LightmapPathTracing.usf 灯光相关基础数据结构及函数



struct FLightHit
	float3 Radiance;
	float Pdf;
	float HitT;

	bool IsMiss() { return HitT <= 0; }
	bool IsHit() { return HitT > 0; }

struct FLightSample
	float3 RadianceOverPdf;
	float Pdf;
	float3 Direction;
	float Distance;


FLightHit TraceLight(FRayDesc Ray, int LightId)
	switch (SceneLights[LightId].Flags & PATHTRACER_FLAG_TYPE_MASK)
		case PATHTRACING_LIGHT_SKY:			return SkyLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);
		case PATHTRACING_LIGHT_POINT:		return PointLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);
		case PATHTRACING_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL: return DirectionalLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);
		case PATHTRACING_LIGHT_RECT:		return RectLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);
		case PATHTRACING_LIGHT_SPOT:		return SpotLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);
		default:							return NullLightHit(); // unknown light type?


// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

PathTracingPointLight.ush: Light sampling functions for Point lights

#pragma once

#include "PathTracingLightCommon.ush"
#include "PathTracingCapsuleLight.ush"

FLightHit PointLight_TraceLight(FRayDesc Ray, int LightId)
	if (GetSourceLength(LightId) > 0)
		return CapsuleLight_TraceLight(Ray, LightId);

	float3 TranslatedLightPosition = GetTranslatedPosition(LightId);
	float LightRadius = GetRadius(LightId);
	float LightRadius2 = Pow2(LightRadius);
	float3 oc = Ray.Origin - TranslatedLightPosition;
	float b = dot(oc, Ray.Direction);
	// "Precision Improvements for Ray / Sphere Intersection" - Ray Tracing Gems (2019)
	// NOTE: we assume the incoming ray direction is normalized
	float h = LightRadius2 - length2(oc - b * Ray.Direction);
	if (h > 0)
		float t = -b - sqrt(h);
		if (t > Ray.TMin && t < Ray.TMax)
			float LightDistanceSquared = dot(oc, oc);

			// #dxr_todo: sphere area is 4*pi*r^2 -- but the factor of 4 is missing for some reason?
			float3 LightPower = GetColor(LightId) * ComputeIESAttenuation(LightId, Ray.Origin);
			float3 LightRadiance = LightPower / (PI * LightRadius2);
			LightRadiance *= ComputeAttenuationFalloff(LightDistanceSquared, LightId);

			float SinThetaMax2 = saturate(LightRadius2 / LightDistanceSquared);
			float OneMinusCosThetaMax = SinThetaMax2 < 0.01 ? SinThetaMax2 * (0.5 + 0.125 * SinThetaMax2) : 1 - sqrt(1 - SinThetaMax2);

			float SolidAngle = 2 * PI * OneMinusCosThetaMax;
			return CreateLightHit(LightRadiance, 1.0 / SolidAngle, t);
		// #dxr_todo: process inside hit here ...
		// How should we define radiance on the inside of the sphere?
	return NullLightHit();

FLightSample PointLight_SampleLight(
	int LightId,
	float2 RandSample,
	float3 TranslatedWorldPos,
	float3 WorldNormal
	float3 LightDirection = GetTranslatedPosition(LightId) - TranslatedWorldPos;
	float LightDistanceSquared = dot(LightDirection, LightDirection);

	FLightSample Result = NullLightSample();
	if (GetSourceLength(LightId) > 0)
		Result = CapsuleLight_SampleLight(LightId, RandSample, TranslatedWorldPos, WorldNormal);
		// Point light case

		// Sample the solid angle subtended by the sphere (which could be singgular, in which case the PDF will be infinite)
		float Radius = GetRadius(LightId);
		float Radius2 = Pow2(Radius);

		// #dxr_todo: come up with a better definition when we are inside the light
		float SinThetaMax2 = saturate(Radius2 / LightDistanceSquared);

		// #dxr_todo: find a better way of handling the region inside the light than just clamping to 1.0 here
		float4 DirAndPdf = UniformSampleConeRobust(RandSample, SinThetaMax2);

		float CosTheta = DirAndPdf.z;
		float SinTheta2 = 1.0 - CosTheta * CosTheta;

		Result.Direction = TangentToWorld(, normalize(LightDirection));
		Result.Distance = length(LightDirection) * (CosTheta - sqrt(max(SinThetaMax2 - SinTheta2, 0.0)));

		Result.Pdf = DirAndPdf.w;

		float3 LightPower = GetColor(LightId);
		float3 LightRadiance = LightPower / (PI * Radius2);

		// When the angle is very small, Radiance over pdf simplifies even more since SolidAngle ~= PI * SinThetaMax2
		// Canceling out common factors further leads to the classic Power / D^2 formula
		Result.RadianceOverPdf = SinThetaMax2 < 0.001 ? LightPower / LightDistanceSquared : LightRadiance / Result.Pdf;

	// NOTE: uses distance to center to keep fadeoff mask consistent for all samples
	Result.RadianceOverPdf *= ComputeAttenuationFalloff(LightDistanceSquared, LightId);
	Result.RadianceOverPdf *= ComputeIESAttenuation(LightId, TranslatedWorldPos);
	return Result;

float PointLight_EstimateLight(
	int LightId,
	float3 TranslatedWorldPos,
	float3 WorldNormal,
	bool IsTransmissiveMaterial
	// Distance
	float3 LightDirection = GetTranslatedPosition(LightId) - TranslatedWorldPos;
	float LightDistanceSquared = dot(LightDirection, LightDirection);

	// Geometric term
	float NoL = 1.0; // trivial upper bound -- trying to be more accurate appears to reduce performance

	float LightPower = Luminance(GetColor(LightId));
	float Falloff = ComputeAttenuationFalloff(LightDistanceSquared, LightId);
	return LightPower * Falloff * NoL / LightDistanceSquared;

FVolumeLightSampleSetup PointLight_PrepareLightVolumeSample(
	int LightId,
	float3 RayOrigin,
	float3 RayDirection,
	float TMin,
	float TMax
	float3 Center = GetTranslatedPosition(LightId);
	float AttenuationRadius = rcp(GetAttenuation(LightId));
	float AttenuationRadius2 = Pow2(AttenuationRadius);
	float3 oc = RayOrigin - Center;
	float b = dot(oc, RayDirection);
	float h = AttenuationRadius2 - length2(oc - b * RayDirection);
	if (h > 0)
		float2 t = -b + float2(-1, +1) * sqrt(h);
		TMin = max(t.x, TMin);
		TMax = min(t.y, TMax);
		float3 C = GetColor(LightId);
		float LightImportance = max3(C.x, C.y, C.z);
		return CreateEquiAngularSampler(LightImportance, Center, RayOrigin, RayDirection, TMin, TMax);
	return NullVolumeLightSetup();





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