





智能优化算法       神经网络预测       雷达通信       无线传感器        电力系统

信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机 

⛄ 内容介绍

It is a challenging task to develop an efficient routing solution for a reliable data delivery in urban vehicular environments. Indeed, it is difficult to find a shortest end-to-end connected path especially in urban city given the mobility attern of the vehicles and the various obstructions to a clear transmission such as buildings. To overcome these difficulties, we investigate how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can assist vehicles on the ground in relaying in urban areas. In this paper, we propose UVAR (UAV-Assisted VANET Routing Protocol), a new routing technique for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANets). This protocol is based on the use of the traffic density and the knowledge of vehicular connectivity in the streets. With this approach UAVs collect information about the traffic density on the ground and the state of vehicles connectivity, and exchange them with vehicles through Hello messages. These information allow UAV to place themselves so as to allow relaying data when connectivity between sole vehicles on the ground is not possible. Through vehicleto-UAV (V2U) communication, the overall connectivity between vehicles is improved and therefore the routing process is efficiently improved. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated and the results to different scenarios are discussed.

​⛄ 部分代码

function out = PSOSearch(param, position)

    % Import trace file(SUMO)

    filename = param.filename;

    filename_obj = param.filename_obj;

    filename_connec = param.filename_connec;

    % Number of vehicles available in the dataset(SUMO)

    nVehicle = param.nVehicle; % Have to change according to the trace file

    niter =param.niter;

    % Infrastructure Position

    pos = position; % Have to change according to the trace file

    infRadius = 500;

    % Reading table

    T = readtable(filename);

    T_obj = readtable(filename_obj);

    T_connec = readtable(filename_connec);

    % Number of rows in the table

    n_rows_obj = height(T_obj);

    % Finding minimum and maximum of Position X and Y

    minPosX = min(T{:,4});

    minPosY = min(T{:,5});

    maxPosX = max(T{:,4});

    maxPosY = max(T{:,5});

    % Vehicle template

    empty_vehicle.id = [];

    empty_vehicle.Position = [];

    empty_vehicle.angle = [];

    % Creating templates for storing Previous connectivity history of vehicles

    empty_pre_conection.id = [];

    empty_pre_conection.id1 = [];

    empty_pre_conection.t1 = 0;

    empty_pre_conection.id2 = [];

    empty_pre_conection.t2 = 0;

    empty_pre_conection.id3 = [];

    empty_pre_conection.t3 = 0;

    empty_pre_conection.id4 = [];

    empty_pre_conection.t4 = 0;

    empty_pre_conection.id5 = [];

    empty_pre_conection.t5 = 0;

    % Create vehicles connections history array

    pre_conection = repmat(empty_pre_conection, nVehicle, 1);

    % Create vehicles array

    object_vehicle = repmat(empty_vehicle, nVehicle, 1);

    for i=1:n_rows_obj

        for j=1:nVehicle

            if strcmp(T_obj{i,1},['veh' num2str((j-1),'%d')])

                object_vehicle(j).id = T_obj{i,1};

                object_vehicle(j).angle = T_obj{i,2};

                object_vehicle(j).Position = [T_obj{i,3}, T_obj{i,4}];




    % Creating vehicles id for 'connection history' data structure

    for i=1:nVehicle

        pre_conection(i).id = ['veh' num2str((i-1), '%d')];

        pre_conection(i).id1 = T_connec{i,1};

        pre_conection(i).t1 = T_connec{i,2};

        pre_conection(i).id2 = T_connec{i,3};

        pre_conection(i).t2 = T_connec{i,4};

        pre_conection(i).id3 = T_connec{i,5};

        pre_conection(i).t3 = T_connec{i,6};

        pre_conection(i).id4 = T_connec{i,7};

        pre_conection(i).t4 = T_connec{i,8};

        pre_conection(i).id5 = T_connec{i,9};

        pre_conection(i).t5 = T_connec{i,10};


    % Storing available vehicle's position in this time-slot (For scatter

    % ploting only)

    counter = 1;

    for i=1:nVehicle

        if ~isempty(object_vehicle(i).id)

            x(counter) = object_vehicle(i).Position(1);

            y(counter) = object_vehicle(i).Position(2);

            all_vehicle(counter).id = object_vehicle(i).id;

            all_vehicle(counter).angle = object_vehicle(i).angle;

            all_vehicle(counter).Position = object_vehicle(i).Position;

            all_vehicle(counter).x = object_vehicle(i).Position(1);

            all_vehicle(counter).y = object_vehicle(i).Position(2);

            all_vehicle(counter).connec_sum = pre_conection(i).t1 + pre_conection(i).t2 + pre_conection(i).t3 ...

                + pre_conection(i).t4 + pre_conection(i).t5;

            counter = counter + 1;



    % Number of vehicles both covered and uncovered

    uncovered_vehicle = all_vehicle;

    nall_vehicle = size(uncovered_vehicle, 2);

    counter1 = 1;

    % Finding all the uncovered vehicles

    for j = 1:niter

        for i = 1:nall_vehicle

            dist(j).inf = sqrt(sum((pos(j).inf - uncovered_vehicle(i).Position) .^2));

            if dist(j).inf > infRadius

                uncovered_vehicle(counter1).id = uncovered_vehicle(i).id;

                uncovered_vehicle(counter1).angle = uncovered_vehicle(i).angle;

                uncovered_vehicle(counter1).Position = uncovered_vehicle(i).Position;

                uncovered_vehicle(counter1).connec_sum = uncovered_vehicle(i).connec_sum;

                counter1 = counter1 + 1;



        uncovered_vehicle = uncovered_vehicle(1:counter1-1);

        nall_vehicle = size(uncovered_vehicle, 2);

        counter1 = 1;


    % Number of uncovered vehicles

    nuncovered_vehicle = size(uncovered_vehicle, 2);

    % Problem Definition

    nVar = 2;   % Decision Variable

    VarSize = [1 nVar]; % Matrix Size of Decision Variables

    VarMin = min(minPosX, minPosY);   % Lower Bound of Decision Variables

    VarMax = max(maxPosX, maxPosY);    % Upper Bound of Decision Variables

    % Parameters of PSO

    MaxIt = param.MaxIt;    % Maximum Number of Iterations

    nPop = param.nPop;  % Population Size

    w = 1;      % Intertia Coefficient

    wdamp = 0.99; % Damping Ratio of Intertia Coefficient

    c1 = 2;     % Personal Acceleration Coefficient

    c2 = 2;     % Social Acceleration Coefficient

    MaxVelocity = 0.15*(VarMax-VarMin);

    MinVelocity = -MaxVelocity;

    % Initialization

    % The particle template

    empty_particle.Position = [];

    empty_particle.Velocity = [];

    empty_particle.Cost = [];

    empty_particle.Best.Position = [];

    empty_particle.Best.Cost = [];

    % create population array

    particle = repmat(empty_particle, nPop, 1);

    % Initialize Global Best

    GlobalBest.Cost = -inf;

    GlobalBest.Position = [0,0];

    % Initialize population members

    for i=1:nPop

        % Generate Random Solution

        particle(i).Position = unifrnd(VarMin, VarMax, VarSize);

        % Initialize Velociy

        particle(i).Velocity = zeros(VarSize);

        % Evaluation

        evaluation = objfuntest(particle(i).Position, nuncovered_vehicle, uncovered_vehicle, pos, niter);

        particle(i).Cost = evaluation.Fitness;

        nMi = evaluation.M;

        nNi = evaluation.N;

        % Update the Personal Best

        particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;

        particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;

        % Update Global Best

        if particle(i).Best.Cost > GlobalBest.Cost

            GlobalBest = particle(i).Best;



    % Array to Hold Best Cost Value on Each Iteration

    BestCosts = zeros(MaxIt, 1);


    nM = 0;

    nN = 0;

    %  Main Loop of PSO

    for it=1:MaxIt

        for i=1:nPop

            % Update Velocity

            particle(i).Velocity = w*particle(i).Velocity ...

                + c1*rand(VarSize).*(particle(i).Best.Position - particle(i).Position) ...

                + c2*rand(VarSize).*(GlobalBest.Position -particle(i).Position);

            % Apply Velocity Limits

            particle(i).Velocity = max(particle(i).Velocity, MinVelocity);

            particle(i).Velocity = min(particle(i).Velocity, MaxVelocity);

            % Update Position

            particle(i).Position = particle(i).Position + particle(i).Velocity;

            % Apply Lower and Upper Bound Limits

            particle(i).Position = max(particle(i).Position, VarMin);

            particle(i).Position = min(particle(i).Position, VarMax);

            % Evaluation

            evaluation = objfuntest(particle(i).Position, nuncovered_vehicle, uncovered_vehicle, pos, niter);

            particle(i).Cost = evaluation.Fitness;

            % Update Personal Best

            if particle(i).Cost > particle(i).Best.Cost

                particle(i).Best.Position = particle(i).Position;

                particle(i).Best.Cost = particle(i).Cost;

                % Update Global Best

                if particle(i).Best.Cost > GlobalBest.Cost

                    GlobalBest = particle(i).Best;

                    nM = evaluation.M;

                    nN = evaluation.N;




        % Store the Best Cost Value

        BestCosts(it) = GlobalBest.Cost;

        % Damping Intertia Coefficient

        w = w * wdamp;


    out.Fitness = GlobalBest.Cost;

    out.Position = GlobalBest.Position;

    out.Uncov_veh = evaluation.V;

    out.nM = nM;

    out.nN = nN;

    out.x = x;

    out.y = y;

    out.VarMin = VarMin;

    out.VarMax = VarMax;

    out.Total_vehicle = size(all_vehicle, 2);

    out.Best_cost = BestCosts;


⛄ 运行结果

⛄ 参考文献

[1] Oubbati O S ,  Lakas A ,  Lagraa N , et al. UVAR: An intersection UAV-assisted VANET routing protocol[C]// 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). IEEE, 2016.

[2] Wang X ,  Fu L ,  Zhang Y , et al. VDNet: an infrastructure‐less UAV‐assisted sparse VANET system with vehicle location prediction[J]. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2016.

[3]Gan, Xiaoying, Wang,等. VDNet: an infrastructure-less UAV-assisted sparse VANET system with vehicle location prediction[J]. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, 2016.

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Originally reactive protocols were not design for the characteristic of highly mobility during route discovery. Due to dynamically modification to the VANET this changes very often due to breakdown which causing excessive broadcasting and flooding the entire network in order for new routes to be discovered. In additional, the initial of routing need some time and this latency can easily change everything. Due to these reasons, the typical reactive protocols, in their current format, do not totally appropriate for time critical applications such as cooperative collision avoidance (CCA). The Cooperative Collision Avoidance is an important class of safety applications in VANETs, which aims at offering earlier warning to drivers using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication [13]. Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) is an reactive routing protocolwhich capable of both unicast and multicast. In AODV, like all reactive protocols,topology information is only transmitted by nodes on-demand. When source hassomething to send then initially it propagates RREQ message which is forwarded byintermediate node until destination is reached. A route reply message is unicastedback to the source if the receiver is either the node using the requested address, or ithas a valid route to the requested address. This repository provides a MATLAB simulaiton of VANET enviornment and rsults comparison in terms of throughput, packet drop ratio etc. More information can be reached at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QeSYOgJo9s&t=32s




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