

附件中提供了 1950~2021 年全世界各个国家的人口数据,同时包括了不同年龄段的人口数据。请你们团队使用附件中的相关数据,进行数据统计与分析,回答下列问题:

问题一:请绘制全球 1950~2021 年总人口随时间变化的趋势折线图,分析整体人口的变化趋势,然后分别统计所有国家 2011~2021 的人口增长率和增长人数。 给出人口增长率最大的前 10 个国家和最小的后 10 个国家名单,人口增长数最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单。

问题二:请比较 2021 年不同国家的总人口数,绘制不同国家总人口数的柱状图,并给出总人口最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单。


问题四:请建立人口预测的数学模型,然后分别预测到 2100 年底中国、印度和全球的总人口数,并分析人口的变化趋势。



注意这个数据集当中包含了"World", "Less developed regions", "Asia (UN)"等非国家对象,需要排除掉。这个点非常坑,直到我打印人口增长数排名前10的“国家”时才发现...之前根本发现不了...无语

import os import pandas as pd from tabulate import tabulate desktop_path = '/Users/XXX/Desktop' # 将XXX替换为用户名(Mac) os.chdir(desktop_path) # 将工作目录改为桌面 df_train = pd.read_csv('population.csv') # 导入训练集 regions_columns = ['Less developed regions', 'Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries', 'Less developed regions, excluding China', 'More developed regions', 'Least developed countries'] continent_columns = ['World', 'Asia (UN)', 'Africa (UN)', 'Latin America and the Caribbean (UN)', 'Northern America (UN)', 'Europe (UN)'] income_columns = ['Low-income countries', 'Upper-middle-income countries', 'Lower-middle-income countries', 'High-income countries'] group_columns = ['Land-locked developing countries (LLDC)', 'Small island developing states (SIDS)'] delete_columns = regions_columns + continent_columns + income_columns + group_columns df_train = df_train[~df_train['Country name'].isin(delete_columns)] # "~"作为取反运算符用于反转布尔值。如果 'Country name' 值在 delete_columns 中,原本返回"Yes",但这里反转后变为"No",即删除这些行 print("Train:",len(df_train)) # 打印训练集的数据量 print(tabulate(df_train.head(), headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty')) # 生成表格,如果是jupyter notebook可以直接用df_train.head()



Train: 16848 +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | | Country name | Year | Population | Population of children under the age of 1 | Population of children under the age of 5 | Population of children under the age of 15 | Population under the age of 25 | Population aged 15 to 64 years | Population older than 15 years | Population older than 18 years | Population at age 1 | Population aged 1 to 4 years | Population aged 5 to 9 years | Population aged 10 to 14 years | Population aged 15 to 19 years | Population aged 20 to 29 years | Population aged 30 to 39 years | Population aged 40 to 49 years | Population aged 50 to 59 years | Population aged 60 to 69 years | Population aged 70 to 79 years | Population aged 80 to 89 years | Population aged 90 to 99 years | Population older than 100 years | +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 0 | Afghanistan | 1950 | 7480464 | 301735.0 | 1248282 | 3068855 | 4494349 | 4198587 | 4411609 | 3946595 | 258652.02 | 946547.0 | 966210 | 854363 | 757113 | 1241348 | 909953 | 661807 | 467170 | 271905 | 92691 | 9499 | 123 | 0.0 | | 1 | Afghanistan | 1951 | 7571542 | 299368.0 | 1246857 | 3105444 | 4552138 | 4250002 | 4466098 | 3993640 | 254304.0 | 947489.0 | 991791 | 866796 | 768616 | 1260904 | 922765 | 667015 | 468881 | 273286 | 94358 | 10155 | 118 | 0.0 | | 2 | Afghanistan | 1952 | 7667534 | 305393.0 | 1248220 | 3145070 | 4613604 | 4303436 | 4522464 | 4041439 | 252906.0 | 942827.0 | 1017993 | 878857 | 781411 | 1280288 | 935638 | 672491 | 470898 | 274852 | 96026 | 10721 | 139 | 0.0 | | 3 | Afghanistan | 1953 | 7764549 | 311574.0 | 1254725 | 3186382 | 4676232 | 4356242 | 4578167 | 4088379 | 258717.02 | 943151.0 | 1039950 | 891707 | 794308 | 1298803 | 948321 | 678064 | 472969 | 276577 | 97705 | 11254 | 166 | 0.0 | | 4 | Afghanistan | 1954 | 7864289 | 317584.0 | 1267817 | 3231060 | 4741371 | 4408474 | 4633229 | 4136116 | 264765.0 | 950233.0 | 1055592 | 907651 | 806216 | 1316768 | 961484 | 684153 | 475117 | 278210 | 99298 | 11793 | 190 | 0.0 | +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+



<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 16848 entries, 0 to 18071 Data columns (total 24 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Country name 16848 non-null object 1 Year 16848 non-null int64 2 Population 16848 non-null int64 3 Population of children under the age of 1 16848 non-null float64 4 Population of children under the age of 5 16848 non-null int64 5 Population of children under the age of 15 16848 non-null int64 6 Population under the age of 25 16848 non-null int64 7 Population aged 15 to 64 years 16848 non-null int64 8 Population older than 15 years 16848 non-null int64 9 Population older than 18 years 16848 non-null int64 10 Population at age 1 16848 non-null float64 11 Population aged 1 to 4 years 16848 non-null float64 12 Population aged 5 to 9 years 16848 non-null int64 13 Population aged 10 to 14 years 16848 non-null int64 14 Population aged 15 to 19 years 16848 non-null int64 15 Population aged 20 to 29 years 16848 non-null int64 16 Population aged 30 to 39 years 16848 non-null int64 17 Population aged 40 to 49 years 16848 non-null int64 18 Population aged 50 to 59 years 16848 non-null int64 19 Population aged 60 to 69 years 16848 non-null int64 20 Population aged 70 to 79 years 16848 non-null int64 21 Population aged 80 to 89 years 16848 non-null int64 22 Population aged 90 to 99 years 16848 non-null int64 23 Population older than 100 years 16848 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(4), int64(19), object(1) memory usage: 3.2+ MB None

num_countries = df_train['Country name'].nunique() # 打印数据集中'Country name'列的唯一值的数量 print(f"Number of unique countries: {num_countries}") unique_vals = df_train['Country name'].unique().tolist() # 将数据集中'Country name'列的唯一值收集起来并转化为列表 def CountryIndex(df): df['index'] = df['Country name'].apply(lambda x: unique_vals.index(x) + 1) # 使用lambda匿名函数根据'Country name'添加index列。这里可以在最后加上'if x in unique_vals else None' return df df_train = CountryIndex(df_train) print(tabulate(df_train.head(), headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty'))

Number of unique countries: 234 +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+ | | Country name | Year | Population | Population of children under the age of 1 | Population of children under the age of 5 | Population of children under the age of 15 | Population under the age of 25 | Population aged 15 to 64 years | Population older than 15 years | Population older than 18 years | Population at age 1 | Population aged 1 to 4 years | Population aged 5 to 9 years | Population aged 10 to 14 years | Population aged 15 to 19 years | Population aged 20 to 29 years | Population aged 30 to 39 years | Population aged 40 to 49 years | Population aged 50 to 59 years | Population aged 60 to 69 years | Population aged 70 to 79 years | Population aged 80 to 89 years | Population aged 90 to 99 years | Population older than 100 years | index | +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+ | 0 | Afghanistan | 1950 | 7480464 | 301735.0 | 1248282 | 3068855 | 4494349 | 4198587 | 4411609 | 3946595 | 258652.02 | 946547.0 | 966210 | 854363 | 757113 | 1241348 | 909953 | 661807 | 467170 | 271905 | 92691 | 9499 | 123 | 0.0 | 1 | | 1 | Afghanistan | 1951 | 7571542 | 299368.0 | 1246857 | 3105444 | 4552138 | 4250002 | 4466098 | 3993640 | 254304.0 | 947489.0 | 991791 | 866796 | 768616 | 1260904 | 922765 | 667015 | 468881 | 273286 | 94358 | 10155 | 118 | 0.0 | 1 | | 2 | Afghanistan | 1952 | 7667534 | 305393.0 | 1248220 | 3145070 | 4613604 | 4303436 | 4522464 | 4041439 | 252906.0 | 942827.0 | 1017993 | 878857 | 781411 | 1280288 | 935638 | 672491 | 470898 | 274852 | 96026 | 10721 | 139 | 0.0 | 1 | | 3 | Afghanistan | 1953 | 7764549 | 311574.0 | 1254725 | 3186382 | 4676232 | 4356242 | 4578167 | 4088379 | 258717.02 | 943151.0 | 1039950 | 891707 | 794308 | 1298803 | 948321 | 678064 | 472969 | 276577 | 97705 | 11254 | 166 | 0.0 | 1 | | 4 | Afghanistan | 1954 | 7864289 | 317584.0 | 1267817 | 3231060 | 4741371 | 4408474 | 4633229 | 4136116 | 264765.0 | 950233.0 | 1055592 | 907651 | 806216 | 1316768 | 961484 | 684153 | 475117 | 278210 | 99298 | 11793 | 190 | 0.0 | 1 | +---+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+
可以发现index列已经被正确添加了,这样我们在后续统计以及绘图时就不再需要遍历'Country name'列了。

2.1 问题一
绘制全球 1950~2021 年总人口随时间变化的趋势折线图:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) sns.lineplot(data=df_train, x='Year', y='Population', hue='Country name', palette='tab10', linewidth=2.5, legend=True) # 关键在于设置data、x、y这三个变量的值。这里因为图例过长,可以将legend调整为False以隐藏图例 # 设置图像标题和标签 plt.title('Population Change Over Years by Country Index') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Population') # 这里显示图例 plt.legend(title='Country Index', loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) plt.show()



要求统计所有国家 2011~2021 的人口增长率和增长人数:

# 找到统计数据中 Year 的起始值与最终值 year_start = df_train['Year'].min() year_end = df_train['Year'].max() # 找到每个 index 在年份的起始值与最终值时的 Population population_start = df_train[df_train['Year'] == year_start] population_end = df_train[df_train['Year'] == year_end] population_start = population_start[['index', 'Country name', 'Population']] # 合并起始值与最终值的数据 df_increase = pd.merge(population_start, population_end, on='index', suffixes=('_start', '_end')) # on='index'表示将两个DataFrame是根据它们的index进行合并。suffixes=('_start', '_end')用于指定在合并过程中,如果有重叠的列名时如何重命名这些列。 # 计算人口增长 df_increase['Population_change'] = df_increase['Population_end'] - df_increase['Population_start'] # 计算人口增长率 df_increase['Growth_rate(%)'] = round((df_increase['Population_change'] / df_increase['Population_start']) * 100, 2) # 使用round()函数对计算结果进行四舍五入到小数点后两位 # 筛选需要的列并打印数据 df_increase = df_increase[['index', 'Country name_start', 'Population_start', 'Population_end', 'Population_change', 'Growth_rate(%)']] print(tabulate(df_increase.head(), headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty'))


+---+-------+--------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | | index | Country name_start | Population_start | Population_end | Population_change | Growth_rate(%) | +---+-------+--------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+ | 0 | 1 | Afghanistan | 7480464 | 40099460 | 32618996 | 436.06 | | 1 | 2 | Albania | 1252587 | 2854710 | 1602123 | 127.91 | | 2 | 3 | Algeria | 9019866 | 44177964 | 35158098 | 389.79 | | 3 | 4 | American Samoa | 19057 | 45056 | 25999 | 136.43 | | 4 | 5 | Andorra | 6028 | 79057 | 73029 | 1211.5 | +---+-------+--------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+


def plot_numerics(data): numeric_columns = data.columns # 存储行数 for column in numeric_columns: # 方便绘制预测值的分布 _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 5)) # 将子图的轴对象赋值给变量 ax ,方便设置属性(一般不关心返回的第一个对象,即图表对象) ax = ax.flatten() # 将 ax 变量展平为一维数组,方便访问 # 绘制直方图 sns.histplot(data[column], bins=50, kde=True, color='#3498db', ax=ax[0]) # data[column]指定统计对象为FloodProbability;bins=50指定了直方图的箱数为50;kde=True表示绘制核密度估计(KDE)曲线,以显示数据的分布;ax=ax[0]指定了绘制直方图的坐标轴 ax[0].set_title(f'Histogram of {column}', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold') # f'Histogram of {column}'使用了f-string语法,其中{column}将被替换为当前迭代的列名;fontsize=15和fontweight='bold'分别设置了标题的字体大小和加粗 ax[0].set_xlabel(column, fontsize=12) ax[0].set_ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=12) # 绘制箱线图 sns.boxplot(x=data[column], color='lightgreen', ax=ax[1]) ax[1].set_title(f'Box plot of {column}', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold') ax[1].set_xlabel(column, fontsize=12) file_path = os.path.join(desktop_path, f'{column}.jpg') plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=500) plt.tight_layout() # 自动调整子图参数 plt.show()


plot_numerics(df_increase[['Growth_rate(%)', 'Population_change']])



给出人口增长率最大的前 10 个国家和最小的后 10 个国家名单,人口增长数最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单:

# 编写函数,分别使用df.nlargest与df.nsmallest提取前10名和后10名行 def get_top_bottom_changes(df, column, top_n=10, bottom_n=10): top = df.nlargest(top_n, column) bottom = df.nsmallest(bottom_n, column) return top, bottom top10_population_change, bottom10_population_change = get_top_bottom_changes(df_increase, 'Population_change') top10_growth_rate, bottom10_growth_rate = get_top_bottom_changes(df_increase, 'Growth_rate(%)') # 创建字典 data = { 'Top 10 Population Change': top10_population_change['Country name_start'].tolist(), 'Bottom 10 Population Change': bottom10_population_change['Country name_start'].tolist(), 'Top 10 Growth Rate': top10_growth_rate['Country name_start'].tolist(), 'Bottom 10 Growth Rate': bottom10_growth_rate['Country name_start'].tolist() } # 转化为DataFrame df_result = pd.DataFrame(data) print(tabulate(df_result, headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty'))


+---+--------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Top 10 Population Change | Bottom 10 Population Change | Top 10 Growth Rate | Bottom 10 Growth Rate | +---+--------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------+ | 0 | India | Bulgaria | United Arab Emirates | Montserrat | | 1 | China | Latvia | Qatar | Niue | | 2 | Indonesia | Montserrat | Western Sahara | Bulgaria | | 3 | Pakistan | Niue | Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | Latvia | | 4 | United States | Saint Helena | Kuwait | Saint Kitts and Nevis | | 5 | Nigeria | Tokelau | Jordan | Saint Helena | | 6 | Brazil | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Djibouti | Hungary | | 7 | Bangladesh | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Mayotte | Croatia | | 8 | Ethiopia | Falkland Islands | Andorra | Georgia | | 9 | Mexico | Cook Islands | French Guiana | Lithuania | +---+--------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------+ 

2.2 问题二

比较 2021 年不同国家的总人口数,绘制不同国家总人口数的柱状图:





给出总人口最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单,顺便绘制一下人口数量前十的国家的人口柱状图:

top10_population, bottom10_population = get_top_bottom_changes(population_end, 'Population') data2 = { 'Top 10 Countries by Population': top10_population['Country name'].tolist(), 'Bottom 10 Countries by Population': bottom10_population['Country name'].tolist(), 'Top 10 Population': top10_population['Population'].tolist(), 'Bottom 10 Population': bottom10_population['Population'].tolist(), } df_result2 = pd.DataFrame(data2) print(tabulate(df_result2, headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty')) # 绘制柱状图 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.bar(df_result2['Top 10 Countries by Population'], df_result2['Top 10 Population'], color='#3498db') plt.xlabel('Country') plt.ylabel('Population') plt.title('Top 10 Countries by Population') plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.show()

+---+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | Top 10 Countries by Population | Bottom 10 Countries by Population | Top 10 Population | Bottom 10 Population | +---+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | 0 | China | Tokelau | 1425893500 | 1869 | | 1 | India | Niue | 1407563900 | 1957 | | 2 | United States | Falkland Islands | 336997630 | 3786 | | 3 | Indonesia | Montserrat | 273753180 | 4438 | | 4 | Pakistan | Saint Helena | 231402110 | 5428 | | 5 | Brazil | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 214326220 | 5905 | | 6 | Nigeria | Saint Barthelemy | 213401330 | 10888 | | 7 | Bangladesh | Tuvalu | 169356240 | 11229 | | 8 | Russia | Wallis and Futuna | 145102750 | 11654 | | 9 | Mexico | Nauru | 126705140 | 12533 | +---+--------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-------------------+----------------------+

0fc7f2f7913b4b0a8736bc73b2730ec9.jpg 人口数量前十的国家的人口柱状图

2.3 问题三

select_country = ['China', 'Japan', 'India'] population_structure = population_end.copy() population_structure = population_structure[population_structure['Country name'].isin(select_country)] # 注意这里不需要取反运算符 print(tabulate(population_structure.head(), headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty'))

+------+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+ | | Country name | Year | Population | Population of children under the age of 1 | Population of children under the age of 5 | Population of children under the age of 15 | Population under the age of 25 | Population aged 15 to 64 years | Population older than 15 years | Population older than 18 years | Population at age 1 | Population aged 1 to 4 years | Population aged 5 to 9 years | Population aged 10 to 14 years | Population aged 15 to 19 years | Population aged 20 to 29 years | Population aged 30 to 39 years | Population aged 40 to 49 years | Population aged 50 to 59 years | Population aged 60 to 69 years | Population aged 70 to 79 years | Population aged 80 to 89 years | Population aged 90 to 99 years | Population older than 100 years | index | +------+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+ | 3239 | China | 2021 | 1425893500 | 11501936.0 | 74789700 | 251927890 | 412677800 | 986464100 | 1173924600 | 1125760900 | 13346962.0 | 63287764.0 | 90508240 | 86629944 | 79508270 | 174028860 | 229977170 | 204141890 | 228613400 | 144414740 | 80093240 | 29252108 | 3894913 | 40972.0 | 43 | | 7127 | India | 2021 | 1407563900 | 22600596.0 | 115307420 | 361569250 | 616154900 | 950245570 | 1045955200 | 969360640 | 22686848.0 | 92706830.0 | 120955410 | 125306400 | 128411740 | 246912060 | 218841600 | 174184980 | 131806584 | 89232770 | 41709948 | 13179305 | 1676180 | 39419.0 | 95 | | 7775 | Japan | 2021 | 124612530 | 823218.0 | 4286304 | 14671836 | 26309768 | 72822250 | 109808970 | 106518320 | 824993.0 | 3463086.0 | 5022209 | 5363323 | 5602191 | 12124980 | 13447597 | 17678772 | 16668259 | 15056484 | 16681042 | 9751401 | 2798243 | 131722.0 | 104 | +------+--------------+------+------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------+

# 分别提取三个国家的数据 data1 = population_end[population_end['Country name'] == select_country[0]] data2 = population_end[population_end['Country name'] == select_country[1]] data3 = population_end[population_end['Country name'] == select_country[2]] color = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] # 准备柱状图横轴 age_groups = data1.columns[10:-1].tolist() # df.columns用于获取df这个DataFrame的列索引,这里转化为list是因为bar()方法只能获取两个列表(分别为String列表与int/float列表)作为输入。这里有效数据是第10列到倒数第二列 _ , axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 15)) for i, data in enumerate([data1, data2, data3]): ax = axs[i] ax.bar(age_groups, data.iloc[0,10:-1], color=color[i], alpha=0.5) # iloc方法使用整数的位置进行索引,而非列名或行索引。第一个数字0表示选择第一行;10:-1是一个切片,表示从第10列(不包括)到倒数第二列(包括)的所有列 ax.set_xlabel('Age Groups') ax.set_ylabel('Population') ax.set_title(f'{select_country[i]} Population Distribution by Age Groups') ax.set_xticks(range(len(age_groups))) if i == 2: # 只在最后一个子图中设置横轴标签的旋转角度 ax.set_xticklabels(age_groups, rotation=90) # # 调用每个子图轴对象 ax 的 set_xticklabels() 方法,刻度标签被设置为 age_groups 列表,rotation=90 参数将标签旋转90度 else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) # 其他子图不显示横轴标签 plt.tight_layout() plt.show()






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赛氪--2023年第二届全国大学生数据统计分析竞赛 竞分有A、B共两道赛 目A:世界人口的预测与分析背景   当前世界人口数量是二十世纪中期的三倍多。1950 年,全球人口约为 25 亿,到 2022 年 11 月中旬,这一数字已达 80 亿,自 2010 年以来增加了 10 亿,自 1998年以来增加了 20 亿。预计在未来 30 年,世界人口将增加近 20 亿,从目前的 80亿增至 2050 年的 97 亿,并可能在 2080 年代中期达到近 104 亿的峰值。报告指出,世界人口从 70 亿增长到 80 亿的过程中,有一半是亚洲人口扩张的结果,非洲的贡献第二大,增长了近 4 亿;有 10 个国家的人口增长占这 10 亿新增人口的一半以上,印度是最大的贡献者,其次是中国和尼日利亚。   根据联合国最近数据显示,印度已经成为世界上人口最多的国家。过去三十年中,印度的生育率较高,婴儿死亡率有所下降,人口呈年轻化特点。数据显示,印度人口的年龄中位数为 28 岁,三分之二的印度人口在 35 岁以下。印度人口与中国相当,但国土面积却不足中国的三分之一,稠密的人口使消除贫困与饥饿、健全医疗与教育体系的难度显著增加。   附件中提供了 1950~2021 年全世界各个国家的人口数据populations.csv),同时包括了不同年龄段的人口数据。请你们团队使用附件中的相关数据,进行数据统计分析,回答下列问: 赛任务 问一: 请绘制全球 1950 ~ 2021 年总人口随时间变化的趋势折线图,分析整 体人口的变化趋势,然后分别统计所有国家2011~2021 的人口增长率和增长人数。给出人口增长率最大的前 10 个国家和最小的后 10 个国家名单,人口增长数最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单。 问二: 请比较 2021 年不同国家的总人口数,绘制不同国家总人口数的柱状图,并给出总人口最多的前 10 个国家和最少的后 10 个国家名单。 问三: 请任选三个国家,分别绘制不同年龄段人口的直方图,对比分析年龄分布的异同点,并结合这三个国家的国情分析不同年龄段人口的分布原因。 问四: 请建立人口预测的数学模型,然后分别预测到 2100 年底中国、印度和全球的总人口数,并分析人口的变化趋势。 目B:电影评分的大数据分析   大数据无处不在,在运营一个成功的商业的过程中,大数据起到的非常重要的作用。同样通过观众对电影的评分的分析,可以在一定程度上给电影行业启发。   网络影评是伴随着电子媒介和数字技术诞生的,呈现出鲜明的数据化倾向,比如电影评分、打星、榜单等。网络评分因其便捷、高效,成为大部分观众评价电影的首选方式,也是电影口碑最直观的体现,评分高低直接影响到大众的观影取向和消费选择。与文字、视频相比,大数据搜集、统计的评分信息可以让我们对观众的观影体验,审美趣味、情感态度一目了然。视频网站、电影门户网站等的后台会根据观众的评分、打星和消费行为来推断用户的审美趣味和消费需求,从而为客户提供个性化推荐和引导。   电影的评分更多反映的是大众审美,并非绝对的评判标准,不应该奉为最终裁决,主要功能是用来参考,规避较差电影的同时,发现好的电影,尤其是在规避较差电影方面有着非常显著的效果。   附件 1.电影评分.csv 中包括了豆瓣影评排名前 250 名电影的名称、导演、电影类型、国家、上映年份、评分和评论人数。附件 2.电影票房.csv 中包括了 10605 部电影的票房排名、电影名称、上映时间、总票房(元)、平均票价和平均场次,其中,部分数据有缺失和异常。   请你们团队使用附件中的相关数据,进行数据统计分析,回答下列问: 赛任务 问一: 请分析附件 1 中最受欢迎的电影类型是什么?排名前 250 名电影中出现次数最多的导演前 10 名是谁?出现次数最多的国家前 5 名是哪些国家? 问二: 请分析附件 1 中排名前 250 名电影的上映年份主要集中在哪几年?排名前 250 名电影的评分与评论人数、国家、导演和电影类型是否有关系? 问三: 请你们收集相关数据分析附件 2 中电影票房较高的电影主要是什么类型的电影?并给出这些电影的上映时间、总票房(元)、平均票价和平均场次的相关统计图表。 问四: 某导演拟定于 2024 年春节档推出一部电影,请从数据分析的角度给导演一个提案,例如考虑:电影的类型、材、上映时间、票价等方面。
中国人口问 2017年3月11日,国家卫计生委主任李斌、副主任王培安在十二届全国人大五次会议新闻中心举行的记者会上指出,中国的人口问不缺数量,不光是现在不缺,未来几十年,未来一百年都不会缺人口数量。到2030年峰值时期,中国人口将有14.5亿左右,到2050年还有14亿左右的人口。全面放开二胎以后,国家卫计生委预测2017年全国人口出生数量预测最低值2023万,最高2300万。而国家统计局公布的2017年实际出生人口1723万人,比卫计生委预测最低值少300万人,其中二孩比例占51%【也就是说如果不实施二胎政策,全国只出生850万】 目前关于中国人口问有乐观和悲观两种对立观点:一种认为我国人口基数大,今后应继续控制人口;另一种则认为,我国人口正在“坍塌”,危及经济发展和民族生存。 1. 请你(们)选择或提出若干人口关键指标,例如14岁以下人口占总人口比例,60岁以上人口占总人口比例,一对夫妇平均生育孩子数量,1980-2017全国小学生数量,全国人口平均年龄(核算每种指标社会正常运行的最低值、最高值及我国若干年后例如2030年,2050年,2100年的数值),建立数学模型,预测和分析我国人口发展态势,给出我国人口2030,2040,2050年的人口总数和结构(14岁以下和60岁以上人口占总人口的比例)。 2. 查阅相关数据,综合考虑目前90后生育观念(有的人认为90后多数一个孩子都不愿意要或不敢要,很多人不愿意结婚或结不起婚)、经济情况和生存压力、孩子就医和上学代价、人口结构(性别比)研究和预测2018-2025年我国每年人口出生情况。 3. 根据你们研究结果,向国家卫生健康委员会提交1份报告,提出你们的人口政策建议。




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