Apollo Planning学习(8)-------ST_OBSTACLES_PROCESSOR



#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "modules/common_msgs/config_msgs/vehicle_config.pb.h"
#include "modules/common/status/status.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/history.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/obstacle.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/path/path_data.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/path_decision.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/speed/st_boundary.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/speed_limit.h"
#include "modules/common_msgs/planning_msgs/decision.pb.h"
#include "modules/planning/reference_line/reference_line.h"

constexpr double kADCSafetyLBuffer = 0.1;
constexpr double kSIgnoreThreshold = 0.01;
constexpr double kTIgnoreThreshold = 0.1;
// 超车障碍警告时间
constexpr double kOvertakenObsCautionTime = 0.5;

class STObstaclesProcessor {
  STObstaclesProcessor() {}

  void Init(const double planning_distance, const double planning_time,
            const PathData& path_data, PathDecision* const path_decision,
            History* const history);

  virtual ~STObstaclesProcessor() = default;

  common::Status MapObstaclesToSTBoundaries(PathDecision* const path_decision);

  std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary> GetAllSTBoundaries();

  /** @brief Given a time t, get the lower and upper s-boundaries.
   * If the boundary is well-defined based on decision made previously,
   * fill "available_s_bounds" with only one boundary.
   * Otherwise, fill "available_s_bounds with all candidates and
   * "available_obs_decisions" with corresponding possible obstacle decisions.
   * @param Time t
   * @param The available s-boundaries to be filled up.
   * @param The corresponding possible obstacle decisions.
   * @return Whether we can get valid s-bounds.
  bool GetSBoundsFromDecisions(
      double t,
      std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>* const available_s_bounds,
          std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ObjectDecisionType>>>* const

  /** @brief Provided that decisions for all existing obstacles are made, get
   * the speed limiting info from limiting st-obstacles.
   * @param Time t.
   * @param The actual limiting speed-info: (lower, upper)
   * @return True if there is speed limiting info; otherwise, false.
  bool GetLimitingSpeedInfo(
      double t, std::pair<double, double>* const limiting_speed_info);

  /** @brief Set the decision for a given obstacle.
  void SetObstacleDecision(const std::string& obs_id,
                           const ObjectDecisionType& obs_decision);

  /** @brief Set the decision for a list of obstacles.
  void SetObstacleDecision(
      const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ObjectDecisionType>>&

  /** @brief Given a single obstacle, compute its ST-boundary.
   * @param An obstacle (if moving, should contain predicted trajectory).
   * @param A vector to be filled with lower edge of ST-polygon.
   * @param A vector to be filled with upper edge of ST-polygon.
   * @return If appears on ST-graph, return true; otherwise, false.
  bool ComputeObstacleSTBoundary(const Obstacle& obstacle,
                                 std::vector<STPoint>* const lower_points,
                                 std::vector<STPoint>* const upper_points,
                                 bool* const is_caution_obstacle,
                                 double* const obs_caution_end_t);

  /** @brief Given ADC's path and an obstacle instance at a certain timestep,
   * get the upper and lower s that ADC might overlap with the obs instance.
   * @param A vector of ADC planned path points.
   * @param A obstacle at a certain timestep.
   * @param ADC lateral buffer for safety consideration.
   * @param The overlapping upper and lower s to be updated.
   * @return Whether there is an overlap or not.
  bool GetOverlappingS(const std::vector<common::PathPoint>& adc_path_points,
                       const common::math::Box2d& obstacle_instance,
                       const double adc_l_buffer,
                       std::pair<double, double>* const overlapping_s);

  /** @brief Over the s-dimension, find the last point that is before the
   * obstacle instance of the first point that is after the obstacle.
   * If there exists no such point within the given range, return -1.
   * @param ADC path points
   * @param The obstacle box
   * @param The s threshold, must be non-negative.
   * @param The direction
   * @param The start-idx
   * @param The end-idx
   * @return Whether there is overlapping or not.
  int GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(
      const std::vector<common::PathPoint>& adc_path_points,
      const common::math::Box2d& obstacle_instance, const double s_thresh,
      const bool is_before, const int start_idx, const int end_idx);

  /** @brief Over the s-dimension, check if the path-point is away
   * from the projected obstacle in the given direction.
   * @param A certain path-point.
   * @param The next path-point indicating path direction.
   * @param The obstacle bounding box.
   * @param The threshold s to tell if path point is far away.
   * @param Direction indicator. True if we want the path-point to be
   *        before the obstacle.
   * @return whether the path-point is away in the indicated direction.
  bool IsPathPointAwayFromObstacle(const common::PathPoint& path_point,
                                   const common::PathPoint& direction_point,
                                   const common::math::Box2d& obs_box,
                                   const double s_thresh, const bool is_before);

  /** @brief Check if ADC is overlapping with the given obstacle box.
   * @param ADC's position.
   * @param Obstacle's box.
   * @param ADC's lateral buffer.
   * @return Whether ADC at that position is overlapping with the given
   * obstacle box.
  bool IsADCOverlappingWithObstacle(const common::PathPoint& adc_path_point,
                                    const common::math::Box2d& obs_box,
                                    const double l_buffer) const;

  /** @brief Find the vertical (s) gaps of the st-graph.
   * @param Vector of obstacle-t-edges
   * @param The existing minimum s edge.
   * @param The existing maximum s edge.
   * @return A list of available s gaps for ADC to go.
  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> FindSGaps(
      const std::vector<std::tuple<int, double, double, double, std::string>>&
      double s_min, double s_max);

  /** @brief Based on obstacle position and prospective ADC position,
   * determine the obstacle decision.
   * @param Obstacle's minimum s.
   * @param Obstacle's maximum s.
   * @param ADC's prospective position.
   * @return The decision for the given obstacle.
  ObjectDecisionType DetermineObstacleDecision(const double obs_s_min,
                                               const double obs_s_max,
                                               const double s) const;

  /** @brief 检查一个给定的s是否在adc的低路右段内。
   * @param A certain S.
   * @return True if within; false otherwise.
  bool IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(const double s) const;

  double planning_time_;
  double planning_distance_;
  PathData path_data_;
  common::VehicleParam vehicle_param_;
  double adc_path_init_s_;
  PathDecision* path_decision_;

  // A vector of sorted obstacle's t-edges:
  //  (is_starting_t, t, s_min, s_max, obs_id).
  std::vector<std::tuple<int, double, double, double, std::string>>
  int obs_t_edges_idx_;

  std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary> obs_id_to_st_boundary_;
  std::unordered_map<std::string, ObjectDecisionType> obs_id_to_decision_;

  std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, STBoundary, Obstacle*>>

  std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary>

  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> adc_low_road_right_segments_;

  History* history_ = nullptr;


#include "modules/planning/tasks/deciders/st_bounds_decider/st_obstacles_processor.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "cyber/common/log.h"
#include "modules/common/configs/vehicle_config_helper.h"
#include "modules/common/math/line_segment2d.h"
#include "modules/common/math/vec2d.h"
#include "modules/common_msgs/basic_msgs/pnc_point.pb.h"
#include "modules/common/util/util.h"
#include "modules/planning/common/planning_gflags.h"
#include "modules/common_msgs/planning_msgs/decision.pb.h"

using apollo::common::ErrorCode;
using apollo::common::PathPoint;
using apollo::common::Status;
using apollo::common::math::Box2d;
using apollo::common::math::LineSegment2d;
using apollo::common::math::Vec2d;

namespace {
// ObsTEdge contains: (is_starting_t, t, s_min, s_max, obs_id).
using ObsTEdge = std::tuple<int, double, double, double, std::string>;
}  // namespace

// 初始化st_obstacles_processor的相关数据
void STObstaclesProcessor::Init(const double planning_distance,
                                const double planning_time,
                                const PathData& path_data,
                                PathDecision* const path_decision,
                                History* const history) {
  planning_time_ = planning_time;
  planning_distance_ = planning_distance;
  path_data_ = path_data;
  vehicle_param_ = common::VehicleConfigHelper::GetConfig().vehicle_param();
  adc_path_init_s_ = path_data_.discretized_path().front().s();
  path_decision_ = path_decision;
  history_ = history;

  obs_t_edges_idx_ = 0;


// 将map障碍物映射到STBoundaries
Status STObstaclesProcessor::MapObstaclesToSTBoundaries(
    PathDecision* const path_decision) {
  // Sanity checks.
  // 检查输入
  if (path_decision == nullptr) {
    const std::string msg = "path_decision is nullptr";
    AERROR << msg;
    return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);
  if (planning_time_ < 0.0) {
    const std::string msg = "Negative planning time.";
    AERROR << msg;
    return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);
  if (planning_distance_ < 0.0) {
    const std::string msg = "Negative planning distance.";
    AERROR << msg;
    return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);
  if (path_data_.discretized_path().size() <= 1) {
    const std::string msg = "Number of path points is too few.";
    AERROR << msg;
    return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);
  // std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary> obs_id_to_st_boundary_;

  // 进行一些预处理以保存adc_low_road_right段。
  // 默认为true
  bool is_adc_low_road_right_beginning = true;
   * @brief 路径分析器生成的速度决策用于指导速度边界判定器中的速度限制生成
   * @param tuple 由参考线上的s轴位置组成; PathPointType
   * Enum; distance to closest obstacle
  // std::vector<std::tuple<double, PathPointType, double>> path_point_decision_guide_;
  for (const auto& path_pt_info : path_data_.path_point_decision_guide()) {
    double path_pt_s = 0.0;
    PathData::PathPointType path_pt_type;
    std::tie(path_pt_s, path_pt_type, std::ignore) = path_pt_info;
    // 如果路径点类型是前向车道外侧或者反向车道外侧,开始构造adc_low_road_right_segments_
    if (path_pt_type == PathData::PathPointType::OUT_ON_FORWARD_LANE ||
        path_pt_type == PathData::PathPointType::OUT_ON_REVERSE_LANE) {
      if (is_adc_low_road_right_beginning) {
        adc_low_road_right_segments_.emplace_back(path_pt_s, path_pt_s);
        is_adc_low_road_right_beginning = false;
      } else {
        adc_low_road_right_segments_.back().second = path_pt_s;
    } else if (path_pt_type == PathData::PathPointType::IN_LANE) {
      if (!is_adc_low_road_right_beginning) {
        is_adc_low_road_right_beginning = true;

  // 将map障碍物映射到st图中.
  // Go through every obstacle and plot them in ST-graph.
  std::unordered_set<std::string> non_ignore_obstacles; //非忽略障碍物
  // 最近的阻挡障碍
  std::tuple<std::string, STBoundary, Obstacle*> closest_stop_obstacle;
  std::get<0>(closest_stop_obstacle) = "NULL";
  // 便利每一个障碍物
  for (const auto* obs_item_ptr : path_decision->obstacles().Items()) {
    // Sanity checks.
    Obstacle* obs_ptr = path_decision->Find(obs_item_ptr->Id());
    if (obs_ptr == nullptr) {
      const std::string msg = "Null obstacle pointer.";
      AERROR << msg;
      return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);

    // Draw the obstacle's st-boundary.
    std::vector<STPoint> lower_points;
    std::vector<STPoint> upper_points;
    // 默认警告障碍为false
    bool is_caution_obstacle = false;
    double obs_caution_end_t = 0.0;
    // ST图上未显示障碍物,则再重新循环,开始下一个障碍物
    if (!ComputeObstacleSTBoundary(*obs_ptr, &lower_points, &upper_points,
                                   &is_caution_obstacle, &obs_caution_end_t)) {
    auto boundary =
        STBoundary::CreateInstanceAccurate(lower_points, upper_points);
    if (is_caution_obstacle) {
      // 一直没明白这个obstacle_road_right_是啥玩意

    // 进行修剪
    while (lower_points.size() > 2 &&
           lower_points.back().t() > obs_caution_end_t) {
    while (upper_points.size() > 2 &&
           upper_points.back().t() > obs_caution_end_t) {

    auto alternative_boundary =
        STBoundary::CreateInstanceAccurate(lower_points, upper_points);
    obs_id_to_alternative_st_boundary_[obs_ptr->Id()] = alternative_boundary;
    ADEBUG << "Obstacle " << obs_ptr->Id()
           << " has an alternative st-boundary with "
           << lower_points.size() + upper_points.size() << " points.";

    // 将所有Keep-Clear区域存储在一起。
    if (obs_item_ptr->Id().find("KC") != std::string::npos) {
          make_tuple(obs_ptr->Id(), boundary, obs_ptr));

    // 处理除保持清除区域外的所有其他障碍。
    if (obs_ptr->Trajectory().trajectory_point().empty()) {
      // Obstacle is static.
      if (std::get<0>(closest_stop_obstacle) == "NULL" ||
          std::get<1>(closest_stop_obstacle).bottom_left_point().s() >
              boundary.bottom_left_point().s()) {
        // 如果此静态障碍物离ADC较近,则记录该障碍物。
        closest_stop_obstacle =
            std::make_tuple(obs_ptr->Id(), boundary, obs_ptr);
    } else {
      // Obstacle is dynamic.
      // 左下角
      if (boundary.bottom_left_point().s() - adc_path_init_s_ <
              kSIgnoreThreshold &&
          boundary.bottom_left_point().t() > kTIgnoreThreshold) {
        // 忽略后面的障碍。
        // TODO(jiacheng): don't ignore if ADC is in dangerous segments.
      // boundary在之前已经是st图下的了
      obs_id_to_st_boundary_[obs_ptr->Id()] = boundary;
      ADEBUG << "Adding " << obs_ptr->Id() << " into the ST-graph.";
  // 对于静态障碍物只考虑最近的那一个 (此处也考虑“保持畅通”区域)。
  // Note: 我们只需要检查最近的障碍物和所有避开区域之间的重叠部分。
  // 因为如果有另一个障碍物与“保持畅通区域”重叠,
  // 就会形成更近的“阻止围栏”,那么这个“保持畅通区域”也必须与最近的障碍物重叠。(证明略)
  if (std::get<0>(closest_stop_obstacle) != "NULL") {
    std::string closest_stop_obs_id;
    STBoundary closest_stop_obs_boundary;
    Obstacle* closest_stop_obs_ptr;
    std::tie(closest_stop_obs_id, closest_stop_obs_boundary,
             closest_stop_obs_ptr) = closest_stop_obstacle;
    ADEBUG << "Closest obstacle ID = " << closest_stop_obs_id;
    // Go through all Keep-Clear zones, and see if there is an even closer
    // stop fence due to them.
    if (!closest_stop_obs_ptr->IsVirtual()) {
      for (const auto& clear_zone : candidate_clear_zones_) {
        const auto& clear_zone_boundary = std::get<1>(clear_zone);
        if (closest_stop_obs_boundary.min_s() >= clear_zone_boundary.min_s() &&
            closest_stop_obs_boundary.min_s() <= clear_zone_boundary.max_s()) {
          std::tie(closest_stop_obs_id, closest_stop_obs_boundary,
                   closest_stop_obs_ptr) = clear_zone;
          ADEBUG << "Clear zone " << closest_stop_obs_id << " is closer.";
    obs_id_to_st_boundary_[closest_stop_obs_id] = closest_stop_obs_boundary;
    ADEBUG << "Adding " << closest_stop_obs_ptr->Id() << " into the ST-graph.";
    ADEBUG << "min_s = " << closest_stop_obs_boundary.min_s();

  // Set IGNORE decision for those that are not in ST-graph:
  for (const auto* obs_item_ptr : path_decision->obstacles().Items()) {
    Obstacle* obs_ptr = path_decision->Find(obs_item_ptr->Id());
    if (non_ignore_obstacles.count(obs_ptr->Id()) == 0) {
      ObjectDecisionType ignore_decision;
      if (!obs_ptr->HasLongitudinalDecision()) {
      if (!obs_ptr->HasLateralDecision()) {
        obs_ptr->AddLateralDecision("st_obstacle_processor", ignore_decision);

  // Preprocess the obstacles for sweep-line algorithms.
  // 仅获取每个障碍物的开始-结束t边.
  for (const auto& it : obs_id_to_st_boundary_) {
    obs_t_edges_.emplace_back(true, it.second.min_t(),
                              it.second.upper_left_point().s(), it.first);
    obs_t_edges_.emplace_back(false, it.second.max_t(),
                              it.second.upper_right_point().s(), it.first);
  // Sort the edges.
  // t不同的边,t小的在前面;t相同的边,是起始时间t的在前面
  std::sort(obs_t_edges_.begin(), obs_t_edges_.end(),
            [](const ObsTEdge& lhs, const ObsTEdge& rhs) {
              if (std::get<1>(lhs) != std::get<1>(rhs)) {
                return std::get<1>(lhs) < std::get<1>(rhs);
              } else {
                return std::get<0>(lhs) > std::get<0>(rhs);

  return Status::OK();

std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary>
STObstaclesProcessor::GetAllSTBoundaries() {
  return obs_id_to_st_boundary_;

// 入参1是时间t,入参2是limiting_speed_info是一个vector,里面的每一个元素都是1个2维向量,速度限制信息用来储存函数的输出
bool STObstaclesProcessor::GetLimitingSpeedInfo(
    double t, std::pair<double, double>* const limiting_speed_info) {// 速度限制limiting_speed_info第一项是速度下限,第二项是速度上限
  if (obs_id_to_decision_.empty()) {
    // If no obstacle, then no speed limits.
    return false;

  // 初步定义smin=0,smax=planning_distance_
  // planning_distance_在该类Init函数被调用的时候传进来的是离散轨迹的长度,
  double s_min = 0.0;
  double s_max = planning_distance_;
  // std::unordered_map<std::string, ObjectDecisionType> obs_id_to_decision_;
  // 遍历所有的ST上的障碍物及其决策映射表
  for (auto it : obs_id_to_decision_) {
    // 获取被遍历的第i个障碍物的id,决策,和st边界, obs_s_min/obs_s_max
    // 另外再获取障碍物ST上下边界的斜率即障碍物的速度obs_ds_lower/obs_ds_upper
    auto obs_id = it.first;
    auto obs_decision = it.second;
    auto obs_st_boundary = obs_id_to_st_boundary_[obs_id];
    double obs_s_min = 0.0;
    double obs_s_max = 0.0;
    obs_st_boundary.GetBoundarySRange(t, &obs_s_max, &obs_s_min);
    double obs_ds_lower = 0.0;
    double obs_ds_upper = 0.0;
    obs_st_boundary.GetBoundarySlopes(t, &obs_ds_upper, &obs_ds_lower);
    // 如果对这个障碍物的决策有yield或stop时,
    // 且if障碍物占据的下界obs_s_min<=s_max就是障碍物的ST边界和自车的S可以到达的上下界存在重叠时,
    // 那么ADC最多只能到达obs_s_min,而且自车的车速不能比障碍物下边界斜率快
    // 那么将smax置为obs_s_min同时将速度限制limiting_speed_info的第二项设置为obs_ds_lower下边界斜率,就是不能比障碍物速度快
    if (obs_decision.has_yield() || obs_decision.has_stop()) {
      if (obs_s_min <= s_max) {
        s_max = obs_s_min;
        limiting_speed_info->second = obs_ds_lower;
    // 如果对这个障碍物的决策有overtake时,且障碍物占据上界obs_s_max>=s_min也是ADC可能到达的s和障碍物ST边界有重叠,
    // 那么既然要超车,自车可以到达的smin最小为obs_s_max,同时自车的速度不能低于被超车的障碍物,
    // 将limiting_speed_info的第一项填入obs_ds_upperST上边界斜率。
    else if (it.second.has_overtake()) {
      if (obs_s_max >= s_min) {
        s_min = obs_s_max;
        limiting_speed_info->first = obs_ds_upper;
  return s_min <= s_max;

 /** @brief 给定一个时间t,得到上下s边界。如果边界是根据先前的决定定义的,则只使用一个边界填充“available_s_bounds”。
   * 否则,用所有候选项填写“available_s_bound”,用相应的可能障碍决策填写“available _obs_decisions”。
   * 求得自车所有可能s边界available_s_bounds及其对应得决策列表available_obs_decisions,
   * 其实就是看自车可以挤到块空隙里去,不同得空隙对应不同得上下边界以及决策。
   * available_s_bounds,available_obs_decisions正是用来储存这些可能供自车进入得ST空隙以及相对应得可能决策
   * @param Time t
   * @param The available s-boundaries to be filled up.
   * @param The corresponding possible obstacle decisions.
   * @return Whether we can get valid s-bounds.
bool STObstaclesProcessor::GetSBoundsFromDecisions(
    double t, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>* const available_s_bounds,
    std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ObjectDecisionType>>>* const
        available_obs_decisions) {
  // Sanity checks.

  // 收集边界情况的任何可能变化。
  // 已排序障碍物t边的向量:
  // std::vector<std::tuple<int,double,double、double,std::string>> obs_t_edges;
  // 每个边界包含上述是否是障碍物得起始边界,时刻t,障碍物占据的s下界,障碍物占据的s上界,以及该障碍物的id。
  // obs_t_edges_里的每个元素代表一个时刻的障碍物竖线,每个竖线包含这5个维度信息 // (is_starting_t, t, s_min, s_max, obs_id).
  // obs_t_edges_还经过了排序,(这些在后面的函数有介绍到)时间小的在前,时间一样的非起始边界的在前。
  ADEBUG << "There are " << obs_t_edges_.size() << " t-edges.";
  // using ObsTEdge = std::tuple<int, double, double, double, std::string>;
  std::vector<ObsTEdge> new_t_edges;
  // 这个while循环从obs_t_edges_,将输入时刻t之前的所有时刻所有障碍物占据的s上下界的竖线塞入new_t_edges
  // 一条竖线指的是障碍物的t时刻占据了ST图的s_obs_min,s_obs_max,这两点连起来的线
  while (obs_t_edges_idx_ < static_cast<int>(obs_t_edges_.size()) &&
         std::get<1>(obs_t_edges_[obs_t_edges_idx_]) <= t) {
    // 如果不是开始时间且到达时间t,跳出循环
    if (std::get<0>(obs_t_edges_[obs_t_edges_idx_]) == 0 &&
        std::get<1>(obs_t_edges_[obs_t_edges_idx_]) == t) {
    ADEBUG << "Seeing a new t-edge at t = "
           << std::get<1>(obs_t_edges_[obs_t_edges_idx_]);

  // 对于t之前消失的st边界,请删除它们。
  // 大致意思就是说在这个区间段内它的起始边界不在,起始边界在上一个时间区间段,对于这种障碍物不属于这个时间区间段内去管理
  for (const auto& obs_t_edge : new_t_edges) {
    if (std::get<0>(obs_t_edge) == 0) {
      ADEBUG << "Obstacle id: " << std::get<4>(obs_t_edge)
             << " is leaving st-graph.";
      if (obs_id_to_decision_.count(std::get<4>(obs_t_edge)) != 0) {

  // 对于被超越的障碍物,如果我们在其最右侧的道路结束时间之后(有余量),请将其移除。
  // std::unordered_map<std::string, ObjectDecisionType> obs_id_to_decision_;
  // 这里是创建了一个string的vector专门用来存放要被移除的障碍物的id
  // 遍历obs_id_to_decision_障碍物id和决策映射表,如果要被overtake的障碍物其被注意时间只持续到t时刻前0.5s(kOvertakeObsCautionTime),
  // 则将其id塞入obs_id_to_remove,是准备被从id决策映射表obs_id_to_decision_里remove的
  std::vector<std::string> obs_id_to_remove;
  for (const auto& obs_id_to_decision_pair : obs_id_to_decision_) {
    auto obs_id = obs_id_to_decision_pair.first;
    auto obs_decision = obs_id_to_decision_pair.second;
    auto obs_st_boundary = obs_id_to_st_boundary_[obs_id];
    if (obs_decision.has_overtake() &&
        obs_st_boundary.min_t() <= t - kOvertakenObsCautionTime &&
        obs_st_boundary.obstacle_road_right_ending_t() <=
            t - kOvertakenObsCautionTime) {
  // 这个for循环不知道是干啥的,没搞明白
  for (const auto& obs_id : obs_id_to_remove) {
    // 将显示的st边界更改为备选边界:
    // std::unordered_map<std::string, STBoundary> obs_id_to_alternative_st_boundary_;
    // obs_id_to_alternative_st_boundary_在STObstaclesProcessor类成员上面的MapObstaclesToSTBoundaries函数里已经塞了所有有效的障碍物ST投影。
    if (obs_id_to_alternative_st_boundary_.count(obs_id) > 0) {
      Obstacle* obs_ptr = path_decision_->Find(obs_id);
      obs_id_to_st_boundary_[obs_id] =

  // Based on existing decisions, get the s-boundary.
  double s_min = 0.0;
  double s_max = planning_distance_;
  for (auto it : obs_id_to_decision_) {
    auto obs_id = it.first;
    auto obs_decision = it.second;
    auto obs_st_boundary = obs_id_to_st_boundary_[obs_id];
    double obs_s_min = 0.0;
    double obs_s_max = 0.0;
    obs_st_boundary.GetBoundarySRange(t, &obs_s_max, &obs_s_min);
    if (obs_decision.has_yield() || obs_decision.has_stop()) {
      s_max = std::fmin(s_max, obs_s_min);
    } else if (it.second.has_overtake()) {
      s_min = std::fmax(s_min, obs_s_max);
  if (s_min > s_max) {
    return false;
  ADEBUG << "S-boundary based on existing decisions = (" << s_min << ", "
         << s_max << ")";

  // 对于新输入的st_boundaries,确定可能的新边界。
  // 对于明显的问题,直接做出决定。
  // ambiguous_t_edges这个vector用来储存模糊的障碍物ST竖线
  std::vector<ObsTEdge> ambiguous_t_edges;
  for (auto obs_t_edge : new_t_edges) {
    ADEBUG << "For obstacle id: " << std::get<4>(obs_t_edge)
           << ", its s-range = [" << std::get<2>(obs_t_edge) << ", "
           << std::get<3>(obs_t_edge) << "]";
    // if (std::get<0>(obs_t_edge) == 1) 这个if代表这条竖线是障碍物的起始竖线,也就是障碍物ST边界的最左边,
    // 表明这个障碍物是刚刚进入ST图,之前不在ST图上那么要对其添加决策,
    if (std::get<0>(obs_t_edge) == 1) {
      // 避让情况
      if (std::get<2>(obs_t_edge) >= s_max) {
        ADEBUG << "  Apparently, it should be yielded.";
        obs_id_to_decision_[std::get<4>(obs_t_edge)] =
                                      std::get<3>(obs_t_edge), s_max);
      } else if (std::get<3>(obs_t_edge) <= s_min) {
        // 超车情况
        ADEBUG << "  Apparently, it should be overtaken.";
        obs_id_to_decision_[std::get<4>(obs_t_edge)] =
                                      std::get<3>(obs_t_edge), s_min);
      // if (std::get<0>(obs_t_edge) == 1) 这个if代表这条竖线是障碍物的起始竖线,
      // 也就是障碍物ST边界的最左边,表明这个障碍物是刚刚进入ST图,之前不在ST图上那么要对其添加决策,
      else {
        // 比较模糊的障碍物情况,存入ambiguous_t_edges
        ADEBUG << "  It should be further analyzed.";//应进一步分析。
  // 对于不明确的,列举所有决策和相应的界限。
  // findgaps这个函数就是根据新加入ST图且未明确决策的障碍物(其他的能直接判断的都直接给yield和overtake了),
  // 根据这些障碍物的竖线ST边界,去找到多个障碍物之间自车可以通行的间隙。
  // 关于这个函数后面有介绍
  auto s_gaps = FindSGaps(ambiguous_t_edges, s_min, s_max);
  if (s_gaps.empty()) {
    return false;
  // 遍历所有的空隙,将可能的空闲先塞入可利用的s边界中available_s_bounds
  for (auto s_gap : s_gaps) {
    // 这个for循环结束后,GetSBoundsFromDecisions()函数的入参指针available_s_bounds里塞了多个可行驶的空隙的S边界,
    // 又定义了个vector来储存障碍物id及其对应的决策类型,存储之前不明确行为的障碍物决策,并没有重复定义
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ObjectDecisionType>> obs_decisions;
    // 遍历所有的模糊的edges也就是障碍物ST边界竖线未决策过的,然后看可行驶的空隙的上下s边界的中点比较和obs_s_min, obs_s_max的关系。
    for (auto obs_t_edge : ambiguous_t_edges) {
      std::string obs_id = std::get<4>(obs_t_edge);
      double obs_s_min = std::get<2>(obs_t_edge);
      double obs_s_max = std::get<3>(obs_t_edge);
      // 如果可行驶的空隙的上下s边界的中点在obs_s_min之下就yield
      // 如果可行驶的空隙的上下s边界的中点在obs_s_max之上就overtake
          DetermineObstacleDecision(obs_s_min, obs_s_max,
                                    (s_gap.first + s_gap.second) / 2.0));
    // GetSBoundsFromDecisions()函数的入参指针available_obs_decisions里塞了多个空隙的S边界对应的决策,
    // available_obs_decisions里的第i套可用决策对应available_s_bounds里第i个空隙

  return true;

void STObstaclesProcessor::SetObstacleDecision(
    const std::string& obs_id, const ObjectDecisionType& obs_decision) {
  obs_id_to_decision_[obs_id] = obs_decision;
  ObjectStatus object_status;
  if (obs_decision.has_yield() || obs_decision.has_stop()) {
  } else if (obs_decision.has_overtake()) {
  history_->mutable_history_status()->SetObjectStatus(obs_id, object_status);

void STObstaclesProcessor::SetObstacleDecision(
    const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ObjectDecisionType>>&
        obstacle_decisions) {
  for (auto obs_decision : obstacle_decisions) {
    SetObstacleDecision(obs_decision.first, obs_decision.second);

// Private helper functions.
  /** @brief 给定单个障碍物,计算其ST边界.
   * @param An obstacle (如果移动,应包含预测轨迹).
   * @param A vector to be filled with lower edge of ST-polygon.
   * @param A vector to be filled with upper edge of ST-polygon.
   * @return 如果出现在st图上,返回true;否则,假的。
bool STObstaclesProcessor::ComputeObstacleSTBoundary(
    const Obstacle& obstacle, std::vector<STPoint>* const lower_points,
    std::vector<STPoint>* const upper_points, bool* const is_caution_obstacle,
    double* const obs_caution_end_t) {
  *is_caution_obstacle = false;
  const auto& adc_path_points = path_data_.discretized_path();
  const auto& obs_trajectory = obstacle.Trajectory();

  // 说明障碍物是静止的
  if (obs_trajectory.trajectory_point().empty()) {
    // 处理静态障碍物
    // 检查障碍物是否为静止障碍物
    if (!obstacle.IsStatic()) {
      AWARN << "Non-static obstacle[" << obstacle.Id()
            << "] has NO prediction trajectory."
            << obstacle.Perception().ShortDebugString();
    // 得到ADC路径与障碍物感知框的重叠。
    // 初始化obstacle的box边界
    const Box2d& obs_box = obstacle.PerceptionBoundingBox();
    std::pair<double, double> overlapping_s;
    // 如果查找道重叠的s范围
    if (GetOverlappingS(adc_path_points, obs_box, kADCSafetyLBuffer,
                        &overlapping_s)) {
      lower_points->emplace_back(overlapping_s.first, 0.0);
      lower_points->emplace_back(overlapping_s.first, planning_time_);
      upper_points->emplace_back(overlapping_s.second, 0.0);
      upper_points->emplace_back(overlapping_s.second, planning_time_);
    *is_caution_obstacle = true;
    *obs_caution_end_t = planning_time_;
  } else {
    // 处理动态障碍物
    // 遍历所有时间步上出现的障碍物,逐一求出重叠的s-max和s-min。
    // 默认是障碍物预测轨迹上的第一个点
    bool is_obs_first_traj_pt = true;
    for (const auto& obs_traj_pt : obs_trajectory.trajectory_point()) {
      // TODO(jiacheng): 目前,如果障碍物与ADC在不相交的部分重叠(很少发生),我们将它们合并为一个。
      // 在将来,可以更详细地考虑这一点,而不是近似地考虑。
      const Box2d& obs_box = obstacle.GetBoundingBox(obs_traj_pt);
      ADEBUG << obs_box.DebugString();
      std::pair<double, double> overlapping_s;
      // 障碍物实例与ADC路径重叠
      if (GetOverlappingS(adc_path_points, obs_box, kADCSafetyLBuffer,
                          &overlapping_s)) {
        ADEBUG << "Obstacle instance is overlapping with ADC path.";
        if (is_obs_first_traj_pt) {
          if (IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(overlapping_s.first) ||
              IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(overlapping_s.second)) {
            *is_caution_obstacle = true;
        if ((*is_caution_obstacle)) {
          if (IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(overlapping_s.first) ||
              IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(overlapping_s.second)) {
            *obs_caution_end_t = obs_traj_pt.relative_time();
      is_obs_first_traj_pt = false;
    if (lower_points->size() == 1) {
                                 lower_points->front().t() + 0.1);
                                 upper_points->front().t() + 0.1);

  return (!lower_points->empty() && !upper_points->empty());

/**  @brief 给定某个时间步长的ADC的路径和障碍物实例,得到ADC可能与obs实例重叠的上下s。
   * @param A ADC规划的路径点向量.
   * @param A 障碍物在一定的时间步长。
   * @param ADC lateral buffer for safety consideration.
   * @param The overlapping upper and lower s to be updated.
   * @return Whether there is an overlap or not.
bool STObstaclesProcessor::GetOverlappingS(
    const std::vector<PathPoint>& adc_path_points,
    const Box2d& obstacle_instance, const double adc_l_buffer,
    std::pair<double, double>* const overlapping_s) {
  // 定位可能的范围进行详细搜索。
  // pt_before_idx是障碍物之前最后一个点
  int pt_before_idx = GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(
      adc_path_points, obstacle_instance, vehicle_param_.front_edge_to_center(),
      true, 0, static_cast<int>(adc_path_points.size()) - 2);
  ADEBUG << "The index before is " << pt_before_idx;
  // pt_after_idx为障碍物之后第一个点
  int pt_after_idx = GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(
      adc_path_points, obstacle_instance, vehicle_param_.back_edge_to_center(),
      false, 0, static_cast<int>(adc_path_points.size()) - 2);
  ADEBUG << "The index after is " << pt_after_idx;
  if (pt_before_idx == static_cast<int>(adc_path_points.size()) - 2) {
    return false;
  if (pt_after_idx == 0) {
    return false;

  if (pt_before_idx == -1) {
    pt_before_idx = 0;
  if (pt_after_idx == -1) {
    pt_after_idx = static_cast<int>(adc_path_points.size()) - 2;
  if (pt_before_idx >= pt_after_idx) {
    return false;

  // 详细的查找
  // 默认没有覆盖
  bool has_overlapping = false;
  // 两个循环查找,一个从前往后,一个从后往前
  // 循环里查找到了即break
  // 两个值中间的范围就是OverlappingS
  for (int i = pt_before_idx; i <= pt_after_idx; ++i) {
    ADEBUG << "At ADC path index = " << i << " :";
    if (IsADCOverlappingWithObstacle(adc_path_points[i], obstacle_instance,
                                     adc_l_buffer)) {
      overlapping_s->first = adc_path_points[std::max(i - 1, 0)].s();
      has_overlapping = true;
      ADEBUG << "There is overlapping.";
  if (!has_overlapping) {
    return false;
  for (int i = pt_after_idx; i >= pt_before_idx; --i) {
    ADEBUG << "At ADC path index = " << i << " :";
    if (IsADCOverlappingWithObstacle(adc_path_points[i], obstacle_instance,
                                     adc_l_buffer)) {
      overlapping_s->second = adc_path_points[i + 1].s();
      ADEBUG << "There is overlapping.";
  return true;

  /** @brief  @brief Over the s-dimension, find the last point that is before the
   * obstacle instance of the first point that is after the obstacle.
   * If there exists no such point within the given range, return -1.
   * 找到障碍物实例之前的最后一个点和之后的第一个点
   * @param ADC path points
   * @param The obstacle box
   * @param The S阈值,必须为非负。
   * @param The direction
   * @param The start-idx
   * @param The end-idx
   * @return Whether there is overlapping or not.
  // 个人理解就是递归思想查找
int STObstaclesProcessor::GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(
    const std::vector<PathPoint>& adc_path_points,
    const Box2d& obstacle_instance, const double s_thresh, const bool is_before,
    const int start_idx, const int end_idx) {
  if (start_idx == end_idx) {
    // 如果障碍物在s方向远离pathpoint则true
    if (IsPathPointAwayFromObstacle(adc_path_points[start_idx],
                                    adc_path_points[start_idx + 1],
                                    obstacle_instance, s_thresh, is_before)) {
      return start_idx;
    } else {
      return -1;

  if (is_before) {
    int mid_idx = (start_idx + end_idx - 1) / 2 + 1;
    if (IsPathPointAwayFromObstacle(adc_path_points[mid_idx],
                                    adc_path_points[mid_idx + 1],
                                    obstacle_instance, s_thresh, is_before)) {
      return GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(adc_path_points, obstacle_instance,
                                        s_thresh, is_before, mid_idx, end_idx);
    } else {
      return GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(adc_path_points, obstacle_instance,
                                        s_thresh, is_before, start_idx,
                                        mid_idx - 1);
  } else {
    int mid_idx = (start_idx + end_idx) / 2;
    if (IsPathPointAwayFromObstacle(adc_path_points[mid_idx],
                                    adc_path_points[mid_idx + 1],
                                    obstacle_instance, s_thresh, is_before)) {
      return GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(adc_path_points, obstacle_instance,
                                        s_thresh, is_before, start_idx,
    } else {
      return GetSBoundingPathPointIndex(adc_path_points, obstacle_instance,
                                        s_thresh, is_before, mid_idx + 1,

  /** @brief 在s维度上,检查路径点是否在给定方向上远离投影障碍物。
   * @param A certain path-point.
   * @param The 下一个路径点,指示路径方向。
   * @param The obstacle bounding box.
   * @param The 阈值s来判断路径点是否很远。
   * @param Direction 指标。如果我们希望路径点在障碍物之前,返回True。
   * @return whether the path-point is away in the indicated direction.
  // 这个函数主要判断障碍物是否在给定方向上远离这个path_point,方向是这个路径点和下一个路径点连线的切向
  // 不是参考线切线方向也不是笛卡尔的直接距离
bool STObstaclesProcessor::IsPathPointAwayFromObstacle(
    const PathPoint& path_point, const PathPoint& direction_point,
    const Box2d& obs_box, const double s_thresh, const bool is_before) {
  Vec2d path_pt(path_point.x(), path_point.y());
  Vec2d dir_pt(direction_point.x(), direction_point.y());
  LineSegment2d path_dir_lineseg(path_pt, dir_pt);
  LineSegment2d normal_line_seg(path_pt, path_dir_lineseg.rotate(M_PI_2));

  auto corner_points = obs_box.GetAllCorners();
  for (const auto& corner_pt : corner_points) {
    Vec2d normal_line_ft_pt;
    normal_line_seg.GetPerpendicularFoot(corner_pt, &normal_line_ft_pt);
    Vec2d path_dir_unit_vec = path_dir_lineseg.unit_direction();
    Vec2d perpendicular_vec = corner_pt - normal_line_ft_pt;
    double corner_pt_s_dist = path_dir_unit_vec.InnerProd(perpendicular_vec);
    if (is_before && corner_pt_s_dist < s_thresh) {
      return false;
    if (!is_before && corner_pt_s_dist > -s_thresh) {
      return false;
  return true;

/** @brief 检查ADC是否与给定障碍物框重叠。
   * @param ADC's position.
   * @param Obstacle's box.
   * @param ADC's lateral buffer.
   * @return Whether ADC at that position is overlapping with the given
   * obstacle box.
bool STObstaclesProcessor::IsADCOverlappingWithObstacle(
    const PathPoint& adc_path_point, const Box2d& obs_box,
    const double l_buffer) const {
  // Convert reference point from center of rear axis to center of ADC.
  Vec2d ego_center_map_frame((vehicle_param_.front_edge_to_center() -
                              vehicle_param_.back_edge_to_center()) *
                             (vehicle_param_.left_edge_to_center() -
                              vehicle_param_.right_edge_to_center()) *
  ego_center_map_frame.set_x(ego_center_map_frame.x() + adc_path_point.x());
  ego_center_map_frame.set_y(ego_center_map_frame.y() + adc_path_point.y());

  // Compute the ADC bounding box.
  Box2d adc_box(ego_center_map_frame, adc_path_point.theta(),
                vehicle_param_.length(), vehicle_param_.width() + l_buffer * 2);

  ADEBUG << "    ADC box is: " << adc_box.DebugString();
  ADEBUG << "    Obs box is: " << obs_box.DebugString();

  // Check whether ADC bounding box overlaps with obstacle bounding box.
  return obs_box.HasOverlap(adc_box);

  /** @brief Find the vertical (s) gaps of the st-graph.
   * @param Vector of obstacle-t-edges
   * @param The existing minimum s edge.
   * @param The existing maximum s edge.
   * @return A list of available s gaps for ADC to go.
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> STObstaclesProcessor::FindSGaps(
    const std::vector<ObsTEdge>& obstacle_t_edges, double s_min, double s_max) {
  std::vector<std::pair<double, int>> obs_s_edges;
  for (auto obs_t_edge : obstacle_t_edges) {
    // 1对应的是t时刻smin
    obs_s_edges.emplace_back(std::get<2>(obs_t_edge), 1);
    // 0对应的是t时刻smax
    obs_s_edges.emplace_back(std::get<3>(obs_t_edge), 0);
  // obs_s_edges.emplace_back(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), 1);
  obs_s_edges.emplace_back(s_min, 0);
  obs_s_edges.emplace_back(s_max, 1);
  // obs_s_edges.emplace_back(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 0);
      obs_s_edges.begin(), obs_s_edges.end(),
      [](const std::pair<double, int>& lhs, const std::pair<double, int>& rhs) {
        // 如果s不同,s小的在前面
        if (lhs.first != rhs.first) {
          return lhs.first < rhs.first;
        // 如果s相同1在前0在后
        else {
          return lhs.second > rhs.second;

  std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> s_gaps;
  int num_st_obs = 1;
  double prev_open_s = 0.0;
  // 这个for循环自己画一个st图,图里有几个障碍物边界对着理解,更好理解
  for (auto obs_s_edge : obs_s_edges) {
    if (obs_s_edge.second == 1) {
      if (num_st_obs == 1) {
        s_gaps.emplace_back(prev_open_s, obs_s_edge.first);
    } else {
      if (num_st_obs == 0) {
        prev_open_s = obs_s_edge.first;

  return s_gaps;

  /** @brief Based on obstacle position and prospective ADC position,
   * determine the obstacle decision.
   * @param Obstacle's minimum s.
   * @param Obstacle's maximum s.
   * @param ADC's prospective position.
   * @return The decision for the given obstacle.
ObjectDecisionType STObstaclesProcessor::DetermineObstacleDecision(
    const double obs_s_min, const double obs_s_max, const double s) const {
  ObjectDecisionType decision;
  if (s <= obs_s_min) {
  } else if (s >= obs_s_max) {
  return decision;

/** @brief 检查一个给定的s是否在adc的低路右段内。
  * @param A certain S.
  * @return True if within; false otherwise.
bool STObstaclesProcessor::IsSWithinADCLowRoadRightSegment(
    const double s) const {
  for (const auto& seg : adc_low_road_right_segments_) {
    if (s >= seg.first && s <= seg.second) {
      return true;
  return false;
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


