Nested vectored interrupt controller=NVIC
- 68 (not including the sixteen Cortex®-M3 interrupt lines)
- 16 programmable priority levels (4 bits of interrupt priority are used)
- Low-latency exception and interrupt handling
- Power management control
- Implementation of System Control registers
The NVIC and the processor core interface are closely coupled, which enables low latency interrupt processing and efficient processing of late arriving interrupts.All interrupts including the core exceptions are managed by the NVIC. For more information on exceptions and NVIC programming, refer to STM32F10xxx Cortex®-M3 programming manual
The STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD and STM32F103xE performance line embeds a nested vectored interrupt controller able to handle up to 60 maskable interrupt channels (not including the 16 interrupt lines of Cortex®-M3) and 16 priority levels.
STM32的中断有两套分级:主优先级/抢占优先级(group priority)和次优先级/响应优先级(subpirority),对于两套优先级有以下的机制:
- 高抢占优先级的中断可以打断低抢占优先级的中断。
- 相同抢占优先级的中断,高相应优先级的中断无法打断低相应优先级的中断,二者同时发生的时候高相应优先级的中断先执行。
- 抢占优先级和相应优先级都相同的的两个中断同时发生,个即异常向量表*中的顺序决定先处理哪一个。
To increase priority control in systems with interrupts, the NVIC supports priority grouping. This divides each interrupt priority register entry into two fields:
- An upper field that defines the group priority
- A lower field that defines a subpriority within the group.
Only the group priority determines preemption of interrupt exceptions. When the processor is executing an interrupt exception handler, another interrupt with the same group priority as the interrupt being handled does not preempt the handler,If multiple pending interrupts have the same group priority, the subpriority field determines the order in which they are processed. If multiple pending interrupts have the same group priority and subpriority, the interrupt with the lowest IRQ number is processed first.
PRIGROUP 10:8:分组模式位,决定中断的抢占优先级与响应优先级的组合方式:
PRIGROUP三位的值 | IP寄存器中抢占优先级的位数 | IP寄存器中响应优先级的位数 | 抢占优先级分级量 | 响应优先级分级量 |
111 | 4位,[7:4] | 0位 | 16 | none |
100 | 3位,[7:5] | 1位,[4] | 8 | 2 |
101 | 2位,[7:6] | 2位,[5:4] | 4 | 4 |
110 | 1位,[7] | 3位,[6:4] | 2 | 8 |
111 | 0位 | 4位,[7:4] | none | 16 |
IPR0寄存器为IP[3]~IP[0] 每一个IP有8bit,以此类推IPR16为IP[67]IP[64],即IPRm为IP[4m+3]IP[4m],每一组IP有8bit,管理着一条中断线也就是对应着一个中断, [7:4]为有效分级位,[3:0]为无效保留位。
Each priority field holds a priority value, 0-255. The lower the value,the greater the priority of the corresponding interrupt. The processor implements only bits[7:4] of each field, bits[3:0] read as zero and ignore writes.
mapping of interrupts to the interrupt variables;
interrupt | set_enable | clear_enable | set-pending | clear-pending | active bit |
0-31 | ISER0 | ICER0 | ISPR0 | ICPR0 | IABR0 |
32-63 | ISER1 | ICER1 | ISPR1 | ICPR1 | IABR1 |
64-67 | ISER2 | ICER2 | ISPR2 | ICPR2 | IABR2 |