Random versus Systematic Faults: What’s the difference?


I saw and responded to a LinkedIn discussion on this very issue, where someone had asked “if I have a misaligned limit switch that fails dangerously, then is it random or systematic? “. This is an intriguing question because many view human error as being systematic and, whereas, this is sometimes true, it’s not always the case. When teaching our FSE100 course we discuss the differences and why it’s important to categorise failures this way.

We tend to think of Random failures as failures that occur at random time intervals (usually hardware related), which are unpredictable. In probabilistic analysis where we try to predict the likelihood of a failure on demand, in low demand process applications, we use average failure rates in our PFDavg calculations, based upon constant failure rate during Useful Life. There are now over 200 Billion unit operating hours of failure rate data that have been collected, which give us a pretty accurate value for certain types of equipment, to use in PFDavg calculations (such as are in exSILentia).

Systematic failures, on the other hand, are insidious and can only be eliminated by a change in design, manufacturing, procedures and training. What I like to categorise as the 3 Ps:

The 3 Ps

  • People – are they competent and trained;
  • Procedures – are there well-defined and followed procedures;
  • Paperwork – do we have an audit trail to demonstrate that the first two are being adhered to.

This means that systematic failures are not considered in probabilistic calculations and therefore, if a site is categorizing failures as systematic they could end up with low and unrealistic failure rates, when looking at measuring the SIF performance. For this reason, it’s a good policy to categorise all field failures as random until proven otherwise. In this case, we won’t throw away any failures unnecessarily.

For example, let’s say an instrument technician who was well trained, had performed this task many times, without error, had mis-calibrated a sensor that resulted in it not being able to detect a high level (dangerous condition), although the calibration procedure and paper work was correct. Would this be categorized as a systematic error or random error?

Many would argue that, because it is human error, it would be a systematic issue.

So, let’s see how this measures up to the 3 Ps:

  • Personnel – the Technician is well trained and so is competent
  • Procedure – the procedure is correct
  • Paperwork – the paperwork is correct

In this case, this would be categorized as a Random error and not Systematic. Perhaps the technician was distracted, tired, having a bad day, etc. The Technician just made a mistake. It’s that simple.

However, it could be argued that for safety-related equipment the procedure should be changed to have a four-eyes policy, which would help prevent the error, so a systematic improvement.

It’s easy to see how confusing it can be in determining whether a fault is random or systematic, which is why we recommend capturing the failure as random until proven otherwise.

So, coming back to the case of the misaligned limit switch, we would need to initially categorise the failure as Random so it’s captured and then to analyse whether it is actually a systematic fault or not, by looking into the 3 Ps.

Why not check out some of the webinars on this subject that are archived on the exida website.

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后台采用apache服务器下的cgi处理c语言做微信小程序后台逻辑的脚本映射。PC端的服务器和客户端都是基于c语言写的。采用mysql数据库进行用户数据和聊天记录的存储。.zip C语言是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它具有高效、灵活、可移植性强等特点,被广泛应用于操作系统、嵌入式系统、数据库、编译器等领域的开发。C语言的基本语法包括变量、数据类型、运算符、控制结构(如if语句、循环语句等)、函数、指针等。下面详细介绍C语言的基本概念和语法。 1. 变量和数据类型 在C语言中,变量用于存储数据,数据类型用于定义变量的类型和范围。C语言支持多种数据类型,包括基本数据类型(如int、float、char等)和复合数据类型(如结构体、联合等)。 2. 运算符 C语言中常用的运算符包括算术运算符(如+、、、/等)、关系运算符(如==、!=、、=、<、<=等)、逻辑运算符(如&&、||、!等)。此外,还有位运算符(如&、|、^等)和指针运算符(如、等)。 3. 控制结构 C语言中常用的控制结构包括if语句、循环语句(如for、while等)和switch语句。通过这些控制结构,可以实现程序的分支、循环和多路选择等功能。 4. 函数 函数是C语言中用于封装代码的单元,可以实现代码的复用和模块化。C语言中定义函数使用关键字“void”或返回值类型(如int、float等),并通过“{”和“}”括起来的代码块来实现函数的功能。 5. 指针 指针是C语言中用于存储变量地址的变量。通过指针,可以实现对内存的间接访问和修改。C语言中定义指针使用星号()符号,指向数组、字符串和结构体等数据结构时,还需要注意数组名和字符串常量的特殊性质。 6. 数组和字符串 数组是C语言中用于存储同类型数据的结构,可以通过索引访问和修改数组中的元素。字符串是C语言中用于存储文本数据的特殊类型,通常以字符串常量的形式出现,用双引号("...")括起来,末尾自动添加'\0'字符。 7. 结构体和联合 结构体和联合是C语言中用于存储不同类型数据的复合数据类型。结构体由多个成员组成,每个成员可以是不同的数据类型;联合由多个变量组成,它们共用同一块内存空间。通过结构体和联合,可以实现数据的封装和抽象。 8. 文件操作 C语言中通过文件操作函数(如fopen、fclose、fread、fwrite等)实现对文件的读写操作。文件操作函数通常返回文件指针,用于表示打开的文件。通过文件指针,可以进行文件的定位、读写等操作。 总之,C语言是一种功能强大、灵活高效的编程语言,广泛应用于各种领域。掌握C语言的基本语法和数据结构,可以为编程学习和实践打下坚实的基础。
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