DiffStyler、Image Editing、Bidirectional Consistency Models


DiffStyler、Image Editing、Bidirectional Consistency Models

Bidirectional Consistency Models


Diffusion models (DMs) are capable of generating remarkably high-quality samples by iteratively denoising a random vector, a process that corresponds to moving along the probability flow ordinary differential equation (PF ODE). Interestingly, DMs can also invert an input image to noise by moving backward along the PF ODE, a key operation for downstream tasks such as interpolation and image editing. However, the iterative nature of this process restricts its speed, hindering its broader application. Recently, Consistency Models (CMs) have emerged to address this challenge by approximating the integral of the PF ODE, thereby bypassing the need to iterate. Yet, the absence of an explicit ODE solver complicates the inversion process. To resolve this, we introduce the Bidirectional Consistency Model (BCM), which learns a single neural network that enables both forward and backward traversal along the PF ODE, efficiently unifying generation and inversion tasks within one framework.......

Move as You Say, Interact as You Can: Language-guided Human Motion  Generation with Scene Affordance


Despite significant advancements in text-to-motion synthesis, generating language-guided human motion within 3D environments poses substantial challenges. These challenges stem primarily from (i) the absence of powerful generative models capable of jointly modeling natural language, 3D scenes, and human motion, and (ii) the generative models' intensive data requirements contrasted with the scarcity of comprehensive, high-quality, language-scene-motion datasets. To tackle these issues, we introduce a novel two-stage framework that employs scene affordance as an intermediate representation, effectively linking 3D scene grounding and conditional motion generation. Our framework comprises an Affordance Diffusion Model (ADM) for predicting explicit affordance map and an Affordance-to-Motion Diffusion Model (AMDM) for generating plausible human motions. By leveraging scene affordance maps, our method overcomes the difficulty in generating human motion under multimodal condition sig......

EgoPoseFormer: A Simple Baseline for Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation


We present EgoPoseFormer, a simple yet effective transformer-based model for stereo egocentric human pose estimation. The main challenge in egocentric pose estimation is overcoming joint invisibility, which is caused by self-occlusion or a limited field of view (FOV) of head-mounted cameras. Our approach overcomes this challenge by incorporating a two-stage pose estimation paradigm: in the first stage, our model leverages the global information to estimate each joint's coarse location, then in the second stage, it employs a DETR style transformer to refine the coarse locations by exploiting fine-grained stereo visual features. In addition, we present a deformable stereo operation to enable our transformer to effectively process multi-view features, which enables it to accurately localize each joint in the 3D world. We evaluate our method on the stereo UnrealEgo dataset and show it significantly outperforms previous approaches while being computationally efficient: it improves......

Tutorial on Diffusion Models for Imaging and Vision


The astonishing growth of generative tools in recent years has empowered many exciting applications in text-to-image generation and text-to-video generation. The underlying principle behind these generative tools is the concept of diffusion, a particular sampling mechanism that has overcome some shortcomings that were deemed difficult in the previous approaches. The goal of this tutorial is to discuss the essential ideas underlying the diffusion models. The target audience of this tutorial includes undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in doing research on diffusion models or applying these models to solve other problems. ......

Mathematical Foundation and Corrections for Full Range Head Pose  Estimation


Numerous works concerning head pose estimation (HPE) offer algorithms or proposed neural network-based approaches for extracting Euler angles from either facial key points or directly from images of the head region. However, many works failed to provide clear definitions of the coordinate systems and Euler or Tait-Bryan angles orders in use. It is a well-known fact that rotation matrices depend on coordinate systems, and yaw, roll, and pitch angles are sensitive to their application order. Without precise definitions, it becomes challenging to validate the correctness of the output head pose and drawing routines employed in prior works. In this paper, we thoroughly examined the Euler angles defined in the 300W-LP dataset, head pose estimation such as 3DDFA-v2, 6D-RepNet, WHENet, etc, and the validity of their drawing routines of the Euler angles. When necessary, we infer their coordinate system and sequence of yaw, roll, pitch from provided code. This paper presents (1) code ......

ViTAR: Vision Transformer with Any Resolution


his paper tackles a significant challenge faced by Vision Transformers (ViTs): their constrained scalability across different image resolutions. Typically, ViTs experience a performance decline when processing resolutions different from those seen during training. Our work introduces two key innovations to address this issue. Firstly, we propose a novel module for dynamic resolution adjustment, designed with a single Transformer block, specifically to achieve highly efficient incremental token integration. Secondly, we introduce fuzzy positional encoding in the Vision Transformer to provide consistent positional awareness across multiple resolutions, thereby preventing overfitting to any single training resolution. Our resulting model, ViTAR (Vision Transformer with Any Resolution), demonstrates impressive adaptability, achieving 83.3\% top-1 accuracy at a 1120x1120 resolution and 80.4\% accuracy at a 4032x4032 resolution, all while reducing computational costs. ViTAR also sh......

ECNet: Effective Controllable Text-to-Image Diffusion Models


The conditional text-to-image diffusion models have garnered significant attention in recent years. However, the precision of these models is often compromised mainly for two reasons, ambiguous condition input and inadequate condition guidance over single denoising loss. To address the challenges, we introduce two innovative solutions. Firstly, we propose a Spatial Guidance Injector (SGI) which enhances conditional detail by encoding text inputs with precise annotation information. This method directly tackles the issue of ambiguous control inputs by providing clear, annotated guidance to the model. Secondly, to overcome the issue of limited conditional supervision, we introduce Diffusion Consistency Loss (DCL), which applies supervision on the denoised latent code at any given time step. This encourages consistency between the latent code at each time step and the input signal, thereby enhancing the robustness and accuracy of the output. The combination of SGI and DCL result......

U-Sketch: An Efficient Approach for Sketch to Image Diffusion Models


Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable performance in text-to-image synthesis, producing realistic and high resolution images that faithfully adhere to the corresponding text-prompts. Despite their great success, they still fall behind in sketch-to-image synthesis tasks, where in addition to text-prompts, the spatial layout of the generated images has to closely follow the outlines of certain reference sketches. Employing an MLP latent edge predictor to guide the spatial layout of the synthesized image by predicting edge maps at each denoising step has been recently proposed. Despite yielding promising results, the pixel-wise operation of the MLP does not take into account the spatial layout as a whole, and demands numerous denoising iterations to produce satisfactory images, leading to time inefficiency. To this end, we introduce U-Sketch, a framework featuring a U-Net type latent edge predictor, which is capable of efficiently capturing both local and global features......

DiffStyler: Diffusion-based Localized Image Style Transfer


Image style transfer aims to imbue digital imagery with the distinctive attributes of style targets, such as colors, brushstrokes, shapes, whilst concurrently preserving the semantic integrity of the content. Despite the advancements in arbitrary style transfer methods, a prevalent challenge remains the delicate equilibrium between content semantics and style attributes. Recent developments in large-scale text-to-image diffusion models have heralded unprecedented synthesis capabilities, albeit at the expense of relying on extensive and often imprecise textual descriptions to delineate artistic styles. Addressing these limitations, this paper introduces DiffStyler, a novel approach that facilitates efficient and precise arbitrary image style transfer. DiffStyler lies the utilization of a text-to-image Stable Diffusion model-based LoRA to encapsulate the essence of style targets. This approach, coupled with strategic cross-LoRA feature and attention injection, guides the style ......

Attention Calibration for Disentangled Text-to-Image Personalization


Recent thrilling progress in large-scale text-to-image (T2I) models has unlocked unprecedented synthesis quality of AI-generated content (AIGC) including image generation, 3D and video composition. Further, personalized techniques enable appealing customized production of a novel concept given only several images as reference. However, an intriguing problem persists: Is it possible to capture multiple, novel concepts from one single reference image? In this paper, we identify that existing approaches fail to preserve visual consistency with the reference image and eliminate cross-influence from concepts. To alleviate this, we propose an attention calibration mechanism to improve the concept-level understanding of the T2I model. Specifically, we first introduce new learnable modifiers bound with classes to capture attributes of multiple concepts. Then, the classes are separated and strengthened following the activation of the cross-attention operation, ensuring comprehensive a......

FlexEdit: Flexible and Controllable Diffusion-based Object-centric Image  Editing


Our work addresses limitations seen in previous approaches for object-centric editing problems, such as unrealistic results due to shape discrepancies and limited control in object replacement or insertion. To this end, we introduce FlexEdit, a flexible and controllable editing framework for objects where we iteratively adjust latents at each denoising step using our FlexEdit block. Initially, we optimize latents at test time to align with specified object constraints. Then, our framework employs an adaptive mask, automatically extracted during denoising, to protect the background while seamlessly blending new content into the target image. We demonstrate the versatility of FlexEdit in various object editing tasks and curate an evaluation test suite with samples from both real and synthetic images, along with novel evaluation metrics designed for object-centric editing. We conduct extensive experiments on different editing scenarios, demonstrating the superiority of our editi......





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