人工智能和机器人的未来愿景 Viewpoints in AI and Robot

I imagine a future where robots are so integrated in the fabric of human life that they become as common as smartphones are today. The field of robotics has the potential to greatly improve the quality of our lives at work, at home, and at play.

I can picture a world—not too far off—where it’s as easy to program a robot to deliver groceries or take a driverless car for a spin as it is to use a smartphone today. A personal machine tutor will help every child learn. Access to individualized treatment will revolutionize healthcare. And our smart cities will be free of traffic jams.

Daniela Rus

Coding AI is the New Literacy

Dear friends,

Today we take it for granted that many people know how to read and write. Someday, I hope, it will be just as common that people know how to write code.

Several hundred years ago, society didn’t view language literacy as a necessary skill. A small number of people learned to read and write, and everyone else let them do the reading and writing. It took centuries for literacy to spread, and now society is far richer for it.

Words enable deep human-to-human communication. Code is the deepest form of human-to-machine communication. As machines become more central to daily life, that communication becomes ever more important.

Traditional software engineering — writing programs that explicitly tell a computer sequences of steps to execute — has been the main path to code literacy. But AI, machine learning, and data science offer a new paradigm in which computers extract knowledge from data. This technology offers another pathway to coding — one that strikes me as even more promising.

Many Sundays, I buy a slice of pizza from my neighborhood pizza parlor. The gentleman behind the counter may have little reason to learn how to build software applications (beyond personal growth and the pleasure of gaining a new skill).

But AI and data science have great value even for a pizza maker. A linear regression model might enable him to better estimate demand so he could optimize the restaurant’s staffing and supply chain. He could better predict sales of Hawaiian pizza — my favorite! — so he could make more Hawaiian pies in advance and reduce the amount of time customers had to wait for them.

Uses of AI and data science can be found in almost any situation that produces data, and I believe that a wide variety of professions will find more uses for custom AI applications and data-derived insights than for traditional software engineering. This makes literacy in AI-oriented coding even more valuable than traditional skills. It could enable countless individuals to harness data to make their lives richer.

I hope the promise of building basic AI applications, even more than that of building basic traditional applications, encourages more people to learn how to code. If society embraces this new form of literacy as it has the ability to read and write, we will all benefit.

Keep learning!

吴恩达 (Andrew Ng)









软件系统架构是指对软件系统进行设计和组织的过程,以实现系统的目标和需求。在软件系统架构中,与利益相关者的合作至关重要。他们是系统的用户、所有者、开发者、设计师和其他相关人员,可以对系统的设计和实现提供重要的见解和反馈。 “视角2n”是一种利用多个视角来分析和描述软件系统的方法。这些视角可以是功能、数据、流程、部署、性能等。通过使用不同的视角,我们能够全面地了解和描述系统的不同方面,从而更好地满足利益相关者的需求。 在软件系统架构中,与利益相关者进行合作需要执行以下步骤: 1. 确定利益相关者:首先,需要识别所有与系统相关的利益相关者,例如用户、客户、管理者等。他们对系统有不同的期望和需求。 2. 分析视角:使用“视角2n”的方法,确定需要使用的视角。每个视角都提供关于系统不同方面的信息。 3. 与利益相关者沟通:与利益相关者一起讨论系统的需求和期望。通过与他们的沟通和交流,可以更好地了解他们的需求和优先级。 4. 创建系统架构:基于利益相关者的需求和反馈,结合使用的视角,创建系统的架构。这包括确定系统的组件、模块、接口、数据流等。 5. 验证和迭代:将创建的系统架构与利益相关者进行验证,并根据他们的反馈进行迭代。这样可以确保系统的设计和实现符合他们的期望和需求。 通过与利益相关者的密切合作,我们可以更好地理解他们的需求和期望,从而设计和构建出更好的软件系统架构。这有助于提高系统的质量、可靠性和可维护性,满足利益相关者的各种需求。




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