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原创 适合学习 fltk 的项目 tigervnc


2020-03-26 16:33:17 239

原创 Difference between plans obtained by CHOMP and OMPL

Optimizing planners optimize a cost function that may sometimes lead to surprising results: moving through a thin obstacle might be lower cost than a long, winding trajectory that avoids all collision...

2019-03-28 13:39:51 392

原创 Running OMPL as a pre-processor for CHOMP

<launch> <!-- OMPL Plugin for MoveIt! --> <arg name="planning_plugin" value="ompl_interface/OMPLPlanner" /> <!-- The request adapters (plugins) used when planning with OMP...

2019-03-28 13:39:04 517 2

原创 逆解常用公式

2019-03-28 09:26:02 1239

原创 How to Calculate a Robot's Forward Kinematics in 5 Easy Steps


2019-03-27 10:05:44 335

原创 Solution of Inverse Kinematics for 6R Robot Manipulators With Offset Wrist Based on Geometric Algebr


2019-03-27 10:05:11 252

原创 Kinematics: Why Robots Move Like They Do


2019-03-27 09:58:02 276

原创 How Can an Industrial Robot Be Calibrated?


2019-03-27 09:50:14 187

原创 8 reasons why you should use ROS for robotics projects

8 reasons why you should use ROS for robotics projectsYou already know some programming and how to use a terminal, and you want to get into robotics. Or you are making the specs for an entire new ro...

2019-03-25 11:14:52 255

原创 pilz机械臂直线规划

bool TrajectoryGeneratorLIN::generate(const planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest &req, planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse &res, ...

2019-03-20 13:41:06 620

原创 手柄控制高斯机械臂

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport rospy, actionlibfrom std_msgs.msg import Boolfrom sensor_msgs.msg import Joyfrom sensor_msgs.msg import JointStatefrom trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryfr...

2019-03-19 15:55:33 964

原创 高斯六轴机械臂画圆

#!/usr/bin/env python# Copyright (c) 2018 Pilz GmbH & Co. KG## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licens...

2019-03-19 15:33:53 2515

原创 cartographer_ros 命令行参数解析和日志打印

/* * Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtai...

2019-03-19 09:28:29 1268

原创 树莓派_Linux串口编程_实现接收

recv.h#ifndef _RECV_H#define _RECV_H#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;#include &lt;string.h&gt;#include &lt;errno.h&gt;#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;#in...

2019-02-20 15:15:16 817

原创 树莓派使用wiringSerial

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;#include &lt;wiringPi.h&gt;#include &lt;wiringSerial.h&gt; int main(){ int fd; if(wiringPiSetup()&lt;0) return 1; if((fd=serialOpen("/dev/ttyAMA0",9600))&lt;0) retur...

2019-02-20 15:12:56 2091

原创 plotclock代码

// Plotclock// cc - by Johannes Heberlein 2014// v 1.02// thingiverse.com/joo wiki.fablab-nuernberg.de// units: mm; microseconds; radians// origin: bottom left of drawing surface// time librar...

2019-02-18 16:54:14 1069 3

转载 line-us机械臂编程

import socketimport timeclass LineUs: &quot;&quot;&quot;An example class to show how to use the Line-us API&quot;&quot;&quot; def __init__(self, line_us_name): self.__line_us = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, so..

2019-02-15 15:03:15 1295 2

转载 Simple6DoFVer1.2.ino

/*Simple script to move my tiny 6dof robotic arm*/#include &amp;lt;math.h&amp;gt;#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795//driver for the axis 1#define PUL1_PIN 39#define DIR1_PIN 37//driver for...

2019-02-13 10:34:18 480

转载 Simple6DoFVer2.ino

/*Simple script to move my tiny 6dof robotic arm*/#include &amp;amp;lt;math.h&amp;amp;gt;#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795//driver for the axis 1#define PUL1_PIN 39#define DIR1_PIN 37//driver for...

2019-02-13 10:30:45 754

原创 python 发送blockly xml到blockly server,并产生python代码

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport rospyimport subprocessimport socketimport osimport signalimport astHOST = ''def cleanup_node_tcp_port(port_number): try: output = subprocess.check_...

2019-02-12 16:06:42 498

原创 执行blockly的python代码

class SequenceCodeExecutor: def __init__(self): self.blockly_dir = rospy.get_param(&quot;~sequence_code_to_execute_path&quot;) self.python_file = str(self.blockly_dir) + '/generated_code.py...

2019-02-12 15:32:29 1702

原创 blockly server 产生python代码

#!/usr/bin/env nodevar fs = require('fs');var net = require('net'); var Blockly = require('./gauss_python_generators').Blockly;Blockly.Python.STATEMENT_PREFIX = 'n.highlight_block(%1)\n';Block...

2019-02-12 15:24:22 1125

原创 获取gauss机械臂的当前状态

//获取当前参数 currentParameter = () =&amp;gt; { let network = new Networking(); let sub = network.listen('/joint_states','sensor_msgs/JointState',(name , data) =&amp;gt; { this.setState({ ...

2019-02-12 14:41:19 537

原创 gauss 机械臂示教模式切换

//示教模式切换 teaching = value =&gt; { this.setState({ teachStatus: value }); let status; if (value) { status = 1; } else { status = 0; } let network = new...

2019-02-12 14:38:05 623

原创 gauss 机械臂自动校准和手动校准

自动校准://零点校准 calibration = () =&amp;gt; { let network = new Networking(); network.callService( &quot;/gauss/calibrate_motors&quot;, &quot;gauss_msgs/SetInt&quot;, { value: 1 }, ...

2019-02-12 14:34:47 1034

原创 通过rosbridge 修改 gauss 机械臂的末端工具

useActuator = (index) =&gt; { let indexNewForm = this.state.newForm[index] let network = new Networking(); let localStorage = new LocalStorage(); // 电磁铁,激光,直流电流(电磁铁...

2019-02-12 13:44:34 405 5

原创 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器 模板

这里写自定义目录标题欢迎使用Markdown编辑器新的改变功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入欢迎使用Ma...

2019-02-12 13:42:19 105

原创 通过rosbridge和roslibjs与 gauss 机械臂通信

let ROSLIB = require('roslib');import intl from 'react-intl-universal';import { isLegal } from './message.type'import { LocalStorage } from './localStorage'import { notification } from 'antd';le...

2019-02-12 11:59:42 2589 1

原创 rviz插件获取当前的执行进度代码

代码路径:moveit/moveit_ros/visualization/rviz_plugin_render_tools/src/trajectory_visualization.cppvoid TrajectoryVisualization::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt){ if (drop_displaying_trajectory_) ...

2018-11-22 16:30:31 574

原创 gdb调试ros node

rosrun --prefix ‘gdb -ex run --args’ [package_name] [node_name]rosrun --prefix ‘gdb -ex run --args’ marm_planning moveit_obstacles_demo记得:catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug如果你用roslaunch,在你的lau...

2018-10-31 09:27:43 1878

原创 用CMake编译OpenSplice的HelloWord项目

Build a OpenSplice HelloWorld project with CMakehttps://github.com/itfanr/opensplice-cpp-cmake设置环境变量编译和运行都需要终端的环境变量!环境变量很重要,必须首先设置!cd 到 x86_64.linux 目录,然后执行:source release.com查看环境变量:itfanr@...

2018-10-19 11:03:29 788 1

原创 已知两个坐标系下的坐标,求坐标系之间的转换矩阵(三)

#include &lt;iostream&gt;#include &lt;GTEngine/Mathematics/GteConvertCoordinates.h&gt;using namespace gte;int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){// // Affine change of basis. ConvertCoordinates...

2018-10-17 14:27:41 9606 6

原创 已知空间三个点画圆


2018-10-17 14:02:09 2606

原创 已知两个坐标系下的坐标,求坐标系之间的转换矩阵(二)

包含平移和旋转变换:#include &lt;iostream&gt;#include &lt;GTEngine/Mathematics/GteConvertCoordinates.h&gt;using namespace gte;// #define Vector4&lt;double&gt; Vector&lt;4, double&gt;int main(int argc, cha...

2018-10-17 11:28:14 21682 8

原创 已知两个坐标系下的坐标,求坐标系之间的转换矩阵(一)

#include &amp;amp;lt;iostream&amp;amp;gt;#include &amp;amp;lt;GTEngine/Mathematics/GteConvertCoordinates.h&amp;amp;gt;using namespace gte;// #define Vector4&amp;amp;lt;double&amp;amp;gt; Vector&amp;amp;lt;4, double&amp;a

2018-10-17 10:48:16 28894 1

原创 GTEngine计算坐标变换

#include &amp;lt;iostream&amp;gt;#include &amp;lt;GTEngine/Mathematics/GteConvertCoordinates.h&amp;gt;using namespace gte;// #define Vector4&amp;lt;double&amp;gt; Vector&amp;lt;4, double&amp;gt;int main(int argc, char c

2018-10-16 16:19:33 872

原创 Eigen计算坐标系变换

#include &amp;lt;vector&amp;gt;#include &amp;lt;Eigen/Geometry&amp;gt;#include &amp;lt;stdio.h&amp;gt;#include &amp;lt;iostream&amp;gt;#define Scalar double Eigen::Transform&amp;lt;Scalar, 3, Eigen::Affine&amp;

2018-10-15 16:20:20 4123 1

原创 通过Eigen计算直线在不同坐标系统的转换

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////template &amp;lt;typename Scalar&amp;gt; boolpcl::transformBetween2CoordinateSystems (const Eigen::Matrix&amp;lt;Scalar,...

2018-10-15 11:17:55 1089

原创 boost::property_tree::ptree解析json数组

json数组如下:{&amp;quot;var_name&amp;quot;:&amp;quot;var1&amp;quot;,&amp;quot;positions&amp;quot;:[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1]},;代码:#include &amp;amp;lt;boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp&amp;amp;gt;#include &amp;amp;lt;boost/p

2018-10-10 13:07:47 5099 2

原创 从ros parameter server 获取URDF

// get the general robot description, the lwr class will take care of parsing what’s useful to itself std::string urdf_string = getURDF(lwr_nh, “/robot_description”);// Get the URDF XML from the ...

2018-09-12 12:47:16 377

折纸之光 折纸之光 折纸之光

折纸简单来说就是折叠的艺术,把一张不剪不切的纸折叠成一个可以辨别出来的形态。折纸 的奇妙之处在于它是纯粹的折叠,中间不能有任何剪切,或是与多余纸的粘合。虽然很多幼 儿折纸中都包括了剪切过程,严格意义讲,这是犯规的行为。折纸的精髓是:在一个有限的 平面范围内创造出无限的立体造型。因为所有的折纸都是由正反两面的交替折叠,它是一 门“以不变应万变”的艺术。


blender 3D渲染研究

blender 3D渲染研究 论文


AWK 教程 - v1.0.pdf

AWK 教程 - v1.0.pdf AWK 教程 - v1.0.pdf AWK 教程 - v1.0.pdf



学派网2010-2014年职称英语_理工A_历年真题汇总.pdf 学派网2010-2014年职称英语_理工A_历年真题汇总.pdf 学派网2010-2014年职称英语_理工A_历年真题汇总.pdf



Hall-LieGroupsLiealgebras2015.Springer.Elementaryintro.pdf Hall-LieGroupsLiealgebras2015.Springer.Elementaryintro.pdf Hall-LieGroupsLiealgebras2015.Springer.Elementaryintro.pdf



589882+Unity5.x完全自学手册.pdf 589882+Unity5.x完全自学手册.pdf 589882+Unity5.x完全自学手册.pdf



The URScript Programming Language Version 3.10 May 31, 2019


Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics.pdf

Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics.pdf https://www.geometrictools.com


A General, Fast, and Robust Implementation of the Time-Optimal Path.pdf

A General, Fast, and Robust Implementation of the Time-Optimal Path.pdf



Abstract—The KUKA lightweight robot (LWR) provides many unique features for robotic researchers. To give full access to these features, a new interface was developed that gives direct low-level real-time access to the KUKA robot controller (KRC) at high rates of up to 1 kHz. On the other hand, all industrial-strength features, like teaching, motion script features, fieldbus I/O and safety are provided. Using standard UDP socket technology, the user is not limited to one specific runtime system. This paper describes the capabilities of the interface, the practical realization within the LWR control architecture and first applications of the interface.



面向直接示教的机器人零力控制-游有鹏 提出基于力矩控制的零力控制方法应用于机器人直接示教。 针对机器人连杆重力矩和关节摩擦力矩难以直接建模计算, 分析机器人关节力矩与连杆自重、关节位姿、负载大小、库仑摩擦力、黏滞摩擦力等因素的关系,提出基于自测量的重力矩 及摩擦力矩计算方案,并给出重力矩、摩擦力矩求解所需参数的具体测量方案。在自行研制的直流电动机驱动机器人样机上 验证所研究补偿算法,力矩补偿效果明显。与现有基于位置控制的零力控制方法相比,该方法无需多维力传感器,系统简洁、 成本低、示教灵活,为各类运动轨迹复杂的机器人示教开辟了新途径。 关键词:机器人;零力控制;直接示教;力矩补偿






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