[ECE] C4

4–1 Boolean Operations and Expressions

4–2 Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra

4–3 DeMorgan’s Theorems


 4–4 Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits


 4–5 Logic Simplification Using Boolean Algebra


 4–6 Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions


4–7 Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables


 4–8 The Karnaugh Map


 4–9 Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization





 4–10 Karnaugh Map POS Minimization


 4–11 The Quine-McCluskey Method


key terms

1. Variable, complement, and literal are all terms used in Boolean algebra.

2. Addition in Boolean algebra is equivalent to the NOR function.

3. Multiplication in Boolean algebra is equivalent to the AND function.

4. The commutative law, associative law, and distributive law are all laws in Boolean algebra.

5. The complement of 0 is 0 itself.

6. When a Boolean variable is multiplied by its complement, the result is the variable. 

7. “The complement of a product of variables is equal to the sum of the complements of each variable” is a statement of DeMorgan’s theorem.

8. SOP means sum-of-products.

9. Karnaugh maps can be used to simplify Boolean expressions.

10. A 3-variable Karnaugh map has six cells.

11. VHDL is a type of hardware definition language.

12. A VHDL program consists of an entity and an architecture.

  1. Correct. A variable is a symbol that represents a logical quantity that can be either 0 or 1. A complement is the inverse of a variable. A literal is a variable or its complement in an expression.

  2. This statement is incorrect. Addition in Boolean algebra is equivalent to the OR function. The NOR function is a combination of OR and NOT functions.

  3. Correct. Multiplication in Boolean algebra represents the AND function.

  4. Correct. These are fundamental laws applicable in Boolean algebra that describe how variables can be combined and manipulated.

  5. This statement is incorrect. The complement of 0 is 1 in Boolean algebra.

  6. This statement is incorrect. When a Boolean variable is multiplied by its complement, the result is 0.

  7. This statement is incorrect as stated. DeMorgan's theorem states, "The complement of a product (AND) of variables is equal to the sum (OR) of the complements of each variable," and conversely, "The complement of a sum (OR) of variables is equal to the product (AND) of the complements of each variable."

  8. Correct. SOP stands for sum-of-products, which is a canonical form of a Boolean expression.

  9. Correct. Karnaugh maps are a visual tool used for simplifying Boolean expressions to their simplest form.

  10. This statement is incorrect. A 3-variable Karnaugh map has 8 cells, representing all possible combinations of the three variables.

  11. Correct. VHDL stands for VHSIC (Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description Language and is used for modeling digital systems.

  12. Correct. In VHDL, the entity describes the interface of a component (i.e., its inputs and outputs), and the architecture describes the behavior and structure of the component.


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