
Specifying Libraries

You use dc_shell variables to specify the libraries used by Design Compiler.
Table 4-1 lists the variables for each library type as well as the typical file extension for the library.


Library typeVariableDefaultFile extension
Target librarytarget_library{“your_library.db”}.db
Link librarylink_library{“*”,“your_library.db”}.db
Symbol librarysymbol_library{“your_library.sdb”}.sdb
DesignWare librarysynthetic_library{}.sldb

Specifying Technology Libraries

To specify technology libraries, you must specify the target library and link library.


Target Library

Design Compiler uses the target library to build a circuit. During mapping, Design Compiler
selects functionally correct gates from the target library. It also calculates the timing of the
circuit, using the vendor-supplied timing data for these gates.
Use the target_library variable to specify the target library.


Link Library

Design Compiler uses the link library to resolve references. For a design to be complete, it
must connect to all the library components and designs it references. This process is called
linking the design or resolving references.


During the linking process, Design Compiler uses the link_library system variable, the local_link_library attribute, and the search_path system variable to resolve references. These variables and attribute are described below:


• link_library variable
The link_library variable specifies a list of libraries and design files that Design
Compiler can use to resolve references. When you load a design into memory, Design
Compiler also loads all libraries specified in the link_library variable.

• link_library variable
link_library变量指定一个库和设计文件的列表,DC用他们来解决依赖。当你加载设计文件到内存中时,DC也加载所有在link_library 变量中指定的库。

Because the tool loads the libraries while loading the design, rather than during the link
process, the memory usage and runtime required for loading the design might increase.
However, the advantage is that you know immediately whether your design can be
processed with the available memory.


An asterisk in the value of the link_library variable specifies that Design Compiler
should search memory for the reference.


• local_link_library attribute

The local_link_library attribute is a list of design files and libraries added to the
beginning of the link_library variable during the linking process. Design Compiler
searches files in the local_link_library attribute first when it resolves references.


• search_path variable

If Design Compiler does not find the reference in the link libraries, it searches in the
directories specified by the search_path variable, described in “Specifying a Library
Search Path” on page 4-8. For more information on resolving references, see “Linking
Designs” on page 5-13.

如果DC没有在链接库中找到引用,它会搜索由search_path变量指定的目录,这部分内容在4-8中的"Specifying a Library Search Path"有描述。更多信息查看"Linking Designs"在5-13。

If you do technology translation, add the standard cell library for the existing mapped
gates to the link_library and the standard cell library being translated to the


Your target_library specification should only contain those standard cell libraries that you want Design Compiler to use when mapping your design’s standard cells. Standard cells are cells such as combinational logic and registers. Your target_library specification should not include any DesignWare libraries or macro libraries such as pads or memories.


The target_library is a subset of the link_library and listed first in your list of link
libraries, as shown in Example 4-1. This example includes the additional_link_lib_files user
created variable to simplify the link library definition.


Example 4-1 Setting the Target, Synthetic, and Link Libraries
set target_library [list of standard cell library files for mapping]
set synthetic_library [list of sldb files for designware, and so on]
set additional_link_lib_files [list of additional libraries for linking: pads, macros, and so on]
set link_library [list * $target_library $additional_link_lib_files $synthetic_library]

When you specify the files in the link_library variable, consider that Design Compiler searches these files from left to right when it resolves references, and it stops searching when it finds a reference. If you specify the link library as {“*” si_10k.db}, the designs in memory are searched before the lsi_10k library

在link_library变量中指定文件时,要考虑到DC工具搜索文件时遵循从左到右的顺序来解决依赖,在找到依赖时立刻停止搜索。如果指定link library如 {“*” si_10k.db},在内存中的设计会先于lsi_10k库搜索。

Design Compiler uses the first technology library found in the link_library variable as the main library. It uses the main library to obtain default values and settings used in the absence of explicit specifications for operating conditions, wire load selection group, wire load mode, and net delay calculation. Design Compiler obtains the following default values and settings from the main library:


  • Unit definitions
  • Operating conditions
  • K-factors
  • Wire load model selection
  • Input and output voltage
  • Timing ranges
  • RC slew trip points
  • Net transition time degradation tables

If other libraries have units different from the main library units, Design Compiler converts all units to those that the main library uses.


If you are performing simultaneous minimum and maximum timing analysis, the logic libraries specified by the link_library variable are used for both maximum and minimum timing information, unless you specify separate minimum timing libraries by using the set_min_library command. The set_min_library command associates minimum timing libraries with the maximum timing libraries specified in the link_library variable.
For example,
dc_shell> set link_library “* maxlib.db”
dc_shell> set_min_library maxlib.db -min_version minlib.db

如果你在同时执行最大、最小时序分析,在link_library变量中指定的逻辑库会被用于最大最小时序信息,除非你通过set_min_library命令分别单独指定最小时序库。set_min_library 命令将最小时序库和在link_library变量中指定的最大时序库链接在一起。

To find out which libraries have been set to be the minimum and maximum libraries, use the list_libs command. In the generated report, the letter “m” appears next to the minimum library and the letter “M” appears next to the maximum library.


Specifying DesignWare Libraries

You do not need to specify the standard synthetic library, standard.sldb, that implements the built-in HDL operators. The software automatically uses this library.If you are using additional DesignWare libraries, you must specify these libraries by using the synthetic_library variable (for optimization purposes) and the link_library variable (for cell resolution purposes).

你不需要指定标准synthetic library,standard.sldb,那会被内置的HDL运算符实现。这个软件会自动地使用这个库。

For more information about using DesignWare libraries, see the DesignWare documentation.


Specifying a Library Search Path

You can specify the library location by using either the complete path or only the file name.
If you specify only the file name, Design Compiler uses the search path defined in the search_path variable to locate the library files. By default, the search path includes the current working directory and $ SYNOPSYS/libraries/syn, where $ SYNOPSYS is the path to the installation directory. Design Compiler looks for the library files, starting with the leftmost
directory specified in the search_path variable, and uses the first matching library file it finds.

如果你仅通过文件名指定库的路径,DC会使用预定义的search_path变量来定位库文件。默认情况下,search path包含当前的工作目录和$SYNOPSYS/libraries/syn目录,其中$SYNOPSYS指的是安装目录的路径。DC寻找库文件从search_path变量的最左侧开始,并使用第一个匹配的库文件。

For example, assume that you have technology libraries named my_lib.db in both the lib directory and the vhdl directory. If the search path contains (in order) the lib directory, the vhdl directory, and the default search path, Design Compiler uses the my_lib.db file found in the lib directory, because it encounters the lib directory first.


You can use the which command to see which library files Design Compiler finds (in order).


dc_shell> which my_lib.db
/usr/lib/my_lib.db, /usr/vhdl/my_lib.db


目标库target_library、链接库link_library、算数运算库synthetic_library(就是DesignWare library,是同一个东西)、符号库symbol_library

DC在读文件时会读入所有需要的库,先在链接库里按照【从左到右】的顺序找对应的标准单元进行替换,如果找到就停止,如果找不到再到search_path里找库进行替换,earch path包含当前的工作目录和$SYNOPSYS/libraries/syn目录。可以通过which name.db来查看会先找到哪个目录下的库。

target libray和link library是工艺库,扩展名是.db,target libary定义了standard cell相关的信息。target library的内容需要写在link library中。


target_library是综合时要映射的标准单元库,是link_library的子集,link_library包含target_library、synthetic_library、购买的硬核IP、IO Pad。

synthetic_library是算术运算库,扩展名是.sldb,DC初始化时默认使用standard.sldb来实现算术运算。例如加法,默认综合会使用串行进位的加法器来实现,如果需要超前进位加法器,就需要设置synthetic library。同时,synthetic_library需要添加到link_library中,以方便在链接时DC能找到对应运算符的实现。


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