

  • app: 沪江开心词场
  • 词书:新概念英语第三册



  • claim the protection of the law
  • corner sb: 堵住
  • possession: 财产
    • treasured ~
  • hava lots of complaints about the hotel
  • an accumulation of work to be done
  • puma:美洲狮
    • solitary
    • leopard猎豹
  • feel obliged(grateful) to sb for his help
  • be extraordinarily disciplined:非常守纪律

  • The clock strikes on the hour and the half hour
    • 这只钟在正点和半点会准时
  • start: 吓一跳,震惊
    • make a loud cry to start the hare:吓野兔
    • give a slight start:微微震动
  • arm our soldiers for battle:武装士兵准备战斗
  • suffer slight damage in the accident
  • wind-proof:防风的
  • The victory equalled the team’s best in history.
  • vicar:牧师
  • print: 印记
  • in the hunt(n) for the toddlers(幼童)
  • Wet clothes cling to the body:紧贴身体

  • His chin rested on his hands
  • be sacred in popular belief
  • worship Chairman Mao
  • prosperous = flourishing = thriving
  • make one’s identity public
  • a technological unrivalled acheivement in the world
  • archeaologist:考古学家
  • make a gracful(elegant,exquisite) exit
  • The ten-storey building is out of straight.
  • the remains of a temple
  • sun goddess
  • a full-length skirt: 拖地长裙


  • The vase broke into fragments
  • His chin rested on his hands
  • preserve peace
  • be sacred in popular belief: 被民众认为是神圣的
    • Religious,holy
    • irreligious
  • win worship(n)
  • prosperous,flourishing,thriving
  • make his identity public:公开身份
  • be unrivalled in the world:世界上无可比拟的
  • archeaologist: 考古学家
  • Make a graceful exit
    • Graceless:反义词
  • The ten-storey building is out of straight:倾斜了
  • good drainage: 好的排水
  • the remains of a temple:一所寺庙的废墟
  • the first harvest of rice:收获的第一束稻子
    • the sun goddess
  • a full-length skirt:拖地长裙

  • It turned out far better than I had expected

  • take two showers a day

  • priest: 祭司

  • be smart and well groomed: 干净整洁,打扮得体

  • an optimist by nature: 天生乐观派

  • refer to the argument:提及那场争论

  • His collar hung open(领口松开)

  • overalls:工作服

  • dustman:清洁工,睡神


  • two extremes:极端
  • sb fail the CET Band-4
  • bash the door in:砸门而入
  • provide for sth: 为sth做准备
  • reliable statistics
  • journalist:冰冰
    • probe into the scandals:调查丑闻
  • be impatient with the delay
  • a paperback edition:平装本
  • open-air performance:露天

  • The maid(女仆) gave the floor a flush.
  • scramble across those walls: 攀爬
    • my yearning(n) to do sth
  • a long iron bar
  • make a raid on the house
  • negotiate a new contract with its staff
  • be on trial for theft: 因为盗窃罪被审判
  • diplomatic tact: 外交手腕
  • under one’s steady gaze
    • gaze at sb
  • be on display in the exhibition
  • arrange an appointment for Friday at four-fifteen
  • serve a sentence for robbery with violence: 服刑
  • be dressed in velvet:丝绒
  • some of his jewellery was missing
  • Ashtray:烟灰缸
    • drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray
  • blare the horn:按响喇叭
  • burglary:入室盗窃


  • safekeeping(n)
  • run one’s business
  • a is concerned with b: 有关
  • sb faced millions of dollars in claims
  • change a ten-pound note:纸币找不开
  • witness the sight with dismay:沮丧
  • sb feel close to despair
  • chew(v) sth extremely well:细细嚼碎
  • be mutilated: 残缺不全的
  • oven:arvin 烤箱
  • clarify one’s position on this issue

  • Switzerland is a federal republic.
  • emphasis(n)
    • There is a shift in ~ from A to B
  • lie at the sourthern end of the Kurile chain:位于千岛群岛的南端
  • The skier leapt through the air: 滑雪者越过高空
  • a Buddhist monk:和尚
  • monastery:僧院
    • Parties of skiers:几波/几批(人)
  • wander around the mall:闲逛
  • act so rashly:鲁莽地
  • The two parts don not connect properly.

  • survive the earthquake
  • The report tells of the war’s impact on society
  • be suspicious:有疑虑
    • doubtful,dubious
  • Mysterious animal
    • the story goes that+从句:据说
  • fascinate(v) sb
    • anything to do with old legends and myths:神话传说
  • apparently:obviously,看来
    • deterioration:退化
  • submissive:服从的
    • want sb to be submissive
  • give sb an affectionate hug
  • live in a high-rise flat:高层公寓
  • Vernacular: 方言,本地的


  • pick up the suitcase:拎起了手提箱
  • flood(v) the city
  • plunge (投入)off a bridge
  • tremble with fright: 被吓得发抖
  • crew: 全体人员
  • feel numb with horror: 惊呆了
  • follow one’s voyage to ws: 旅程
  • faint voice: 微弱的
  • have a slight German accent
  • take an air liner(班机) to sw
  • tragic: catastrophic
  • fish(v) the shark in the waters(水域)
  • be enclosed in a watertight compartment: 密封在不透水的隔层中
  • narrowly averted an accident(险些遭殃)
  • a colossal amount of money at stake(一大笔款可能遭受损失)

  • per(through)fume: 香味
  • Air is a mixture of gases
  • tolerannt:宽容的,容忍的
  • baggage:行李
    • trunk:后备箱
  • declare war on sb
  • be exempt from all taxes
  • dreadful: awful
    • The weather is ~
  • customs:海关
    • costumes:戏服
  • pounce on the mouse
  • officious: + 爱管闲事的
    • pompous: 自负的
  • unscrew: 拧开
    • ~ the cap and poured sb another drink:倒一杯酒
  • hardened: 有经验的
    • a ~ businessman
  • sarcastically: 讽刺地
    • admonish(训斥) sb ~ and sharply:锋利地
    • contemptuous:蔑视的
    • His eyes radiated the hard and contemptuous opposition.


  • row me across:划船送过去
  • ripe:成熟的
    • the branches are weighed down with ~ apples
  • prisoner:犯人
  • wretched:可怜的
  • rub shoulders with the rich:与富翁来往
  • paradise:天堂
    • hostel:招待所
  • genuinely:真诚地
    • be ~ sorry about what happened
  • The proposal struck me as unrealistic
    • 让我觉得不现实

  • straight:直接地,径直地
    • The compass led me ~ and true 直接领我找到了它
  • keep pace with her:追上她
  • All computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds
  • slam the door and lock it behind sb(随手锁上)
  • costume:戏服,服装
    • daring(大胆) picturesqueness:粗犷美
  • electricity
    • dynamo:发电机
    • mechanical energy
  • take the bed sheets in:被单
  • meter(n):计量表
  • outfit:全套服装
  • try on clothing and shoes


  • a notable achievement
  • her noble quality
  • remarkable = excellent = promient
    • be a great creative home:伟大的作家
  • be set upon by a band of robbers: 被一伙人袭击
  • a state funeral:国葬
  • They joined hands in a valiant struggle against the racist:联合起来和种族主义分子进行英勇斗争
    • Radical:激进的
  • dedicate(献身,献出) the book to his sister
  • extinguish the gangster:消灭匪徒
  • These huts(小屋) offer little protection against rats(鼠)
  • promptly: on time/in time

  • use a screwdriver(螺丝刀) to free the lock(撬开锁)
  • bounce the ball
  • pan:平底锅
  • pedestrian:行人
  • pedestrians,cyclists,motorcyclist(骑摩托车的人)
  • rattle:使发出咔哒的声音
    • hold the box up to his ear and rattle it gently
  • The car spun on the pavement:人行道
  • thrify:节约的
    • fill up a money-box
  • put out fires
  • fire brigade:消防队
    • 7 ~ were deployed(出动) to contain the blaze(控制火势)


  • accuse sb of fibbing:说小谎
  • acquire a reputation as the pre mi er solo violi nist(首席小提琴独奏家)
  • be on trial for theft
  • abbey:大教堂
  • prize(adj) collections:珍贵的收藏品
  • deny charges of murder
  • come over to do sth:过来do sth
  • feel incredibly ashamed(abashed) of myself for getting so angry
  • prepare, spin and dye the wool:处理羊毛,纺羊毛和给羊毛染色
  • astonishingly:惊人的
    • The rates are ~ high.

  • secure much liberty:获得自由
  • immense project:big
  • work at full capacity:全力生产
  • a nation wildlife reserve
  • be in the midst of a great and mingled emotional experience
    • 百感交集,正经历巨大的感情冲击
  • I have gone out of my way to be agreeable to his friends.
    • 我已经特地向他的朋友表示友好了
  • feel solid earth under my feet again:踏上坚实地面
  • have a wing span of 1.5 metres
  • Pharaohs:法老
  • by no means:绝不
    • ~ will this method produce good results


  • turn off the current:关闭电流

  • A thought flashed through my mind:闪过

  • the average forensic psychiatrist doesn’t shock easily:一般的法医精神病学家

  • the union suspended(暂停/悬挂) strike action 工会暂停罢工

  • in his sphere:社会阶层,领域

  • gallery:画廊,美术馆

    • exhibit:展览品
  • repel the advice as wrong and impossible:拒绝建议

  • the response is far from warm:反应冷淡

  • electronic engineer:电子工程师

  • Bizarre,odd,peculiar

  • Emit a long,low whistle:吹了一声低沉而悠长的口哨

  • The draught(穿堂风) form the window flickered(使闪烁,使摇曳) the candle flame(烛光).

  • Chinese dishes:中餐

  • Magnetize:使充磁

    • make a Mobius strip out of a ribbon(带) of mild steel:用一根软钢条做成莫比乌斯环

  • you have my word:我承诺
  • fear sth
  • dear:亲爱的
    • Be dear to sb:珍贵的
  • Polling is orderly(adj) despite the violence that preceded the elections
  • a considerable(substantial) amount of money
  • remain anonymous:匿名的
  • baffle=confuse sb
  • ransom:赎金
  • be overjoyed(非常高兴) but astounded:震惊的
    • Sb fell pregnant
  • give up all hope of tracing her kidnapper


  • cover the distance:行过
    • It covered the distance in 5 hours compared with the train’s six days
  • be forced into resigning
  • pick up sb:让谁搭便车
  • The plane landed 5 minutes late
  • a pioneer in modern medical practice
  • overland:陆地的
    • ~ transportation

  • meet my match in power and intellect:力量和智力
  • tremendous impact:big
  • crude:coarse,polite(反义词)
  • chestnut:栗色
    • bet 10 dollars on the ~ horse
  • alike:similar——dissimilar
    • No two people are exactly ~.
  • bare:裸露的
  • quarrel over sth
  • I am forever in debt to you.永远感激不尽
  • extravagant:奢侈的
    • curb your ~ tastes:控制
    • wasteful
    • 反: moderate
    • be heartbroken when she married someone else
  • Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.
    • 使得电影不如以前那么流行
    • prevalence≈popularity
  • a fight against poverty
    • impoverishment:贫穷
  • eminent:杰出的
  • bitterly:强烈地
    • ~ opposed the proposals
  • technically:严格来说


  • proceed to the next item

    • silhouette:(n)轮廓,剪影
  • a blank check

  • get along very well with her colleague(相处)

  • Interpret the role of hamlet very wonderfully

  • imprison(关押) sb for his part in the independence movement(因为参加独立运动)

  • squint(v):斜视

    • ~ at sth
    • the brightly coloured figures:色彩艳丽的人像
  • aristocrat:贵族

  • falter:结巴地说

  • geoler(n):监狱看守

  • ask eagerly

  • Department stores:百货商店

  • appeal to all ages

  • possession:占有

    • be found in ~ of drugs
  • impulse:冲动

  • poison:毒药

    • walk down these ~
  • give you a stomach ache

  • He is not at all the kind of man I fancy.

  • be caught in the shower on my way home

  • go for a stroll(n) on the beach

    • wander:溜达
  • fry potatoes in hot fat(滚油) with a bit of onion

  • the increasing sales of luxury goods

    • An index of the country’s prosperity
  • codewords:代码

    • transcript:抄本
    • standard practice
  • delicacy:美味

    • a local ~
    • smoked herring:烟熏鲱(青)鱼
  • edible:可食用的

  • despise sb

  • make all the obnoxious,repulsive remarks:讨厌和反感的言论

  • It’s illogical to have two houses of parliament with the same powers:赋予议会两院同样大的权力


  • sway back and forth with arm linked
    • 手挽手,前后摇晃着
  • clone life form:克隆生命
    • science fiction:科幻小说
  • The hat concealed her hair
  • dramatic news:激动人心的信息
  • The black of night gives way to vivid images:鲜活生动的image取代漆黑的夜晚
    • vivid: animated
    • 反: dull,boring
  • a high leap(n)
    • leap(v) the wall
  • stack(v) the material up here:材料堆在这儿
  • skeleton:骨骼,概要
  • respectable:体面的,decent
    • disreputable:声名狼藉的
  • dangle the key:晃key
  • writing-table:写字台
  • A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.等着装载
  • unpack my suitcase
  • varying:不同的
    • cause ~ degrees of destruction of the protein
  • unsympathetic:冷漠无情的
    • sb came across as an ~ figure:看起来是~类型的人
  • It’s feared that a political deadlock may petrify economic initiatives:使经济丧失活力

  • sb take the lead in the world
  • match dream with reality:使梦想更接近现实
  • wear pyjamas:穿睡衣
  • The ship was rolling heavily to and fro
  • serve as:充当
  • The flight has a two-hour delay
  • fishing vessel
    • cargo ship
  • steer a ship
  • refer to permanent(eternal,lasting) residents, in contradiction to temporary visitors
    • temporary:transient
  • an impressive array of critics:有不少出色的批评家
  • an era of austerity:艰苦的年代
  • stick a remainder on the bulletion board:告示牌贴了提示


  • screwdriver:螺丝刀
    • free the lock:撬锁
  • sth captures headlines in the world.成为世界的头条新闻
  • It’s got a really strange taste“味道很怪
  • anticipate:predict
  • Out of a random sample of drivers(随机抽样), 21% had been in a accident
  • We pride(v) ourselves that our quality copier is only half of the story.(质量好仅仅是一个方面)
  • classify sth
  • ingredient:成分,食材
    • start on the ~ preparation of the next cuisine
  • devise(think) a plan for getting the jewels out of the country.偷运出国
  • subtle:微妙,敏感的
    • remark ~ difference:注意到微妙的差别
  • manufacturer(n):制造商

  • There are consequences for sb who do not obey the rules.
  • building materials
  • win sth with ease
  • be optimist by nature:天生
  • stand on the dignity:计较体面
  • contempt:藐视,disdain
    • There is nothing people bear more impatiently, or forgive less, than ~
    • 受人藐视,最令人难以容忍,最难饶恕
  • vanquish sth:战胜
  • There is an exception to any rule
  • Buddhism:佛教
  • a passer-by
  • afflicted person:患者
    • keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids
    • be afflicted with the disease
  • be envious of sb / a enviable job
  • grudge(v,n 不情愿做,怨恨) a penny even to the poorest beggar
  • philosopher:哲学家
  • The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.


  • bargain with sb
  • anchor off sw:在港外下锚停泊
  • readily:乐意地
    • troublesomely:反义词,令人心烦的
  • favor(n)善举,恩惠
    • Gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return
      • 真诚友谊的表示,并不期待任何回报
  • Tempt: entice
    • ~ sb into doing sth
  • the impression of a hoof:一个蹄印
  • an attempt to rid the country of political corruption
  • examine sth
  • be inscribed with the date of construction
  • outrageous:粗暴的
    • ~ price: 要价离谱
  • assail: upset,困扰
  • gesticulate: 做手势
    • ~ wildly:拼命地
  • disembark:登陆,上岸,下飞机
  • tempting
    • resist ~ goodies:抵制美食的诱惑
  • wares:货物

  • navigating compass:航海罗盘
  • Sb had led such a miserable life that no wonder he ended his life so easily
  • console sb for miseries
  • All my problems stem(v) from drink.
  • Compensate for the loss of the time
  • sb is a comic genius and Sellers lookalike(长相酷似)
  • touch on the topics of universal interest:谈及人们普遍感兴趣的话题
  • the humor(n) of the remark
  • dread doing sth:fear doing sth
  • distasteful:令人不快的
    • The very idea of doing sth is ~ to sb
  • pester sb:bother
  • mumble a few words of apology
  • comedian
    • straight man:捧哏的
  • hobble:跛行
    • see sb ~ away
  • meteoric:昙花一现的


  • This is usually the case in any action involving 200 men.
    • 有200人参加战斗通常总是这种情况
  • conscientious:小心谨慎的
    • avoid up the pole and omission:避免错误和疏漏
  • overnight:整夜
    • leave sth out ~: 放在外面一整夜
  • the decision haunts her
  • oblige(迫使,使有义务) sb to do sth
  • recluse:隐士
    • become a ~ for the remainder of the her life
  • moonglight
    • saw sth by ~:月光下观看
    • Altantis:亚特兰蒂斯
  • stay up till midnight
  • labourer:体力劳动者
    • a farm ~:农场雇工

  • bedraggled:被泥水弄脏的,湿漉漉的
    • be soaked with sweat, ~ hair stuck to his scalp(湿漉漉的头发贴在头皮上)
  • elaborate:详细阐述的,精致的
    • make ~ costumes for the play
  • insist on immediate payment
  • be a slave to social conventions:盲从
  • stage(v) a one-day strike举行一天的罢工
  • a break from routine(n)
  • sth means a break from routine
  • a million tonnes(吨) of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea
  • dull:反义词 interesting
  • eccentric:怪异的
    • an ~ character
    • wear a beret:戴贝雷帽
    • eccentricity
    • sb be unusual to the point of ~:特立独行到古怪的地步
  • disregard(v): ~ my warnings
  • reprimand sb for sulking(生闷气)
  • spice(v) up one’s stories with sex
  • apologetic:道歉的
    • you did nothing wrong
  • be intensely(very) irritating
  • legendary
    • be supposed to be(被认为是) the resting place of the ~ person:长眠之处
  • snob:势利小人
  • shrewd:精明的
    • a ~ businessman
  • invariably:不变地
    • be ~ late


  • attempt(v,n)
    • several ~s
  • be a quite find:颇有价值的发现
  • piece one’s relationships:修补
  • come upon an irresistible item(偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西) at a yard sale(庭院拍卖会)
  • ministry:内阁,部,牧师
  • wreck(n): 残骸,失事
    • salvage(v) anything from the ~ of their marriage
  • cargo:货物
    • The boat calls at the main port(主要港口停靠) to load its regular cargo of bananas
  • salvage(n) of sth
  • scour the area:搜寻,擦亮
  • convoy(v):护送
    • This merchant ship was ~ed by a destroyer驱逐舰
  • a naval officer
  • sunken:沉没的
    • try diving for sunken treasure
  • cruiser:巡洋舰,巡逻车
    • The fast ~ soon overhauled(迅即赶上) the old cargo boat
  • disclose(reveal) the contents to sb

  • land alongside a trawler:在拖船旁降落
  • be piled on a table
  • A wave of panic swept over her 恐慌袭上她的心头
  • brake sharply:急刹车
  • expect a series of fiscal crises to hit arount the world:预计世界发生一连串的财政危机
  • slide the key into the keyhole
  • suburb:郊区
    • Factories are grouped(集中在) in the southern suburb(郊区) of the city.
  • race up the stairs:疾走上楼
  • catastrophe:灾难
    • From all points of view:不管从哪个角度看
  • stray:迷路
    • ~ into dangerous areas
  • devour my repentance(悔恨) and disgust in secret:吞咽我的后悔和憎恨
  • prelude(n):序幕
    • the ~ to senility(衰老) and death
  • pull up: 停车
    • The car ~ beside me
  • munch:大声咀嚼
    • open the crisp packets and ~ greedily


  • be littered with paper:杂乱地布满了纸

  • have an immunity to all of the junk that lies at the edge of our culture:读社会文化中的各种垃圾产生了免疫力

  • antique(古老的,古董) shops(古玩店)

    • ~ exert a peculiar fascination on many people:对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力
  • fine pieces of music:这些优美的乐曲

  • It’s a mere formality.(只不过是个形式)

  • cherish possessions more than friends:爱财胜过朋友

  • a dedicated team:专注的团队

  • stern(严峻的) and forbidding(令人生畏的) face

  • be bent on suicide:执意要自杀

  • Paintbrushes in assorted sizes are on sale:各色各样的画笔

  • muster:聚起

    • ~ all his courage to take part in the game
  • pretentious:自负的

    • Be full of ~ nonsense:自负的废话
  • labyrinth:迷宫

    • a ~ with dark corridors:长廊纵横光线昏暗的迷宫
  • musty:发霉的

    • sip the corked wine(抿一小口开封的酒)
    • oblivious(unaware) of the ~ off-flavour:不知道酒有点变味了
  • stare at sb in fascination:入迷地盯着他们

  • be amply rewarded with huge salaries

  • prise(撬开) the mouth open

  • rarity:罕物,罕见的人

    • a ~

  • premise:地基,房屋

    • There is a kitchen on the premises:该处有个厨房
  • chip(凿) away at the wall(榔头铲墙)

  • accord with sth : 与~一致

    • socialist ideology:社会主义意识形态
  • concrete and abstract

  • The moon emerged from behind a cloud

  • be appointed to the State Supreme Court:到州最高法院任职

  • undertake to do sth

  • a sense of justice:正义感

  • cease to be a member of the club

  • There’s more to this tape than potential proof of his innocence.

    • 录音不仅能证明其清白,还有更大作用
  • interference:干涉

    • live one’s own life without ~ from others
  • be more arduous than expected

  • The threadbare(破旧的) carpet muffled(遮住了,裹住了) any noise.

    • ~ the emotion
  • a disused air field:废弃的机场

  • mete out(给予) cruel punishment to the thief

    • give color see see
    • saddle(v) the horse:跨上马


  • naive: childlike
    • play a leading role and make a hit overnight
    • make a hit overnight:一夜成名
  • assume sth automatically
    • fretful:焦躁的
  • plot an invasion of neighbouring territories
  • obscure:鲜为人知的
    • an ~ novalist
  • presume:assume
  • an incredible amount of cheese
    • continent:陆地
  • scorn:嘲笑 ~ sth quite openly
    • leading officiers:高级官员
  • acquaint:熟悉
    • ~ yourself with a new job
  • resemblance:相似之处
  • The elements conspired(加在一起致使) to spoil our picnic
    • 使索然无味
  • rise to unacceptable levels
  • credulous:轻信别人的,易上当的
  • His honesty had been his downfall
    • downfall:失败原因
  • wickedly:邪恶地
    • smile ~

  • give sb this note:便条
    • note three basic facts:notice
  • condition oneself to sth:使适应
    • ~ herself to long hours of hard work
  • conduct me to the seat
  • reflect on sth
  • sth can be an advantage
  • The road leads direct there.
  • The train is punctual to the minute 非常准时
  • lodge the protest:提交抗议
  • consult an attorney(律师)
  • odd clothes
  • have faith in your talents
  • an express letter:快件
  • The fact just dawned on me:逐渐理解,破晓
  • triumph:胜利
    • sth is a ~
  • kill sb with one mighty blow from his sword:猛力一剑
  • hold up sth:延误
    • the postal strike:邮政部门罢工
  • dislocate:使混乱
    • ~ railway services:暂时打乱铁路运行
    • an exceptionally heavy snow fall
  • At your request we may agree, exceptionally, to work outside usual working hours.
    • 破例加班
  • The train chuged down the track
    • 框当哐当地行进
  • dawdle(v):磨蹭
    • ~ over cashing him a cheque:慢吞吞地兑现支票
  • unsharkable:不可动摇的


  • let’s face,who is not?——谁不是呢

  • deduce where the fugitive(逃亡者) was hiding

  • primitive:原始的,简单的

    • seashells:贝壳
  • catch the unique opportunity

  • A correlates with B

  • sunflowers:向日葵

  • make a calendar of Chinese festivals:做节日的一览表

  • The only way out for agriculture is being mechanized

    • 农业的唯一出路是机械化
  • increase steadily

  • historian

  • sth heralds the advent of autumn

  • Their assumptions of an air of confidence(装出信心十足的样子) fooled nobody.

  • Crops are very scanty.(不足的)

  • jeweller:宝石匠

  • engrave sth on the bracelet(雕刻)

    • memory can be engraved
  • give me a clue as to the source of the problem:找出问题根源的线索

  • shed the leaves:落叶

  • solely:仅仅

    • read the book solely for pleasure
  • bewildering:令人困惑的,眼花缭乱的

    • A glance along his bookshelves reveals a bewildering array of interests.(看出他兴趣繁杂)

  • ride on a rough road

  • hammer a nail into the wood:钉到木头上

  • The country was ripped apart:四分五裂

  • scoop the dog food out of the can

  • On hills, he must use low gears

    • 齿轮,变速箱,低速挡
  • There were cracks about the Prime Minister

    • 挖苦
  • fire out from the clump of trees:从草丛中开枪

  • fill the car up with petrol:加满油

    • be heavy on ~:费油
  • A tourist could glance down a street

    • 沿着一条街扫过
  • The old bus bumped along the mountain road

    • 沿着山路颠簸行驶
  • perturb:upset

    • Be ~ed by the prospect of failure
    • the prospect of a policeman coming to call:警察登门上访
  • omiously:不吉利地

    • be ~ quiet:不详的预感
  • The car will roll over:翻车

    • competition cars:赛车
  • sb sit astride a large horse:骑在一匹白马上

  • His pleading melt her:使她软下来

  • swerve:转弯

    • Taken off guard(一不留神), sb swerved the car almost into the path of an enormous truck.(大卡车车道)


  • advance info(提前的信息) of the storm’s approach
  • tear his shirt on a nail:衣服被钉子刮破了
  • grant sb permission to do sth
  • for a brief while:有那么一小段时间
    • sb indulge in a very mild form of stalking:稍稍有点沉迷于跟踪别人
  • specialize in sth
    • Russian empire
  • a cruel deception
  • hoax:恶作剧
  • ironically:讽刺地
  • self-respecting:自重的
    • Their status was not that of a ~ free people:以他们的地位,谈不上自重和自由
  • remonstrate:抱怨,告诫,抗议
    • ~ with sb about sth:抱怨sb sth

  • maintain that:声称
    • quite a number of people
    • sth is a passport to sth:sth是sth的保证
  • Driving along the winding country lane(蜿蜒的乡间小道) is a treat(fun) all of its own(本身就乐趣无穷)
  • airfield:机场
  • privilege:特权
    • sb are allowed certain ~s:享有一定特权
  • superior:更好的
    • A is ~ to B:A比B好
  • illusion:幻觉
    • We have an ~ of freedom
  • exotic:异国风味的
    • She flits(辗转) from one ~ location to another
  • acquaintance:相识的人
    • have a wide circle of ~s(相识相当多) but few real friends
  • stagger:蹒跚地走
    • ~ upstairs:蹒跚地上楼
  • breed:养育
  • extol:赞扬
    • ~ sb
  • coal-fired ranges:燃煤灶
  • glint:四代,闪光
  • The sea glinted in the sun
  • rapture:狂喜
    • You’ve only got to bottle up your ~:你只需要按捺住自己的欢喜
  • tuck
    • ~ one’s shirt into his trousers
  • obstinately:固执地
    • ~ refuse to carry out the order:执行命令
  • I would like living there if it wasn’t for the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery(弄得我们日子不得安宁)
  • twitter:叽叽喳喳地讲话
  • ~ in the eucalyptus trees:桉树上
  • have a dubious record:令人怀疑的记录
  • comforting music:治愈音乐
  • pastoral:田园诗
    • reinvent the ~ :革新田园诗
  • dweller:居民
    • suffer higher pollution levels
  • idyllic:田园般的,悠闲的
    • Married life was not as ~ as he had imagined


  • be distinguished for sth
    • ~ for her good knowledge of literature
  • crack:
    • 近:flaw
  • edge one’s way along sth:小心翼翼地沿着sth走着
    • the narrow plank:狭窄的木板
  • the insistent ringing(n) of phone
  • be criticised for his lack of foresight
  • fortell sth
  • live in solitude:独居
  • glisten in the sunlight:闪光
  • be lured into a trap
  • pot-holing: 洞穴探险运动
  • pot-holer
    • sth becomes a sort of ~'s Everest:成了洞穴探险者的珠穆朗玛峰
  • The river came pouring down in a waterfall off the hill
  • cavern:大洞穴
  • a massive undertaking:一项浩大的工程
  • rambler:漫步者
    • be set upon by the cows:被袭击

  • secure a loan to purchase a house
  • divide sth into two halves
  • dive in the pool
  • insure sb:承保
  • shiver in the cold
  • admittedly:诚然
    • The pieces fit together:各部分互相吻合
  • The torrent scoured out a channel down the hillside
    • 冲出一条河道
  • premium:保险费
    • the ~ for sth
  • fete:盛大节日,party
    • The pop star flew 100 people from HK for a two-day fete
  • capsize:倾覆
  • agonizing:折磨人的
    • face an ~ wait for news of sth
  • rebound:回弹
    • The economy is poised to ~:即将回弹
  • precariously:不确定地
    • The station is ~ perched fall into the sea
    • 气象站危险地坐落在海岸上
  • sb overbalance and fell head first


  • sb exhaust themselves

  • The door clicked shut behind sb. 咔哒一声关上了

  • divert the river:河流改道

  • distract my attention

  • spacious

    • a ~ kitchen
  • set out to do sth = start to do sth

  • The missile soared into space

    • 升入太空
  • monotonous:单调的

    • The food may get a bit ~, but there’ll be enough of it管够
  • carry out an inspection:进行调查

  • cramped:狭窄的

    • live in ~ conditions on the floor of the airport lounge:住在狭窄场地
  • civilize:使文明

    • ~ barbarous people:使野蛮人开化
  • lull:哄

    • fall into a doze
    • With the calm airy height of the room to lull me:头顶的天花板一动不动地悬在高处
  • motorway:高速公路

    • sb had been speeding on the motorway:超速行驶
  • sleeper:卧铺

    • on the return train from A to B
    • in the ~ compartment:卧铺车厢
  • technological changes

  • stuffy

    • the ~ air gave one the feeling of being in a tomb 不通风
  • Breathtaking games:激动人心的比赛

    • a delight to watch
  • exhilarating:exciting

  • fumble;笨手笨脚地做,支支吾吾地说

    • ~ his one-handed attempt to light sth:笨手笨脚地试图用一只手点燃香烟
  • do sth effortlessly

    • adapt ~ to his new surroundings
  • positively:undoubtedly

  • hardened:有经验的

    • a ~ businessman
    • be ~ to the violence and suffering:久经磨炼的
    • work in a war zone for a time

  • be verbally abused by sb:言语辱骂

  • a gust of wind:一阵风

  • Labour is bought and sold like any other commodity

  • Hair is exclusive in mammals.毛发是哺乳动物独有的

  • A real estate recruiter(房地产行业招聘人员) illustrates sth

    • make the positive difference:产生积极作用
  • perpetual:永久的,constant,eternal

    • Her ~ complaints proved too much to bear.没完没了的抱怨让人无法忍受
  • contention:论点

    • Sufficient evidence exists to support this ~
  • a military coup:军事政变

    • overthrow the government
  • odds:不利条件

    • pass sth against all the odds
  • radically:根本地,彻底地

    • ~ decentralise power
  • experience untold sufferings

  • the basis of a democratic society

  • commercialization:商业化

    • Hardly anyone can escape the influence of ~
  • obscurity:默默无闻

    • live in ~:默默无闻地生活
    • a Customs Inspector:检查员职务
  • The condemned(被判罪) prisoner cowered(抖缩) and began to whimper(抽泣) for clemency(仁慈).

  • wretched:可怜的


  • have a holiday at seaside
  • How far back can you trace your family tree?
  • the dying embers of the former passion:往日激情将熄的余烬
  • have a keen sense of touch
  • assemble the bike
  • cater to the worst side of human nature
  • embark on the task
    • It’s important that we start well
  • defendent:被告
    • plead:答辩
  • outlet
    • take up exercises as an ~ for his anger
  • Marry in haste, and repent at leisure
    • 结婚过于急躁,闲来便要懊恼
    • toil =busyness(n)
  • He glibly(流利地) professed his ignorance of the affair.
    • 口口声声表白不知道这件事
  • laugh gaily: happily
  • clog arteries:阻塞动脉
    • cholesterol:胆固醇
    • ~ clogs arteries and causes heart disease
  • insurmountable:不能克服的
  • a novice writer:初设写作的人
  • resourceful:足智多谋的
  • advisory:顾问的
    • be purely ~:纯顾问的
  • cut the meat into chunks
  • nag sb about doing sth:抱怨,数落
  • Your hope of promotion is a mere delusion
  • newlyweds:新婚夫妇
    • raise his glass
    • propose a toast to the ~:向新婚夫妇敬酒

  • be mobile: 可移动的,行动方便的
  • a maximum(最大的) speed of 30 knots
  • bring about a profound:深刻的,意义深远的 change in village life
  • sth is sheer delight
    • 绝对是享受
  • burglar:入室盗贼
  • know better than to show his irritation:不至于把努力表露出来
  • be hit by drought
  • overwhelm sb:使不知所措
  • staggering:令人惊讶的
    • a ~ thought
  • The changes are insidious:潜在的
    • produce a noticeable effect
  • incessantly:
    • costantly
  • environmentalist:环保主义者
    • be overpolulated


  • tramp:践踏
    • ~ all the way home:一路走回家
  • ferry guests: 运送客人
  • peer at the book over his glasses: 戴着眼镜费力看书
  • be dressed in rags
  • in the most inaccessible reaches of the jungle
  • be famed for sth
    • architectural beauty
  • procession:队列
  • Her hair straggled(散乱分布) in wisp(小把东西) about her face
    • 头发一缕缕地披散在脸旁
  • a hostile reception
  • There were a hundred or so hotels in the vicinity of sw
  • walk on through the forest:穿越森林
  • stare down(俯视) at the launch(汽艇) just moored at the pontoon:浮桥
    • 停泊在浮桥上
  • hospitable:热情好客的

  • hearten:激励
    • ~ sb
  • occasion sth
    • cause sth
  • rambling:布局凌乱的
  • domestic(a):家庭的,国内的
  • scrub the floor:擦洗地板
  • Her front room(起居室) was kept immaculate:一尘不染的
  • preside:主持
    • ~ at the next meeting
  • unrelenting:不屈不挠的
  • Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists
    • 霓虹灯在渐浓的雾中隐隐闪烁
  • disillusion: 使破灭
  • sentimentally:充满感情的
  • His anger gave place to mirth(欢笑)
  • decry:非难
    • ~ the campaign as a waste of money
  • fickleness:浮躁,变化无常
    • a parable(寓言) for the ~ of art and life
  • lavishly:浪费地
  • industriousness:勤奋
  • enlightened:开明的
    • an ~ government


  • propose a toast to our friendship:提议为友谊干杯
  • Time will never cause our love to diminish
  • gaunt and weak:瘦削而虚弱
    • His big frame is ~
  • racist taunt:种族主义嘲弄
  • be ambitious in doing sth
  • formidable:可怕的
    • a ~ rival
  • resolution: 决心
    • His ~ swayed after the first failure
  • compile the dictionary
  • unsettling:心神不宁的
    • We fully appreciate that: 我们完全理解
    • an ~ experience
  • Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players:祸根
  • recur:复发
  • be glued to sth:目不转睛地看什么
  • informer:告密者
    • betray the plan to sb:泄漏给sb
  • doze off in the meeting:打盹
  • creep into the room:悄悄走进房间
  • assiduously:勤勉地
    • study ~ from then on
  • troop back to the house:结队回到house中
  • pitfall:坑
  • fend off questions from the world’s Press:回避各国媒体的提问
  • educational attainments:教育成就
  • The moon is waning:渐亏
  • racist taunt:种族主义嘲弄(n)

  • Diagnose one’s illness:诊断病情
  • alternative:可供选择的
  • relieve the distressed:救济受苦的人
  • commonplace = common
  • remarkable=prominent
  • be capable of great things:能大有作为
  • clerical:文书的
  • technician:技术人员
  • There is the issue of ~ sharing
    • multimedia:多媒体的
  • tipsy:喝醉的
    • repetitive:重复的
  • be overstaffed: 人浮于事


  • have sth in stock:库存
  • prompt first aid treatment:迅速的急救处理
    • prompt sb to do sth
  • sth is to sb as sth is to sb
  • follow at a discreet distance:谨慎的
  • adorn sth:装饰sth
  • be intoxicated by his success:沉醉在成功中
  • The wind soon dispelled the fog:驱散
  • outlandish:稀奇古怪的
  • We entertain(抱有) a firm belif in the final victory
  • fanciful:异想天开的
  • observant:用心观察的
    • an ~ doctor
  • bewilderment:困惑(n)
    • Twice in one day, I find myself in a ~
  • clutch sth:抓紧
    • grasp
  • The ban(禁令) is intended to be permanent
  • be covered with freckles(雀斑)
  • It felt weired going back to sw
  • be in soluble in water:溶于水


  • ascertain the truth = confirm the truth 弄清
  • press for sb to do sth: 督促 sb
    • safeguard the ozone layer: 保护臭氧层
  • correspondence: 一致
    • There isn’t much ~ between A and B
  • A be roughly equal to B in size
  • sb have a geniune grievance: 真正受了委屈
  • be well qualified to cope with sb: 对待sb很得心应手
  • be secretive about sth:
  • the power to sack incompetent teachers:解雇不称职教师的权力
  • hava a prejudiced view of sth:对sth抱有很大的偏见
  • stoutly:坚定地,结实地
    • be ~ made
    • sb ~ defend sb
  • resent his high-handed manner:怨恨他专横高压的态度

  • erase the wrong word:擦去写错单词
  • The government has pledged itself to wage a war against poverty
    • 发誓要进行一场消灭贫穷的战争
  • It grows twice as fast as the second colony(群体)
  • They were gathered in a cluster around the vehicle
    • 聚集在车的周围
  • dread (v,fear) doing sth
  • contaminate:污染
    • in the Arctic Ocean:北冰洋
  • sticky:粘的
  • The area was swarming with officer
    • search a nearby wood:搜寻附近的树林
  • The flames devoured(吞食) the entire building
  • have an uncanny(不可思议的) knack(本领) of being in the right place in the right time
  • ingenuity:独创性,心灵手巧
  • luscious:甘美的
    • It occasionally produces luscious peaches
    • 有时会结出甘甜的桃子来
  • triumphant:欢欣鼓舞的
    • Duncan and his ~ soldiers
  • provocation:挑衅
    • lose his temper at/on the slightest ~
  • sb scurry in out of the cold:冻得很快跑进来
  • revulsion:剧变
    • News of atrocity produced a wave of anger and revulsion.
    • 对于暴行的报道激起愤怒和憎恨浪潮
  • sheltered:遮蔽的
    • A ~ harbour:避风港湾
  • entranced:狂喜的,着迷的
    • remain ~ with the idea


  • Arizona: 亚利桑那
    • dust clouds:纱雾
  • endeavor to do my best for my country:努力stronomy:天文学
  • in the realm of foreign affairs:外交领域
  • bacteria:细菌
  • get infinitely worse:极大地变糟了
  • be blotted with red ink

  • critical:批评的,关键性的
    • a ~ moment
  • cast-iron pump:铸铁泵
  • run to the bundary:冲向边界线
  • submerge in the few remaining water holes
    • Hippos:河马
  • They sited the new school in the town:选址
  • build on this solid foundation:在这个坚实的基础上努力
  • The great occurrence of coronary heart diseases(冠心病) is in those over 65.
  • a big rise since the mid-1990s in the proportion of young people at university
    • 自20世纪90年代中叶年轻人上大学的比例大幅增加
    • standards have not improved:水平没有提高
  • Those dark clouds spell rain:招致
  • The meadow is not yet mown:还没割
  • predecessor:前任
  • wreath(n):花圈
    • Prime Ministers laid ~s at the war memorial
    • 总理向战争纪念碑献了花圈
  • appeal to sb not to increase their prices unduly
    • 过度地
  • grapple with the issues:抓住要领
  • juncture(n):关头
    • at a critical ~
  • sweeping:全面的
    • be given ~ powers
  • instinctively:本能地
    • feel ~ negative toward sb
  • stoutly:结实地,坚定地
    • be ~ made
    • sb ~ defended her husband


  • be absorbed in watching TV
  • discover an alien spaceship
  • stumble on the staircase:被楼梯绊了一跤
  • lack sth
  • emigrate from A to B:移居国外
  • The light were blinking on the horizon
    • 灯光在地平线上闪烁着
  • cease to be a member of the club
  • evolve a broad and comprehensive plan:想出一个广泛而全面的计划
  • reservoir:水库
    • The ~ dried up:水库干涸
  • territory:领土
    • be under rebel control
  • ,ilestone:里程碑
    • sth is a ~
  • retrace the route and take frequent glances at the map
    • 折返路线,频频查看地图
  • embedded(a):嵌入的
    • The rudder was ~ in mud
    • 船舵陷进了污泥中
  • He regarded the mortally wounded man with no pity in his heart
    • 看着那个受了致命伤的男人,心中没有一丝怜悯

  • composure(n):镇定
    • lose one’s ~
    • It was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks
    • 唯一能做的是忍住高兴的泪水
  • monstrous: big
    • sb was burning with anger at this monstrous crime
    • 对这残暴的罪行表示无比愤慨
  • be prudent(careful)to do sth
  • sth tired sb
  • give the porter a tip:门房,搬运工
    • The consular porter(领事馆的门房)strode arrogantly ahead(在前面大摇大摆地走) with his light swinging(提着摇来晃去的灯)
  • hinder/hamper sb in my work
  • veritable(a):确实的
    • a ~ feast for the mind:名副其实的精神盛宴
  • excite(v): ~ sb
  • intruder(n): 入侵者
  • sth must be discarded in the light of new findings
  • be dismissed for negligence(因为玩忽职守被免职)
  • lurk in sw(v):潜伏
  • sb do sth, thereby doing sth
  • ransack(v): ~ the bank
  • chaos(n): mess
    • The wintry(a)寒冷的 weather
    • cause chaos on the roads
  • inconceivable(a):不能想象的
    • be ~ to sb
  • apparently
  • fussy(a):大惊小怪的


  • There is still a remote chance that sb find her alive
  • operation(n):手术
    • be confined to bed:卧床
  • The library housed 100 books:收藏
  • make a sketch of the motor:电机
  • verify the source: confirm
  • have some bearing on sb:有关系,有影响
  • relaxation(n):休息
  • Shallowness can be a delightful alternative:肤浅可以是愉快的选择
  • mania(n):狂热
    • have a ~ for tidiness
  • amass 199 points(v):accumulate
  • prefer her countertops(厨房台面) to be clear of clutter(散乱的东西):弄得整整齐齐
  • sb walked out throught sheer boredom:因为无聊透顶而退场
  • be contented with things as they are: 满意现状
  • indiscriminate slaughter: 肆意滥杀
  • work constructively to do sth

  • Our worst misfortunes(最不幸的不幸) are those which never befall(发生) us.
  • coordinate the work of the team
  • sb ride by with a flourish of one’s whip: 骑马挥鞭而过
  • intellectuals:知识分子
  • represent a fraction of the general populace(平民):代表的仅仅是全体国民的一小部分
  • nuisance: 讨厌的人和事
    • sb could be a bit of ~ when he was drunk
  • rural:偏远的,乡村的
  • They turned back(掉头)because of traffic diversions(交通绕行)
  • punctuality:准时
  • abstruse(a):难懂的,abstract
  • adament:坚定的,坚持己见的
    • keep sb out of jail

  • todo

  • Brewery:啤酒厂

    • A amalgamated with another firm
  • have a sudden whim to take a walk

  • Unanimity(n):全体一致

    • Nothing marred the ~ of the proceedings:未受阻碍地获得一致通过
  • tepid: plant on the ~ rough brick of the floor

    • 稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上
  • Stink: a stink of cats 臭味

  • He desired not to be pedestalled, but to sink into the crowd.

  • a famous diplomatic envoy

  • Ritual: 例行公事,老规矩

  • Rashly:鲁莽地

  • Ethics:道德规范

    • distinguish between personal and social ethics
  • Predecessor:q前任

  • Garb:clothes

    • Profane the sancity of holy places by wearing improper garb
  • Entrenched;

    • fed the divisions that are deeply entrenched 助长已经根深蒂固的分歧
  • Dogmatic:武断的

    • be ~ about anything
  • Broach the subject of her early life:提及她早年的生活

  • enervate:使虚弱无力

    • Idleness enervates the will to succeed
  • entail

    • You allude perhaps to the ~ of this estate
    • 你大概在说产业的继承权问题
  • face a dilemma

  • suffer from delusion

  • fervent

    • fervent prayer
  • Coherent:连贯的

    • incoher
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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