深度学习Course4第一周The Basics of ConvNets习题整理

The Basics of ConvNets

  1. What do you think applying this filter to a grayscale image will do?
  • Detect 45-degree edges.
  • Detect horizontal edges.
  • Detect vertical edges.
  • Detecting image contrast.
  1. Suppose your input is a 128 by 128 grayscale image, and you are not using a convolutional network. If the first hidden layer has 256 neurons, each one fully connected to the input, how many parameters does this hidden layer have (including the bias parameters)?
  • 12583168
  • 4194560
  • 4194304
  • 12582912

the number of inputs for each unit is 128×128 since the input image is grayscale, so we need 128×128×256 parameters for the weights and 256 parameters for the bias thus 128×128×256+256=4194560.

  1. Suppose your input is a 300 by 300 color (RGB) image, and you use a convolutional layer with 100 filters that are each 5x5. How many parameters does this hidden layer have (including the bias parameters)?
  • 7500
  • 7600
  • 2501
  • 2600

you have 25×3=75 weights and 1 bias per filter. Given that you have 100 filters, you get 7,600 parameters for this layer.

  1. You have an input volume that is 121 × \times × 121 × \times × 16, and convolve it with 32 filters of 4 × \times × 4, using a stride of 3 and no padding. What is the output volume?
  • 40×40×16
  • 40×40×32
  • 118×118×32
  • 118×118×16

using the formula n H [ l ] = ( n H [ l − 1 ] + 2 × p − f ) / s + 1 n^{[l]}_H=(n^{[l−1]}_H+2×p−f)/s+1 nH[l]=(nH[l1]+2×pf)/s+1 with n H [ l − 1 ] = 121 n^{[l−1]}_H=121 nH[l1]=121, p = 0 p=0 p=0, f = 4 f=4 f=4, and s = 3 s=3 s=3 we get 40 40 40

  1. You have an input volume that is 61x61x32, and pad it using “pad=3”. What is the dimension of the resulting volume (after padding)?
  • 64x64x32
  • 67x67x32
  • 64x64x35
  • 61x61x35
  1. You have a volume that is 121×121×32, and convolve it with 32 filters of 5×5, and a stride of 1. You want to use a “same” convolution. What is the padding?
  • 0
  • 3
  • 5
  • 2
  1. You have an input volume that is 66x66x21, and apply max pooling with a stride of 3 and a filter size of 3. What is the output volume?
  • 66×66×7
  • 22×22×7
  • 22×22×21
  • 21×21×21
  1. Because pooling layers do not have parameters, they do not affect the backpropagation (derivatives) calculation.
  • True
  • False

Everything that influences the loss should appear in the backpropagation because we are computing derivatives. In fact, pooling layers modify the input by choosing one value out of several values in their input volume. Also, to compute derivatives for the layers that have parameters (Convolutions, Fully-Connected), we still need to backpropagate the gradient through the Pooling layers.

  1. In lecture we talked about “parameter sharing” as a benefit of using convolutional networks. Which of the following statements about parameter sharing in ConvNets are true? (Check all that apply)
  • It allows gradient descent to set many of the parameters to zero, thus making the connections sparse.
  • It allows a feature detector to be used in multiple locations throughout the whole input image/input volume.
  • It allows parameters learned for one task to be shared even for a different task (transfer learning).
  • It reduces the total number of parameters, thus reducing overfitting.
  1. In lecture we talked about “sparsity of connections” as a benefit of using convolutional layers. What does this mean?
  • Each filter is connected to every channel in the previous layer.
  • Each activation in the next layer depends on only a small number of activations from the previous layer.
  • Each layer in a convolutional network is connected only to two other layers
  • Regularization causes gradient descent to set many of the parameters to zero.

each activation of the output volume is computed by multiplying the parameters from only one filter with a volumic slice of the input volume and then summing all these together.

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磁共振成像(MRI)是一种非侵入性的医学影像技术,通过使用强磁场和无害的无线电波,生成高分辨率的人体内部图像。MRI的基本原理包括磁共振现象和信号处理。 首先,MRI利用强磁场产生静态磁场。这个强磁场使得人体内的原子(通常是氢)的原子核在磁场中定向,使其自旋沿磁场方向预先排列。 其次,MRI利用无线电频率的脉冲来激发人体内的原子核,使其从平衡状态中倾斜。 然后,MRI探测激发后原子核的归位,这个过程称为回波信号。原子核的归位过程会产生微弱的无线电信号。 接下来,MRI系统采集这些回波信号并进行信号处理。信号处理包括一个复杂的计算过程,其基本目标是确定回波信号的来源和特征。通过这种方式,系统可以构建数百个不同方向上的切片图像。 最后,计算机将切片图像组合在一起,形成三维结构,可以帮助医生观察和分析人体内部组织和器官的详细结构。 MRI是一种非常有用的影像技术,因为它能够提供清晰的高对比度图像,并且不涉及使用有害的X射线。它在医学诊断中广泛应用,特别是用于观察脑部、骨骼、关节、脊椎和内脏器官等结构。同时,MRI还可以用来检测肿瘤、损伤、疾病和其他异常,并且具有较高的准确性和灵敏度。 总之,MRI是一种基于磁共振原理的医学影像技术,可生成高分辨率、非侵入性的人体内部图像,对于医学诊断和研究具有重要意义。


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