

⛄ 内容介绍

图像分割是图像处理中的关键步骤之一。实际上,它处理的是根据像素强度将图像划分为不同的类别。这项工作介绍了一种基于收缩系数的粒子群优化和引力搜索算法 (CPSOGSA) 的新图像分割方法。图像的随机样本充当 CPSOGSA 算法的搜索代理。使用 Kapur 的熵方法确定最佳阈值数量。CPSOGSA 在图像分割中的有效性和适用性是通过将其应用于 USC-SIPI 图像数据库中的五个标准图像,即 Aeroplane、Cameraman、Clock、Lena 和 Pirate 来实现的。采用各种性能指标来研究模拟结果,包括最佳阈值、标准偏差、MSE(均方误差)、运行时间分析、PSNR(峰值信噪比)、最佳适应值计算、收敛图、分段图像图和箱线图分析。此外,图像精度通过使用 SSIM(结构相似性指数测量)和 FSIM(特征相似性指数测量)指标进行基准测试。此外,成对的非参数符号 Wilcoxon 秩和检验用于模拟结果的统计验证。此外,CPSOGSA的实验结果与标准PSO、经典GSA、PSOGSA、SCA(正余弦算法)、SSA(salp swarm算法)、GWO(灰狼优化器)、MFO(蛾焰优化器)等八种不同算法进行了比较和 ABC(人工蜂群)。仿真结果清楚地表明,混合 CPSOGSA 已成功提供最佳的 SSIM、FSIM、

⛄ 部分代码

函数 [FSIM, FSIMc] = FeatureSIM(imageRef, imageDis)

% ================================================= =======================

% FSIM Index with automatic downsampling, Version 1.0

% Copyright(c) 2010 张林、张磊、牟璇琴、张大卫

[行,列] = 大小(imageRef(:,:,1));

I1 = 一个(行,列);

I2 = 一个(行,列);

Q1 = 一个(行,列);

Q2 = 一个(行,列);

if ndims(imageRef) == 3 %图像是彩色的

    Y1 = 0.299 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) + 0.587 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) + 0.114 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));

    Y2 = 0.299 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) + 0.587 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) + 0.114 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));

    I1 = 0.596 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) - 0.274 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) - 0.322 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));

    I2 = 0.596 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) - 0.274 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) - 0.322 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));

    Q1 = 0.211 * double(imageRef(:,:,1)) - 0.523 * double(imageRef(:,:,2)) + 0.312 * double(imageRef(:,:,3));

    Q2 = 0.211 * double(imageDis(:,:,1)) - 0.523 * double(imageDis(:,:,2)) + 0.312 * double(imageDis(:,:,3));

否则 %images 是灰度的

    Y1 = 图像参考;

    Y2 = 图像分布;


Y1 = 双(Y1);

Y2 = 双(Y2);


% 对图像进行降采样


minDimension = min(行,列);

F = max(1,round(minDimension / 256));

aveKernel = fspecial('平均',F);

aveI1 = conv2(I1, aveKernel,'相同');

aveI2 = conv2(I2, aveKernel,'相同');

I1 = aveI1(1:F:行,1:F:列);

I2 = aveI2(1:F:行,1:F:列);

aveQ1 = conv2(Q1, aveKernel,'相同');

aveQ2 = conv2(Q2, aveKernel,'相同');

Q1 = aveQ1(1:F:行,1:F:列);

Q2 = aveQ2(1:F:行,1:F:列);

aveY1 = conv2(Y1, aveKernel,'相同');

aveY2 = conv2(Y2, aveKernel,'相同');

Y1 = aveY1(1:F:行,1:F:列);

Y2 = aveY2(1:F:行,1:F:列);


% 计算相位一致性图


PC1 = phasecong2(Y1);

PC2 = phasecong2(Y2);


% 计算梯度图


dx = [3 0 -3; 10 0 -10; 3 0 -3]/16;

dy = [3 10 3; 0 0 0; -3 -10 -3]/16;

IxY1 = conv2(Y1, dx, '相同');     

IyY1 = conv2(Y1, dy, '相同');    

gradientMap1 = sqrt(IxY1.^2 + IyY1.^2);

IxY2 = conv2(Y2, dx, '相同');     

IyY2 = conv2(Y2, dy, '相同');    

gradientMap2 = sqrt(IxY2.^2 + IyY2.^2);


% 计算 FSIM


T1 = 0.85;%固定的

T2 = 160; %固定的

PCSimMatrix = (2 * PC1 .* PC2 + T1) ./ (PC1.^2 + PC2.^2 + T1);

gradientSimMatrix = (2*gradientMap1.*gradientMap2 + T2) ./(gradientMap1.^2 + gradientMap2.^2 + T2);

PCm = max(PC1, PC2);

SimMatrix = gradientSimMatrix .* PCSimMatrix .* PCm;

FSIM = sum(sum(SimMatrix)) / sum(sum(PCm));


% 计算 FSIMc


T3 = 200;

T4 = 200;

ISimMatrix = (2 * I1 .* I2 + T3) ./ (I1.^2 + I2.^2 + T3);

QSimMatrix = (2 * Q1 .* Q2 + T4) ./ (Q1.^2 + Q2.^2 + T4);

拉姆达 = 0.03;

SimMatrixC = gradientSimMatrix .* PCSimMatrix .* real((ISimMatrix .* QSimMatrix) .^ lambda) .* PCm;

FSIMc = sum(sum(SimMatrixC)) / sum(sum(PCm));


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

函数 [ResultPC]=phasecong2(im)

% ================================================= =======================

% 版权所有 (c) 1996-2009 Peter Kovesi

% 计算机科学与软件工程学院

% 西澳大学

% http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/

% Permission is hereby  granted, free of charge, to any  person obtaining a copy

% of this software and associated  documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

% in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:

% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

% copies or substantial portions of the Software.

% The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.

% References:


%     Peter Kovesi, "Image Features From Phase Congruency". Videre: A

%     Journal of Computer Vision Research. MIT Press. Volume 1, Number 3,

%     Summer 1999 http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-journals/Videre/001/v13.html

nscale          = 4;     % Number of wavelet scales.    

norient         = 4;     % Number of filter orientations.

minWaveLength   = 6;     % Wavelength of smallest scale filter.    

mult            = 2;   % Scaling factor between successive filters.    

sigmaOnf        = 0.55;  % Ratio of the standard deviation of the

                             % Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's

                             % transfer function in the frequency domain

                             % to the filter center frequency.    

dThetaOnSigma   = 1.2;   % Ratio of angular interval between filter orientations    

                             % and the standard deviation of the angular Gaussian

                             % function used to construct filters in the

                             % freq. plane.

k               = 2.0;   % No of standard deviations of the noise

                             % energy beyond the mean at which we set the

                             % noise threshold point. 

                             % below which phase congruency values get

                             % penalized.

epsilon         = .0001;                % Used to prevent division by zero.

thetaSigma = pi/norient/dThetaOnSigma;  % Calculate the standard deviation of the

                                        % angular Gaussian function used to

                                        % construct filters in the freq. plane.

[rows,cols] = size(im);

imagefft = fft2(im);              % Fourier transform of image

zero = zeros(rows,cols);

EO = cell(nscale, norient);       % Array of convolution results.                                 

estMeanE2n = [];

ifftFilterArray = cell(1,nscale); % Array of inverse FFTs of filters

% Pre-compute some stuff to speed up filter construction

% Set up X and Y matrices with ranges normalised to +/- 0.5

% The following code adjusts things appropriately for odd and even values

% of rows and columns.

if mod(cols,2)

    xrange = [-(cols-1)/2:(cols-1)/2]/(cols-1);



if mod(rows,2)

    yrange = [-(rows-1)/2:(rows-1)/2]/(rows-1);



[x,y] = meshgrid(xrange, yrange);

radius = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);       % Matrix values contain *normalised* radius from centre.

theta = atan2(-y,x);              % Matrix values contain polar angle.

                                  % (note -ve y is used to give +ve

                                  % anti-clockwise angles)

radius = ifftshift(radius);       % Quadrant shift radius and theta so that filters

theta  = ifftshift(theta);        % are constructed with 0 frequency at the corners.

radius(1,1) = 1;                  % Get rid of the 0 radius value at the 0

                                  % frequency point (now at top-left corner)

                                  % so that taking the log of the radius will 

                                  % not cause trouble.

sintheta = sin(theta);

costheta = cos(theta);

clear x; clear y; clear theta;    % save a little memory

% Filters are constructed in terms of two components.

% 1) The radial component, which controls the frequency band that the filter

%    responds to

% 2) The angular component, which controls the orientation that the filter

%    responds to.

% The two components are multiplied together to construct the overall filter.

% Construct the radial filter components...

% First construct a low-pass filter that is as large as possible, yet falls

% away to zero at the boundaries.  All log Gabor filters are multiplied by

% this to ensure no extra frequencies at the 'corners' of the FFT are

% incorporated as this seems to upset the normalisation process when

% calculating phase congrunecy.

lp = lowpassfilter([rows,cols],.45,15);   % Radius .45, 'sharpness' 15

logGabor = cell(1,nscale);

for s = 1:nscale

    wavelength = minWaveLength*mult^(s-1);

    fo = 1.0/wavelength;                  % Centre frequency of filter.

    logGabor{s} = exp((-(log(radius/fo)).^2) / (2 * log(sigmaOnf)^2));  

    logGabor{s} = logGabor{s}.*lp;        % Apply low-pass filter

    logGabor{s}(1,1) = 0;                 % Set the value at the 0 frequency point of the filter

                                          % back to zero (undo the radius fudge).


% Then construct the angular filter components...

spread = cell(1,norient);

for o = 1:norient

  angl = (o-1)*pi/norient;           % Filter angle.

  % For each point in the filter matrix calculate the angular distance from

  % the specified filter orientation.  To overcome the angular wrap-around

  % problem sine difference and cosine difference values are first computed

  % and then the atan2 function is used to determine angular distance.

  ds = sintheta * cos(angl) - costheta * sin(angl);    % Difference in sine.

  dc = costheta * cos(angl) + sintheta * sin(angl);    % Difference in cosine.

  dtheta = abs(atan2(ds,dc));                          % Absolute angular distance.

  spread{o} = exp((-dtheta.^2) / (2 * thetaSigma^2));  % Calculate the

                                                       % angular filter component.


% The main loop...

EnergyAll(rows,cols) = 0;

AnAll(rows,cols) = 0;

for o = 1:norient                    % For each orientation.

  sumE_ThisOrient   = zero;          % Initialize accumulator matrices.

  sumO_ThisOrient   = zero;       

  sumAn_ThisOrient  = zero;      

  Energy            = zero;      

  for s = 1:nscale,                  % For each scale.

    filter = logGabor{s} .* spread{o};   % Multiply radial and angular

                                         % components to get the filter. 

    ifftFilt = real(ifft2(filter))*sqrt(rows*cols);  % Note rescaling to match power

    ifftFilterArray{s} = ifftFilt;                   % record ifft2 of filter

    % Convolve image with even and odd filters returning the result in EO

    EO{s,o} = ifft2(imagefft .* filter);      

    An = abs(EO{s,o});                         % Amplitude of even & odd filter response.

    sumAn_ThisOrient = sumAn_ThisOrient + An;  % Sum of amplitude responses.

    sumE_ThisOrient = sumE_ThisOrient + real(EO{s,o}); % Sum of even filter convolution results.

    sumO_ThisOrient = sumO_ThisOrient + imag(EO{s,o}); % Sum of odd filter convolution results.

    if s==1                                 % Record mean squared filter value at smallest

      EM_n = sum(sum(filter.^2));           % scale. This is used for noise estimation.

      maxAn = An;                           % Record the maximum An over all scales.


      maxAn = max(maxAn, An);


  end                                       % ... and process the next scale

  % Get weighted mean filter response vector, this gives the weighted mean

  % phase angle.

  XEnergy = sqrt(sumE_ThisOrient.^2 + sumO_ThisOrient.^2) + epsilon;   

  MeanE = sumE_ThisOrient ./ XEnergy; 

  MeanO = sumO_ThisOrient ./ XEnergy; 

  % Now calculate An(cos(phase_deviation) - | sin(phase_deviation)) | by

  % using dot and cross products between the weighted mean filter response

  % vector and the individual filter response vectors at each scale.  This

  % quantity is phase congruency multiplied by An, which we call energy.

  for s = 1:nscale,       

      E = real(EO{s,o}); O = imag(EO{s,o});    % Extract even and odd

                                               % convolution results.

      Energy = Energy + E.*MeanE + O.*MeanO - abs(E.*MeanO - O.*MeanE);


  % Compensate for noise

  % We estimate the noise power from the energy squared response at the

  % smallest scale.  If the noise is Gaussian the energy squared will have a

  % Chi-squared 2DOF pdf.  We calculate the median energy squared response

  % as this is a robust statistic.  From this we estimate the mean.

  % The estimate of noise power is obtained by dividing the mean squared

  % energy value by the mean squared filter value

  medianE2n = median(reshape(abs(EO{1,o}).^2,1,rows*cols));

  meanE2n = -medianE2n/log(0.5);

  estMeanE2n(o) = meanE2n;

  noisePower = meanE2n/EM_n;                       % Estimate of noise power.

  % Now estimate the total energy^2 due to noise

  % Estimate for sum(An^2) + sum(Ai.*Aj.*(cphi.*cphj + sphi.*sphj))

  EstSumAn2 = zero;

  for s = 1:nscale

    EstSumAn2 = EstSumAn2 + ifftFilterArray{s}.^2;


  EstSumAiAj = zero;

  for si = 1:(nscale-1)

    for sj = (si+1):nscale

      EstSumAiAj = EstSumAiAj + ifftFilterArray{si}.*ifftFilterArray{sj};



  sumEstSumAn2 = sum(sum(EstSumAn2));

  sumEstSumAiAj = sum(sum(EstSumAiAj));

  EstNoiseEnergy2 = 2*noisePower*sumEstSumAn2 + 4*noisePower*sumEstSumAiAj;

  tau = sqrt(EstNoiseEnergy2/2);                     % Rayleigh parameter

  EstNoiseEnergy = tau*sqrt(pi/2);                   % Expected value of noise energy

  EstNoiseEnergySigma = sqrt( (2-pi/2)*tau^2 );

  T =  EstNoiseEnergy + k*EstNoiseEnergySigma;       % Noise threshold

  % The estimated noise effect calculated above is only valid for the PC_1 measure. 

  % The PC_2 measure does not lend itself readily to the same analysis.  However

  % empirically it seems that the noise effect is overestimated roughly by a factor 

  % of 1.7 for the filter parameters used here.

  T = T/1.7;        % Empirical rescaling of the estimated noise effect to 

                    % suit the PC_2 phase congruency measure

  Energy = max(Energy - T, zero);          % Apply noise threshold

  EnergyAll = EnergyAll + Energy;

  AnAll = AnAll + sumAn_ThisOrient;

end  % For each orientation

ResultPC = EnergyAll ./ AnAll;



% LOWPASSFILTER - Constructs a low-pass butterworth filter.


% usage: f = lowpassfilter(sze, cutoff, n)

% where: sze    is a two element vector specifying the size of filter 

%               to construct [rows cols].

%        cutoff is the cutoff frequency of the filter 0 - 0.5

%        n      is the order of the filter, the higher n is the sharper

%               the transition is. (n must be an integer >= 1).

%               Note that n is doubled so that it is always an even integer.


%                      1

%      f =    --------------------

%                              2n

%              1.0 + (w/cutoff)


% The frequency origin of the returned filter is at the corners.




% Copyright (c) 1999 Peter Kovesi

% School of Computer Science & Software Engineering

% The University of Western Australia

% http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/

% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

% in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:

% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 

% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.

% October 1999

% August  2005 - Fixed up frequency ranges for odd and even sized filters

%                (previous code was a bit approximate)

function f = lowpassfilter(sze, cutoff, n)

    if cutoff < 0 || cutoff > 0.5

error('cutoff frequency must be between 0 and 0.5');


    if rem(n,1) ~= 0 || n < 1

error('n must be an integer >= 1');


    if length(sze) == 1

rows = sze; cols = sze;


rows = sze(1); cols = sze(2);


    % Set up X and Y matrices with ranges normalised to +/- 0.5

    % The following code adjusts things appropriately for odd and even values

    % of rows and columns.

    if mod(cols,2)

xrange = [-(cols-1)/2:(cols-1)/2]/(cols-1);


xrange = [-cols/2:(cols/2-1)]/cols;


    if mod(rows,2)

yrange = [-(rows-1)/2:(rows-1)/2]/(rows-1);


yrange = [-rows/2:(rows/2-1)]/rows;


    [x,y] = meshgrid(xrange, yrange);

    radius = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);        % A matrix with every pixel = radius relative to centre.

 % 过滤器


⛄ 运行结果




⛄ 参考文采

相反,SA, & Bala, PS (2021)。基于收缩系数的多级图像阈值粒子群优化和引力搜索算法。专家系统, doi: 10.1111/exsy.12717, Wiley, SCIE (IF = 2.587)

⛄ 完整代码

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