 30(9):1572-1588, 2008.
                  [5] I. Leichter, M. Lindenbaum and E. Rivlin. A General Framework for Combining Visual Trackers - The "Black Boxes" Approach. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 67(3):343-363, 2006.



Emilio Maggio: Queen Mary, University of London

主要研究内容: 目标分块表达, Mean Shift+Particle Filter组合

代表论文:[1] E. Maggio and A. Cavallaro, "Accurate appearance-based Bayesian tracking for maneuvering targets Source," Computer Vision and Image Understanding,                             vol.  113, iss. 4, pp. 544–555, 2009.

                    [2] E. Maggio, F. Smeraldi, and A. Cavallaro, "Adaptive Multifeature Tracking in a Particle Filtering Framework," Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,                                    IEEE  Transactions on, vol. 17, iss. 10, pp. 1348–1359, 2007. 

                    [3] E. Maggio and A. Cavallaro, "Hybrid Particle Filter and Mean Shift tracker with adaptive transition model," in Proc. IEEE Signal Processing Society                                               International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2005, pp. 221–224.

他还写过一本书 <Video Tracking>,2011,应该是对他PHD工作的总结。

 另外,他有两个ICASSP会议的best paper

Homepage: http://www.elec.qmul.ac.uk/mmv/people/emilio.htm


Zulfiqar Hasan Khan: Chalmers University of Technology

主要研究内容: 目标分块表达, Mean Shift+Particle Filter组合, 局部特征与全局特征结合的跟踪

代表论文:[1] Khan, Zulfiqar H.; Gu, Irene Y.H.; Backhouse, Andrew: Robust Visual Object Tracking using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters. IEEE                                   Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 21 (1) pp. 74-87.

                    [2] Khan, Zulfiqar H.; Gu, Irene Y.H.: Joint Feature Correspondences and Appearance Similarity for Robust Visual Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 5 (3) pp. 591-606.

Homepage: http://www.chalmers.se/s2/EN/contact/personnel/khan-zulfiqar-hasan


Jifeng Ning: 西安电子科技大学, 在香港理工做的postdoctoral

主要研究内容:Mean Shift 跟踪 (算法有Matlab代码)

Homepage:http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/papers.htm (PolyU of HK 教授 Zhang Lei的主页,很好老师分享大多数论文的代码!)

代表论文:  [1] J. Ning, L. Zhang, D. Zhang and C. Wu, “Scale and Orientation Adaptive Mean Shift Tracking,” to appear in IET Computer Vision. 

                      [2] J. Ning, L. Zhang, D. Zhang and C. Wu, “Robust Mean Shift Tracking with Corrected Background-Weighted Histogram,” to appear in IET Computer Vision. 

                      [3] J. Ning, L. Zhang, D. Zhang and C. Wu, “Robust Object Tracking using Joint Color-Texture Histogram,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and                                  Artificial Intelligence, vol. 23, No. 7 (2009) 1245–1263. 



Yao Anbang:  清华大学

主要研究内容: 跟踪中的直方图相似度量方法,Mean shift+ PF 混合方法

代表论文: [1] Anbang Yao, Guijin Wang, Xinggang Lin, and et al.  An incremental Bhattacharyya dissimilarity measure for particle filtering. Pattern Recognition, 43, 2010:1244-1256

                     [2] Anbang Yao, Xinggang Lin, Guijin Wang, and et al.  A compact association of particle filtering and kernel based object tracking. Pattern Recognition, 43, 2012:2584-2597






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