
Unity post-processes all imported assets

Unity always post-processes imported files, thus storing a file as a multi-layered psd file instead of a jpg will make absolutely zero difference in the size of the player you will deploy. Save your files in the format you are working with (eg. .mb files, .psd files, .tiff files) to make your life easier.

Unity总是后处理导入的文件,因此,在播放器部署时使用多层的PSD文件代替JPG,在播放器文件大小方面没有任何的区别,保存文件为源格式(例如.mb文件、 .psd文件、.tiff文件)将使得工作更加简单。

Unity strips out unused assets

The amount of assets in your project folder does not influence the size of your built player. Unity is very smart about detecting which assets are used in your game and which are not. Unity follows all references to assets before building a game and generates a list of assets that need to be included in the game. Thus you can safely keep unused assets in your project folder.


Unity prints an overview of the used file size
After Unity has completed building a player, it prints an overview of what type of asset took up the most file size, and it prints which assets were included in the build.



To see it just open the editor console log: Open Editor Log button in the Console window (Window -> Console).
在控制台窗口(Window -> Console)单击Open Editor Log 按钮,打开控制台日志就能看到。

To see it just open the console log: Help -> Open Editor console log menu.
在Help -> Open Editor console log 菜单中打开查看控制台日志。

To see it just open the editor console log: Open Editor Log button in the Console window (Window -> Console).
在控制台窗口(Window -> Console)单击Open Editor Log 按钮. 打开控制台日志就能看到

An overview of what took up space

Optimizing texture size
Often textures take up most space in the build. The first to do is to use compressed texture formats (DXT(Desktop platforms) or PVRTC) where you can.
通常纹理在编译时会占用大量空间。第一件需要做的事情就是在编译播放器时使用纹理压缩(DXT(Desktop platforms) or PVRTC)。

If that doesn’t get the size down, try to reduce the size of the textures. The trick here is that you don’t need to modfiy the actual source content. Simply select the texture in the Project view and set Max Texture Size in Import Settings. It is a good idea to zoom in on an object that uses the texture, then adjust the Max Texture Size until it starts looking worse in the Scene View.
如果压缩仍不能缩小纹理的大小,你可以试着去减小纹理的大小。有个技巧,你不需要修改实际的源内容。在你的项目视图的Import Settings菜单下选择Max Texture Size。这样你可以缩小对象上使用的纹理,然后调整Max Texture Size,直到在Scene View里变得糟糕为止。

Changing the Maximum Texture Size will not affect your texture asset, just its resolution in the game

How much memory does my texture take up?

Compression 压缩 Memory consumption 内存消耗
RGB Compressed DXT1 0.5 bpp (bytes/pixel)
RGBA Compressed DXT5 1 bpp
RGB 16bit 2 bpp
RGB 24bit 3 bpp
Alpha 8bit 1 bpp
RGBA 16bit 2 bpp
RGBA 32bit 4 bpp

Compression 压缩 Memory consumption 内存消耗
RGB Compressed PVRTC 2 bits 0.25 bpp (bytes/pixel)
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 2 bits 0.25 bpp
RGB Compressed PVRTC 4 bits 0.5 bpp
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 4 bits 0.5 bpp
RGB 16bit 2 bpp
RGB 24bit 3 bpp
Alpha 8bit 1 bpp
RGBA 16bit 2 bpp
RGBA 32bit 4 bpp

Compression 压缩 Memory consumption 内存消耗
RGB Compressed DXT1 0.5 bpp (bytes/pixel)
RGBA Compressed DXT5 1 bpp
RGB Compressed ETC1 0.5 bpp
RGB Compressed PVRTC 2 bits 0.25 bpp (bytes/pixel)
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 2 bits 0.25 bpp
RGB Compressed PVRTC 4 bits 0.5 bpp
RGBA Compressed PVRTC 4 bits 0.5 bpp
RGB 16bit 2 bpp
RGB 24bit 3 bpp
Alpha 8bit 1 bpp
RGBA 16bit 2 bpp
RGBA 32bit 4 bpp

To figure out total texture size: width * height * bpp. Add 33% if you have Mipmaps.


By default Unity compresses all textures when importing. This can be turned off in the Preferences for faster workflow. But when building a game, all not-yet-compressed textures will be compressed.


Optimizing mesh and animation size 优化网格和动画大小
Meshes and imported Animation Clips can be compressed so they take up less space in your game file. Compression can be turned on in Mesh Import Settings.


Mesh and Animation compression uses quantization, which means it takes less space but the compression can introduce some inaccuracies. Experiment with what level of compression is still acceptable for your models.


Note that mesh compression only produces smaller data files, and does not use less memory at run time. Animation Keyframe reduction produces smaller data files and uses less memory at run time, and generally you should always use keyframe reduction.


Additionally, you can choose not to store normals and/or tangents in your Meshes, to save space both in the game builds and memory at run time. This can be set in Tangent Space Generation drop down in Mesh Import Settings. Rules of thumb:

此外,你可以选择不把法线 和/或 切线存储在网格里,这样你可以在游戏编译和内存运行时节省空间。你可以在Mesh Import Settings菜单下面的Tangent Space Generation设置,规则如下:

Tangents are used for normal-mapping. If you don’t use normal-mapping, you probably don’t need to store tangents in those meshes.
Normals are used for lighting. If you don’t use realtime lighting on some of your meshes, you probably don’t need to store normals in them.
Reducing included dlls in the Players 减少播放器中的包含的dll
When building a player (Desktop, Android or iOS) it is important to not depend on System.dll or System.Xml.dll. Unity does not include System.dll or System.Xml.dll in the players installation. That means, if you want to use Xml or some Generic containers which live in System.dll then the required dlls will be included in the players. This usually adds 1mb to the download size, obviously this is not very good for the distribution of your players and you should really avoid it. If you need to parse some Xml files, you can use a smaller xml library like this one Mono.Xml.zip. While most Generic containers are contained in mscorlib, Stack<> and few others are in System.dll. So you really want to avoid those.


As you can see, Unity is including System.Xml.dll and System.dll, when building a player

Unity includes the following DLLs with the players distribution mscorlib.dll, Boo.Lang.dll, UnityScript.Lang.dll and UnityEngine.dll.

在播放器分发包中,Unity包含如下的dll,mscorlib.dll,Boo.Lang.dll,UnityScript.Lang.dll 和UnityEngine.dll。

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